private Bumpership CreateBumpership(PlayerType player, IInputHandler keyboardHandler, SocketManager socketManager, ref int countShip) { IInputHandler input; string name = ""; switch (player) { case PlayerType.Human: input = keyboardHandler; name = "Human"; break; case PlayerType.AI: input = socketManager.GetNetworkPlayer(); break; default: input = new IdiotAi(); // Test break; } Vector startPosition = world.Map.StartPositions[countShip]; countShip++; return(new Bumpership(input, world, graphics.CreateShip(), name, startPosition)); }
void Start() { var ship = new Redball(new BallSpec(10, 2)); _Movement = new Movement(); _inputHandler = (IInputHandler) new BallInput(); }
public GameManager( GameSettings gameSettings, IInputHandler keyboardHandler, SocketManager socketManager, IGraphicsHandler graphics) { this.gameSettings = gameSettings; = graphics; const int ticksPerSecond = 30; gameLoop = new GameLoop(5, ticksPerSecond); gameLoop.Update += Update; gameLoop.Render += Render; Map map = new Map(gameSettings.Map); world = new World(map); int countShip = 0; List <Bumpership> bumperships = gameSettings.Players.Take(world.Map.StartPositions.Count) .Select(p => CreateBumpership(p, keyboardHandler, socketManager, ref countShip)) .ToList(); world.AddShips(bumperships); }
public BookStoreEngine(IRenderer renderer, IInputHandler inputHandler) { this.renderer = renderer; this.inputHandler = inputHandler; this.books = new List<IBook>(); this.revenue = 0; }
static void ProcessInputAction(IInputHandler handler, InputEvent action, double value, WindowState state) { var items = SelectionManager.SelectedItems(); switch (action) { case InputEvent.None: return; case InputEvent.DragEnter: handler.OnEnterDrag(items, state); break; case InputEvent.Drag: handler.OnDrag(value, state); break; case InputEvent.DragExit: handler.OnExitDrag(); break; case InputEvent.KeyboardInput: handler.OnSetValue(items, value, state); break; default: return; } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the Service /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The executable context</param> public override void Init(IExecutableContext context) { KeyTopicDictionary = new Dictionary <Key, string>(); handler = new InputHandler(); base.Init(context); }
public Camera(Game game) : base(game) { graphics = (GraphicsDeviceManager)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceManager)); //Reference to the input handeler input = (IInputHandler)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IInputHandler)); }
public Crane(Game game, Camera camera) : base(game) { // TODO: Construct any child components here input = (IInputHandler)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IInputHandler)); = camera; }
void Start() { inventory = new Dictionary <int, int> { { 0, 0 } }; cash = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("cash", 10f); AdjustCashText(); miningSpeedLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("miningSpeedLevel", 0); miningSpeed = baseMiningSpeed + UpgradeStation.miningSpeedLevelModifiers[miningSpeedLevel]; storageLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("storageLevel", 0); maxStorage = baseStorage + UpgradeStation.storageLevelModifiers[storageLevel]; currentStorage = 0; AdjustStorageBar(); //CalculateInventorySize(); fuelTankLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("fuelTankLevel", 0); maxFuel = baseFuel + UpgradeStation.fuelTankLevelModifiers[PlayerPrefs.GetInt("fuelTankLevel", 0)]; currentFuel = maxFuel; playerCanInteract = true; playerCanMove = true; playerCanMine = true; listOfInteractables = new List <GameObject>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); inputHandler = GetComponent <IInputHandler>(); raycastDistance = gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().bounds.size.x / 2f + 1.4f; fuelCanDrain = true; }
public void AddPrev <T>() where T : IInputHandler { var handler = CreateHandler <T>(); handler.successor = _handler; _handler = handler; }
public bool ControlKeyPress(KeyInfo key) { bool handled = false; // send to this control IInputHandler handler = this as IInputHandler; if (handler != null) { if (key.Down) { handled = handler.KeyDown(key); } else { handled = handler.KeyUp(key); } } // send to child controls if (!handled) { foreach (Control control in mControls) { handled = control.ControlKeyPress(key); } } return(handled); }
