Пример #1
        private static DxfModel CreateModelWithAxes()
            DxfModel model;
            model = new DxfModel();
            double width = 100d;
            double height = 100d;
            DxfLine xaxis = new DxfLine(new Point2D(0d, 0d), new Point2D(width, 0d));
            xaxis.Color = EntityColors.LightGray;

            DxfLine yaxis = new DxfLine(new Point2D(0d, 0d), new Point2D(0d, height));
            yaxis.Color = EntityColors.LightGray;

            DxfText originLabel = new DxfText("0", new Point3D(-1d, -1d, 0d), 0.5d);
            originLabel.Color = EntityColors.GreenYellow;

            DxfText xaxisLabel = new DxfText("10", new Point3D(width, -1d, 0d), 0.5d);
            xaxisLabel.Color = EntityColors.GreenYellow;

            DxfText yaxisLabel = new DxfText("10", new Point3D(-1, height, 0d), 0.5d);
            yaxisLabel.Color = EntityColors.GreenYellow;

            return model;
Пример #2
        public static void TopSupportRFT(DxfModel model, int nSpans)
            TopSupport = new DxfLine[nSpans - 1];

            //Case Of Cantilever Start Span
            if (GeometryEditorVM.GeometryEditor.RestraintsCollection[0].SelectedRestraint != Restraints.NoRestraints)
                TopSupport[0] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(DXFPoints.endPointsTop[0].X - Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[0], 0.33 * Ln[1]) - 0.25, DXFPoints.endPointsTop[0].Y - 0.05)
                                            , new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsTop[1].X + Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[0], 0.33 * Ln[1]) + 0.25, DXFPoints.startPointsTop[1].Y - 0.05));

            for (int i = 1; i < TopSupport.Length - 1; i++)
                TopSupport[i] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(DXFPoints.endPointsTop[i].X - Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[i], 0.33 * Ln[i + 1]) - 0.25, DXFPoints.endPointsTop[i].Y - 0.05)
                                            , new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsTop[i + 1].X + Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[i], 0.33 * Ln[i + 1]) + 0.25, DXFPoints.startPointsTop[i + 1].Y - 0.05));

            //Case of Cantilever end Span
            if (GeometryEditorVM.GeometryEditor.RestraintsCollection[SpanVals.Length].SelectedRestraint != Restraints.NoRestraints)
                TopSupport[TopSupport.Length - 1] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(DXFPoints.endPointsTop[TopSupport.Length - 1].X - Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[TopSupport.Length - 1], 0.33 * Ln[TopSupport.Length - 1 + 1]) - 0.25, DXFPoints.endPointsTop[TopSupport.Length - 1].Y - 0.05)
                                                                , new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsTop[TopSupport.Length - 1 + 1].X + Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[TopSupport.Length - 1], 0.33 * Ln[TopSupport.Length - 1 + 1]) + 0.25, DXFPoints.startPointsTop[TopSupport.Length - 1 + 1].Y - 0.05));
                model.Entities.Add(TopSupport[TopSupport.Length - 1]);
Пример #3
        public void WriteMultipleXDataFromEntityTest()
            var file = new DxfFile();

            file.Header.Version = DxfAcadVersion.R14;
            var line = new DxfLine();

            line.XData["group_name_1"] = new DxfXDataApplicationItemCollection(
                new DxfXDataReal(1.0),
                new DxfXDataReal(2.0)
            line.XData["group_name_2"] = new DxfXDataApplicationItemCollection(
                new DxfXDataItemList(new[] { new DxfXDataWorldSpacePosition(new DxfPoint(11.0, 22.0, 33.0)) }),
                new DxfXDataReal(3.0)
                               (1001, "group_name_1"),
                               (1040, 1.0),
                               (1040, 2.0),
                               (1001, "group_name_2"),
                               (1002, "{"),
                               (1011, 11.0),
                               (1021, 22.0),
                               (1031, 33.0),
                               (1002, "}"),
                               (1040, 3.0)
        public static void ConstructGrids(DxfModel model, int nSpans, double[] comSpanVals)
            DxfLine[] grids = new DxfLine[nSpans + 1];

            //Case of Cantilever at start
            //if (GeometryEditorVM.GeometryEditor.RestraintsCollection[0].SelectedRestraint != Restraints.NoRestraints)
            //    grids[0] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Red, new Point2D(comSpanVals[0], DXFPoints.startPointsTop[0].Y - 2)
            //        , new Point2D(comSpanVals[0], DXFPoints.startPointsTop[0].Y + 1));
            //    model.Entities.Add(grids[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < grids.Length; i++)
                grids[i] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Red, new Point2D(comSpanVals[i], DXFPoints.startPointsTop[0].Y - 2)
                                       , new Point2D(comSpanVals[i], DXFPoints.startPointsTop[0].Y + 1));

            //Case of Cantilever at End
            //if (GeometryEditorVM.GeometryEditor.RestraintsCollection[RFTCanvas.SpanVals.Length].SelectedRestraint != Restraints.NoRestraints)
            //    grids[grids.Length - 1] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Red, new Point2D(comSpanVals[grids.Length - 1], DXFPoints.startPointsTop[0].Y - 2)
            //        , new Point2D(comSpanVals[grids.Length - 1], DXFPoints.startPointsTop[0].Y + 1));
            //    model.Entities.Add(grids[grids.Length - 1]);
        public static DxfLine[] BotRFT(DxfModel model, int nSpans, Point2D[] startPointsBot, Point2D[] endPointsBot)
            DxfLine[] BottomRFT = new DxfLine[nSpans];
            BottomRFT[0] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(startPointsBot[0].X - 0.25, 0.05), new Point2D(endPointsBot[0].X + 0.35, 0.05));
            for (int i = 1; i < BottomRFT.Length - 1; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 1)
                    BottomRFT[i] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(startPointsBot[i].X - 0.35, 0.07), new Point2D(endPointsBot[i].X + 0.35, 0.07));
                    BottomRFT[i] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(startPointsBot[i].X - 0.35, 0.05), new Point2D(endPointsBot[i].X + 0.35, 0.05));
            if ((nSpans - 1) % 2 == 1)
                BottomRFT[nSpans - 1] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(startPointsBot[nSpans - 1].X - 0.35, 0.07), new Point2D(endPointsBot[nSpans - 1].X + 0.25, 0.07));
            else if ((nSpans - 1) % 2 == 0)
                BottomRFT[nSpans - 1] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(startPointsBot[nSpans - 1].X - 0.35, 0.05), new Point2D(endPointsBot[nSpans - 1].X + 0.25, 0.05));
            model.Entities.Add(BottomRFT[nSpans - 1]);

Пример #6
        public void GetInsertEntitiesWhenAddedToFile()
            var line = new DxfLine(new DxfPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), new DxfPoint(1.0, 1.0, 0.0));

            var block = new DxfBlock();

            block.Name = "some-block";

            var insert = new DxfInsert();

            insert.Name = "some-block";

            var file = new DxfFile();


            // no entities because it's not yet part of the file


            // and now that it's in the file the entities can be found
            var foundEntity = insert.Entities.Single();

            Assert.Same(line, foundEntity);
Пример #7
        //public static DxfLine[,] StirrupsMidSpanSec(DxfModel model, int nSpans, double thickness, Point2D[] startPointsBot, Point2D[] endPointsBot)
        //    double spacingMidSpan = 0;
        //    double sec2Spacing = 150;
        //    DxfLine[,] stirrupsMidspan = new DxfLine[nSpans, 3];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < stirrupsMidspan.GetLength(0); i++)
        //    {
        //        spacingMidSpan = 0;
        //        for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsMidspan.GetLength(1); j++)
        //        {
        //            stirrupsMidspan[i, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(startPointsBot[i].X + 0.50 * (endPointsBot[i].X - startPointsBot[i].X) - 0.15 + (spacingMidSpan / 1000), 0.07)
        //            , new Point2D(startPointsBot[i].X + 0.50 * (endPointsBot[i].X - startPointsBot[i].X) - 0.15 + (spacingMidSpan / 1000), thickness - 0.07));
        //            model.Entities.Add(stirrupsMidspan[i, j]);
        //            spacingMidSpan += sec2Spacing;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return stirrupsMidspan;

        public static void StirrupsRightSec(DxfModel model, int nSpans)
            double spacingRight = 0;
            double sec3Spacing  = 150;

            stirrupsRight = new DxfLine[nSpans, 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < stirrupsRight.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
                spacingRight = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsRight.GetLength(1); j++)
                    stirrupsRight[i, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(DXFPoints.endPointsBot[i].X - 0.05 - (spacingRight / 1000), DXFPoints.endPointsTop[i].Y /*- 0.05*/)
                                                      , new Point2D(DXFPoints.endPointsBot[i].X - 0.05 - (spacingRight / 1000), DXFPoints.endPointsBot[i].Y /*+ 0.07*/));
                    model.Entities.Add(stirrupsRight[i, j]);
                    spacingRight += sec3Spacing;

