Пример #1
    void UpdateCurrentTool(Player owner)
        var toolName = owner.GetUserString("tool_current", "tool_boxgun");

        if (toolName == null)

        DebugOverlay.ScreenText(0, $"tool_current: {toolName}");
        DebugOverlay.ScreenText(1, $" CurrentTool: {CurrentTool}");

        // Already the right tool
        if (CurrentTool != null && CurrentTool.Parent == this && CurrentTool.Owner == owner && CurrentTool.ClassInfo.IsNamed(toolName))

        if (CurrentTool != null)
            CurrentTool = null;

        CurrentTool = Library.Create <BaseTool>(toolName, false);

        if (CurrentTool != null)
            CurrentTool.Parent = this;
            CurrentTool.Owner  = owner;
Пример #2
        void WriteDebugInfo()
            BBox hull = GetHull();

            DebugOverlay.Box(Position + TraceOffset, hull.Mins, hull.Maxs, Color.Red);
            DebugOverlay.Box(Position, hull.Mins, hull.Maxs, Color.Blue);

            var lineOffset = Host.IsServer ? 10 : 0;

            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 0, $"             Pos: {Position}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 1, $"             Vel: {Velocity} ({Velocity.Length:n0})");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 2, $"    WishVelocity: {WishVelocity}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 3, $"    BaseVelocity: {BaseVelocity}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 4, $"        Rotation: {Rotation.Angles().pitch:n2},{Rotation.Angles().yaw:n2},{Rotation.Angles().roll:n2}");
Пример #3
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            #region Input.
            if (!IsActive)

            if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed ||

            // Let's draw some stuff...
            // Draw code can be called from anywhere in the application -
            //		even in separate threads! Use it for AI, Physics,
            //		Gameplay, Graphics, etc.

            // Lines.
            for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
                DebugOverlay.Line(new Vector3(.5f * i, 5, 5), new Vector3(.5f * i, 5, -5), Color.Tomato);
                DebugOverlay.Line(new Vector3(.5f * i, 3, 5), new Vector3(.5f * i, 3, -5), Color.Violet);
                DebugOverlay.Line(new Vector3(.5f * i, 1, 5), new Vector3(.5f * i, 1, -5), Color.SeaGreen);

            // Points.
            float radius = 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 2)
                float rads = i * MathHelper.Pi / 180;
                DebugOverlay.Point(new Vector3(
                                       (float)Math.Cos(rads) * radius,
                                       (float)Math.Sin(rads) * radius),

            // Spheres.
            DebugOverlay.Sphere(new Vector3(-10, 0, 5), 3, Color.Brown);
            DebugOverlay.Sphere(new Vector3(-5, 0, 5), 2, Color.DarkGreen);
            DebugOverlay.Sphere(new Vector3(-2, 0, 5), 1, Color.Crimson);
            DebugOverlay.Sphere(new Vector3(-.5f, 0, 5), .5f, Color.DarkSalmon);

            // Bounding box.
            DebugOverlay.BoundingBox(new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-10, 0, -10), new Vector3(-5, 5, -5)), Color.RoyalBlue);

            // Screen text.
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText("FPS: " + mFps.FramesPerSecond, new Vector2(5, 7), Color.DimGray);
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText("FPS: " + mFps.FramesPerSecond, new Vector2(7, 5), Color.White);

            // Arrows.
            DebugOverlay.Arrow(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitX * 10, 1, Color.Red);
            DebugOverlay.Arrow(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitY * 10, 1, Color.Green);
            DebugOverlay.Arrow(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitZ * 10, 1, Color.Blue);


            #region Update.


Пример #4
    public override void Simulate()
        // Do fall damage stufftw
        if (Velocity.z < 0)
            takeFallDamage    = true;
            previousZVelocity = Velocity.z;
        else if (takeFallDamage && Velocity.z == 0)
            takeFallDamage = false;

        EyePosLocal = Vector3.Up * (EyeHeight * Pawn.Scale);

        EyePosLocal += TraceOffset;
        EyeRot       = Input.Rotation;


        //Velocity += BaseVelocity * ( 1 + Time.Delta * 0.5f );
        //BaseVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

        //Rot = Rotation.LookAt( Input.Rotation.Forward.WithZ( 0 ), Vector3.Up );

        if (Unstuck.TestAndFix())

        // Check Stuck
        // Unstuck - or return if stuck

        // Set Ground Entity to null if  falling faster then 250

        // store water level to compare later

        // if not on ground, store fall velocity

        // player->UpdateStepSound( player->m_pSurfaceData, mv->GetAbsOrigin(), mv->m_vecVelocity )

        // RunLadderMode

        Swimming = Pawn.WaterLevel.Fraction > 0.6f;

