Пример #1
        public async Task SetAsync_Poco_SkipsUpdate_IfSame()
            // Arrange
            var mockService = new Mock <IDocumentDBService>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            Item original = new Item
                Id   = "abc123",
                Text = "hello"

            Item updated = new Item
                Id   = "abc123",
                Text = "hello"

            DocumentDBAttribute attribute = new DocumentDBAttribute(DatabaseName, CollectionName)
                Id = Id

            var context = new DocumentDBContext
                Service           = mockService.Object,
                ResolvedAttribute = attribute

            JObject clonedOrig = DocumentDBItemValueBinder <object> .CloneItem(original);

            // Act
            await DocumentDBItemValueBinder <Item> .SetValueInternalAsync(clonedOrig, updated, context);

            // Assert

            // nothing on the client should be called
Пример #2
        public async Task SetAsync_Poco_Throws_IfIdChanges()
            // Arrange
            var mockService = new Mock <IDocumentDBService>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            Item original = new Item
                Id = "abc123",

            Item updated = new Item
                Id = "def456",

            DocumentDBAttribute attribute = new DocumentDBAttribute(DatabaseName, CollectionName)
                Id = Id

            var context = new DocumentDBContext
                Service           = mockService.Object,
                ResolvedAttribute = attribute

            var originalJson = JObject.FromObject(original);

            // Act
            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(
                () => DocumentDBItemValueBinder <Item> .SetValueInternalAsync(originalJson, updated, context));

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("Cannot update the 'Id' property.", ex.Message);