Пример #1
        private PowerShellPackageProvider Create(string psModule)
            dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell();

            try {
                // load the powershell provider functions into this runspace.
                var psf = ps.ImportModule(Name: PowerShellProviderFunctions, PassThru: true);

                DynamicPowershellResult result = ps.ImportModule(Name: psModule, PassThru: true);
                if (!result.LastIsTerminatingError)
                    var providerModule = result.Value as PSModuleInfo;
                    if (result.Success && providerModule != null)
                        try {
                            return(new PowerShellPackageProvider(ps, providerModule));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // something didn't go well.
                // skip it.

            // didn't import correctly.
Пример #2
        public virtual object Execute(T cmdlet)
            var restCommand = RestService.ReverseLookup[cmdlet.GetType()];
            var result      = new PowershellReponse();
            AsynchronouslyEnumerableList <ErrorRecord> errors = null;

            using (var dps = new DynamicPowershell(RestService.RunspacePool)) {
                if (cmdlet.Session != null && cmdlet.Session.HasRole("password_must_be_changed") && typeof(T) != typeof(SetServicePassword))
                    result.Warnings = new string[] {
                        "WARNING: USER PASSWORD SHOULD BE CHANGED.\r\n"
                var dynamicResult = dps.Invoke(restCommand.Name, _persistableElements, cmdlet, restCommand.DefaultParameters, restCommand.ForcedParameters, out errors);
                result.Output = dynamicResult.ToArray();
                result.LastIsTerminatingError = dynamicResult.LastIsTerminatingError;

            if (errors != null && errors.Any())
                result.Error = errors.Select(e => new RemoteError {
                    Category         = e.CategoryInfo.Category,
                    Message          = e.FullyQualifiedErrorId,
                    ExceptionType    = e.Exception.GetType().Name,
                    ExceptionMessage = e.Exception.Message,

        public void Invoke(string command, params string[] arguments)
            var p = PowerShell.Create();
            p.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("request", _request);
            foreach (var result in p.Invoke()) {
                // dunno what to do with the result yet.

            p = null;

            using (dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell()) {
                // grant access to the current call request.
                ps["request"] = _request;

                // import our new helpers
                DynamicPowershellResult result = ps.ImportModule(Name: _request.HelperModulePath, PassThru: true);
                if (!result.Success) {
                    throw new Exception("Unable to load helper module for install script.");

                result = ps.InvokeExpression(command);

                if (!result.Success) {
                    foreach (var i in result.Errors) {
                        _request.Error(i.CategoryInfo.Reason, i.Exception.Message, null);
                    throw new Exception("Failed executing chocolatey script.");

                ps["request"] = null;
Пример #4
        public PowerShellProviderBase(DynamicPowershell ps, PSModuleInfo module)
            if (module == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("module");

            _powershell = ps;
            _module     = module;

            // combine all the cmdinfos we care about
            // but normalize the keys as we go (remove any '-' '_' chars)
            foreach (var k in _module.ExportedAliases.Keys)
                _allCommands.AddOrSet(k.Replace("-", "").Replace("_", ""), _module.ExportedAliases[k]);
            foreach (var k in _module.ExportedCmdlets.Keys)
                _allCommands.AddOrSet(k.Replace("-", "").Replace("_", ""), _module.ExportedCmdlets[k]);
            foreach (var k in _module.ExportedFunctions.Keys)
                _allCommands.AddOrSet(k.Replace("-", "").Replace("_", ""), _module.ExportedFunctions[k]);
Пример #5
        public virtual object Execute(T cmdlet)
            // credential gets set by the filter.

            var restCommand = RestService.ReverseLookup[cmdlet.GetType()];

            using (var dps = new DynamicPowershell(RestService.RunspacePool)) {
                return(dps.Invoke(restCommand.Name, _persistableElements, cmdlet, restCommand.DefaultParameters, restCommand.ForcedParameters));
        public void TestPipeline()
            dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell();
            DynamicPowershellResult result = ps.Dir(@"c:\");

            DynamicPowershellResult result2 = ps.TestPath(result);

            foreach (var r in result2)
Пример #7
        internal IEnumerable <string> ScanForModules(Request request)
            // two places we search for modules
            // 1. in this assembly's folder, look for all psd1 and psm1 files.
            // 2. modules in the PSMODULEPATH
            // Import each one of those, and check to see if they have a OneGet.Providers section in their private data

            using (dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell()) {
                // load the powershell functions into this runspace in case something needed it on module load.
                var psf = ps.ImportModule(Name: PowerShellProviderFunctions, PassThru: true);

                var testProviders = Directory.EnumerateFiles(BaseFolder, "*.psm1", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                foreach (var provider in testProviders)
                    yield return(provider);
                // scan all the ps modules in the folders provided
                foreach (var each in AlternativeModuleScan(request))
                    DynamicPowershellResult result;

                    result = ps.TestModuleManifest(each);
                    var values = result.ToArray();

                    foreach (var v in values)
                        var moduleData = v as PSModuleInfo;
                        if (moduleData == null)
                        foreach (var m in GetOneGetModules(moduleData))
                            yield return(m);
Пример #8
        public void Invoke(string command, params string[] arguments)
            var p = PowerShell.Create();

            p.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("request", _request);
            p.AddScript(_request.HelperModuleText, false);
            foreach (var result in p.Invoke())
                // dunno what to do with the result yet.
            p = null;

            using (dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell()) {
                // grant access to the current call request.
                ps["request"] = _request;

