private void Awake() { photonView = GetComponent <PhotonView>(); voiceRecorder = GetComponent <PhotonVoiceRecorder>(); m_RigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); m_Capsule = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); if (photonView != null) { if (!photonView.isMine) { return; } } if (cam == null) { cam = Camera.main; HeadBob headBob = cam.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); headBob.Init(cam, cameraPos, this, photonView); } mouseLook.Init(transform, cam.transform); }
private void NoRecoil() { if (!CVars.Misc.NoRecoil) { return; } HumanController localController = HackLocal.LocalController; InventoryItem currentEquippedItem = HackLocal.GetCurrentEquippedItem(localController); if (currentEquippedItem != null && !(currentEquippedItem is MeleeWeaponItem <MeleeWeaponDataBlock>)) { BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock> bulletWeaponItem = currentEquippedItem as BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock>; if (bulletWeaponItem != null) { bulletWeaponItem.datablock.bulletRange = 300f; bulletWeaponItem.datablock.recoilPitchMin = 0f; bulletWeaponItem.datablock.recoilPitchMax = 0f; bulletWeaponItem.datablock.recoilYawMin = 0f; bulletWeaponItem.datablock.recoilYawMax = 0f; bulletWeaponItem.datablock.aimSway = 0f; bulletWeaponItem.datablock.aimSwaySpeed = 0f; } } CameraMount componentInChildren = localController.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>(); if (componentInChildren != null) { HeadBob component = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (component != null) { component.aimRotationScalar = 0f; component.viewModelRotationScalar = 0f; } } }
// -- lifecycle -- protected void Awake() { mAnimator = GetComponent <Animator>(); mCharacter = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); mHeadBob = GetComponentInChildren <HeadBob>(); mControls = GetComponentsInChildren <MouseLook>(); }
public void Hurt(float percent, GameObject attacker) { if (percent >= 0.05f) { this.lastTakeDamageTime = Time.time; if (CameraMount.current != null) { HeadBob component = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (component == null) { Debug.Log("no camera headbob"); } if (component != null) { bool flag; if (attacker != null) { Controllable controllable = attacker.GetComponent <Controllable>(); flag = (controllable != null) && (controllable.npcName == "zombie"); if (!flag) { flag = attacker.GetComponent <BasicWildLifeAI>() != null; } } else { flag = false; } component.AddEffect(!flag ? this.takeDamageBob : this.meleeBob); } } } }
public override void Local_FireWeapon(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IBulletWeaponItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { Character character = itemInstance.character; if ((character != null) && (itemInstance.clipAmmo > 0)) { Socket muzzle; Ray eyesRay = character.eyesRay; int count = 1; itemInstance.Consume(ref count); uLink.BitStream sendStream = new uLink.BitStream(false); float bulletRange = this.GetBulletRange(itemRep); for (int i = 0; i < this.numPellets; i++) { bool flag; Ray ray = eyesRay; ray.direction = (Vector3)((Quaternion.LookRotation(eyesRay.direction) * Quaternion.Euler(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-this.xSpread, this.xSpread), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-this.ySpread, this.ySpread), 0f)) * Vector3.forward); Component hitComponent = null; this.FireSingleBullet(sendStream, ray, itemRep, out hitComponent, out flag); this.MakeTracer(ray.origin, ray.origin + ((Vector3)(ray.direction * bulletRange)), bulletRange, hitComponent, flag); } itemRep.ActionStream(1, uLink.RPCMode.Server, sendStream); bool firstPerson = (bool)vm; if (firstPerson) { muzzle = vm.muzzle; } else { muzzle = itemRep.muzzle; } this.DoWeaponEffects(character.transform, muzzle, firstPerson, itemRep); if (firstPerson) { vm.PlayFireAnimation(); } float num4 = 1f; if (sample.aim) { num4 -= base.aimingRecoilSubtract; } else if (sample.crouch) { num4 -= base.crouchRecoilSubtract; } float pitch = UnityEngine.Random.Range(base.recoilPitchMin, base.recoilPitchMax) * num4; float yaw = UnityEngine.Random.Range(base.recoilYawMin, base.recoilYawMax) * num4; RecoilSimulation recoilSimulation = character.recoilSimulation; if (recoilSimulation != null) { recoilSimulation.AddRecoil(base.recoilDuration, pitch, yaw); } HeadBob bob = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if ((bob != null) && (base.shotBob != null)) { bob.AddEffect(base.shotBob); } } }
/* * * private void OnDrawGizmos() * { * Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; * Gizmos.DrawWireSphere((transform.position + - Vector3.up * m_finalRayLength, raySphereRadius); * } * */ //#endregion #region IPunObservable implementation //public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info) //{ // if (stream.IsWriting) // { // // We own this player: send the others our data // stream.SendNext(IsFiring); // } // else // { // // Network player, receive data // this.IsFiring = (bool)stream.ReceiveNext(); // } //} #endregion #region Custom Methods #region Initialize Methods protected virtual void GetComponents() { m_characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); m_cameraController = GetComponentInChildren <CameraController>(); m_yawTransform = m_cameraController.transform; m_camTransform = GetComponentInChildren <CinemachineVirtualCamera>().transform; m_headBob = new HeadBob(headBobData, moveBackwardsSpeedPercent, moveSideSpeedPercent); }