            /*--------Case Of Cantilever At End ----------*/
            if (GeometryEditorVM.GeometryEditor.RestraintsCollection[RFTCanvas.SpanVals.Length].SelectedRestraint != Restraints.NoRestraints)
                spacingRight = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsRight.GetLength(1); j++)
                    stirrupsRight[stirrupsRight.GetLength(0) - 1, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(DXFPoints.endPointsBot[stirrupsRight.GetLength(0) - 1].X - 0.05 - (spacingRight / 1000), DXFPoints.endPointsTop[stirrupsRight.GetLength(0) - 1].Y /*- 0.05*/)
                                                                                   , new Point2D(DXFPoints.endPointsBot[stirrupsRight.GetLength(0) - 1].X - 0.05 - (spacingRight / 1000), DXFPoints.endPointsBot[stirrupsRight.GetLength(0) - 1].Y /*+ 0.07*/));
                    model.Entities.Add(stirrupsRight[stirrupsRight.GetLength(0) - 1, j]);
                    spacingRight += sec3Spacing;
Пример #8
        public static void StirrupsLeftSec(DxfModel model, int nSpans)
            double spacingLeft = 0;
            double sec1Spacing = 150;

            stirrupsLeft = new DxfLine[nSpans, 3];

            /*------Case Of Cantilever At Start --------*/
            if (GeometryEditorVM.GeometryEditor.RestraintsCollection[0].SelectedRestraint != Restraints.NoRestraints)
                spacingLeft = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsLeft.GetLength(1); j++)
                    stirrupsLeft[0, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsBot[0].X + 0.05 + (spacingLeft / 1000), DXFPoints.startPointsTop[0].Y /* - 0.05*/)
                                                     , new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsBot[0].X + 0.05 + (spacingLeft / 1000), DXFPoints.startPointsBot[0].Y /*--*/ /*+ 0.07*/));
                    model.Entities.Add(stirrupsLeft[0, j]);
                    spacingLeft += sec1Spacing;

            for (int i = 1; i < stirrupsLeft.GetLength(0); i++)
                spacingLeft = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsLeft.GetLength(1); j++)
                    stirrupsLeft[i, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsBot[i].X + 0.05 + (spacingLeft / 1000), DXFPoints.startPointsTop[i].Y /* - 0.05*/)
                                                     , new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsBot[i].X + 0.05 + (spacingLeft / 1000), DXFPoints.startPointsBot[i].Y /*--*/ /*+ 0.07*/));
                    model.Entities.Add(stirrupsLeft[i, j]);
                    spacingLeft += sec1Spacing;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制风扇
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dxf"></param>
        /// <param name="startPoint">风扇起点,如果为横置,由左向右;如果为竖置,由下到上</param>
        /// <param name="endPoint">风扇终点,如果为横置,由左向右;如果为竖置,由下到上</param>
        /// <param name="pointerDDLocation">箭头位置,默认=0为无,=1代表箭头在中间,=2代表箭头在底部</param>
        public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, Point3D startPoint, Point3D endPoint, int pointerDDLocation = 0)
            DxfLine DxfLine = new DxfLine(startPoint, endPoint);

            if (startPoint.Y == endPoint.Y)
                double segment = (endPoint.X - startPoint.X) / 4;
                Slash.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X + segment, startPoint.Y, startPoint.Z));
                Slash.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X + 2 * segment, startPoint.Y, startPoint.Z));
                Slash.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X + 3 * segment, startPoint.Y, startPoint.Z));
            else if (startPoint.X == endPoint.X)
                double segment = (endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) / 5;
                Slash.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + segment, startPoint.Z));
                Slash.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + 2 * segment, startPoint.Z));
                Slash.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + 3 * segment, startPoint.Z));
                Slash.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + 4 * segment, startPoint.Z));
                if (pointerDDLocation == 1)
                    DxfLinePointer.Draw(dxf,new DLocation(startPoint.X,(startPoint.Y+endPoint.Y)/2,startPoint.Z));
                else if(pointerDDLocation==2)
                    DxfLinePointer.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.Z));
Пример #10
        public void InsertBoundingBox()
            var line   = new DxfLine(new DxfPoint(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), new DxfPoint(2.0, 3.0, 0.0));
            var offset = new DxfVector(2.0, 2.0, 0.0);

            var block = new DxfBlock();

            block.Name = "some-block";

            var insert = new DxfInsert();

            insert.Name         = "some-block";
            insert.Location     = offset;
            insert.XScaleFactor = 2.0;

            var file = new DxfFile();


            var boundingBox = file.GetBoundingBox();

            Assert.Equal(new DxfPoint(4.0, 3.0, 0.0), boundingBox.MinimumPoint);
            Assert.Equal(new DxfPoint(6.0, 5.0, 0.0), boundingBox.MaximumPoint);
Пример #11
 public string EntityToJson(DxfLine dxfLine)
     return(string.Format(Format, "[\"line\",{0:F},{1:F},{2:F},{3:F}]",
Пример #12
        public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation)
            Point3D v1 = new Point3D(DLocation.X - 0.5d, DLocation.Y - 1.0d, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 0.5d, DLocation.Y + 1.0d, DLocation.Z);

            DxfLine DxfLine12 = new DxfLine(v1, v2);
Пример #13
 public void RenderEntity(DxfLine dxfLine, Graphics graphics, int height)
                       (float)dxfLine.P1.X * ScaleFactor + OffsetX,
                       height - (float)dxfLine.P1.Y * ScaleFactor + OffsetY,
                       (float)dxfLine.P2.X * ScaleFactor + OffsetX,
                       height - (float)dxfLine.P2.Y * ScaleFactor + OffsetY);
Пример #14
        public void FileBoundingBoxTest()
            var file = new DxfFile();
            var line = new DxfLine(new DxfPoint(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), new DxfPoint(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));

            Assert.Equal(new DxfBoundingBox(DxfPoint.Origin, new DxfVector(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)), file.GetBoundingBox());
 public static void ConstructGrids(DxfModel model, int nSpans, double thickness, double[] comSpanVals)
     DxfLine[] grids = new DxfLine[nSpans + 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < grids.Length; i++)
         grids[i] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Red, new Point2D(comSpanVals[i], -1), new Point2D(comSpanVals[i], thickness + 1));
 public static void ConstructBottomLines(DxfModel model, int nSpans, Point2D[] startPointsBot, Point2D[] endPointsBot)
     DxfLine[] linesBot = new DxfLine[nSpans];
     for (int i = 0; i < nSpans; i++)
         linesBot[i] = new DxfLine(startPointsBot[i], endPointsBot[i]);
 public static void ConstructTopLines(DxfModel model, int nSpans, Point2D[] startPointsTop, Point2D[] endPointsTop)
     DxfLine[] linesTop = new DxfLine[nSpans];
     for (int i = 0; i < nSpans; i++)
         linesTop[i] = new DxfLine(startPointsTop[i], endPointsTop[i]);
Пример #18
        private DxfLine ReadLineExtension3D(BinaryReader reader)
            var x    = ReadN(reader);
            var y    = ReadN(reader);
            var z    = ReadN(reader);
            var line = new DxfLine(_lastLinePoint, new DxfPoint(x, y, z));

            _lastLinePoint = line.P2;
Пример #19
        private DxfLine ReadLineExtension(BinaryReader reader)
            var x    = ReadN(reader);
            var y    = ReadN(reader);
            var to   = new DxfPoint(x, y, 0.0);
            var line = new DxfLine(_lastLinePoint, to);

