Пример #1
    void Start()
        DVector2 vec      = new DVector2((DReal)transform.position.z, (DReal)transform.position.x);
        DReal    rotation = DReal.Radians((DReal)transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y);

        /*Entity ent =*/ ComSat.Spawn(entityName, team, vec, rotation);
        //if(ent == null) return;
        //if(action == Action.MOVE) {
        //        ComSat.IssueMove(ent, new DVector2((DReal)point.x, (DReal)point.y));

        if (team == ComSat.localTeam)
            FindObjectOfType <CameraController>().LookAt(vec);
Пример #2
    // This could be smarter. If dest is too close & perpendicular, then the tank
    // can end up circling around.
    public void MoveTowards(DVector2 dest)
        ComSat.Trace(this, "MoveTowards");
        var dir         = dest - entity.position; // also vector to dest.
        var targetAngle = DVector2.ToAngle(dir);
        var baseAngle   = Utility.CalculateNewAngle(entity.rotation, targetAngle, DReal.Radians(turnSpeed));

        entity.rotation = baseAngle;

        // Move along current heading. Ramp speed up as the angle gets closer.
        // Augh.
        // [-pi,pi] => [0,2pi]
        if (targetAngle < 0)
            targetAngle += DReal.TwoPI;
        // Get targetAngle within +/- pi of baseAngle.
        if (targetAngle < baseAngle - DReal.PI)
            targetAngle += DReal.TwoPI;
        else if (targetAngle > baseAngle + DReal.PI)
            targetAngle -= DReal.TwoPI;
        var diff = DReal.Abs(baseAngle - targetAngle);

        if (canMoveWithoutTurning || diff < maxMoveAngle)
            var distance = dir.magnitude;
            //print("Distance: " + distance + "  speed is: " + tickSpeed);
            var speed = minSpeed + (maxSpeed - minSpeed) * (1 - (diff / DReal.PI));
            if (distance < speed)
                speed = DReal.Max(minSpeed, distance);
            entity.velocity = canMoveWithoutTurning ? dir.normalized * speed : DVector2.FromAngle(baseAngle) * speed;
Пример #3
 void TurnTurret(DReal targetAngle)
     turretRotation = Utility.CalculateNewAngle(turretRotation, targetAngle, DReal.Radians(turretTurnSpeed));
Пример #4
    void TickUpdate()
        ComSat.Trace(this, "TickUpdate");
        if (ComSat.EntityExists(target))
            var dir         = target.position - entity.position;     // also vector to dest.
            var targetAngle = DVector2.ToAngle(dir);
            var baseAngle   = Utility.CalculateNewAngle(entity.rotation, targetAngle, DReal.Radians(turnSpeed));
            entity.rotation = baseAngle;
        entity.velocity = DVector2.FromAngle(entity.rotation) * speed;
        DVector2 newPosition = entity.position + entity.velocity * ComSat.tickRate;

        // FIXME: this should do something to account for hitting fast-moving projectiles.
        DVector2 hitPosition;
        Entity   hit = ComSat.LineCast(entity.position, newPosition, out hitPosition, entity.team);

        if (hit != null && (!hit.hitOnlyIfTargetted || hit == target))

            var position = new Vector3((float)hitPosition.y, 0, (float)hitPosition.x);
            var rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)entity.rotation, Vector3.up);
            if (impactPrefab != null && ComSat.RateLimit())
                ObjectPool.Instantiate(impactPrefab, position, rotation);

            //if(trail) {
            //        trail.transform.parent = null;
            //        trail.autodestruct = true;
            //        trail = null;

            if (!penetrates || speed < minPenetrationSpeed)
                ComSat.DestroyEntity(entity, DestroyReason.HitTarget);
                speed -= penetrationSpeedReduction;