private void AddMovementComponents(VRLocomotionRig a_vrLR) { a_vrLR.s_head.gameObject.AddComponent <SteamVR_UpdatePoses>(); m_headBob = a_vrLR.s_head.gameObject.AddComponent <HeadBob>(); // Adds the HeadBob movement logic component m_armSwing = a_vrLR.s_head.gameObject.AddComponent <ArmSwing>(); // Adds the ArmSwing movement logic component m_pulley = a_vrLR.s_head.gameObject.AddComponent <Pulley>(); // Adds the Pulley movement logic component m_tPad = a_vrLR.s_head.gameObject.AddComponent <Touchpad>(); // DEVELOPER: ADD YOUR OWN CUSTOM VR MOVEMENT COMPONENT HERE! }
public void FallImpact(float fallspeed) { this.legBreakSound.Play(base.transform.position, 1f, 3f, 10f); if (base.localControlled) { HeadBob component = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); component.AddEffect(this.fallbob); } }
void Awake() { story = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Story>(); fpsController = GetComponentInChildren <RigidbodyFirstPersonController>(); headBob = GetComponentInChildren <HeadBob>(); health = GetComponent <Health>(); playerBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); playerCollider = GetComponent <Collider>(); soundPlayer = GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>(); }
private void Start() { walkController = GetComponent <RigidbodyFirstPersonController>(); headbobController = GetComponentInChildren <HeadBob>(); flyController = GetComponent <FlyCamera>(); playerRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); //FreezePlayer(); SetPlayerMode(false); }
void Start() { _rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _ih = GetComponent <InputHandler>(); _pr = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerRotation>(); _hb = GetComponentInChildren <HeadBob>(); // TODO: Mover isso para outro lugar Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; }
void Start() { controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); myTransform = transform; speed = walkSpeed; rayDistance = controller.height * .5f + controller.radius; slideLimit = controller.slopeLimit - .1f; jumpTimer = antiBunnyHopFactor; walking = false; headBobScript = fpCamera.gameObject.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); }
private void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision) { if (collision.rigidbody.tag == "Player") { HeadBob hBob = collision.rigidbody.GetComponentInChildren <HeadBob> (); if (hBob) { hBob.motionBob.VerticalBobRange = storedBobRange; } } }
private static void DrawForceAxes(Vector3 force, Vector3 radii, Vector3 k, float boxDim) { Color color = Gizmos.color; Gizmos.color = color *; HeadBob.DrawForceLine(Vector3.right, force, radii, k, boxDim); Gizmos.color = color *; HeadBob.DrawForceLine(Vector3.up, force, radii, k, boxDim); Gizmos.color = color *; HeadBob.DrawForceLine(Vector3.forward, force, radii, k, boxDim); Gizmos.color = color; }
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Gizmos.matrix = ((!base.transform.parent ? base.transform : base.transform.parent)).localToWorldMatrix; Gizmos.DrawLine(, this.offset); Matrix4x4 matrix4x4 = Gizmos.matrix; Gizmos.matrix = Gizmos.matrix * Matrix4x4.Scale(this.cfg.elipsoidRadii); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(, 1f); Gizmos.matrix = matrix4x4; Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f); HeadBob.DrawForceAxes(this.working.position.acceleration.f, this.cfg.elipsoidRadii, this.cfg.springConstant, 0.2f); Gizmos.color = Color.white; HeadBob.DrawForceAxes(this.working.position.acceleration.f, this.cfg.elipsoidRadii, this.cfg.maxVelocity, 0.1f); }
// DEVELOPER: add a string for your zone tag name! dont forget to create the tag in unity and apply it //private const string DevCollisionTag = "DeveloperZone"; #endregion #region Unity Methods void Awake() { m_locoRig = GetComponent <VRLocomotionRig>(); source = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); try { m_hbMovement = m_locoRig.s_head.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); m_asMovement = m_locoRig.s_head.GetComponent <ArmSwing>(); m_pMovement = m_locoRig.s_head.GetComponent <Pulley>(); } catch { Debug.LogError("there are no movement components attached to your VR rig! please ensure you did the setup correctly!"); } AutoDetectCurrentMovement(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { carScript = carScript.GetComponent <CarController>(); boosterScript = boosterScript.GetComponent <ParticleSystemBehavior>(); cameraScript = cameraScript.GetComponent <cameraController>(); playerScript = playerScript.GetComponent <RigidbodyFirstPersonController>(); playerCamScript = playerCamScript.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); playerCamScript.enabled = true; carScript.enabled = false; boosterScript.enabled = false; boosterScript2.enabled = false; cameraScript.enabled = false; playerScript.enabled = true; carCam2.enabled = false; Player.SetActive(true); }