            _lastLinePoint = to;
Пример #20
        private static IEnumerable <IPdfPathItem> ConvertLine(DxfLine line, DxfLayer layer, Matrix4 affine)
            var p1             = affine.Transform(line.P1).ToPdfPoint(PdfMeasurementType.Point);
            var p2             = affine.Transform(line.P2).ToPdfPoint(PdfMeasurementType.Point);
            var pdfStreamState = new PdfStreamState(
                strokeColor: GetPdfColor(line, layer),
                strokeWidth: GetStrokeWidth(line, layer));

            yield return(new PdfLine(p1, p2, pdfStreamState));
Пример #21
        void ProcessDxfLine(DxfLine dxfLine)
            PicSegment picSegment = Factory.AddSegment(
                DxfColor2PicLT(dxfLine), 0, 0
                , new Vector2D(dxfLine.P1.X, dxfLine.P1.Y)
                , new Vector2D(dxfLine.P2.X, dxfLine.P2.Y)

            picSegment.Group = DxfLayer2PicGrp(dxfLine.Layer);
Пример #22
        public static DxfLine AtHeight(this DxfLine line, double z)
            var newLine = new DxfLine(line.P1.AtHeight(z), line.P2.AtHeight(z))
                Thickness = line.Thickness,
                ColorName = line.ColorName

Пример #23
 private void WriteLine(DxfLine line)
Пример #24
        public void RenderLineTest()
            var line     = new DxfLine(new DxfPoint(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), new DxfPoint(4.0, 5.0, 6.0));
            var expected = new XElement("line",
                                        new XAttribute("x1", "1.0"), new XAttribute("y1", "2.0"), new XAttribute("x2", "4.0"), new XAttribute("y2", "5.0"),
                                        new XAttribute("stroke-width", "1.0px"),
                                        new XAttribute("vector-effect", "non-scaling-stroke"));
            var actual = line.ToXElement();

            AssertXElement(expected, actual);
 public static DxfLine[] TopSupportRFT(DxfModel model, int nSpans, double thickness, double[] Ln, Point2D[] startPointsTop, Point2D[] endPointsTop)
     DxfLine[] TopSupport = new DxfLine[nSpans - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < TopSupport.Length; i++)
         TopSupport[i] = new DxfLine(EntityColors.Blue, new Point2D(endPointsTop[i].X - Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[i], 0.33 * Ln[i + 1]) - 0.25, thickness - 0.05)
                                     , new Point2D(startPointsTop[i + 1].X + Math.Max(0.33 * Ln[i], 0.33 * Ln[i + 1]) + 0.25, thickness - 0.05));
Пример #26
 public static XElement ToXElement(this DxfLine line)
     return(new XElement(DxfToSvgConverter.Xmlns + "line",
                         new XAttribute("x1", line.P1.X.ToDisplayString()),
                         new XAttribute("y1", line.P1.Y.ToDisplayString()),
                         new XAttribute("x2", line.P2.X.ToDisplayString()),
                         new XAttribute("y2", line.P2.Y.ToDisplayString()))
Пример #27
        public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation)
            Point3D v1 = new Point3D(DLocation.X - 2.0d, DLocation.Y + 4.0d, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 2.0d, DLocation.Y + 4.0d, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v0=new Point3D(DLocation.X,DLocation.Y,DLocation.Z);

            DxfLine DxfLine10 = new DxfLine(v0, v1);

            DxfLine DxfLine20 = new DxfLine(v0, v2);
Пример #28
        private IEnumerable <DxfLine> TraceDxf(DxfFile dxf, Settings settings, double unitsConversion)
            var lines = GetLines(dxf, settings)
                        .Select(l => Move.Scale(l, unitsConversion))

            if (!lines.Any())
                yield break;

            var points = lines.SelectMany(l => new[] { l.P1, l.P2 }).Distinct().ToArray();

            var minX   = points.Min(p => p.X);
            var minY   = points.Min(p => p.Y);
            var maxX   = points.Max(p => p.X);
            var maxY   = points.Max(p => p.Y);
            var totalX = maxX - minX;
            var totalY = maxY - minY;

            Console.WriteLine($"{totalX:F4}w x {totalY:F4}y");

            var offsetAndTransformOriginX = -settings.OffsetX - minX;
            var offsetAndTransformOriginY = -settings.OffsetY - minY;

            var moveHeight = 0;

            var aboveOrigin = new DxfPoint(0, 0, moveHeight);

            yield return(Move.CreateMove(aboveOrigin, aboveOrigin, moveHeight));

            yield return(Move.Transform(
                                 new DxfPoint(minX, minY, moveHeight),
                                 lines[0].P1, moveHeight),

            DxfLine lastLine = null;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                lastLine = Move.Transform(line, offsetAndTransformOriginX, offsetAndTransformOriginY, line.P1.Z);
                yield return(lastLine);

            yield return(Move.CreateMove(lastLine.P2, lastLine.P2, moveHeight));

            yield return(Move.CreateMove(lastLine.P2, new DxfPoint(settings.OffsetX, settings.OffsetY, moveHeight), moveHeight));
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 风向绘制
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dxf"></param>
        /// <param name="DLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="isRight"></param>
        public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation, bool isRight)
            double factor = 0.5f;
            Point3D v1 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v2 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v3 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v4 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v5 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v6 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v7 = new Point3D();
            if (isRight)
                v1 = new Point3D(10*factor + DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
                v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 10 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v3 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 10 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v4 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 20 * factor, DLocation.Y + 15 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v5 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 20 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v6 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 20 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v7 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 30 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v1 = new Point3D(10 * factor + DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
                v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 20 * factor, DLocation.Y + 10 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v3 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 10 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v4 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 15 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v5 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 20 * factor, DLocation.Y + 20 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v6 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 20 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v7 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 30 * factor, DLocation.Z);
            DxfLine DxfLine23 = new DxfLine(v2, v3);

            DxfLine DxfLine56 = new DxfLine(v5, v6);

            DxfLine DxfLine14 = new DxfLine(v1, v4);

            DxfLine DxfLine74 = new DxfLine(v7, v4);

            DxfLine DxfLine25 = new DxfLine(v2, v5);

            DxfLine DxfLine71 = new DxfLine(v7, v1);
Пример #30
        public static DxfLine Scale(DxfLine line, double ratio)
            var p1 = new DxfPoint(
                line.P1.X * ratio,
                line.P1.Y * ratio,

            var p2 = new DxfPoint(
                line.P2.X * ratio,
                line.P2.Y * ratio,

            var result = IsMove(line) ? CreateMove(p1, p2, p2.Z) : CreateLine(p1, p2, p2.Z);

Пример #31
        public static DxfLine Transform(DxfLine line, double negativeOffsetX, double negativeOffsetY, double z)
            var p1 = new DxfPoint(
                line.P1.X + negativeOffsetX,
                line.P1.Y + negativeOffsetY,

            var p2 = new DxfPoint(
                line.P2.X + negativeOffsetX,
                line.P2.Y + negativeOffsetY,

            var result = IsMove(line) ? CreateMove(p1, p2, z) : CreateLine(p1, p2, z);

Пример #32
        public static void StirrupsLeftSec(DxfModel model, int nSpans)
            double spacingLeft = 0;
            double sec1Spacing = 150;

            stirrupsLeft = new DxfLine[nSpans, 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < stirrupsLeft.GetLength(0); i++)
                spacingLeft = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsLeft.GetLength(1); j++)
                    stirrupsLeft[i, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsBot[i].X + 0.05 + (spacingLeft / 1000), 0.05)
                                                     , new Point2D(DXFPoints.startPointsBot[i].X + 0.05 + (spacingLeft / 1000), DXFPoints.startPointsBot[i].Y /*--*/ - 0.07));
                    model.Entities.Add(stirrupsLeft[i, j]);
                    spacingLeft += sec1Spacing;
Пример #33
        public void WriteEntityWithNullLayerTest()
            var line = new DxfLine()
                Layer = ""

            EnsureFileContainsEntity(line, @"
Пример #34
        public static List<DxfEntity> Create(int xNum, int yNum, double xLen, double yLen, double thickness)
            List<DxfEntity> entities = new List<DxfEntity>();
            List<List<Point2D>> ptsVector = new List<List<Point2D>>();
            for (int row = 0; row < yNum; row++)
                List<Point2D> ptsSameRow = new List<Point2D>();
                bool isEvenLine = row % 2 == 0;
                double xOffset = isEvenLine ? xLen / 2.0 : 0;
                for (int col = 0; col < xNum; col++)
                    double xPos = xOffset + col * xLen;
                    double yPos = row * yLen;
                    ptsSameRow.Add(new Point2D(xPos, yPos));

            for (int r = 0; r < yNum - 1; r++)
                List<Point2D> bottomRow = ptsVector[r];
                List<Point2D> upperRow = ptsVector[r+1];
                for (int c = 0; c < xNum; c++)
                    bool isEvenLine = r % 2 == 0;
                    Point2D ptStart = bottomRow[c];
                    Point2D ptEnd1 = upperRow[c];
                    var line = new DxfLine(ptStart, ptEnd1);
                    line.Thickness = thickness;
                    line.Color = EntityColors.White;

                    int ptEnd2Col = isEvenLine ? c + 1 : c - 1;
                    if (ptEnd2Col < 0 || ptEnd2Col >= xNum)
                    Point2D ptEnd2 = upperRow[ptEnd2Col];
                    line = new DxfLine(ptStart, ptEnd2);
                    line.Color = EntityColors.White;
                    line.Thickness = thickness;
            return entities;
        public static DxfLine[,] StirrupsRightSec(DxfModel model, int nSpans, double thickness, Point2D[] endPointsBot)
            double spacingRight = 0;
            double sec3Spacing  = 150;