public override void Initialize() { //Grab a reference to the IInputHandler service. InputHandler = GameServiceManager.GetService <IInputHandler>(); base.Initialize(); }
public static void RegisterHandler(IInputHandler h) { lock (_Mutex) { _Hanlders.Add(h); } }
public TetrisGameManager(ITetrisGame tetrisGame, IInputHandler consoleInputHandler, TetrisConsoleWriter tetrisConsoleWriter, ScoreManager scoreManager) { this.tetrisGame = tetrisGame; this.consoleInputHandler = consoleInputHandler; this.tetrisConsoleWriter = tetrisConsoleWriter; this.scoreManager = scoreManager; }
private void HandleInput(IInputHandler handler, InputType input) { switch (input) { case InputType.Menu: this.ToggleOverlay(); break; case InputType.Back: if (this.activeMenuContainer != this.primaryMenuContainer) { this.CloseSecondContainer(); } else { this.ToggleOverlay(); } break; case InputType.PreviousItem: this.activeMenuContainer.PreviousItem(); break; case InputType.NextItem: this.activeMenuContainer.NextItem(); break; case InputType.SelectItem: this.activeMenuContainer.GetSelectedItem().PerformAction(); break; } }
public void Begin(IInputHandler handler) { if (handler != null) { InputHandlers.Push(handler); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves received handler to the XML into _Data/Xml/InputSettings. /// </summary> /// <param name="handler">Handler to be saved</param> public static void WriteHandler(IInputHandler handler) { if (Application.isEditor) { return; } const string folder = @"Xml\InputSettings"; var path = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, folder); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } var filePath = Path.Combine(path, handler.Name) + ".xml"; using (var sw = new StreamWriter(filePath)) { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SavingHandler)); var sh = new SavingHandler(handler.JustPressed, handler.Pressed, handler.JustReleased, handler.Axes); serializer.Serialize(sw, sh); sw.Close(); } }
public static void Remove(IInputHandler parent, IInputHandler child) { KInputHandler inputHandler = GetInputHandler(parent); KInputHandler inputHandler2 = GetInputHandler(child); inputHandler.RemoveInputHandler(inputHandler2); }
public static void RegisterHandler(IInputHandler handler) { if (!handlers.Contains(handler)) { handlers.Add(handler); } }
public void CreateDbUser(IInputHandler inputHandler) { IDbHandler dbHandler = new DbHandler(); IValidator <IUser> validator = new UserValidator(); dbHandler.Login(inputHandler); Console.Clear(); while (true) { var user = CreateUser(inputHandler); if (validator.Validate(user)) { try { var _ = dbHandler.AddUserAsync(user).Result; Console.WriteLine("User successfully added"); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (AggregateException) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Unable to connect to database"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("User input invalid"); } if (inputHandler.PromptConfirm("Do you wish to add more users?") is false) { break; } } }
public static void Add(IInputHandler parent, IInputHandler child, int priority = 0) { KInputHandler inputHandler = GetInputHandler(parent); KInputHandler inputHandler2 = GetInputHandler(child); inputHandler.AddInputHandler(inputHandler2, priority); }
void Awake() { if (inputHandler != null && inputHandler is IInputHandler) { _inputHandler = (IInputHandler)inputHandler; } }
public WeatherServiceApplication(IWeatherForecastProvider forecastProvider, IInputHandler inputHandler, IOutputHandler outputHandler, IConfigDisplayGenerator configDisplayGenerator) { _forecastProvider = forecastProvider; _inputHandler = inputHandler; _outputHandler = outputHandler; _configDisplayGenerator = configDisplayGenerator; }
