public override void CanDropColumnWithDefaultSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE `TestTable1` DROP COLUMN `TestColumn1`");
Пример #2
        public override void CanDropColumn()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            string sql = generator.Generate(expression);

            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1]");
Пример #3
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithDefaultSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new[] { "\"TestColumn1\"", "\"TestColumn2\"" });

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP COLUMN \"TestColumn1\";" + System.Environment.NewLine + "ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP COLUMN \"TestColumn2\"");
Пример #4
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithDefaultSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new [] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

Пример #5
        public override void CanDropColumnWithDefaultSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

Пример #6
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithDefaultSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP (\"TestColumn1\"); ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP (\"TestColumn2\");");
Пример #7
        public void CanDropMultipleColumns()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new string[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            string sql = _generator.Generate(expression);

            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1]; ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn2]");
Пример #8
        public void CanDropColumn()
            //This does not work if column in used in constraint, index etc.
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            var sql = generator.Generate(expression);

            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1];");
Пример #9
        public override void CanDropColumnWithDefaultSchema()
            //This does not work if column in used in constraint, index etc.
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1];");
Пример #10
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithCustomSchema()
            //This does not work if it is a primary key
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            Assert.Throws <DatabaseOperationNotSupportedException>(() => Generator.Generate(expression));
        public override void CanDropColumn()
            //This does not work if it is a primary key
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();
            var sql        = generator.Generate(expression);

            var expectedSql = "\n\t\t\tDECLARE @default sysname, @sql nvarchar(max);\n\n\t\t\t-- get name of default constraint\n\t\t\tSELECT @default = name\n\t\t\tFROM sys.default_constraints \n\t\t\tWHERE parent_object_id = object_id('[TestTable1]')\n\t\t\tAND type = 'D'\n\t\t\tAND parent_column_id = (\n\t\t\t\tSELECT column_id \n\t\t\t\tFROM sys.columns \n\t\t\t\tWHERE object_id = object_id('[TestTable1]')\n\t\t\t\tAND name = '[TestColumn1]'\n\t\t\t);\n\n\t\t\t-- create alter table command as string and run it\n\t\t\tSET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @default;\n\t\t\tEXEC sp_executesql @sql;\n\n\t\t\t-- now we can finally drop column\n\t\t\tALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1];";

        public override void CanDropColumn()
            var    expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();
            string sql        = _generator.Generate(expression);

            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE TestTable1 DROP COLUMN TestColumn1");

            sql = quotedIdentiferGenerator.Generate(expression);
            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP COLUMN \"TestColumn1\"");
Пример #13
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithCustomSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP \"TestColumn1\";" + System.Environment.NewLine + "ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP \"TestColumn2\"");
Пример #14
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithCustomSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE TestTable1 DROP TestColumn1; ALTER TABLE TestTable1 DROP TestColumn2");
Пример #15
        public override void CanDropColumnWithCustomSchema()
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP \"TestColumn1\"");
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithDefaultSchema()
            //This does not work if it is a primary key
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            var expected = "ALTER TABLE [dbo].[TestTable1] DROP [TestColumn1]; ALTER TABLE [dbo].[TestTable1] DROP [TestColumn2]";

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

Пример #17
        public override void CanDropColumnWithCustomSchema()
            Assert.Ignore("Hana support change default value with type like bellow");

            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP (\"TestColumn1\")");
        public void CanDropMultipleColumns()
            var    expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new string[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });
            string sql        = _generator.Generate(expression);

            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE TestTable1 DROP COLUMN TestColumn1;" + Environment.NewLine + "ALTER TABLE TestTable1 DROP COLUMN TestColumn2");

            expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new string[] { "\"TestColumn1\"", "\"TestColumn2\"" });
            sql        = quotedIdentiferGenerator.Generate(expression);
            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP COLUMN \"TestColumn1\";" + Environment.NewLine + "ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP COLUMN \"TestColumn2\"");
        public override void CanDropColumnWithCustomSchema()
            //This does not work if it is a primary key
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression();

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            var expected = "ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP [TestColumn1]";

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

Пример #20
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithCustomSchema()
            Assert.Ignore("Hana support change default value with type like bellow");