            DxfLine[,] stirrupsRight = new DxfLine[nSpans, 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < stirrupsRight.GetLength(0); i++)
                spacingRight = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsRight.GetLength(1); j++)
                    stirrupsRight[i, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(endPointsBot[i].X - 0.05 - (spacingRight / 1000), 0.05)
                                                      , new Point2D(endPointsBot[i].X - 0.05 - (spacingRight / 1000), thickness - 0.07));
                    model.Entities.Add(stirrupsRight[i, j]);
                    spacingRight += sec3Spacing;
        public static DxfLine[,] StirrupsMidSpanSec(DxfModel model, int nSpans, double thickness, Point2D[] startPointsBot, Point2D[] endPointsBot)
            double spacingMidSpan = 0;
            double sec2Spacing    = 150;

            DxfLine[,] stirrupsMidspan = new DxfLine[nSpans, 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < stirrupsMidspan.GetLength(0); i++)
                spacingMidSpan = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < stirrupsMidspan.GetLength(1); j++)
                    stirrupsMidspan[i, j] = new DxfLine(new Point2D(startPointsBot[i].X + 0.50 * (endPointsBot[i].X - startPointsBot[i].X) - 0.15 + (spacingMidSpan / 1000), 0.07)
                                                        , new Point2D(startPointsBot[i].X + 0.50 * (endPointsBot[i].X - startPointsBot[i].X) - 0.15 + (spacingMidSpan / 1000), thickness - 0.07));
                    model.Entities.Add(stirrupsMidspan[i, j]);
                    spacingMidSpan += sec2Spacing;
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制左下角区域的Section块
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dxf"></param>
        /// <param name="DLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="configurations"></param>
        public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation,SectionEntity sectionEntity)
            double factor=0.6f;
            Point3D v1 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 40.0d*factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 50.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 40.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v3 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 90.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 40.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v4 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 140.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 40.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v5 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 50.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v6 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 140.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 50.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v7 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 60.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v8 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 140.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 60.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v9 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 70.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v10 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 50.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 70.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v11 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 90.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 70.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v12 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 140.0d * factor, DLocation.Y + 70.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            DxfLine DxfLine14 = new DxfLine(v1, v4);

            DxfLine DxfLine56 = new DxfLine(v5, v6);

            DxfLine DxfLine78 = new DxfLine(v7, v8);

            DxfLine DxfLine912 = new DxfLine(v9, v12);

            DxfLine DxfLine91 = new DxfLine(v9, v1);

            DxfLine DxfLine210 = new DxfLine(v2, v10);

            DxfLine DxfLine311 = new DxfLine(v3, v11);

            DxfLine DxfLine412 = new DxfLine(v4, v12);

            //new DxfDxfText("Line, DxfCircle, DxfArc, dimension, DxfText (R12)", new Point3D(0, 18d, 0d), 1.5d,)

            //DxfTextStyle style = new DxfTextStyle("True type font", "Arial.ttf");
            Point3D vt1 = new Point3D(v1.X+1.0d, v1.Y+2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t1 = new DxfText("COIL", vt1, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt2 = new Point3D(v2.X + 1.0d, v2.Y + 2.5f, v2.Z);
            DxfText t2 = new DxfText("CLF", vt2, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt3 = new Point3D(v3.X + 1.0d, v3.Y + 2.5f, v3.Z);
            DxfText t3 = new DxfText(sectionEntity.CoolValue, vt3, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt4 = new Point3D(v5.X + 1.0d, v5.Y + 2.5f, v5.Z);
            DxfText t4 = new DxfText("FILTER", vt4, 2.0d);


            Point3D vt5 = new Point3D(v2.X + 1.0d, v5.Y + 2.5f, v5.Z);
            DxfText t5 = new DxfText("FTA", vt5, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt6 = new Point3D(v3.X + 1.0d, v5.Y + 2.5f, v5.Z);
            DxfText t6 = new DxfText(sectionEntity.FilterValue, vt6, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt7 = new Point3D(v7.X + 1.0d, v7.Y + 2.5f, v7.Z);
            DxfText t7 = new DxfText("SECTION", vt7, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt8 = new Point3D(v2.X + 1.0d, v7.Y + 2.5f, v7.Z);
            DxfText t8 = new DxfText("MODULE", vt8, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt9 = new Point3D(v3.X + 1.0d, v7.Y + 2.5f, v7.Z);
            DxfText t9 = new DxfText("CLEARANCE", vt9, 2.0d);
Пример #38
        public static void writeDoubleDoorRectangle(DxfModel doc,DLocation DLocation,string [] DxfText,double height,double width,double outer_mid_space,double outer_in_space)
            DxfLine outerLeftDxfLine=new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X+width/2-width/14,DLocation.Y+outer_mid_space,DLocation.Z),new Point3D(DLocation.X+width/2-width/14,DLocation.Y+height-outer_mid_space,DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z));

            writeDoorRectangle(doc, DLocation,DxfText, height, width, outer_mid_space, outer_in_space);
Пример #39
        public static void writeOuterDoorRectangle(DxfModel doc, DLocation DLocation,double height, double width)
            DxfLine outerBottomDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerTopDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z));

Пример #40
        public static void assembleDetailMechine(List<PictureBoxInfo> imageNameList, DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation, DetailMechineConfigure dmc,int coolingType)
            int firstLayerWidth = 0;
            bool existTwoLayerElement = false;
            int upFirstElement=isTwoLayers(imageNameList);
            if (upFirstElement!=-1)
                if (isExistTwoLayerElement(imageNameList))
                    existTwoLayerElement = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < imageNameList.Count; i++)
                            if (imageNameList.ElementAt(i).name.Equals("HRA"))
                                PictureBoxInfo pictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                                pictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y += (pictureBoxInfo.height-2)/2+ 2;
                                assembleDetailMechine(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, pictureBoxInfo.DLocation,pictureBoxInfo.text, Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.height), Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.width), dmc.outer_mid_space, dmc.outer_in_space, dmc.barHeight, dmc.barWidth);

                                PictureBoxInfo pictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                                pictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y += pictureBoxInfo.height * 2 + 4;

                                assembleDetailMechine(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, pictureBoxInfo.DLocation, pictureBoxInfo.text, Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.height), Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.width), dmc.outer_mid_space, dmc.outer_in_space, dmc.barHeight, dmc.barWidth);

                                PictureBoxInfo topPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                                writeTopOrBottomDimension(topPictureBoxInfo, dxf, "top", 16, 3, 8);

                             PictureBoxInfo pictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                             firstLayerWidth += pictureBoxInfo.width;
                             assembleDetailMechine(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, pictureBoxInfo.DLocation, pictureBoxInfo.text, Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.height), Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.width), dmc.outer_mid_space, dmc.outer_in_space, dmc.barHeight, dmc.barWidth);

                             writeTopOrBottomDimension(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, "bottom");

                             DLocation standDLocation = imageNameList.ElementAt(i).DLocation;
                             if (i == 0)
                                 writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                                 writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X - 2, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                                 writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "right");


                    DLocation lastDLocation = new DLocation(imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.X + imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).width, imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.Y, imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.Z);
                    writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(lastDLocation.X - 2, lastDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, lastDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                    writeBottomStandDimension(new DLocation(lastDLocation.X, lastDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, lastDLocation.Z), lastDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                    if (imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement).name.Equals("HRA"))
                        if (imageNameList.ElementAt(0).name.Equals("virtualHRA"))