private void ReplaceText(IInputHandler argsHandler) { if (argsHandler.ArgumentsLeft < 2) { _out.WriteLine($"Not Enougth arguments {argsHandler.ArgumentsLeft}"); return; } try { var position = GetItemPositionFormStr(argsHandler.GetNextStringArg()); var item = _document.GetItem(position); var paragraph = item.Paragraph; if (paragraph != null) { var text = CreateTextFromArr(argsHandler); paragraph.SetParagraphText(text); } else { throw new ArgumentException("paragraph not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { _out.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private void ResizeImage(IInputHandler argsHandler) { if (argsHandler.ArgumentsLeft != 3) { _out.WriteLine($"Not Enougth arguments {argsHandler.ArgumentsLeft}"); return; } try { var position = GetItemPositionFormStr(argsHandler.GetNextStringArg()); var width = argsHandler.GetNextIntArg(); var height = argsHandler.GetNextIntArg(); var item = _document.GetItem(position); var image = item.Image; if (image != null) { image.Resize(width, height); } else { throw new ArgumentException("image not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { _out.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private void ShowDocumentAsList(IInputHandler argsHandler) { try { _out.WriteLine($"Title: {_document.GetTitle()}"); for (var i = 0; i < _document.GetItemsCount(); ++i) { var info = $"{i}. "; DocumentItem item = _document.GetItem(i); IImage image = item.Image; IParagraph paragraph = item.Paragraph; if (image != null) { info += $"Image: { image.Width } { image.Height } { image.Path }"; } else if (paragraph != null) { info += $"Paragraph: { paragraph.GetParagraphText() }"; } _out.WriteLine(info); } _out.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { _out.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
protected void SetEvent(string mapName, string actionName, IInputHandler handler, InputEventHandleAction handleAction) { if (actionMaps.ContainsKey(mapName) && actionMaps[mapName].ContainsAction(actionName)) { SetEvent(actionMaps[mapName].GetAction(actionName), InputEventType.KeyUp, handleAction, handler); } }
public GameController(IGameEngine gameEngine, IInputHandler inputReader, IRenderer renderer) { this.gameEngine = gameEngine; this.inputReader = inputReader; this.renderer = renderer; this.currentCmd = null; }
public Camera(Game game) : base(game) { graphics = (GraphicsDeviceManager)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceManager)); //Henter ut en referanse til input-handleren: input = (IInputHandler)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IInputHandler)); }
public GameEngine(IRenderer renderer, IInputHandler inputHandler, IPlayer player) { this.entities = MapInitializer.PopulateMap(); this.renderer = renderer; this.inputHandler = inputHandler; this.player = player; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public Stage(Game game, IInputHandler handler) { _inst = this; _wic = handler; = game; if (handler == null) { game.Window.TextInput += WindowOnTextInput; } soundVolume = 1; _batch = new FairyBatch(); _soundEnabled = true; _touchInfo = new TouchInfo(); _touchInfo.touchId = 0; _lastKeyDownTime = new Dictionary <Keys, float>(); _rollOutChain = new List <DisplayObject>(); _rollOverChain = new List <DisplayObject>(); _focusRemovedDelegate = OnFocusRemoved; }
/// <summary> /// Initialises a new instance of the <see cref="SimulationScreen"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="renderWindow">The render window to which to display this instance.</param> /// <param name="inputHandler">The input handler for this instance.</param> /// <param name="bodies">The bodies managed by this instance.</param> /// <param name="bodyShapeMap">The shapes for the bodies managed by this instance.</param> /// <param name="bodyPositionUpdater">The body position update delegate for this instance.</param> public SimulationScreen(RenderWindow renderWindow, IInputHandler inputHandler, ref Body[] bodies, ref Dictionary <Body, CircleShape> bodyShapeMap, UpdateDelegate bodyPositionUpdater) : base(renderWindow, inputHandler) { this.bodies = bodies; this.bodyShapeMap = bodyShapeMap; this.bodyPositionUpdater = bodyPositionUpdater; simulationDrawer = new SimulationDrawer(renderWindow, ref this.bodies, ref this.bodyShapeMap); simulationInputHandler = (SimulationInputHandler)inputHandler; simulationInputHandler.SetSimulationDrawer(simulationDrawer); // constructs a new timer and attaches a timer event handler that updates the fps and window title every interval miscTimer = new Timer(TimerRefreshIntervalMs) { AutoReset = true, Enabled = true }; miscTimer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => { fps = framesElapsed / (TimerRefreshIntervalMs / 1000); framesElapsed = 0; renderWindow.SetTitle($"N-Body Simulator: FPS {fps}"); }; fileWriter = CreateFileWriter(); }
