Пример #1
        private static void testLookupPerformance(ChordNode node, ILogger logger)
            // initialize random number generator
            using (var rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
                // send random key lookup messages for testing the chord network
                while (true)
                    // generate a random key
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

                    // send a lookup request for the generated key
                    node.LookupKey(new BigInteger(bytes))
                    .ContinueWith(e =>
                                      $"Lookup: key '{ HexString.Deserialize(bytes) }' " +
                                      $"is managed by node with id '{ HexString.Deserialize(e.Result.NodeId.ToByteArray()) }'"))

                    // sleep for 1 sec
Пример #2
        private static ChordNode initChord(ILogger logger)
            // retrieve the node's IP address and port from the local IP configuration
            var local = new IPEndPoint(IpSettings.GetChordIpv4Address(), IpSettings.GetChordPort());

            logger.LogInformation($"Initializing: endpoint={ local.Address }:{ local.Port }, " +
                                  $"node id={ HexString.Deserialize(HashingHelper.GetSha1Hash(local)) }");

            var netId     = IpSettings.GetIpv4NetworkId();
            var broadcast = IpSettings.GetIpv4Broadcast();

            // connect the chord node to the chord network
            var node = new ChordNode(local, logger);

            node.FindBootstrapNode(netId, broadcast)
            .ContinueWith(x => node.JoinNetwork(x.Result)).Wait();

            // write initialization success message to console
            logger.LogInformation($"Initializing: successful! Going into idle state ...");