                            PictureBoxInfo oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement);
                            DLocation one_startDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X , oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_secondDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X, oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.firstDistance, oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_thirdDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X , one_secondDLocation.Y + oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.secondDistance, oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_fourthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X , one_startDLocation.Y + oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.thirdDistance, oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_fifthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X , one_fourthDLocation.Y + oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.secondDistance, oneFirstleftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_secondDLocation, dxf, "left", 5, 3, 15);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_secondDLocation, one_thirdDLocation, dxf, "left", 5, 3, 15);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_fourthDLocation, dxf, "left", 5, 3, 15);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_fourthDLocation, one_fifthDLocation, dxf, "left", 5, 3, 15);
                            PictureBoxInfo oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement);
                            DLocation one_startDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X , oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_fourthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X , one_startDLocation.Y + oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.thirdDistance, oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_fifthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X , one_fourthDLocation.Y + oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.secondDistance, oneFirstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_fourthDLocation, dxf, "left", 5, 3, 8);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_fourthDLocation, one_fifthDLocation, dxf, "left", 5, 3, 8);

                            PictureBoxInfo firstPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(0);
                            writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstPictureBoxInfo, firstPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "left");
                            //PictureBoxInfo upFirstPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement);
                            //writeLeftOrRightDimension(upFirstPictureBoxInfo, upFirstPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "left");

                        PictureBoxInfo firstPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(0);
                        writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstPictureBoxInfo, firstPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "left");
                        PictureBoxInfo upFirstPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement);
                        writeLeftOrRightDimension(upFirstPictureBoxInfo, upFirstPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "left");

                    if (imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).name.Equals("HRA"))
                        if (imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).name.Equals("virtualHRA"))

                            PictureBoxInfo oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                            DLocation one_startDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_secondDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.firstDistance, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_thirdDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, one_secondDLocation.Y + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.secondDistance, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_fourthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, one_startDLocation.Y + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.thirdDistance, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_fifthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, one_fourthDLocation.Y + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.secondDistance, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 8);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_secondDLocation, one_thirdDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 8);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_fourthDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 8);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_fourthDLocation, one_fifthDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 8);

                            PictureBoxInfo oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                            DLocation one_TwostartDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_TwosecondDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + (oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height - 2) / 2, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_TwothirdDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + (oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height - 2) / 2 + 2, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_TwoFourthDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_TwostartDLocation, one_TwosecondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_TwothirdDLocation, one_TwoFourthDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);
                            PictureBoxInfo oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                            DLocation one_TwostartDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_TwofourthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, one_TwostartDLocation.Y + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.thirdDistance, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_TwofifthDLocation = new DLocation(oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.width, one_TwofourthDLocation.Y + oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.secondDistance, oneFirstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_TwostartDLocation, one_TwofourthDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 8);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_TwofourthDLocation, one_TwofifthDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 8);

                            PictureBoxInfo twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                            DLocation two_startDLocation = new DLocation(twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + (twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height-2)/2+2, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation two_secondDLocation = new DLocation(twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(two_startDLocation, two_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                            PictureBoxInfo firstRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1);
                            writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstRightPictureBoxInfo, firstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "right");

                            PictureBoxInfo oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1);
                            DLocation one_startDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            DLocation one_secondDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);
                        PictureBoxInfo firstRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1);
                        writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstRightPictureBoxInfo, firstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "right");

                        PictureBoxInfo oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1);
                        DLocation one_startDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                        DLocation one_secondDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                        writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                        PictureBoxInfo upLastPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                        writeLeftOrRightDimension(upLastPictureBoxInfo, upLastPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 8);

                        PictureBoxInfo twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                        DLocation two_startDLocation = new DLocation(twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                        DLocation two_secondDLocation = new DLocation(twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);

                        writeRightSecondDimension(two_startDLocation, two_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                    PictureBoxInfo startRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(0);
                    writeTotalBottomDimension(startRightPictureBoxInfo, firstLayerWidth, dxf, "bottom", 16, 3, 15);
                    DxfLine bottomLine = new DxfLine();
                    bottomLine.Start = new WW.Math.Point3D(startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                    bottomLine.End = new WW.Math.Point3D(startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + firstLayerWidth, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);

                    if (imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement).name.Equals("HRA"))
                        if (upFirstElement != imageNameList.Count - 1)
                            PictureBoxInfo lastPictureInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                            DLocation cushionDLocation = new DLocation(lastPictureInfo.DLocation.X + lastPictureInfo.width, lastPictureInfo.DLocation.Y, lastPictureInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(new DLocation(cushionDLocation.X, cushionDLocation.Y - 2, cushionDLocation.Z), cushionDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 1, 5);
                            PictureBoxInfo lastPictureInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                            DLocation cushionDLocation = new DLocation(lastPictureInfo.DLocation.X + lastPictureInfo.width, lastPictureInfo.DLocation.Y+(lastPictureInfo.height-2)/2+2, lastPictureInfo.DLocation.Z);
                            writeRightSecondDimension(new DLocation(cushionDLocation.X, cushionDLocation.Y - 2, cushionDLocation.Z), cushionDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 1, 5);

                    else if (imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).name.Equals("HRA"))
                        PictureBoxInfo upFirstPictureInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement);
                        DLocation cushionDLocation = new DLocation(upFirstPictureInfo.DLocation.X, upFirstPictureInfo.DLocation.Y, upFirstPictureInfo.DLocation.Z);
                        writeRightSecondDimension(new DLocation(cushionDLocation.X, cushionDLocation.Y - 2, cushionDLocation.Z), cushionDLocation, dxf, "left", 16, 1, 5);
                        PictureBoxInfo lastPictureInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                        DLocation cushionDLocation = new DLocation(lastPictureInfo.DLocation.X + lastPictureInfo.width, lastPictureInfo.DLocation.Y, lastPictureInfo.DLocation.Z);
                        writeRightSecondDimension(new DLocation(cushionDLocation.X, cushionDLocation.Y - 2, cushionDLocation.Z), cushionDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 1, 5);

                    for (int i = 0; i < imageNameList.Count; i++)
                        if (i >= upFirstElement)
                            PictureBoxInfo pictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                            pictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y += pictureBoxInfo.height * 2 + 2;
                            assembleDetailMechine(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, pictureBoxInfo.DLocation, pictureBoxInfo.text, Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.height), Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.width), dmc.outer_mid_space, dmc.outer_in_space, dmc.barHeight, dmc.barWidth);

                            PictureBoxInfo topPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                            writeTopOrBottomDimension(topPictureBoxInfo, dxf, "top", 16, 3, 8);
                            PictureBoxInfo pictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                            firstLayerWidth += pictureBoxInfo.width;
                            assembleDetailMechine(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, pictureBoxInfo.DLocation, pictureBoxInfo.text, Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.height), Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.width), dmc.outer_mid_space, dmc.outer_in_space, dmc.barHeight, dmc.barWidth);
                            writeTopOrBottomDimension(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, "bottom");

                            DLocation standDLocation = imageNameList.ElementAt(i).DLocation;
                            if (i == 0)
                                writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                                writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X - 2, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                                writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "right");


                    DLocation lastDLocation = new DLocation(imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.X + imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).width, imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.Y, imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.Z);
                    writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(lastDLocation.X - 2, lastDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, lastDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                    writeBottomStandDimension(new DLocation(lastDLocation.X, lastDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, lastDLocation.Z), lastDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                    PictureBoxInfo firstPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(0);
                    writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstPictureBoxInfo, firstPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "left");
                    PictureBoxInfo upFirstPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement);
                    writeLeftOrRightDimension(upFirstPictureBoxInfo, upFirstPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "left");
                    PictureBoxInfo firstRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement-1);
                    writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstRightPictureBoxInfo, firstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "right");

                     PictureBoxInfo oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement- 1);
                     DLocation one_startDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                     DLocation one_secondDLocation = new DLocation(oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, oneSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                     writeRightSecondDimension(one_startDLocation, one_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                    PictureBoxInfo upLastPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count-1);
                    writeLeftOrRightDimension(upLastPictureBoxInfo, upLastPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "right",16,3,8);

                    PictureBoxInfo twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                    DLocation two_startDLocation = new DLocation(twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                    DLocation two_secondDLocation = new DLocation(twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, twoSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                 //   double secondDimensionHeiht = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.X - imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).DLocation.X + imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).width;
                 //   if (imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1).DLocation.X - imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).DLocation.X > 0)
                 //   {
                    //     writeRightSecondDimension(two_startDLocation, two_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15 + secondDimensionHeiht);
                  //  }
                   // else
                        writeRightSecondDimension(two_startDLocation, two_secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);
                   // }

