Пример #1
        public static async IAsyncEnumerable <T> GetAll <T>(
            this FhirClient client,
            string url,
            [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            where T : Resource
            var allResources = await client.GetAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false) as Bundle;

            foreach (var resource in allResources.GetResources().OfType <T>())
                yield return(resource);

            while (allResources != null && allResources.NextLink != null)
                allResources = await client.ContinueAsync(allResources).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (allResources == null)
                    yield break;

                foreach (var resource in allResources.GetResources().OfType <T>())
                    yield return(resource);
Пример #2
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <TResource> > GetWithContinuationAsync <TResource>(this FhirClient fhirClient, Uri resourceUri, int?count = null)
            where TResource : Resource
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(fhirClient, nameof(fhirClient));

            var result = await fhirClient.GetAsync(resourceUri).ConfigureAwait(false) as Bundle;

            return(await result.ReadFromBundleWithContinuationAsync <TResource>(fhirClient, count).ConfigureAwait(false));
Пример #3
        public async Task <ActionResult <string> > GetPsPatient()
            FhirClient fhirClient = await _client.ConfigureClient();

                Resource patient = await fhirClient.GetAsync("/Patient");

            catch (Exception exception)
Пример #4
        public async Task VerifyServerMetaInfoForEverythingOperation()
            string baseURL = "http://localhost:4080";

            // Send metaprofile request to server to verify that the metadata contains the Patient-everywhere operation
            var client = new FhirClient(baseURL);

            client.PreferredFormat = ResourceFormat.Json;
            client.UseFormatParam  = true;

            // Read the Vonk server's metadata (NOT working!! - getting error:
            // System.NotSupportedException : Cannot read the conformance statement of the server to verify FHIR version compatibility
            //var capabilityStatement = await client.CapabilityStatementAsync();
            string metadata            = $"{baseURL}/metadata";
            var    capabilityStatement = await client.GetAsync(metadata);

            // Now checke that the "Patient-everything" operation is there
            var everythigOperation = capabilityStatement.ToJObject();
Пример #5
        public async Task <JObject> GetAsync(
            string url,
            EventHandler <BeforeRequestEventArgs> onBefore = null,
            EventHandler <AfterResponseEventArgs> onAfter  = null
            // setup TLS and SSL (moved to static constructor)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
                (message, cert, chain, errors) => (errors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None) || reIsASEEndpoint.IsMatch(_endpoint);
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

            // use using(s) to handle disposing of objects. Needs more research.
            using (var op = _client.StartOperation <DependencyTelemetry>("Dependency Name"))
                using (FhirClient fhirClient =
                           new FhirClient(_endpoint)
                    PreferredFormat = ResourceFormat.Json,
                    UseFormatParam = true
                    var dep = op.Telemetry;
                    dep.SetLogLocation(); // location is not really the most accurate metric but has been helpful before
                    dep.Type = "GET";     // type will always be a get

                    // request ID is used for linking logging in dependencies to this call
                    var requestId = RandomID(15);
                    dep.Id = requestId;

                    // stopwatch for logging duration.
                    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                    // add dependency logging, blob logging, etc.
                    fhirClient.OnBeforeRequest += delegate(object sender, BeforeRequestEventArgs e)
                        // add client information and "helpful" headers
                        e.RawRequest.Timeout = _timeout;
                        e.RawRequest.Headers.SetLinkingHeaders(requestId, RandomID(12));

                    fhirClient.OnAfterResponse += delegate(object sender, AfterResponseEventArgs e)

                        // log generic response inforation
                        dep.Duration   = sw.Elapsed;
                        dep.ResultCode = e.RawResponse.StatusCode.ToString();
                        dep.Success    = e.RawResponse.StatusCode.IsSuccessful();

                        // ToDo: log response to blob storage

                    // add user defined before and after actions
                    if (onBefore != null)
                        fhirClient.OnBeforeRequest += onBefore;
                    if (onAfter != null)
                        fhirClient.OnAfterResponse += onAfter;