void Start() { playerAnim = GetComponent <Animator>(); headBobScript = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (OpeningManager.OpeningIndex == 1) { StartCoroutine(OpeningEffect()); } else if (OpeningManager.OpeningIndex == 2) { transform.position = path1.path.GetPoint(58); opening_2.Play(); } else if (OpeningManager.OpeningIndex == 3) { transform.position = path1.path.GetPoint(58); opening_3.Play(); } }
//Get components protected override void Start() { base.Start(); //These will always work playerController = GetComponent <PlayerController>(); playerInput = GetComponent <PlayerInput>(); //May possibly evaluate to null gunManager = GetComponent <GunManager>(); mouseLook = GetComponentInChildren <MouseLook>(); headBobber = GetComponentInChildren <HeadBob>(); //Attach the gun to the hand if (gunManager != null) { gunManager.EquipWeapon(startingWeapon); } normalSpeed = playerController.moveSpeed; walkingSpeed = normalSpeed * 0.1f; }
public void Hurt(float percent, GameObject attacker) { bool component; if (percent < 0.05f) { return; } this.lastTakeDamageTime = Time.time; if (CameraMount.current == null) { return; } HeadBob headBob = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (headBob == null) { Debug.Log("no camera headbob"); } if (headBob) { if (!attacker) { component = false; } else { Controllable controllable = attacker.GetComponent <Controllable>(); component = (!controllable ? false : controllable.npcName == "zombie"); if (!component) { component = attacker.GetComponent <BasicWildLifeAI>() != null; } } headBob.AddEffect((!component ? this.takeDamageBob : this.meleeBob)); } }
private void SetLocalOnlyComponentsEnabled(bool enable) { CCMotor component = base.GetComponent <CCMotor>(); if (component != null) { component.enabled = enable; CharacterController collider = base.collider as CharacterController; if (collider != null) { collider.enabled = enable; } } CameraMount componentInChildren = base.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>(); if (componentInChildren != null) { = enable; HeadBob bob = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (bob != null) { bob.enabled = enable; } LazyCam cam = componentInChildren.GetComponent <LazyCam>(); if (cam != null) { cam.enabled = enable; } } LocalDamageDisplay display = base.GetComponent <LocalDamageDisplay>(); if (display != null) { display.enabled = enable; } }
private void SetLocalOnlyComponentsEnabled(bool enable) { CCMotor component = base.GetComponent <CCMotor>(); if (component) { component.enabled = enable; CharacterController characterController = base.collider as CharacterController; if (characterController) { characterController.enabled = enable; } } CameraMount componentInChildren = base.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>(); if (componentInChildren) { = enable; HeadBob headBob = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (headBob) { headBob.enabled = enable; } LazyCam lazyCam = componentInChildren.GetComponent <LazyCam>(); if (lazyCam) { lazyCam.enabled = enable; } } LocalDamageDisplay localDamageDisplay = base.GetComponent <LocalDamageDisplay>(); if (localDamageDisplay) { localDamageDisplay.enabled = enable; } }
void Awake() { rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); rigidbodyFPC = GetComponent <RigidbodyFirstPersonController> (); headBob = GetComponentInChildren <HeadBob> (); }
public double AddDifference(ref HeadBob.VectorStamp previous, ref Vector3G difference) { if (!previous.valid || previous.timeStamp == this.timeStamp) { return 0; } double num = 1 / (double)(this.timeStamp - previous.timeStamp); difference.x = difference.x + num * (this.vector.x - previous.vector.x); difference.y = difference.y + num * (this.vector.y - previous.vector.y); difference.z = difference.z + num * (this.vector.z - previous.vector.z); return 1; }
// Token: 0x06000001 RID: 1 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250 public void OnGUI() { bool flag = !PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer() || !PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable; if (flag) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.onlytimemsg = true; ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 60f; ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.counterseconds = 10f; Zoom.On = false; } else { bool flag2 = !Zoom.On && ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.counterseconds >= 0f; if (flag2) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(600f, 200f, 116f, 54f), ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.Messagy, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.counterseconds -= Time.deltaTime; } else { bool flag3 = !Zoom.On && ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.onlytimemsg; if (flag3) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.onlytimemsg = false; } else { bool flag4 = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer() || (PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable&& Zoom.On); if (flag4) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 = false; ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 = false; bool key = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0); if (key) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 = true; } bool key2 = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse1); if (key2) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 = true; } bool keyUp = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0); if (keyUp) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 = false; } bool keyUp2 = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse1); if (keyUp2) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 = false; } } bool flag5 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 && !ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 && Zoom.On; if (flag5) { Inventory component = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <Inventory>(); this.ClearWeapon(component); bool flag6 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 60f; if (flag6) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 60f; } bool flag7 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 0f; if (flag7) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 0f; } bool flag8 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom >= 20f; if (flag8) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom - Time.deltaTime - 0.3f; } bool flag9 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 20f; if (flag9) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom - Time.deltaTime - 0.05f; } bool flag10 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 0f; if (flag10) { HumanController component2 = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <HumanController>(); CameraMount componentInChildren = component2.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>(); bool flag11 = componentInChildren != null; if (flag11) { HeadBob component3 = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); bool flag12 = component3 != null; if (flag12) { CameraFX mainCameraFX = CameraFX.mainCameraFX; bool flag13 = mainCameraFX != null; if (flag13) { mainCameraFX.SetFieldOfView(ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom, 1f); } } } } } bool flag14 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 && !ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 && Zoom.On; if (flag14) { Inventory component4 = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <Inventory>(); this.ClearWeapon(component4); bool flag15 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 60f; if (flag15) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 60f; } bool flag16 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 0f; if (flag16) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 0f; } bool flag17 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom >= 20f; if (flag17) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom + Time.deltaTime + 0.3f; } bool flag18 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 20f; if (flag18) { ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom + Time.deltaTime + 0.05f; } bool flag19 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 0f; if (flag19) { HumanController component5 = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <HumanController>(); CameraMount componentInChildren2 = component5.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>(); bool flag20 = componentInChildren2 != null; if (flag20) { HeadBob component6 = componentInChildren2.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); bool flag21 = component6 != null; if (flag21) { CameraFX mainCameraFX2 = CameraFX.mainCameraFX; bool flag22 = mainCameraFX2 != null; if (flag22) { mainCameraFX2.SetFieldOfView(ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom, 1f); } } } } } } } } }
public virtual void Local_FireWeapon(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IBulletWeaponItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { Component component; Vector3 point; RaycastHit2 hit; IDMain main; bool flag4; Socket muzzle; bool flag5; Character shooterOrNull = itemInstance.character; if (shooterOrNull == null) { return; } if (itemInstance.clipAmmo <= 0) { return; } Ray eyesRay = shooterOrNull.eyesRay; NetEntityID unassigned = NetEntityID.unassigned; bool hitNetworkView = false; int count = 1; itemInstance.Consume(ref count); bool didHit = Physics2.Raycast2(eyesRay, out hit, this.GetBulletRange(itemRep), 0x183e1411); TakeDamage damage = null; if (!didHit) { main = null; point = eyesRay.GetPoint(1000f); component = null; goto Label_019E; } point = hit.point; IDBase id =; component = (hit.remoteBodyPart == null) ? ((Component)hit.collider) : ((Component)hit.remoteBodyPart); main = (id == null) ? null : id.idMain; if (main == null) { goto Label_019E; } unassigned = NetEntityID.Get((MonoBehaviour)main); if (unassigned.isUnassigned) { goto Label_019E; } hitNetworkView = true; damage = main.GetComponent <TakeDamage>(); if ((damage != null) && damage.ShouldPlayHitNotification()) { this.PlayHitNotification(point, shooterOrNull); } bool flag3 = false; if (hit.remoteBodyPart != null) { BodyPart bodyPart = hit.remoteBodyPart.bodyPart; switch (bodyPart) { case BodyPart.Brain: case BodyPart.L_Eye: case BodyPart.R_Eye: break; default: switch (bodyPart) { case BodyPart.Head: case BodyPart.Jaw: break; case BodyPart.Scalp: case BodyPart.Nostrils: goto Label_016C; default: goto Label_016C; } break; } flag3 = true; } goto Label_0174; Label_016C: flag3 = false; Label_0174: if (flag3) { this.headshotSound.Play(); } Label_019E: flag4 = didHit && ((!hit.isHitboxHit || hit.bodyPart.IsDefined()) || (damage != null)); if (vm != null) { Socket.Slot slot = vm.socketMap["muzzle"]; muzzle = slot.socket; flag5 = true; } else { muzzle = itemRep.muzzle; flag5 = false; } Vector3 position = muzzle.position; this.DoWeaponEffects(shooterOrNull.transform, position, point, muzzle, flag5, component, flag4, itemRep); if (flag5) { vm.PlayFireAnimation(); } float num2 = 1f; if (sample.aim && sample.crouch) { num2 -= this.aimingRecoilSubtract + (this.crouchRecoilSubtract * 0.5f); } else if (sample.aim) { num2 -= this.aimingRecoilSubtract; } else if (sample.crouch) { num2 -= this.crouchRecoilSubtract; } num2 = Mathf.Clamp01(num2); float pitch = Random.Range(this.recoilPitchMin, this.recoilPitchMax) * num2; float yaw = Random.Range(this.recoilYawMin, this.recoilYawMax) * num2; if (weaponRecoil && (shooterOrNull.recoilSimulation != null)) { shooterOrNull.recoilSimulation.AddRecoil(this.recoilDuration, pitch, yaw); } HeadBob bob = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (((bob != null) && (this.shotBob != null)) && headRecoil) { bob.AddEffect(this.shotBob); } BitStream sendStream = new BitStream(false); this.WriteHitInfo(sendStream, ref eyesRay, didHit, ref hit, hitNetworkView, unassigned); itemRep.ActionStream(1, RPCMode.Server, sendStream); }
void Start() { headBob = GetComponentInChildren<HeadBob>(); fpd = GetComponent<FirstPersonDrifter>(); }
void Start() { headbob = Camera.main.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); }
public void CopyTo(ref HeadBob.Weight other) { if (other.additionalPositions != this.additionalPositions && this.additionalPositions != null) { Array.Copy(this.additionalPositions, other.additionalPositions, (int)this.additionalPositions.Length); } other.rotation = this.rotation; other.position = this.position; if (other.stack != null && other.stack.IsForkOf(this.stack)) { other.stack.Join(); } }
void Awake() { rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); rigidbodyFPC = GetComponent<RigidbodyFirstPersonController> (); headBob = GetComponentInChildren<HeadBob> (); }
public override void Local_FireWeapon(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IBulletWeaponItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { bool flag; Socket socket; Character character = itemInstance.character; if (character == null) { return; } if (itemInstance.clipAmmo <= 0) { return; } Ray ray = character.eyesRay; int num = 1; itemInstance.Consume(ref num); uLink.BitStream bitStream = new uLink.BitStream(false); float bulletRange = this.GetBulletRange(itemRep); for (int i = 0; i < this.numPellets; i++) { Ray ray1 = ray; ray1.direction = (Quaternion.LookRotation(ray.direction) * Quaternion.Euler(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-this.xSpread, this.xSpread), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-this.ySpread, this.ySpread), 0f)) * Vector3.forward; Component component = null; this.FireSingleBullet(bitStream, ray1, itemRep, out component, out flag); this.MakeTracer(ray1.origin, ray1.origin + (ray1.direction * bulletRange), bulletRange, component, flag); } itemRep.ActionStream(1, uLink.RPCMode.Server, bitStream); bool flag1 = vm; if (!flag1) { socket = itemRep.muzzle; } else { socket = vm.muzzle; } this.DoWeaponEffects(character.transform, socket, flag1, itemRep); if (flag1) { vm.PlayFireAnimation(); } float single = 1f; if (sample.aim) { single = single - this.aimingRecoilSubtract; } else if (sample.crouch) { single = single - this.crouchRecoilSubtract; } float single1 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(this.recoilPitchMin, this.recoilPitchMax) * single; float single2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(this.recoilYawMin, this.recoilYawMax) * single; RecoilSimulation recoilSimulation = character.recoilSimulation; if (recoilSimulation) { recoilSimulation.AddRecoil(this.recoilDuration, single1, single2); } HeadBob headBob = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (headBob && this.shotBob) { headBob.AddEffect(this.shotBob); } }
private int Step(float dt) { double num; int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; HeadBob headBob = this; headBob.timeSolve = headBob.timeSolve + (double)dt; double num3 = ((double)this.cfg.solveRate >= 0 ? 1 / (double)this.cfg.solveRate : 1 / -(double)this.cfg.solveRate); if ((double)this.cfg.intermitRate != 0) { num = ((double)this.cfg.intermitRate >= 0 ? 1 / (double)this.cfg.intermitRate : 1 / -(double)this.cfg.intermitRate); } else { num = 0; } double num4 = num; if (double.IsInfinity(num3) || num3 == 0) { num3 = this.timeSolve; } bool flag = num4 > num3; double num5 = num3 * (double)this.cfg.timeScale; if (this.timeSolve >= num3) { do { HeadBob headBob1 = this; headBob1.timeSolve = headBob1.timeSolve - num3; if (flag) { HeadBob headBob2 = this; headBob2.timeIntermit = headBob2.timeIntermit - num3; if (this.timeIntermit < 0) { this.intermitStart = this.working; } } this.Solve(ref this.working, ref num5); if (flag && this.timeIntermit < 0) { this.intermitNext = this.working; this.intermitFraction = (this.timeIntermit + num3) / num3; HeadBob headBob3 = this; headBob3.timeIntermit = headBob3.timeIntermit + num4; num2++; } num1++; }while (this.timeSolve >= num3); } if (flag) { if (num2 > 0) { if (!this.simStep) { this.raw_pos = this.intermitNext.position.@value; this.raw_rot = this.intermitNext.rotation.