                    //PictureBoxInfo twoThirdSecondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                    //PictureBoxInfo twoThirdStartRightPicureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement - 1);
                    //DLocation two_startThirdDLocation = new DLocation(twoThirdStartRightPicureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoThirdStartRightPicureBoxInfo.width, twoThirdStartRightPicureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, twoThirdStartRightPicureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                    //DLocation two_secondThirdDLocation = new DLocation(twoThirdSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + twoThirdSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, twoThirdSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + twoThirdSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, twoThirdSecondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);

                    //writeRightSecondDimension(two_startThirdDLocation, two_secondThirdDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                    PictureBoxInfo startRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(0);
                    writeTotalBottomDimension(startRightPictureBoxInfo, firstLayerWidth, dxf, "bottom", 16, 3, 15);

                int wholeHeight = 0;
                PictureBoxInfo oneLastPictrueInfo=imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement-1);
                PictureBoxInfo twoFirstPictureInfo=imageNameList.ElementAt(upFirstElement);
                if (existTwoLayerElement)
                    wholeHeight = 2 * oneLastPictrueInfo.height + 2;
                    wholeHeight = 2 * oneLastPictrueInfo.height;
                int rightWholeDimensionLength =Convert.ToInt32(oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.X + oneLastPictrueInfo.width - twoFirstPictureInfo.DLocation.X - twoFirstPictureInfo.width);
                DLocation right_wholeStartDLocation = new DLocation(twoFirstPictureInfo.DLocation.X + twoFirstPictureInfo.width, oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.Y, oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.Z);
                DLocation right_wholeSecondDLocation = new DLocation(twoFirstPictureInfo.DLocation.X + twoFirstPictureInfo.width, oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.Y + wholeHeight, oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.Z);
                writeRightSecondDimension(right_wholeStartDLocation, right_wholeSecondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, rightWholeDimensionLength+20);

                writeRightSecondDimension(new DLocation(oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.X + oneLastPictrueInfo.width, oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.Y - 6, oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.Z), new DLocation(oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.X + oneLastPictrueInfo.width, right_wholeSecondDLocation.Y, oneLastPictrueInfo.DLocation.Z), dxf, "right", 16, 3, 25);

                for (int i = 0; i < imageNameList.Count; i++)
                    PictureBoxInfo pictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(i);
                    firstLayerWidth += pictureBoxInfo.width;
                    assembleDetailMechine(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, pictureBoxInfo.DLocation, pictureBoxInfo.text, Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.height), Convert.ToDouble(pictureBoxInfo.width), dmc.outer_mid_space, dmc.outer_in_space, dmc.barHeight, dmc.barWidth);
                    writeTopOrBottomDimension(pictureBoxInfo, dxf, "bottom", 16, 3, 10);

                    DLocation standDLocation = imageNameList.ElementAt(i).DLocation;
                    if (i == 0)
                        writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                        writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X - 2, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                        writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(standDLocation.X, standDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, standDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "right");



                DLocation lastDLocation = new DLocation(imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).DLocation.X + imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).width, imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).DLocation.Y, imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1).DLocation.Z);
                writeBottomStand(dxf, new DLocation(lastDLocation.X - 2, lastDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, lastDLocation.Z), BaseRail.baseRail, 2, dmc.outer_in_space / 26, "left");
                writeBottomStandDimension(new DLocation(lastDLocation.X, lastDLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, lastDLocation.Z), lastDLocation, dxf,"right", 16, 3, 15);

                PictureBoxInfo firstLeftPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(0);
                writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstLeftPictureBoxInfo, firstLeftPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "left");
                PictureBoxInfo firstRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                writeLeftOrRightDimension(firstRightPictureBoxInfo, firstRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation, dxf, "right");
                PictureBoxInfo secondRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(imageNameList.Count - 1);
                DLocation startDLocation = new DLocation(secondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + secondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, secondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y, secondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                DLocation secondDLocation = new DLocation(secondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + secondRightPictureBoxInfo.width, secondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + secondRightPictureBoxInfo.height, secondRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                writeRightSecondDimension(startDLocation, secondDLocation, dxf, "right", 16, 3, 15);

                PictureBoxInfo startRightPictureBoxInfo = imageNameList.ElementAt(0);
                writeTotalBottomDimension(startRightPictureBoxInfo, firstLayerWidth, dxf, "bottom", 16, 3, 15);
                DxfLine bottomLine = new DxfLine();
                bottomLine.Start = new WW.Math.Point3D(startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);
                bottomLine.End = new WW.Math.Point3D(startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + firstLayerWidth, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y - BaseRail.baseRail, startRightPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z);

Пример #41
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制订单信息块
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dxf"></param>
        /// <param name="DLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="boxWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="configurations"></param>
        public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation,double boxWidth, OrderEntity orderEntity)
            double factor = 0.6f;
            Point3D v1 = new Point3D(DLocation.X,DLocation.Y,DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v3 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth, DLocation.Y + 40.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v4 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 40.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v5 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 10.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v6 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth / 4, DLocation.Y + 10.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v7 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth / 2, DLocation.Y + 10.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v8 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth * 3 / 4, DLocation.Y + 10.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v9 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth * 7 / 8, DLocation.Y + 10.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v10 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth / 4, DLocation.Y + 20.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v11 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth / 2, DLocation.Y + 20.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v12 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth * 3 / 4, DLocation.Y + 20.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v13 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth * 7 / 8, DLocation.Y + 20.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v14 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth, DLocation.Y + 20.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v15 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth / 4, DLocation.Y + 40.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v16 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth * 3 / 4, DLocation.Y + 40.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v17 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth / 4, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v18 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth / 2, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v19 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth * 3 / 4, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);

            Point3D v20 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth, DLocation.Y + 10.0d * factor, DLocation.Z);

            DxfLine DxfLine12 = new DxfLine(v1, v2);

            DxfLine DxfLine520 = new DxfLine(v5, v20);

            DxfLine DxfLine1014 = new DxfLine(v10, v14);

            DxfLine DxfLine43 = new DxfLine(v4, v3);

            DxfLine DxfLine41 = new DxfLine(v4, v1);

            DxfLine DxfLine1517 = new DxfLine(v15, v17);

            DxfLine DxfLine1118 = new DxfLine(v11, v18);

            DxfLine DxfLine1619 = new DxfLine(v16, v19);

            DxfLine DxfLine139 = new DxfLine(v13, v9);

            DxfLine DxfLine32= new DxfLine(v3, v2);


            Point3D vt1 = new Point3D(v1.X + 1.0d, v1.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t1 = new DxfText("Celebrity 1.0.0", vt1, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt2 = new Point3D(v17.X + 1.0d, v17.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t2 = new DxfText("PREPARER:  "+orderEntity.Preparer, vt2, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt3 = new Point3D(v18.X + 1.0d, v18.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t3 = new DxfText("ENGINEER:  "+orderEntity.Engineer, vt3, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt4 = new Point3D(v19.X + 1.0d, v19.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t4 = new DxfText("SHIP ORDER NO:  "+orderEntity.ShipOrderNo, vt4, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt5 = new Point3D(v4.X + 1.0d, v10.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t5= new DxfText("     AAON  COIL  PRODUCTS  inc.", vt5, 3.0d);

            Point3D vt6 = new Point3D(v5.X + 1.0d, v5.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t6 = new DxfText("LONGVIEW  TEXAS", vt6, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt7 = new Point3D(v6.X + 1.0d, v6.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t7 = new DxfText("PURCHASER:  " + orderEntity.Purchaser, vt7, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt8 = new Point3D(v7.X + 1.0d, v7.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t8 = new DxfText("PURCHASE ORDER:  " + orderEntity.PurchaseOrder, vt8, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt9 = new Point3D(v8.X + 1.0d, v8.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t9 = new DxfText("SERIAL NO:  " + orderEntity.SeriaNo, vt9, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt10 = new Point3D(v9.X + 1.0d, v9.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t10 = new DxfText("DATE: "+DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), vt10, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt11 = new Point3D(v15.X + 1.0d, v15.Y - 7.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t11 = new DxfText("JOB NAME:", vt11, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt12 = new Point3D(v10.X + 10.0d, v10.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t12 = new DxfText(orderEntity.JobName, vt12, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt13 = new Point3D(v16.X + 1.0d, v16.Y - 7.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t13 = new DxfText("UNIT TAG:", vt13, 2.0d);