public string DispatchAction(IInputHandler inputHandler) { switch (inputHandler.ActionName) { case "RegisterUser": return this.Tracker.RegisterUser( inputHandler.Parameters["username"], inputHandler.Parameters["password"], inputHandler.Parameters["confirmPassword"]); case "LoginUser": return this.Tracker.LoginUser(inputHandler.Parameters["username"], inputHandler.Parameters["password"]); case "LogoutUser": return this.Tracker.LogoutUser(); case "CreateIssue": return this.Tracker.CreateIssue( inputHandler.Parameters["title"], inputHandler.Parameters["description"], (IssuePriority)Enum.Parse(typeof(IssuePriority), inputHandler.Parameters["priority"], true), inputHandler.Parameters["tags"].Split('|')); case "RemoveIssue": return this.Tracker.RemoveIssue(int.Parse(inputHandler.Parameters["id"])); case "AddComment": return this.Tracker.AddComment(int.Parse(inputHandler.Parameters["id"]), inputHandler.Parameters["text"]); case "MyIssues": return this.Tracker.GetMyIssues(); case "MyComments": return this.Tracker.GetMyComments(); case "Search": return this.Tracker.SearchForIssues(inputHandler.Parameters["tags"].Split('|')); default: return string.Format("Invalid action: {0}", inputHandler.ActionName); } }
public Camera(Game game) : base(game) { graphics = (GraphicsDeviceManager)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceManager)); input = (IInputHandler)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IInputHandler)); console = (GameConsole)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IGameConsole)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { var currentInput = new InputData(); if (Input.GetKey(UpKey)) { currentInput.MovementDirection |= InputData.Direction.Up; } if (Input.GetKey(DownKey)) { currentInput.MovementDirection |= InputData.Direction.Down; } if (Input.GetKey(LeftKey)) { currentInput.MovementDirection |= InputData.Direction.Left; } if (Input.GetKey(RightKey)) { currentInput.MovementDirection |= InputData.Direction.Right; } currentInput.ActionButton = Input.GetKeyDown(ActionButton); CurrentHandler = DefaultHandlerObject.GetInterface <IInputHandler>(); if (CurrentHandler != null) { CurrentHandler.TakeInput(currentInput); } }
public override void Initialize() { //Grab a reference to the IInputHandler service. InputHandler = GameServiceManager.GetService<IInputHandler>(); base.Initialize(); }
public static void Push(IInputHandler parent, IInputHandler child) { KInputHandler inputHandler = GetInputHandler(parent); KInputHandler inputHandler2 = GetInputHandler(child); inputHandler.PushInputHandler(inputHandler2); }
public static void UnregisterHandler(IInputHandler handler) { if (handlers.Contains(handler)) { handlers.Remove(handler); } }
public void DrawRegions(WorldRenderer wr, IInputHandler inputHandler) { renderer.BeginFrame(scrollPosition, Zoom); if (wr != null) { wr.Draw(); } using (new PerfSample("render_widgets")) { Ui.Draw(); var cursorName = Ui.Root.GetCursorOuter(Viewport.LastMousePos) ?? "default"; var cursorSequence = CursorProvider.GetCursorSequence(cursorName); var cursorSprite = cursorSequence.GetSprite((int)cursorFrame); renderer.SpriteRenderer.DrawSprite(cursorSprite, Viewport.LastMousePos - cursorSequence.Hotspot, Game.modData.Palette.GetPaletteIndex(cursorSequence.Palette), cursorSprite.size); } using (new PerfSample("render_flip")) { renderer.EndFrame(inputHandler); } }
internal static void Update(IInputHandler handler, InputDeviceButton input, bool value) { if (input.IsPressed != value) { input.IsPressed = value; handler.OnInput(input); } }
internal static void Update(IInputHandler handler, InputDeviceAxis input, float value) { if (input.Value != value) { input.Value = value; handler.OnInput(input); } }
public GameState(Game game) : base(game) { GameManager = (IGameStateManager)game.Services.GetService( typeof(IGameStateManager)); Input = (IInputHandler)game.Services.GetService( typeof(IInputHandler)); }
public Camera(Game game) : base(game) { graphics = (GraphicsDeviceManager)Game.Services.GetService (typeof(IGraphicsDeviceManager)); input = (IInputHandler)game.Services.GetService (typeof(IInputHandler)); }
/// <summary> /// Konstruktør for kube med gitt posisjon. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">Spillet</param> /// <param name="position">Kubens posisjon</param> public Cube(Game game, Vector3 position, Effect effect) : base(game) { // TODO: Construct any child components here input = (IInputHandler)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IInputHandler)); this.position = position; this.effect = effect; }