                // import our new helpers
                DynamicPowershellResult result = ps.ImportModule(Name: _request.HelperModulePath, PassThru: true);
                if (!result.Success)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to load helper module for install script.");

                result = ps.InvokeExpression(command);

                if (!result.Success)
                    foreach (var i in result.Errors)
                        _request.Error(i.CategoryInfo.Reason, i.Exception.Message, null);
                    throw new Exception("Failed executing chocolatey script.");

                ps["request"] = null;
Пример #9
        internal IEnumerable <string> ScanForModules(PsRequest request)
            // two places we search for modules
            // 1. in this assembly's folder, look for all psd1 and psm1 files.
            // 2. modules in the PSMODULEPATH
            // Import each one of those, and check to see if they have a OneGet.Providers section in their private data

            using (var ps = new DynamicPowershell()) {
                // load the powershell functions into this runspace in case something needed it on module load.
                var psf = ps.ImportModule(PowerShellProviderFunctions, true);

                // scan all the ps modules in the folders provided
                foreach (var each in AlternativeModuleScan(request))
                    foreach (var ogModule in ps.TestModuleManifest(each).SelectMany(GetOneGetModules))
                        yield return(ogModule);
Пример #10
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                if (_powershell != null)
                    _powershell = null;
                if (_result != null)
                    _result = null;
                if (_reentrancyLock != null)
                    _reentrancyLock = null;

                _module = null;
Пример #11
        public override void Configure(Container container)
            _configured = true;
             // Feature disableFeatures = Feature.Jsv | Feature.Soap;
            SetConfig(new EndpointHostConfig {
                // EnableFeatures = Feature.All.Remove(disableFeatures), //all formats except of JSV and SOAP
                DebugMode = true, //Show StackTraces in service responses during development
                WriteErrorsToResponse = false, //Disable exception handling
                DefaultContentType = ContentType.Json, //Change default content type
                AllowJsonpRequests = true, //Enable JSONP requests
                ServiceName = "RestService",
            LogManager.LogFactory = new DebugLogFactory();

            using (dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell(SharedRunspacePool)) {
                foreach (var commandName in _commands) {
                    PSObject command = ps.ResolveCommand(commandName);

                    if (command != null) {
                        var cmdletInfo = (command.ImmediateBaseObject as CmdletInfo);
                        if (cmdletInfo != null) {
                            Routes.Add(cmdletInfo.ImplementingType, "/"+commandName+"/", "GET");
Пример #12
 public PowerShellPackageProvider(DynamicPowershell ps, PSModuleInfo module) : base(ps, module)
Пример #13
        internal IEnumerable <string> ScanForModules(Request request)
            // two places we search for modules
            // 1. in this assembly's folder, look for all psd1 and psm1 files.
            // 2. modules in the PSMODULEPATH
            // Import each one of those, and check to see if they have a OneGet.Providers section in their private data

            using (dynamic ps = new DynamicPowershell()) {
                if (BaseFolder != null)
                    var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(BaseFolder, "*.psd1", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                    // load the powershell functions into this runspace in case something needed it on module load.
                    var psf = ps.ImportModule(Name: PowerShellProviderFunctions, PassThru: true);

                    var testProviders = Directory.EnumerateFiles(BaseFolder, "*.psm1", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                    foreach (var provider in testProviders)
                        yield return(provider);

                    foreach (var each in files)
                        DynamicPowershellResult items = ps.ImportModule(Name: each, PassThru: true);
                        var errors = items.Errors.ToArray();

                        if (errors.Any())
                            request.Debug("\r\n\r\n==================================================================================\r\n===In Module '{0}'", each);

                            foreach (var error in errors)
                                try {
                                    switch (error.CategoryInfo.Category)
                                    case System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory.ResourceUnavailable:
                                        // file not found

                                        request.Debug("  PowerShell {0} {1} ", error.CategoryInfo.Category, error.Exception.Message);
                                } catch (Exception e) {

                        foreach (var onegetModule in items.OfType <PSModuleInfo>().SelectMany(GetOneGetModules))
                            yield return(onegetModule);

                foreach (var onegetModule in ModulesFromResult((DynamicPowershellResult)ps.GetModule(ListAvailable: true)).SelectMany(GetOneGetModules))
                    yield return(onegetModule);