            Point3D vt14 = new Point3D(v12.X + 20.0d, v12.Y + 2.5f, v1.Z);
            DxfText t14 = new DxfText(orderEntity.UnitTag, vt14, 2.0d);
Пример #42
        public static void writeRighStand(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation, double height, double width, double outer_in_space)
            DxfLine outLeft = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine outRight = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine outBottom = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine outTop = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width, DLocation.Y + height, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inRight = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine inTop = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine inBottom = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inLeftTop = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - 7 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine inLeftBottom = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + 7 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine inLeftTopLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + height - 7 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - 7 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine inLeftBettomLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 7 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + 7 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

Пример #43
        /// <summary>
        /// 单门有两门闩,和俩个把手的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        /// <param name="DLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="DxfText"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="outer_mid_space"></param>
        /// <param name="outer_in_space"></param>
        /// <param name="barHeight"></param>
        /// <param name="barWidth"></param>
        public static void writeWholeSingleTwoBarAndTwoCirle(DxfModel doc, DLocation DLocation, string[] DxfText, double height, double width, double outer_mid_space, double outer_in_space,double barHeight,double barWidth)
            DxfLine outerLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14, DLocation.Y + height - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inDownRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + height / 4, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inMidRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + height / 4 + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4 - barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inUpRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerDownRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height / 4, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerMidRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height / 4 + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4 - barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerUpRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));


            double downLeftX = DLocation.X + outer_mid_space - barWidth / 2 + (outer_in_space - outer_mid_space) / 2;
            double downLeftY = DLocation.Y + height / 4;
            writeRepresentDoorBarRectangle(doc, new DLocation(downLeftX, downLeftY, DLocation.Z), DxfText, height, width, outer_mid_space, outer_in_space, barHeight, barWidth);
            double upLeftX = downLeftX;
            double upLeftY = DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4 - barHeight;
            writeRepresentDoorBarRectangle(doc, new DLocation(upLeftX, upLeftY, DLocation.Z), DxfText, height, width, outer_mid_space, outer_in_space, barHeight, barWidth);

            writeCirle(doc, new DLocation(DLocation.X + width-2*outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + 2 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), (outer_in_space - outer_mid_space) / 2);

            writeCirle(doc, new DLocation(DLocation.X + width-2*outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - 2 * outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), (outer_in_space - outer_mid_space) / 2);

            Handle.Draw(doc, new DLocation(DLocation.X + width / 4+outer_mid_space/2, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4 - barHeight, DLocation.Z));
            Handle.Draw(doc, new DLocation(DLocation.X + width / 4 + outer_mid_space/2, DLocation.Y + height / 4, DLocation.Z));
            writeDoorBarRectangle(doc, DLocation, DxfText, height, width, outer_mid_space, outer_in_space, barHeight, barWidth);
Пример #44
        public static void writeDoorBarRectangle(DxfModel doc, DLocation DLocation, string[] DxfText, double height, double width, double outer_mid_space, double outer_in_space,double barHeight,double barWidth)
            writeOuterDoorRectangle(doc, DLocation, height, width);

            DxfLine midBottomDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine midDownLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + height / 4, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine midMidLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + height / 4 + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4 - barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine midUpLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + 3*height / 4, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y +height-outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine midTopDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine midRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z));



            DxfLine inBottomDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inDownLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height/4, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inmidLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height / 4 + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + 3*height/4 - barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inUpLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + 3*height / 4, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height-outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inTopDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width - outer_in_space, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));


            double DxfTextHeight = DoorInitHeightAndWidth.DxfTextHeight;
            for (int i = 0; i < DxfText.Length; i++)
                DxfText doorRectangleDxfText = new DxfText(DxfText[i], new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 3, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4 - i * DxfTextHeight, DLocation.Z), DxfTextHeight);

Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        /// 门把手绘制
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dxf"></param>
        /// <param name="DLocation"></param>
        public static void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation)
            double factor = 0.05f;
             double distance = 30;
             Point3D sDxfCircle = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
             Point3D bDxfCircle = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance*factor, DLocation.Z);

             double alpha = Math.Asin(3 / distance);
             double beta = Math.Acos(0.8);

             Point3D v1 = new Point3D(
                 DLocation.X + 10 * factor - double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()),
                 DLocation.Y + 5 * factor - double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()),

             Point3D v2 = new Point3D(
                  DLocation.X + 10 * factor + double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()),
                  DLocation.Y + 5 * factor - double.Parse((5 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()),

             Point3D v4 = new Point3D(
                 DLocation.X + 10 * factor -double.Parse((8*factor* Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()),
                 DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor - double.Parse((8 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()),

             Point3D v5 = new Point3D(
             DLocation.X + 10 * factor  + double.Parse((8*factor*Math.Cos(alpha)).ToString()),
             DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor - double.Parse((8 * factor * Math.Sin(alpha)).ToString()),
             DxfLine DxfLine14 = new DxfLine(v1, v4);

             DxfLine DxfLine25 = new DxfLine(v2, v5);

             DxfArc DxfArc = new DxfArc(
                 new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor, DLocation.Z),
                 5 * factor, Convert.ToInt32(180 + alpha * 180 / Math.PI), Convert.ToInt32(360 - alpha * 180 / Math.PI));

             DxfArc DxfArcup = new DxfArc(
                 new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor, DLocation.Z),
                 8 * factor, Convert.ToInt32(-alpha * 180 / Math.PI), Convert.ToInt32(180 + alpha * 180 / Math.PI));

             DxfArc DxfArcround = new DxfArc(
                 new Point3D(DLocation.X + 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + distance * factor, DLocation.Z),
                 10 * factor,
                 Convert.ToInt32(-(alpha +beta) * 180 / Math.PI),
                 Convert.ToInt32(180 + (alpha +beta) * 180 / Math.PI));

             Point3D centerWCS = new Point3D(DLocation.X+10*factor, DLocation.Y+5*factor+distance*factor, DLocation.Z);
             DxfCircle DxfCircle = new DxfCircle((Point3D)centerWCS, 7 * factor);

             Point3D t1 = new Point3D(
                 DLocation.X + 8 * factor,
                 DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.7f,
             Point3D t2 = new Point3D(
                 DLocation.X + 8 * factor,
                 DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.5f,
             Point3D t3 = new Point3D(
                 DLocation.X + 8 * factor,
                 DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.3f,
             Point3D t4 = new Point3D(
                 DLocation.X + 8 * factor,
                 DLocation.Y + 5 * factor + (distance - 7) * factor * 0.1f,

             DxfText DxfText1 = new DxfText("A", t1, 0.2f);

             DxfText DxfText2 = new DxfText("A", t2, 0.2f);

             DxfText DxfText3 = new DxfText("O", t3, 0.2f);

             DxfText DxfText4 = new DxfText("N", t4, 0.2f);
Пример #46
        public static void writeDoubleDoorBarRectangle(DxfModel doc, DLocation DLocation, string[] DxfText, double height, double width, double outer_mid_space, double outer_in_space,double barHeight,double barWidth)
            DxfLine outerLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14, DLocation.Y + height - outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inLeftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 - width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height - outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inDownRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + outer_in_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + height/4, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inMidRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + height / 4 + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + 3 * height / 4 - barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine inUpRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + 3*height / 4, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14, DLocation.Y + height-outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerDownRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + outer_mid_space, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height/4, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerMidRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height/4+barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + 3*height / 4-barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine outerUpRightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + 3*height / 4, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + width / 2 + width / 14 + 0.5f, DLocation.Y + height-outer_in_space, DLocation.Z));

            writeDoorBarRectangle(doc, DLocation, DxfText, height, width, outer_mid_space, outer_in_space,barHeight,barWidth);
Пример #47
        public static void writeRepresentDoorBarRectangle(DxfModel doc, DLocation DLocation, string[] DxfText, double height, double width, double outer_mid_space, double outer_in_space, double barHeight, double barWidth)
            DxfLine bottomDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine leftDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine topDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth, DLocation.Y + barHeight, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine rightDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth, DLocation.Y + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine upDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth / 2-(outer_in_space-outer_mid_space)/2, DLocation.Y + barHeight, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth / 2-(outer_in_space-outer_mid_space)/2, DLocation.Y + barHeight / 2, DLocation.Z));
            DxfLine midDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth / 2 - (outer_in_space - outer_mid_space) / 2, DLocation.Y + barHeight / 2, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth / 2 + (outer_in_space - outer_mid_space) / 2,DLocation.Y+barHeight/2,DLocation.Z));

            DxfLine downDxfLine = new DxfLine(new Point3D(DLocation.X + barWidth / 2 + (outer_in_space - outer_mid_space) / 2, DLocation.Y + barHeight / 2, DLocation.Z), new Point3D(DLocation.X+barWidth/2+(outer_in_space-outer_mid_space)/2, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z));