public Game(IRenderer renderer, IInputHandler inputHandler, IBoardSetup boardSetupRules) { this.renderer = renderer; this.inputHandler = inputHandler; this.boardSetupRules = boardSetupRules; this.player = new Player(); this.commandController = new CommandController(this.player); }
public BookStoreEngine(IInputHandler inputHandler, IRenderer renderer) { this.IsRunning = true; this.books = new List<IBook>(); this.revenue = 0; this.InputHandler = inputHandler; this.Renderer = renderer; }
public GBSystem(IRenderable renderWindow, IInputHandler iInputHandler, ITimekeeper timeKeeper) { screen = renderWindow; state = GBSystemState.Stopped; isFocused = true; inputHandler = iInputHandler; frameTimer = timeKeeper; frameLimitIndex = 1; }
public FishCam(Game game, Vector3 pos) : base(game) { graphics = (GraphicsDeviceManager)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceManager)); cameraPosition = pos; //Reference to the input handeler input = (IInputHandler)game.Services.GetService(typeof(IInputHandler)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GameEngine" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="dependencies">An object which holds the dependencies for the game engine.</param> public GameEngine(GameEngineDependencies dependencies) { this.userInterface = dependencies.UserInterface; this.drawer = this.userInterface.Drawer; this.reader = this.userInterface.Reader; this.commandFactory = dependencies.CommandFactory; this.ctx = new CommandContext(dependencies.Logger, new Board(dependencies.Board.Rows, dependencies.Board.Cols, new RandomGenerator()), 0, 0, dependencies.BoardMemory, Highscore.GetInstance(), new HighscoreProcessor()); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1280; Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 720; Graphics.ApplyChanges(); Components.Add(new FrameRateCounter(this, "Content\\debugfont", 1f)); Components.Add(new GameObjectInfoDisplay(this, 5, "Content\\debugfont", new Vector2(0f, 25f))); ComponentFactory componentFactory = new ComponentFactory(); TiledGameObjectFactory gameObjectFactory = new TiledGameObjectFactory(this.Content); gameObjectFactory.PathToXML = "EntityDefinitions\\entity.xml"; inputHandler = new InputHandler(false); playerManager = new PlayerManager(); particleManager = new ParticleManager(Content, "ParticleEffects\\", "Textures\\"); PhysicsManager physicsManager = new PhysicsManager(); particleRenderer = new SpriteBatchRenderer(); particleRenderer.GraphicsDeviceService = Graphics; // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); renderer = new Renderer(Graphics, spriteBatch); renderer.SetInternalResolution(1280, 720); renderer.SetScreenResolution(1280, 720, false); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IGameObjectFactory), gameObjectFactory); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IComponentFactory), componentFactory); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(RenderableFactory), new RenderableFactory(this.Content)); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IInputHandler), inputHandler); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(PlayerManager), playerManager); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IScoreManager), new ScoreManager()); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IGameObjectManager), new GameObjectManager()); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IPhysicsManager), physicsManager); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IBehaviorFactory), new BehaviorFactory()); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IActionFactory), new ActionFactory()); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IActionManager), new ActionManager()); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(ILevelLogicManager), new LevelLogicManager(this.Content)); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IRandomGenerator), new RandomGenerator()); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IParticleManager), particleManager); GameServiceManager.AddService(typeof(IRenderer), renderer); debugView = new DebugViewXNA(GameServiceManager.GetService<IPhysicsManager>().PhysicsWorld); //Initialize the GameServices GameServiceManager.Initialize(); CameraController.Initialize(this); CameraController.MoveCamera(new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2f, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2f)); base.Initialize(); }