        // Start Gravity
        if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder)
            Velocity -= new Vector3(0, 0, Gravity * 0.5f) * Time.Delta;
            Velocity += new Vector3(0, 0, BaseVelocity.z) * Time.Delta;

            BaseVelocity = BaseVelocity.WithZ(0);

         * if (player->m_flWaterJumpTime)
         *      {
         *              WaterJump();
         *              TryPlayerMove();
         *              // See if we are still in water?
         *              CheckWater();
         *              return;
         *      }

        // if ( underwater ) do underwater movement

        if (AutoJump ? Input.Down(InputButton.Jump) : Input.Pressed(InputButton.Jump))

        // Fricion is handled before we add in any base velocity. That way, if we are on a conveyor,
        //  we don't slow when standing still, relative to the conveyor.
        bool bStartOnGround = GroundEntity != null;

        //bool bDropSound = false;
        if (bStartOnGround)
            //if ( Velocity.z < FallSoundZ ) bDropSound = true;

            Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0);
            //player->m_Local.m_flFallVelocity = 0.0f;

            if (GroundEntity != null)
                ApplyFriction(GroundFriction * SurfaceFriction);

        // Work out wish velocity.. just take input, rotate it to view, clamp to -1, 1
        WishVelocity = new Vector3(Input.Forward, Input.Left, 0);
        var inSpeed = WishVelocity.Length.Clamp(0, 1);

        WishVelocity *= Input.Rotation;

        if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder)
            WishVelocity = WishVelocity.WithZ(0);

        WishVelocity  = WishVelocity.Normal * inSpeed;
        WishVelocity *= GetWishSpeed();


        bool bStayOnGround = false;

        if (AttachedBalloons > 0)
            Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(1 * AttachedBalloons * BalloonVelocity);
        else if (Swimming)
        else if (IsTouchingLadder)
        else if (GroundEntity != null)
            bStayOnGround = true;


        // FinishGravity
        if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder)
            Velocity -= new Vector3(0, 0, Gravity * 0.5f) * Time.Delta;

        if (GroundEntity != null)
            Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0);

        // CheckFalling(); // fall damage etc

        // Land Sound
        // Swim Sounds


        if (Debug)
            DebugOverlay.Box(Position + TraceOffset, mins, maxs, Color.Red);
            DebugOverlay.Box(Position, mins, maxs, Color.Blue);

            var lineOffset = 0;
            if (Host.IsServer)
                lineOffset = 10;

            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 0, $"        Position: {Position}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 1, $"        Velocity: {Velocity}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 2, $"    BaseVelocity: {BaseVelocity}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 3, $"    GroundEntity: {GroundEntity} [{GroundEntity?.Velocity}]");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 4, $" SurfaceFriction: {SurfaceFriction}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 5, $"    WishVelocity: {WishVelocity}");
Пример #5
    public void OnPrePhysicsStep()
        if (!IsServer)

        var selfBody = PhysicsBody;

        if (!selfBody.IsValid())

        var body = selfBody.SelfOrParent;

        if (!body.IsValid())

        var dt = Time.Delta;

        body.DragEnabled = false;

        var rotation = selfBody.Rotation;

        accelerateDirection = currentInput.throttle.Clamp(-1, 1) * (1.0f - currentInput.breaking);
        TurnDirection       = TurnDirection.LerpTo(currentInput.turning.Clamp(-1, 1), 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.001f, dt));

        airRoll = airRoll.LerpTo(currentInput.roll.Clamp(-1, 1), 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.0001f, dt));
        airTilt = airTilt.LerpTo(currentInput.tilt.Clamp(-1, 1), 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.0001f, dt));

        float targetTilt = 0;
        float targetLean = 0;

        var localVelocity = rotation.Inverse * body.Velocity;

        if (backWheelsOnGround || frontWheelsOnGround)
            var forwardSpeed  = MathF.Abs(localVelocity.x);
            var speedFraction = MathF.Min(forwardSpeed / 500.0f, 1);

            targetTilt = accelerateDirection.Clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f);
            targetLean = speedFraction * TurnDirection;

        AccelerationTilt = AccelerationTilt.LerpTo(targetTilt, 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.01f, dt));
        TurnLean         = TurnLean.LerpTo(targetLean, 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.01f, dt));

        if (backWheelsOnGround)
            var forwardSpeed = MathF.Abs(localVelocity.x);
            var speedFactor  = 1.0f - (forwardSpeed / 5000.0f).Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f);
            var acceleration = speedFactor * (accelerateDirection < 0.0f ? car_accelspeed * 0.5f : car_accelspeed) * accelerateDirection * dt;
            var impulse      = rotation * new Vector3(acceleration, 0, 0);
            body.Velocity += impulse;

