public static async Task SaveImageToDbAsync() { string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles($"{currentDirectory}\\Assets\\VillainDrawings"); await using (var context = new DelectableVillainyContext()) { foreach (var file in files) { byte[] byteArrayVillainImg = LoadPictureFromFile(file); string base64VillainImg = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArrayVillainImg); string fileName = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); Villain villain = context.Villains.FirstOrDefault(v => v.ImgFileName.Equals(fileName)); if (villain != null && villain.SelfPortrait == null) { villain.SelfPortrait = base64VillainImg; context.Villains.Update(villain); Console.WriteLine($"{villain.FullName} has been updated!"); } } await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
public VillainController(DelectableVillainyContext villainDB) { VillainDB = villainDB; }
public static async Task SeedDevDb() { await using (var context = new DelectableVillainyContext()) { await context.Database.MigrateAsync(); Villain beastWellington = context.Villains.FirstOrDefault(v => v.FullName.Equals("Beast Wellington")); if (beastWellington == null) { await context.Villains.AddAsync(new Villain ( "Beast", "Wellington", "M", 53, "Bums", "London", "Chefs Mallet", "", "Once a master of the culinary arts, Beast took the law into his own twisted hands after someone \"popped\" all of his bread.", new List <Abilities>(), new List <BaseStats>(), "Beast_Wellington.jpg" )); await context.Villains.AddAsync(new Villain ( "Knifey", "Stabbsyu", "M", 24, "Shields", "Dunnville", "Butter Knife", "", "This man just likes to stab people.", new List <Abilities>(), new List <BaseStats>(), "Knifey.jpg" )); await context.Villains.AddAsync(new Villain ( "The", "Sword", "M", 33, "Knifey Stabbsyu", "Osaka", "BroadSword", "", "This super villain is shrouded in mystery. Many say the his real Name is Steve.", new List <Abilities>(), new List <BaseStats>(), "S_Word.jpg" )); await context.Villains.AddAsync(new Villain ( "Rex", "Bamboo", "M", 28, "Your Mom", "Grand Rapids", "Bamboo Battle Tank", "", "Once a military man, Rex turned against his own government and staged a coup spearheaded by his bamboo battle tank that fires bamboo splinters from it's many bamboo turrets.", new List <Abilities>(), new List <BaseStats>(), "Rex_Bamboo.jpg" )); await context.Villains.AddAsync(new Villain ( "The", "WeirdShadow", "F", 22, "Rex Bamboo", "Darkness", "Unknown", "", "Said to be able to create any shadow puppet imaginable, even ones from your deepest nightmares.", new List <Abilities>(), new List <BaseStats>(), "" )); await context.Villains.AddAsync(new Villain ( "Dr", "OppedMic", "M", 20, "Dr OppedMic", "The Streets", "Bazooka Mic", "", "His special power is the ability to dis an opponent so bad they never leave their house again.", new List <Abilities>(), new List <BaseStats>(), "DR_Optmic.jpg" )); } await context.SaveChangesAsync(); } }