public void HandleInput(IInputHandler handler, float delta) { HandleInput(delta, handler.HandleKeyboardInput); #if !XBOX360 HandleInput(delta, handler.HandleMouseInput); #endif HandleInput(delta, PlayerIndex.One, handler.HandleGamePadInput); HandleInput(delta, PlayerIndex.Two, handler.HandleGamePadInput); HandleInput(delta, PlayerIndex.Three, handler.HandleGamePadInput); HandleInput(delta, PlayerIndex.Four, handler.HandleGamePadInput); }
public Engine( IInputHandler reader, IOutputRenderer writer, IGameData gameData, ICommandManager commandManager) { this.Reader = reader; this.Writer = writer; this.GameData = gameData; this.CommandManager = commandManager; }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; this.IsFixedTimeStep = false; graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = false; //graphics.IsFullScreen = true; InputHandler tempHandler = new InputHandler(this); inputHandler = tempHandler; Components.Add(tempHandler); }
public Bumpership(IInputHandler input, World world, object shape, string name, Vector spawnPosition) { this.input = input; = world; Shape = shape; Name = name; this.spawnPosition = spawnPosition; Radius = 0.5; factor1 = 0.05; factor2 = 0.1; Spawn(); }
public Engine(IFovStrategy fovStrategy, ITileFactory tileFactory, World world, IInputHandler input, ILogController gameLog, ConsoleWindow console) { FovStrategy = fovStrategy; TileFactory = tileFactory; World = world; InputHandler = input; Console = console; if (ActorControllers == null) { ActorControllers = new List<IController>(); } if (FurnitureControllers == null) { FurnitureControllers = new List<IController>(); } GameLogController = gameLog; }
private Bumpership CreateBumpership(PlayerType player, IInputHandler keyboardHandler, SocketManager socketManager, ref int countShip) { IInputHandler input; string name = ""; switch (player) { case PlayerType.Human: input = keyboardHandler; name = "Human"; break; case PlayerType.AI: input = socketManager.GetNetworkPlayer(); break; default: input = new IdiotAi(); // Test break; } Vector startPosition = world.Map.StartPositions[countShip]; countShip++; return new Bumpership(input, world, graphics.CreateShip(), name, startPosition); }
public GameManager( GameSettings gameSettings, IInputHandler keyboardHandler, SocketManager socketManager, IGraphicsHandler graphics) { this.gameSettings = gameSettings; = graphics; const int ticksPerSecond = 30; gameLoop = new GameLoop(5, ticksPerSecond); gameLoop.Update += Update; gameLoop.Render += Render; Map map = new Map(gameSettings.Map); world = new World(map); int countShip = 0; List<Bumpership> bumperships = gameSettings.Players.Take(world.Map.StartPositions.Count) .Select(p => CreateBumpership(p, keyboardHandler, socketManager, ref countShip)) .ToList(); world.AddShips(bumperships); }
public void PumpInput(IInputHandler inputHandler) { Game.HasInputFocus = 0 != (Sdl.SDL_GetAppState() & Sdl.SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS); var mods = MakeModifiers(Sdl.SDL_GetModState()); inputHandler.ModifierKeys(mods); MouseInput? pendingMotion = null; Sdl.SDL_Event e; while (Sdl.SDL_PollEvent(out e) != 0) { switch (e.type) { case Sdl.SDL_QUIT: OpenRA.Game.Exit(); break; case Sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { if (pendingMotion != null) { inputHandler.OnMouseInput(pendingMotion.Value); pendingMotion = null; } var button = MakeButton(e.button.button); lastButtonBits |= button; var pos = new int2(e.button.x, e.button.y); inputHandler.OnMouseInput(new MouseInput( MouseInputEvent.Down, button, pos, mods, MultiTapDetection.DetectFromMouse(e.button.button, pos))); break; } case Sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { if (pendingMotion != null) { inputHandler.OnMouseInput(pendingMotion.Value); pendingMotion = null; } var button = MakeButton(e.button.button); lastButtonBits &= ~button; var pos = new int2(e.button.x, e.button.y); inputHandler.OnMouseInput(new MouseInput( MouseInputEvent.Up, button, pos, mods, MultiTapDetection.InfoFromMouse(e.button.button))); break; } case Sdl.SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { pendingMotion = new MouseInput( MouseInputEvent.Move, lastButtonBits, new int2(e.motion.x, e.motion.y), mods, 0); break; } case Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN: { var keyName = Sdl.SDL_GetKeyName(e.key.keysym.sym); var