Пример #48
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制垂直风向箭头
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dxf"></param>
        /// <param name="DLocation"></param>
        public static void DrawVerticalWind(DxfModel dxf,DLocation DLocation)
            double factor = 0.5f;
            Point3D v1 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v2 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v3 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v4 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v5 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v6 = new Point3D();
            Point3D v7 = new Point3D();

                v1 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
                v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X+10*factor, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
                v3 = new Point3D(DLocation.X - 10 * factor, DLocation.Y + 10 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v4 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y + 10 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v5 = new Point3D(DLocation.X+10*factor, DLocation.Y + 10* factor, DLocation.Z);
                v6 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + 20 * factor, DLocation.Y + 10 * factor, DLocation.Z);
                v7 = new Point3D(DLocation.X +5 * factor, DLocation.Y + 20 * factor, DLocation.Z);

            DxfLine DxfLine23 = new DxfLine(v1, v2);

            DxfLine DxfLine56 = new DxfLine(v3, v6);

            DxfLine DxfLine14 = new DxfLine(v1, v4);

            DxfLine DxfLine74 = new DxfLine(v2, v5);

            DxfLine DxfLine25 = new DxfLine(v3, v7);

            DxfLine DxfLine71 = new DxfLine(v6, v7);
Пример #49
        public void Draw(DxfModel dxf, DLocation DLocation, double boxWidth, double boxHeight, List<PictureBoxInfo> pictureBoxInfoList,int coolingType)
            DataManager dataManager=new DataManager();
            //boxWidth = dataManager.getTotalWidth(pictureBoxInfoList);

            var boxEntity = dataCenter.BoxEntity;

            DLocation = new DLocation(DLocation.X - 120d, DLocation.Y + boxEntity.TopViewHeight + 80.0d + boxEntity.UpHeight + boxEntity.DownHeight, 0);
            boxWidth = boxEntity.Width + 240.0d;
            boxHeight = boxEntity.TopViewHeight + boxEntity.UpHeight + boxEntity.DownHeight + 160.0d;
            Point3D v1 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v2 = new Point3D(DLocation.X, DLocation.Y - boxHeight, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v3 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth, DLocation.Y - boxHeight, DLocation.Z);
            Point3D v4 = new Point3D(DLocation.X + boxWidth, DLocation.Y, DLocation.Z);

            //DxfLinePointer.Draw(dxf, DLocation);
            //Slash.Draw(dxf,new DLocation(v2.X,v2.Y,v2.Z));
            //Fan.Draw(dxf, v2,v1,2);

            DxfLine DxfLine12 = new DxfLine(v1, v2);

            DxfLine DxfLine23 = new DxfLine(v2, v3);

            DxfLine DxfLine34 = new DxfLine(v3, v4);

            DxfLine DxfLine14 = new DxfLine(v1, v4);

            Configuration.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(v1.X, v1.Y), dataCenter.Configurations);

            Section.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(v2.X, v2.Y), dataCenter.SectionEntity);

            Order.Draw(dxf, new DLocation(v2.X, v2.Y), boxWidth, dataCenter.OrderEntity);

            DLocation v5 = new DLocation(DLocation.X + 120.0d, DLocation.Y - boxEntity.TopViewHeight - 50.0d, DLocation.Z);

            //AssembleTopView.assembleTopView(pictureBoxInfoList, dxf,
            //    v5, null, 50.0d, 18.0d, 2.0d, 2.86f, 2.0d, 2.0d);
            AssembleTopView.assembleTopView(pictureBoxInfoList, dxf, v5, dataCenter.topViewConfigure);

            DLocation v6 = new DLocation(DLocation.X + 120.0d, DLocation.Y - boxEntity.TopViewHeight - 80.0d - boxEntity.UpHeight - boxEntity.DownHeight, DLocation.Z);

            AssembleDetailMechine.assembleDetailMechine(pictureBoxInfoList, dxf,v6, dataCenter.detailMechineConfigure, coolingType);

            DLocation v7 = new DLocation(DLocation.X + 70.0d, DLocation.Y - 90.0d-boxEntity.TopViewHeight-boxEntity.UpHeight-boxEntity.DownHeight/2, DLocation.Z);
            DLocation v8 = new DLocation(DLocation.X + boxWidth - 50.0d, DLocation.Y - 90.0d - boxEntity.TopViewHeight - boxEntity.UpHeight - boxEntity.DownHeight / 2, DLocation.Z);

            int upFirstElemnet = AssembleDetailMechine.isTwoLayers(pictureBoxInfoList);

            Wind.Draw(dxf, v7, boxEntity.IsLeft);
            if (upFirstElemnet == -1)
                if (pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(pictureBoxInfoList.Count - 1).name.Equals("SFC") || pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(pictureBoxInfoList.Count - 1).name.Equals("SDD"))
                    PictureBoxInfo tempPictureBoxInfo = pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(pictureBoxInfoList.Count - 1);
                    List<AirFlowUpDimension> airFlowList = AirFlowUpDimensionConfigure.getAirFlowList();
                    foreach (var airFlowDimension in airFlowList)
                        if (tempPictureBoxInfo.coolingType.Equals(airFlowDimension.coolingType) && tempPictureBoxInfo.name.Equals(airFlowDimension.imageName))
                            Wind.DrawVerticalWind(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension*1.3, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height * 1.3, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z));

                            DoorRectangle.writeDimension(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), 16, 1, 3, "top");
                            DoorRectangle.writeDimension(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension + airFlowDimension.topRightDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), 16, 1, 3, "top");
                    Wind.Draw(dxf, v8, boxEntity.IsLeft);
                if (pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(upFirstElemnet-1).name.Equals("SFC") || pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(upFirstElemnet-1).name.Equals("SDD"))
                    PictureBoxInfo tempPictureBoxInfo = pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(upFirstElemnet - 1);
                    List<AirFlowUpDimension> airFlowList = AirFlowUpDimensionConfigure.getAirFlowList();
                    foreach (var airFlowDimension in airFlowList)
                        if (tempPictureBoxInfo.coolingType.Equals(airFlowDimension.coolingType) && tempPictureBoxInfo.name.Equals(airFlowDimension.imageName))
                            Wind.DrawVerticalWind(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension*1.3, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height * 1.3, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z));

                            DoorRectangle.writeDimension(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), 16, 1, 3, "top");
                            DoorRectangle.writeDimension(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension + airFlowDimension.topRightDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), 16, 1, 3, "top");
                    Wind.Draw(dxf, v8, boxEntity.IsLeft);

            if (boxEntity.UpHeight != 0)
                DLocation v9 = new DLocation(DLocation.X + 70.0d, DLocation.Y - 90.0d - boxEntity.TopViewHeight - boxEntity.UpHeight / 2, DLocation.Z);
                DLocation v10 = new DLocation(DLocation.X + boxWidth - 50.0d, DLocation.Y - 90.0d - boxEntity.TopViewHeight - boxEntity.UpHeight / 2, DLocation.Z);
                if (pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(upFirstElemnet).name.Equals("PEC") || pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(upFirstElemnet).name.Equals("EDD"))
                    PictureBoxInfo tempPictureBoxInfo = pictureBoxInfoList.ElementAt(upFirstElemnet);
                    List<AirFlowUpDimension> airFlowList = AirFlowUpDimensionConfigure.getAirFlowList();
                    foreach (var airFlowDimension in airFlowList)
                        if (tempPictureBoxInfo.coolingType.Equals(airFlowDimension.coolingType) && tempPictureBoxInfo.name.Equals(airFlowDimension.imageName))
                            Wind.DrawVerticalWind(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension*1.3, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height * 1.3, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z));

                            DoorRectangle.writeDimension(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), 16, 1, 3, "top");
                            DoorRectangle.writeDimension(dxf, new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X+airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), new DLocation(tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.X + airFlowDimension.topLeftDimension+airFlowDimension.topRightDimension, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Y + tempPictureBoxInfo.height, tempPictureBoxInfo.DLocation.Z), 16, 1, 3, "top");
                    Wind.Draw(dxf, v9, !boxEntity.IsLeft);

                Wind.Draw(dxf, v10, !boxEntity.IsLeft);
Пример #50
 private static void AddEntity(DxfModel dxfModel,Line l)
     DxfLine line = new DxfLine(l.ptStart,l.ptEnd);
     line.Thickness = l.thickness;