@value; this.CheckDeadZone(); } else { Vector3G.Lerp(ref this.intermitStart.position.@value, ref this.intermitNext.position.@value, ref this.intermitFraction, out this.raw_pos); Vector3G.Lerp(ref this.intermitStart.rotation.@value, ref this.intermitNext.rotation.@value, ref this.intermitFraction, out this.raw_rot); this.CheckDeadZone(); } } return(num2); } if (!this.simStep) { this.raw_pos = this.working.position.@value; this.raw_rot = this.working.rotation.@value; this.CheckDeadZone(); } else { this.working.CopyTo(ref this.predicted); this.Solve(ref this.predicted, ref num5); num1 = -(num1 + 1); double num6 = this.timeSolve / num3; Vector3G.Lerp(ref this.working.position.@value, ref this.predicted.position.@value, ref num6, out this.raw_pos); Vector3G.Lerp(ref this.working.rotation.@value, ref this.predicted.rotation.@value, ref num6, out this.raw_rot); this.CheckDeadZone(); } return(num1); }
private bool Advance(float dt) { bool flag = false; if (!this._motor) { flag = this.CheckChanges(false, base.transform.parent ?? base.transform); this.PushPosition(); } else { flag = this.CheckChanges(true, this._motor.idMain.transform); this.PushPosition(); this.GatherInfo(this._motor); } if (this.cfg.additionalCurves == null) { this.additionalCurveCount = 0; this.anyAdditionalCurves = false; } else { int length = (int)this.cfg.additionalCurves.Length; int num = length; this.additionalCurveCount = length; this.anyAdditionalCurves = num > 0; } if (this.anyAdditionalCurves) { Array.Resize <Vector3G>(ref this.working.additionalPositions, this.additionalCurveCount); Array.Resize <Vector3G>(ref this.predicted.additionalPositions, this.additionalCurveCount); } if (!this._allow) { if (this.allowFractionNormalized > 0f) { int num1 = this.cfg.forbidCurve.length; if ((float)num1 != 0f) { HeadBob headBob = this; headBob.allowFractionNormalized = headBob.allowFractionNormalized - dt / (float)num1; if (this.allowFractionNormalized > 0f) { this.allowValue = 1f - this.cfg.forbidCurve.Evaluate((1f - this.allowFractionNormalized) * (float)num1); } else { this.allowFractionNormalized = 0f; this.allowValue = 0f; } } else { this.allowFractionNormalized = 0f; this.allowValue = 0f; } flag = true; } if (this._wasForbidden && this.allowFractionNormalized == 0f) { base.enabled = false; } } else if (this.allowFractionNormalized < 1f) { int num2 = this.cfg.allowCurve.length; if ((float)num2 != 0f) { HeadBob headBob1 = this; headBob1.allowFractionNormalized = headBob1.allowFractionNormalized + dt / (float)num2; if (this.allowFractionNormalized < 1f) { this.allowValue = this.cfg.allowCurve.Evaluate(this.allowFractionNormalized * (float)num2); } else { this.allowFractionNormalized = 1f; this.allowValue = 1f; } } else { this.allowFractionNormalized = 1f; this.allowValue = 1f; } flag = true; } if (this.Step(dt) == 0 && !flag) { return(false); } return(true); }
public virtual void Local_FireWeapon(ViewModel vm, ItemRepresentation itemRep, IBulletWeaponItem itemInstance, ref HumanController.InputSample sample) { Component component; Vector3 point; RaycastHit2 raycastHit2; IDMain dMain; Socket item; bool flag; bool flag1; Component component1; IDMain dMain1; Character character = itemInstance.character; if (character == null) { return; } if (itemInstance.clipAmmo <= 0) { return; } Ray ray = character.eyesRay; NetEntityID netEntityID = NetEntityID.unassigned; bool flag2 = false; int num = 1; itemInstance.Consume(ref num); bool flag3 = Physics2.Raycast2(ray, out raycastHit2, this.GetBulletRange(itemRep), 406721553); TakeDamage takeDamage = null; if (!flag3) { dMain = null; point = ray.GetPoint(1000f); component = null; } else { point = raycastHit2.point; IDBase dBase =; if (!raycastHit2.remoteBodyPart) { component1 = raycastHit2.collider; } else { component1 = raycastHit2.remoteBodyPart; } component = component1; if (!dBase) { dMain1 = null; } else { dMain1 = dBase.idMain; } dMain = dMain1; if (dMain) { netEntityID = NetEntityID.Get(dMain); if (!netEntityID.isUnassigned) { flag2 = true; takeDamage = dMain.GetComponent <TakeDamage>(); if (takeDamage && takeDamage.ShouldPlayHitNotification()) { this.PlayHitNotification(point, character); } bool flag4 = false; if (raycastHit2.remoteBodyPart) { BodyPart bodyPart = raycastHit2.remoteBodyPart.bodyPart; switch (bodyPart) { case BodyPart.Brain: case BodyPart.L_Eye: case BodyPart.R_Eye: { Label0: flag4 = true; break; } default: { switch (bodyPart) { case BodyPart.Head: case BodyPart.Jaw: { goto Label0; } case BodyPart.Scalp: case BodyPart.Nostrils: { flag4 = false; break; } default: { goto case BodyPart.Nostrils; } } break; } } } if (flag4) { this.headshotSound.Play(); } } } } if (!flag3) { flag1 = false; } else { flag1 = (!raycastHit2.isHitboxHit || raycastHit2.bodyPart.IsDefined() ? true : takeDamage != null); } bool flag5 = flag1; if (!vm) { item = itemRep.muzzle; flag = false; } else { item = vm.socketMap["muzzle"].socket; flag = true; } Vector3 vector3 = item.position; this.DoWeaponEffects(character.transform, vector3, point, item, flag, component, flag5, itemRep); if (flag) { vm.PlayFireAnimation(); } float single = 1f; if ((!sample.aim ? false : sample.crouch)) { single = single - (this.aimingRecoilSubtract + this.crouchRecoilSubtract * 0.5f); } else if (sample.aim) { single = single - this.aimingRecoilSubtract; } else