Пример #1
 private void updateVisibilityOfBoxes()
     foreach (Control control in Controls)
         if (control is DiscussionBox box)
             box.Visible = DisplayFilter.DoesMatchFilter(box.Discussion);
Пример #2
        private void updateVisibilityOfBoxes()
            IEnumerable <DiscussionBox> boxes = Controls
                                                .Cast <Control>()
                                                .Where(x => x is DiscussionBox)
                                                .Cast <DiscussionBox>();

            foreach (DiscussionBox box in boxes)
                box.Visible = DisplayFilter.DoesMatchFilter(box.Discussion);
Пример #3
        private void repositionControls()
            int groupBoxMarginLeft = 5;
            int groupBoxMarginTop  = 5;

            // If Vertical Scroll is visible, its width is already excluded from ClientSize.Width
            int vscrollDelta = VerticalScroll.Visible ? 0 : SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;

            // Temporary variables to avoid changing control Location more than once
            Point filterPanelLocation  = new Point(groupBoxMarginLeft, groupBoxMarginTop);
            Point actionsPanelLocation = new Point(groupBoxMarginLeft, groupBoxMarginTop);

            actionsPanelLocation.Offset(filterPanelLocation.X + FilterPanel.Size.Width, 0);

            // Stack panels horizontally
            FilterPanel.Location  = filterPanelLocation + (Size)AutoScrollPosition;
            ActionsPanel.Location = actionsPanelLocation + (Size)AutoScrollPosition;

            // Prepare to stack boxes vertically
            int topOffset = Math.Max(filterPanelLocation.Y + FilterPanel.Size.Height,
                                     actionsPanelLocation.Y + ActionsPanel.Size.Height);
            Size  previousBoxSize     = new Size();
            Point previousBoxLocation = new Point();

            previousBoxLocation.Offset(0, topOffset);

            // Stack boxes vertically
            foreach (Control control in Controls)
                if (!(control is DiscussionBox box))

                // Check if this box will be visible or not. The same condition as in updateVisibilityOfBoxes().
                // Cannot check Visible property because it is not set so far, we're trying to avoid flickering.
                if (!DisplayFilter.DoesMatchFilter(box.Discussion))

                // Temporary variable to void changing box Location more than once
                Point location = new Point(groupBoxMarginLeft, groupBoxMarginTop);
                location.Offset(0, previousBoxLocation.Y + previousBoxSize.Height);

                // Discussion box can take all the width except scroll bars and the left margin
                box.AdjustToWidth(ClientSize.Width - vscrollDelta - groupBoxMarginLeft);

                box.Location        = location + (Size)AutoScrollPosition;
                previousBoxLocation = location;
                previousBoxSize     = box.Size;
Пример #4
 private bool isSearchableControl(Control control)
     return(control.Parent is DiscussionBox box && DisplayFilter.DoesMatchFilter(box.Discussion));