        RaycastWheels(rotation, true, out frontWheelsOnGround, out backWheelsOnGround, dt);
        var onGround      = frontWheelsOnGround || backWheelsOnGround;
        var fullyGrounded = (frontWheelsOnGround && backWheelsOnGround);

        Grounded = onGround;

        if (fullyGrounded)
            body.Velocity += Map.Physics.Gravity * dt;

        body.GravityScale = fullyGrounded ? 0 : 1;

        bool canAirControl = false;

        var v      = rotation * localVelocity.WithZ(0);
        var vDelta = MathF.Pow((v.Length / 1000.0f).Clamp(0, 1), 5.0f).Clamp(0, 1);

        if (vDelta < 0.01f)
            vDelta = 0;

        if (debug_car)
            DebugOverlay.Line(body.MassCenter, body.MassCenter + rotation.Forward.Normal * 100, Color.White, 0, false);
            DebugOverlay.Line(body.MassCenter, body.MassCenter + v.Normal * 100, Color.Green, 0, false);

        var angle = (rotation.Forward.Normal * MathF.Sign(localVelocity.x)).Normal.Dot(v.Normal).Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f);

        angle = angle.LerpTo(1.0f, 1.0f - vDelta);
        grip  = grip.LerpTo(angle, 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.001f, dt));

        if (debug_car)
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(new Vector2(200, 200), $"{grip}");

        var angularDamping = 0.0f;

        angularDamping = angularDamping.LerpTo(5.0f, grip);

        body.LinearDamping  = 0.0f;
        body.AngularDamping = fullyGrounded ? angularDamping : 0.5f;

        if (onGround)
            localVelocity = rotation.Inverse * body.Velocity;
            WheelSpeed    = localVelocity.x;
            var turnAmount = frontWheelsOnGround ? (MathF.Sign(localVelocity.x) * 25.0f * CalculateTurnFactor(TurnDirection, MathF.Abs(localVelocity.x)) * dt) : 0.0f;
            body.AngularVelocity += rotation * new Vector3(0, 0, turnAmount);

            airRoll = 0;
            airTilt = 0;

            var forwardGrip = 0.1f;
            forwardGrip   = forwardGrip.LerpTo(0.9f, currentInput.breaking);
            body.Velocity = VelocityDamping(Velocity, rotation, new Vector3(forwardGrip, grip, 0), dt);
            var s  = selfBody.Position + (rotation * selfBody.LocalMassCenter);
            var tr = Trace.Ray(s, s + rotation.Down * 50)

            if (debug_car)
                DebugOverlay.Line(tr.StartPosition, tr.EndPosition, tr.Hit ? Color.Red : Color.Green);

            canAirControl = !tr.Hit;

        if (canAirControl && (airRoll != 0 || airTilt != 0))
            var offset = 50 * Scale;
            var s      = selfBody.Position + (rotation * selfBody.LocalMassCenter) + (rotation.Right * airRoll * offset) + (rotation.Down * (10 * Scale));
            var tr     = Trace.Ray(s, s + rotation.Up * (25 * Scale))

            if (debug_car)
                DebugOverlay.Line(tr.StartPosition, tr.EndPosition);

            bool dampen = false;

            if (currentInput.roll.Clamp(-1, 1) != 0)
                var force = tr.Hit ? 400.0f : 100.0f;
                var roll  = tr.Hit ? currentInput.roll.Clamp(-1, 1) : airRoll;
                body.ApplyForceAt(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Left * (offset * roll), (rotation.Down * roll) * (roll * (body.Mass * force)));

                if (debug_car)
                    DebugOverlay.Sphere(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Left * (offset * roll), 8, Color.Red);

                dampen = true;

            if (!tr.Hit && currentInput.tilt.Clamp(-1, 1) != 0)
                var force = 200.0f;
                body.ApplyForceAt(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Forward * (offset * airTilt), (rotation.Down * airTilt) * (airTilt * (body.Mass * force)));

                if (debug_car)
                    DebugOverlay.Sphere(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Forward * (offset * airTilt), 8, Color.Green);

                dampen = true;

            if (dampen)
                body.AngularVelocity = VelocityDamping(body.AngularVelocity, rotation, 0.95f, dt);

        localVelocity = rotation.Inverse * body.Velocity;
        MovementSpeed = localVelocity.x;
Пример #6
 private void DrawDebugShit()
     DebugOverlay.ScreenText(new Vector2(100, 100), $"Current trigger state: {CurrentTriggerType}");
Пример #7
 public static void DebugText(this object any, int line = 0, int duration = 0)
     DebugOverlay.ScreenText(line, any.ToString(), duration);