if (sample.crouch) { single = single - this.crouchRecoilSubtract; } single = Mathf.Clamp01(single); float single1 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(this.recoilPitchMin, this.recoilPitchMax) * single; float single2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(this.recoilYawMin, this.recoilYawMax) * single; if (BulletWeaponDataBlock.weaponRecoil && character.recoilSimulation) { character.recoilSimulation.AddRecoil(this.recoilDuration, single1, single2); } HeadBob headBob = CameraMount.current.GetComponent <HeadBob>(); if (headBob && this.shotBob && BulletWeaponDataBlock.headRecoil) { headBob.AddEffect(this.shotBob); } uLink.BitStream bitStream = new uLink.BitStream(false); this.WriteHitInfo(bitStream, ref ray, flag3, ref raycastHit2, flag2, netEntityID); itemRep.ActionStream(1, uLink.RPCMode.Server, bitStream); }
private void Solve(ref HeadBob.Weight weight, ref double dt) { Vector3G vector3G = new Vector3G(); double num; vector3G.x = dt * this.groundLocalVelocity.x * (double)this.cfg.forceSpeedMultiplier.x; vector3G.y = dt * this.groundLocalVelocity.y * (double)this.cfg.forceSpeedMultiplier.y; vector3G.z = dt * this.groundLocalVelocity.z * (double)this.cfg.forceSpeedMultiplier.z; Vector3G vector3G1 = weight.position.fE; Vector3G vector3G2 = weight.rotation.fE; Vector3G vector3G3 = new Vector3G(); weight.position.fE = vector3G3; Vector3G vector3G4 = new Vector3G(); weight.rotation.fE = vector3G4; if (this.anyAdditionalCurves) { for (int i = 0; i < this.additionalCurveCount; i++) { BobForceCurve bobForceCurve = this.cfg.additionalCurves[i]; switch (bobForceCurve.source) { case BobForceCurveSource.LocalMovementMagnitude: { num = this.groundLocalVelocityMag; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.LocalMovementX: { num = this.groundLocalVelocity.x; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.LocalMovementY: { num = this.groundLocalVelocity.y; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.LocalMovementZ: { num = this.groundLocalVelocity.z; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldMovementMagnitude: { num = this.groundWorldVelocityMag; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldMovementX: { num = this.groundWorldVelocity.x; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldMovementY: { num = this.groundWorldVelocity.y; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldMovementZ: { num = this.groundWorldVelocity.z; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.LocalVelocityMagnitude: { num = this.localVelocityMag; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.LocalVelocityX: { num = this.localVelocity.x; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.LocalVelocityY: { num = this.localVelocity.y; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.LocalVelocityZ: { num = this.localVelocity.z; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldVelocityMagnitude: { num = this.worldVelocityMag; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldVelocityX: { num = this.worldVelocity.x; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldVelocityY: { num = this.worldVelocity.y; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.WorldVelocityZ: { num = this.worldVelocity.z; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.RotationMagnitude: { num = this.localAngularVelocityMag; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.RotationPitch: { num = this.localAngularVelocity.x; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.RotationYaw: { num = this.localAngularVelocity.y; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.RotationRoll: { num = this.localAngularVelocity.z; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.TurnMagnitude: { num = this.groundLocalAngularVelocityMag; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.TurnPitch: { num = this.groundLocalAngularVelocity.x; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.TurnYaw: { num = this.groundLocalAngularVelocity.y; break; } case BobForceCurveSource.TurnRoll: { num = this.groundLocalAngularVelocity.z; break; } default: { goto case BobForceCurveSource.LocalVelocityZ; } } BobForceCurveTarget bobForceCurveTarget =; if (bobForceCurveTarget != BobForceCurveTarget.Position) { if (bobForceCurveTarget != BobForceCurveTarget.Rotation) { goto Label3; } bobForceCurve.Calculate(ref weight.additionalPositions[i], ref num, ref dt, ref weight.rotation.fE); goto Label1; } Label3: bobForceCurve.Calculate(ref weight.additionalPositions[i], ref num, ref dt, ref weight.position.fE); Label1: } } if (this.cfg.impulseForceSmooth <= 0f) { weight.position.fI = this.impulseForce.accel; } else { Vector3G.SmoothDamp(ref weight.position.fI, ref this.impulseForce.accel, ref weight.position.fIV, this.cfg.impulseForceSmooth, this.cfg.impulseForceMaxChangeAcceleration, ref dt); } if (this.cfg.angleImpulseForceSmooth <= 0f) { weight.rotation.fI = this.impulseTorque.accel; } else { Vector3G.SmoothDamp(ref weight.rotation.fI, ref this.impulseTorque.accel, ref weight.rotation.fIV, this.cfg.angleImpulseForceSmooth, this.cfg.angleImpulseForceMaxChangeAcceleration, ref dt); } weight.position.fE.x = weight.position.fE.x + (this.inputForce.x + weight.position.fI.x * (double)this.cfg.impulseForceScale.x); weight.position.fE.y = weight.position.fE.y + (this.inputForce.y + weight.position.fI.y * (double)this.cfg.impulseForceScale.y); weight.position.fE.z = weight.position.fE.z + (this.inputForce.z + weight.position.fI.z * (double)this.cfg.impulseForceScale.z); weight.rotation.fE.x = weight.rotation.fE.x + weight.rotation.fI.x * (double)this.cfg.angularImpulseForceScale.x; weight.rotation.fE.y = weight.rotation.fE.y + weight.rotation.fI.y * (double)this.cfg.angularImpulseForceScale.y; weight.rotation.fE.z = weight.rotation.fE.z + weight.rotation.fI.z * (double)this.cfg.angularImpulseForceScale.z; Vector3G vector3G5 = weight.position.