Пример #1
        public override void SendInvitation(IRpcController controller, bnet.protocol.invitation.SendInvitationRequest request, Action <bnet.protocol.NoData> done)
            //TODO: Add battletag invitation -Egris

            // somehow protobuf lib doesnt handle this extension, so we're using a workaround to get that channelinfo.
            var extensionBytes = request.Params.UnknownFields.FieldDictionary[103].LengthDelimitedList[0].ToByteArray();
            var friendRequest  = bnet.protocol.friends.FriendInvitationParams.ParseFrom(extensionBytes);

            if (friendRequest.TargetEmail.ToLower() == this.Client.Account.Email.ToLower())
                return;                                                                             // don't allow him to invite himself - and we should actually return an error!
            // also he shouldn't be allowed to invite his current friends - put that check too!. /raist
            if (friendRequest.TargetBattleTag == this.Client.Account.BattleTag)

            Account invitee = null;

            if (friendRequest.HasTargetEmail)
                invitee = AccountManager.GetAccountByEmail(friendRequest.TargetEmail);
                invitee = AccountManager.GetAccountByBattletag(friendRequest.TargetBattleTag);

            if (invitee == null)
                return;                  // we need send an error response here /raist.
            //Header.Status(4) = account does not exist

            Logger.Trace("{0} sent {1} friend invitation.", this.Client.Account, invitee);

            var invitation = bnet.protocol.invitation.Invitation.CreateBuilder()
                             .SetId(FriendManager.InvitationIdCounter++) // we may actually need to store invitation ids in database with the actual invitation there. /raist.
                             .SetInviterIdentity(this.Client.GetIdentity(true, false, false))
                             .SetInviterName(this.Client.Account.Email)  // we shoulde be instead using account owner's name here.
                             .SetInviteeName(invitee.Email)              // again we should be instead using invitee's name.

            // Response is bnet.protocol.NoData as of 7728. /raist.
            //var response = bnet.protocol.invitation.SendInvitationResponse.CreateBuilder()
            //    .SetInvitation(invitation.Clone());

            var response = bnet.protocol.NoData.CreateBuilder();


            // notify the invitee on invitation.
            FriendManager.HandleInvitation(this.Client, invitation.Build());
Пример #2
        public override void SendInvitation(IRpcController controller, bnet.protocol.invitation.SendInvitationRequest request, Action <bnet.protocol.NoData> done)
             * Error List:
             * The friends list is full. (Error 5000)
             * Too many sent invitations have been sent. (Error 5001)
             * Too many invitations have been received. (Error 5002)
             * This player is already a friend. (Error 5003)
             * This person was already invited to be a friend. (Error 5005)
             * The friend invitation was removed. (Error 5006)
             * Your friends list is full. (Error 5015)
             * The inviter's friends list is full. (Error 5016)
             * This account is already a friend. (Error 317201)
             * That friend invitation already exists. (Error 317200)
             * Unable to add self as a friend. (Error 317202)
             * The BattleTag does not exist. (Error 317203)

            // somehow protobuf lib doesnt handle this extension, so we're using a workaround to get that channelinfo.
            var extensionBytes = request.Params.UnknownFields.FieldDictionary[103].LengthDelimitedList[0].ToByteArray();
            var friendRequest  = bnet.protocol.friends.FriendInvitationParams.ParseFrom(extensionBytes);

            var response = bnet.protocol.NoData.CreateBuilder();

            if (friendRequest.TargetEmail.ToLower() == this.Client.Account.Email.ToLower())
                this.Status = 317202; //Unable to add self as a friend.

            if (friendRequest.TargetBattleTag == this.Client.Account.BattleTag)
                this.Status = 317202; //Unable to add self as a friend.

            Account invitee = null;

            if (friendRequest.HasTargetEmail)
                invitee = AccountManager.GetAccountByEmail(friendRequest.TargetEmail);
                invitee = AccountManager.GetAccountByBattletag(friendRequest.TargetBattleTag);

            if (invitee == null)
                if (friendRequest.HasTargetEmail)
                    this.Status = 4; //There was an error. Please try again.
                    this.Status = 317203; //The BattleTag does not exist.
            else if (FriendManager.AreFriends(this.Client.Account, invitee))
                if (friendRequest.HasTargetEmail)
                    this.Status = 317201; //This account is already a friend. email?
                    this.Status = 5003; //This player is already a friend. battletag?
            else if (FriendManager.InvitationExists(this.Client.Account, invitee))
                if (friendRequest.HasTargetEmail)
                    this.Status = 317200; //That friend invitation already exists. email?
                    this.Status = 5005; //This person was already invited to be a friend. battletag?

            Logger.Trace("{0} sent {1} friend invitation.", this.Client.Account, invitee);

            var invitation = bnet.protocol.invitation.Invitation.CreateBuilder()
                             .SetId(FriendManager.InvitationIdCounter++) // we may actually need to store invitation ids in database with the actual invitation there. /raist.
                             .SetInviterIdentity(this.Client.GetIdentity(true, false, false))
                             .SetInviterName(this.Client.Account.Email)  // we shoulde be instead using account owner's name here.
                             .SetInviteeName(invitee.Email)              // again we should be instead using invitee's name.


            // notify the invitee on invitation.
            FriendManager.HandleInvitation(this.Client, invitation.Build());