keyEvent = new KeyInput { Event = KeyInputEvent.Down, Modifiers = mods, UnicodeChar = (char)e.key.keysym.unicode, KeyName = Sdl.SDL_GetKeyName(e.key.keysym.sym), VirtKey = e.key.keysym.sym, MultiTapCount = MultiTapDetection.DetectFromKeyboard(keyName) }; // Special case workaround for windows users if (e.key.keysym.sym == Sdl.SDLK_F4 && mods.HasModifier(Modifiers.Alt) && Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.Windows) { OpenRA.Game.Exit(); } else inputHandler.OnKeyInput(keyEvent); break; } case Sdl.SDL_KEYUP: { var keyName = Sdl.SDL_GetKeyName(e.key.keysym.sym); var keyEvent = new KeyInput { Event = KeyInputEvent.Up, Modifiers = mods, UnicodeChar = (char)e.key.keysym.unicode, KeyName = Sdl.SDL_GetKeyName(e.key.keysym.sym), VirtKey = e.key.keysym.sym, MultiTapCount = MultiTapDetection.InfoFromKeyboard(keyName) }; inputHandler.OnKeyInput(keyEvent); break; } } } if (pendingMotion != null) { inputHandler.OnMouseInput(pendingMotion.Value); pendingMotion = null; } ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); }
public void PumpInput(IInputHandler inputHandler) { var mods = MakeModifiers((int)SDL.SDL_GetModState()); var scrollDelta = 0; inputHandler.ModifierKeys(mods); MouseInput? pendingMotion = null; SDL.SDL_Event e; while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out e) != 0) { switch (e.type) { case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT: Game.Exit(); break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: { switch (e.window.windowEvent) { case SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: Game.HasInputFocus = false; break; case SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: Game.HasInputFocus = true; break; } break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { if (pendingMotion != null) { inputHandler.OnMouseInput(pendingMotion.Value); pendingMotion = null; } var button = MakeButton(e.button.button); lastButtonBits |= button; var pos = new int2(e.button.x, e.button.y); inputHandler.OnMouseInput(new MouseInput( MouseInputEvent.Down, button, scrollDelta, pos, mods, MultiTapDetection.DetectFromMouse(e.button.button, pos))); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { if (pendingMotion != null) { inputHandler.OnMouseInput(pendingMotion.Value); pendingMotion = null; } var button = MakeButton(e.button.button); lastButtonBits &= ~button; var pos = new int2(e.button.x, e.button.y); inputHandler.OnMouseInput(new MouseInput( MouseInputEvent.Up, button, scrollDelta, pos, mods, MultiTapDetection.InfoFromMouse(e.button.button))); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { pendingMotion = new MouseInput( MouseInputEvent.Move, lastButtonBits, scrollDelta, new int2(e.motion.x, e.motion.y), mods, 0); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: { int x, y; SDL.SDL_GetMouseState(out x, out y); scrollDelta = e.wheel.y; inputHandler.OnMouseInput(new MouseInput(MouseInputEvent.Scroll, MouseButton.None, scrollDelta, new int2(x, y), Modifiers.None, 0)); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_TEXTINPUT: { string input; unsafe { var data = new byte[SDL.SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE]; var i = 0; for (; i < SDL.SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE; i++) { var b = e.text.text[i]; if (b == '\0') break; data[i] = b; } input = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, i); } inputHandler.OnTextInput(input); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYUP: { var keyCode = (Keycode)e.key.keysym.sym; var type = e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN ? KeyInputEvent.Down : KeyInputEvent.Up; var tapCount = e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN ? MultiTapDetection.DetectFromKeyboard(keyCode) : MultiTapDetection.InfoFromKeyboard(keyCode); var keyEvent = new KeyInput { Event = type, Key = keyCode, Modifiers = mods, UnicodeChar = (char)e.key.keysym.sym, MultiTapCount = tapCount }; // Special case workaround for windows users if (e.key.keysym.sym == SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_F4 && mods.HasModifier(Modifiers.Alt) && Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.Windows) Game.Exit(); else inputHandler.OnKeyInput(keyEvent); break; } } } if (pendingMotion != null) { inputHandler.OnMouseInput(pendingMotion.Value); pendingMotion = null; } ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); }