@value; vector3G5.x = vector3G5.x / (double)this.cfg.elipsoidRadii.x; vector3G5.y = vector3G5.y / (double)this.cfg.elipsoidRadii.y; vector3G5.z = vector3G5.z / (double)this.cfg.elipsoidRadii.z; double num1 = vector3G5.x * vector3G5.x + vector3G5.y * vector3G5.y + vector3G5.z * vector3G5.z; if (num1 > 1) { num1 = 1 / Math.Sqrt(num1); vector3G5.x = vector3G5.x * num1; vector3G5.y = vector3G5.y * num1; vector3G5.z = vector3G5.z * num1; } vector3G5.x = vector3G5.x * (double)this.cfg.elipsoidRadii.x; vector3G5.y = vector3G5.y * (double)this.cfg.elipsoidRadii.y; vector3G5.z = vector3G5.z * (double)this.cfg.elipsoidRadii.z; weight.stack.Simulate(ref dt, ref weight.position.fE, ref weight.rotation.fE); weight.position.acceleration.x = weight.position.fE.x - vector3G1.x + (vector3G5.x * (double)(-this.cfg.springConstant.x) - weight.position.velocity.x * (double)this.cfg.springDampen.x) * (double)this.cfg.weightMass; weight.position.acceleration.y = weight.position.fE.y - vector3G1.y + (vector3G5.y * (double)(-this.cfg.springConstant.y) - weight.position.velocity.y * (double)this.cfg.springDampen.y) * (double)this.cfg.weightMass; weight.position.acceleration.z = weight.position.fE.z - vector3G1.z + (vector3G5.z * (double)(-this.cfg.springConstant.z) - weight.position.velocity.z * (double)this.cfg.springDampen.z) * (double)this.cfg.weightMass; weight.position.velocity.x = weight.position.velocity.x + weight.position.acceleration.x * dt; weight.position.velocity.y = weight.position.velocity.y + weight.position.acceleration.y * dt; weight.position.velocity.z = weight.position.velocity.z + weight.position.acceleration.z * dt; if (float.IsInfinity(this.cfg.maxVelocity.x)) { [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.position.velocity.x * dt; } else if (weight.position.velocity.x < (double)(-this.cfg.maxVelocity.x)) { [email protected] = [email protected] - (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.x * dt; } else if (weight.position.velocity.x <= (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.x) { [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.position.velocity.x * dt; } else { [email protected] = [email protected] + (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.x * dt; } if (float.IsInfinity(this.cfg.maxVelocity.y)) { [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.position.velocity.y * dt; } else if (weight.position.velocity.y < (double)(-this.cfg.maxVelocity.y)) { [email protected] = [email protected] - (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.y * dt; } else if (weight.position.velocity.y <= (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.y) { [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.position.velocity.y * dt; } else { [email protected] = [email protected] + (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.y * dt; } if (float.IsInfinity(this.cfg.maxVelocity.z)) { [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.position.velocity.z * dt; } else if (weight.position.velocity.z < (double)(-this.cfg.maxVelocity.z)) { [email protected] = [email protected] - (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.z * dt; } else if (weight.position.velocity.z <= (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.z) { [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.position.velocity.z * dt; } else { [email protected] = [email protected] + (double)this.cfg.maxVelocity.z * dt; } weight.rotation.acceleration.x = weight.rotation.fE.x - vector3G2.x + ([email protected] * (double)(-this.cfg.angularSpringConstant.x) - weight.rotation.velocity.x * (double)this.cfg.angularSpringDampen.x) * (double)this.cfg.angularWeightMass; weight.rotation.acceleration.y = weight.rotation.fE.y - vector3G2.y + ([email protected] * (double)(-this.cfg.angularSpringConstant.y) - weight.rotation.velocity.y * (double)this.cfg.angularSpringDampen.y) * (double)this.cfg.angularWeightMass; weight.rotation.acceleration.z = weight.rotation.fE.z - vector3G2.z + ([email protected] * (double)(-this.cfg.angularSpringConstant.z) - weight.rotation.velocity.z * (double)this.cfg.angularSpringDampen.z) * (double)this.cfg.angularWeightMass; weight.rotation.velocity.x = weight.rotation.velocity.x + weight.rotation.acceleration.x * dt; weight.rotation.velocity.y = weight.rotation.velocity.y + weight.rotation.acceleration.y * dt; weight.rotation.velocity.z = weight.rotation.velocity.z + weight.rotation.acceleration.z * dt; [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.rotation.velocity.x * dt; [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.rotation.velocity.y * dt; [email protected] = [email protected] + weight.rotation.velocity.z * dt; }