Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// I'm aware that by default, new threads are created as foreground threads, and that this thread _could_
        /// have been set to be a background thread (in which case, it'd be stopped as soon as the main thread stopped.)
        /// I've intentionally left it as a foreground thread, to force me to programatically shut it down.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run()
            // This thread randomly changes instrument prices over time.
            // Each time there is a change, we need to notify attached clients too.
            var rand = new Random();

                // Random delay between 100ms and 500ms
                int delay = rand.Next(100, 500);

                // Followed by change of price of some instrument
                int    instrumentIndex = rand.Next(0, InstrumentCatalogue.Count);
                string key             = InstrumentCatalogue.SymbolFromIndex(instrumentIndex);

                // We'll do a change between 0.05% and 0.005%
                decimal     delta    = rand.Next(5, 50) / 10000.0m;
                IInstrument inst     = InstrumentCatalogue.Find(key);
                bool        increase = rand.Next(1000) >= 500;
                decimal     ask      = increase ? inst.CurrentAskPrice * (1.0m + delta) : inst.CurrentAskPrice * (1.0m - delta);
                decimal     bid      = increase ? inst.CurrentBidPrice * (1.0m + delta) : inst.CurrentBidPrice * (1.0m - delta);
                Debug.WriteLine("Price update for {0}, Ask: {1}, Bid: {2}", key, ask, bid);
                inst.UpdatePricing(bid, ask, DateTime.Now);
            } while (_keepGoing);
