Пример #1
        protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Retrieve the "updated" info.
            string id       = Session["userId"].ToString();
            string fName    = txtFName.Text;
            string lName    = txtLName.Text;
            string user     = txtUser.Text;
            string password = txtPassword.Text;
            string address  = txtAddress.Text;
            string email    = txtEmail.Text;
            string phone    = txtPhone.Text;

            // Craft the query (Shouldn't send in plain text!)
            string query = string.Format(
                "UPDATE person " +
                "SET firstName = '{0}', lastName = '{1}', userName = '******', " +
                "password = '******', address = '{4}', email = '{5}', phone = '{6}' " +
                "WHERE id = {7}",
                fName, lName, user, password, address, email, phone, id);

            DBMaster dbm = new DBMaster();                                      // Open a connection

            dbm.ExecuteNonQuery(query);                                         // Execute the query
            dbm.CloseConnection();                                              // Close the connection

            // Move to next web page
Пример #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify a user is logged in
            if (Session["userID"] == null)
                // Passing status to main page via GET to let it handle the no
                // logged-in user situation.
                const string BUSINESS = "Ice Cream Internet Parlor";

                DBMaster      dbm     = new DBMaster();
                SqlDataReader reader  = null;
                string        query   = "";
                string        product = "";
                string        price   = "";
                string        address = "";
                string        email   = "";
                string        id      = Session["UserID"].ToString();
                // Retrieve user's name from Session
                string fName = Session["fName"].ToString();
                string lName = "";
                // Get id from URL
                string pid     = Request.QueryString["id"];
                string message = "Hi! " + fName;
                double price2  = 0.0;

                // First, get product name & price
                query = "SELECT productName, price FROM products WHERE pid = " + pid;

                // Execute the query
                reader = dbm.GetReader(query);

                if (reader.Read())
                    product = reader["productName"].ToString();
                    price   = reader["price"].ToString();

                    // Make Price look like a proper price (2 significant digits)
                    if (double.TryParse(price, out price2))
                        price = string.Format("{0:C}", price2);
                        // The chances of this executing are slim to none since
                        // price is in the database as a number.
                        price = "$" + price;
                dbm.CloseReader();                              // Done with the reader, for now.

                // Second, decrement the amount
                query = "UPDATE products SET currentAmount -= 1 WHERE pid = " + pid;

                // Third, get user's address.
                query = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE id = " + id;

                // Get the needed info from the person table.
                reader = dbm.GetReader(query);
                if (reader.Read())
                    address = reader["address"].ToString();
                    email   = reader["email"].ToString();
                    lName   = reader["lastName"].ToString();

                // We have all the pieces we need from the database.

                // Build up the message; the Greeting line is already added.
                message += string.Format(
                    "<p>Thank you for purchasing <b>{0}</b>. " +
                    "Your credit card on file will be charged <b>{1}</b><br/>" +
                    "Your purchase will be shipped to: <b>{2}</b></p>" +
                    "<p>Thanks for shopping at {3}! " +
                    "It is a pleasure doing business with you.</p>",
                    product, price, address, BUSINESS);
                divGreet.InnerHtml = message;

                /* No point in running the rest of the code if there is no from email and
                 * password - JK
                 * // Get sender credentials
                 * string fromEmail    = "";
                 * string fromPassword = "";
                 * // Combine first and last names into one string
                 * string toName = string.Format("{0} {1}", fName, lName);
                 * // Create a MailMessage object
                 * MailAddress from = new MailAddress(fromEmail, BUSINESS);
                 * MailAddress to   = new MailAddress(email, toName);
                 * MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(from, to);
                 * // Build the email
                 * mail.Subject = "Your order from " + BUSINESS;
                 * mail.Body = message;
                 * // And tell message we're using HTML
                 * mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
                 * // Set SMTP for gmail
                 * SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com", 587);
                 * // Provide the credentials
                 * smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromEmail, fromPassword);
                 * smtp.EnableSsl = true;
                 * // Send the email
                 * smtp.Send(mail);