                    // invoke fhir url. if error occurs, cast exception to operation outcome
                        Resource resp = await fhirClient.GetAsync(url);

                    catch (Exception ex)
        public override async Tasks.Task <OperationResultEnum> Execute()
            FhirJsonSerializer serializer   = new FhirJsonSerializer();
            FhirClient         sourceClient = new FhirClient(_arguments.SourceEnvironment.FhirBaseUrl)
                Settings = new FhirClientSettings
                    ParserSettings = new Hl7.Fhir.Serialization.ParserSettings {
                        PermissiveParsing = false
            HttpClient destClient = new HttpClient()
                BaseAddress = new Uri(_arguments.DestinationEnvironment.FhirBaseUrl),

            string relativeUrl = $"{_arguments.ResourceType.GetLiteral()}";

            if (_arguments.SearchCount > 0)
                relativeUrl += $"?_count={_arguments.SearchCount}";

            Bundle sourceBundle = await sourceClient.GetAsync(relativeUrl) as Bundle;

            foreach (Bundle.EntryComponent entry in sourceBundle.Entry)
                Resource resource     = entry.Resource;
                string   resourceType = resource.ResourceType(FhirVersion.R3).GetLiteral();

                if (resource is Questionnaire questionnaire)
                    // This part gets rid of some legacy
                    // TODO: Remove when we have gotten rid of the legacy
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(questionnaire.ApprovalDate))
                        questionnaire.ApprovalDate = null;
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(questionnaire.LastReviewDate))
                        questionnaire.LastReviewDate = null;
                    if (questionnaire.Copyright != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(questionnaire.Copyright.Value))
                        questionnaire.Copyright = null;

                    // Update known properties and extensions with urls that points to the old source instance.
                    // TODO: The lines referring FhirBaseUrl is legacy and can be removed in a future version.
                    questionnaire.Url = questionnaire.Url.Replace(_arguments.SourceEnvironment.ProxyBaseUrl, string.Empty);
                    questionnaire.Url = questionnaire.Url.Replace(_arguments.SourceEnvironment.FhirBaseUrl, string.Empty);

                    IEnumerable <Extension> extensions = questionnaire.GetExtensions(Constants.EndPointUri);
                    foreach (Extension extension in extensions)
                        if (extension.Value is ResourceReference v)
                            v.Reference = v.Reference.Replace(_arguments.SourceEnvironment.ProxyBaseUrl, string.Empty);
                            v.Reference = v.Reference.Replace(_arguments.SourceEnvironment.FhirBaseUrl, string.Empty);

                    extensions = questionnaire.GetExtensions(Constants.OptionReferenceUri);
                    foreach (Extension extension in extensions)
                        if (extension.Value is ResourceReference v)
                            v.Reference = v.Reference.Replace(_arguments.SourceEnvironment.ProxyBaseUrl, string.Empty);
                            v.Reference = v.Reference.Replace(_arguments.SourceEnvironment.FhirBaseUrl, string.Empty);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Preparing to write resource of type '{resourceType}' to '{_arguments.DestinationEnvironment.FhirBaseUrl}'");
                HttpContent content = new StringContent(serializer.SerializeToString(resource));
                content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/fhir+json");
                HttpResponseMessage response;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resource.Id))
                    response = await destClient.PostAsync($"{resource.ResourceType(FhirVersion.R3).GetLiteral()}", content);
                    response = await destClient.PutAsync($"{resource.ResourceType(FhirVersion.R3).GetLiteral()}/{resource.Id}", content);

                _logger.LogInformation($"{response.StatusCode} - {response.RequestMessage.Method} {response.RequestMessage.RequestUri}");

            return(_issues.Any(issue => issue.Severity == IssueSeverityEnum.Error)
            ? OperationResultEnum.Failed
            : OperationResultEnum.Succeeded);