            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP (\"TestColumn1\");"
                            + System.Environment.NewLine +
                            "ALTER TABLE \"TestTable1\" DROP (\"TestColumn2\")");
Пример #21
        public override void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithCustomSchema()
            //This does not work if it is a primary key
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new [] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";

            var expected = "DECLARE @default sysname, @sql nvarchar(max);" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "-- get name of default constraint" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "SELECT @default = name" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM sys.default_constraints" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "AND type = 'D'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "AND parent_column_id = (" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "SELECT column_id" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM sys.columns" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "AND name = 'TestColumn1'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           ");" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "-- create alter table command to drop constraint as string and run it" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "SET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(@default);" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "EXEC sp_executesql @sql;" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "-- now we can finally drop column" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1];" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "GO" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "DECLARE @default sysname, @sql nvarchar(max);" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "-- get name of default constraint" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "SELECT @default = name" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM sys.default_constraints" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "AND type = 'D'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "AND parent_column_id = (" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "SELECT column_id" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM sys.columns" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "AND name = 'TestColumn2'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           ");" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "-- create alter table command to drop constraint as string and run it" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "SET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(@default);" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "EXEC sp_executesql @sql;" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "-- now we can finally drop column" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn2];" + System.Environment.NewLine;

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

Пример #22
        public void CanDropMultipleColumnsWithCustomSchema()
            //This does not work if it is a primary key
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new string[] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });

            expression.SchemaName = "TestSchema";
            var sql = generator.Generate(expression);

            const string expected = "DECLARE @default sysname, @sql nvarchar(max);\r\n\r\n" +
                                    "-- get name of default constraint\r\n" +
                                    "SELECT @default = name\r\n" +
                                    "FROM sys.default_constraints\r\n" +
                                    "WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')\r\n" + "" +
                                    "AND type = 'D'\r\n" + "" +
                                    "AND parent_column_id = (\r\n" + "" +
                                    "SELECT column_id\r\n" +
                                    "FROM sys.columns\r\n" +
                                    "WHERE object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')\r\n" +
                                    "AND name = 'TestColumn1'\r\n" +
                                    ");\r\n\r\n" +
                                    "-- create alter table command to drop contraint as string and run it\r\n" +
                                    "SET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @default;\r\n" +
                                    "EXEC sp_executesql @sql;\r\n\r\n" +
                                    "-- now we can finally drop column\r\n" +
                                    "ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1];\r\n" +
                                    "GO\r\n" +
                                    "DECLARE @default sysname, @sql nvarchar(max);\r\n\r\n" +
                                    "-- get name of default constraint\r\n" +
                                    "SELECT @default = name\r\n" +
                                    "FROM sys.default_constraints\r\n" +
                                    "WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')\r\n" + "" +
                                    "AND type = 'D'\r\n" + "" +
                                    "AND parent_column_id = (\r\n" + "" +
                                    "SELECT column_id\r\n" +
                                    "FROM sys.columns\r\n" +
                                    "WHERE object_id = object_id('[TestSchema].[TestTable1]')\r\n" +
                                    "AND name = 'TestColumn2'\r\n" +
                                    ");\r\n\r\n" +
                                    "-- create alter table command to drop contraint as string and run it\r\n" +
                                    "SET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @default;\r\n" +
                                    "EXEC sp_executesql @sql;\r\n\r\n" +
                                    "-- now we can finally drop column\r\n" +
                                    "ALTER TABLE [TestSchema].[TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn2];\r\n";

Пример #23
        public void CanDropMultipleColumns()
            //This does not work if it is a primary key
            var expression = GeneratorTestHelper.GetDeleteColumnExpression(new [] { "TestColumn1", "TestColumn2" });
            var sql        = _generator.Generate(expression);

            string expected = "DECLARE @default sysname, @sql nvarchar(4000);" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                              "-- get name of default constraint" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "SELECT @default = name" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "FROM sys.default_constraints" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('[TestTable1]')" + Environment.NewLine + "" +
                              "AND type = 'D'" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "AND parent_column_id = (" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "SELECT column_id" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "FROM sys.columns" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "WHERE object_id = object_id('[TestTable1]')" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "AND name = 'TestColumn1'" + Environment.NewLine +
                              ");" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                              "-- create alter table command to drop constraint as string and run it" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "SET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @default;" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "EXEC sp_executesql @sql;" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                              "-- now we can finally drop column" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn1];" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "GO" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "DECLARE @default sysname, @sql nvarchar(4000);" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                              "-- get name of default constraint" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "SELECT @default = name" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "FROM sys.default_constraints" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('[TestTable1]')" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "AND type = 'D'" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "AND parent_column_id = (" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "SELECT column_id" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "FROM sys.columns" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "WHERE object_id = object_id('[TestTable1]')" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "AND name = 'TestColumn2'" + Environment.NewLine +
                              ");" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                              "-- create alter table command to drop constraint as string and run it" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "SET @sql = N'ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @default;" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "EXEC sp_executesql @sql;" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                              "-- now we can finally drop column" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] DROP COLUMN [TestColumn2];" + Environment.NewLine;
