private CustomFileDetails GetLicenseFileInfo(int schemaId, int licenseId, int providerOrganizationId, int consumerOrganizationId)
            // Get license
            var license = _licenses.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == licenseId);
            var result  = new CustomFileDetails();

            // Check whether license is custom
            var isCustom = license.CustomLicenseID != null;

            if (isCustom)
                // Get content for custom license
                result = GetCustomLicenseForDownload(license.CustomLicenseID.Value);
                // Get schema file
                var schemaFile = _schemaFiles.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DataSchemaID == schemaId);

                // Setup url to download schema
                var urlToSchema = _urls.ToDownloadSchema(schemaFile.ID);

                var application = _applications.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == license.ApplicationID);

                // Get content for templated license
                result = GetTemplatedLicenseForDownload(license, application.OrganizationID, consumerOrganizationId, urlToSchema);

            // Return result
        public CustomFileDetails GetFileDetails(int fileId, LoggedInUserDetails user)
            // Check whether user is admin
            if (!user.IsSysAdmin)
                throw new BaseException("Access denied");

            // Get license template
            var licenseTemplate = _templates.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == fileId);

            // Check whether template not exists
            if (licenseTemplate == null)
                throw new BaseException("File not found");

            // Get bytes for license content
            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(licenseTemplate.LicenseText);

            // Setup file result
            var fileResult = new CustomFileDetails()
                Content  = bytes,
                FileName = licenseTemplate.Name + ".html",
                MimeType = "application/html"

        private CustomFileDetails GetTemplatedLicenseForDownload(OrganizationLicense license, int providerOrgId, int consumerOrgId, string urlToSchema)
            var result = new CustomFileDetails();

            // Get license template
            var template = _licenseTemplates.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == license.LicenseTemplateID.Value);

            // Get license document
            var licenseDocument = _licenseContentBuilder.GetLicenseContent(organizationLicenseId: license.ID);

            // Get schema file
            var schemaFile = _schemaFiles.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DataSchemaID == license.DataSchemaID);

            // Build content for templated license
            _licenseContentBuilder.InsertLicenseDetails(licenseDocument, urlToSchema, _config.DataLinkerHost, providerOrgId, consumerOrgId);

            // Generate pdf file with content
            var pdfDocument = new HtmlToPdfConverter {
                PageFooterHtml = _licenseContentBuilder.GetFooterText(license.Status, _config.DataLinkerHost)
            var bytes = pdfDocument.GeneratePdf(licenseDocument.OuterXml);

            // Setup result
            result.Content  = bytes;
            result.MimeType = "application/pdf";
            result.FileName = $"{template.Name}.pdf";

            // Return result
Пример #4
        public FileResult GenerateReport()
            // Setup report details
            CustomFileDetails fileResult = _templates.GetReportDetails(LoggedInUser);

            // Return File
            return(File(fileResult.Content, fileResult.MimeType, fileResult.FileName));
Пример #5
        public FileResult Download(int fileId)
            // Setup file details
            CustomFileDetails fileResult = _templates.GetFileDetails(fileId, LoggedInUser);

            // Return result
            return(File(fileResult.Content, fileResult.MimeType, fileResult.FileName));
        public CustomFileDetails GetReportDetails(LoggedInUserDetails user)
            // Check whether user is not admin
            if (!user.IsSysAdmin)
                throw new BaseException("Access denied.");

            // Get all valid license agreements
            var licenseAgreements = _agreements.Where(i => i.ExpiresAt == null);

            // Get all sections
            var licenseSections = _sections.All().ToList();

            // Get section titles
            var sectionTitles = GetHeaderForReport(licenseSections);

            // Append Header for report
            var reportHeader = "Date executed,Provider,Consumer,Schema" + sectionTitles;

            var fileContent = new StringBuilder();
            var reportBody  = new StringBuilder();

            // Process each license agreement
            foreach (var licenseAgreement in licenseAgreements)
                // Add line to report for license agreement
                reportBody.AppendLine(GetRecordForLicense(licenseAgreement, licenseSections));

            // Add Header to file

            // Add Body to file

            // Setup file name
            var fileName = $"License_Agreements_{GetDate.ToString("yyyy MMMM dd")}.csv";

            // Setup file result
            var fileResult = new CustomFileDetails
                Content  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fileContent.ToString()),
                FileName = fileName,
                MimeType = "text/csv"

        private CustomFileDetails GetCustomLicenseForDownload(int licenseId)
            // define result
            var result = new CustomFileDetails();

            // Get license
            var customLicense = _customLicenses.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == licenseId);

            // Setup result
            result.Content  = customLicense.Content;
            result.MimeType = customLicense.MimeType;
            result.FileName = customLicense.FileName;

            // Return result
Пример #8
        public CustomFileDetails GetReport(LoggedInUserDetails user)
            // Check whether user has access
            if (!user.IsSysAdmin)
                throw new BaseException("Access denied.");

            // Get license matches for current month
            var consumerMatchesForMonth = _licenseMatches.GetAllMatchesForMonth(GetDate);

            // Setup string builder
            var fileContent = new StringBuilder();

            fileContent.AppendLine("Provider Name: Endpoint Name,Schema Name,Consumer Name");

            // Get all published licenses
            var providerLicenses = _orgLicenses.GetAllProviderLicensesForMonth(GetDate).ToList();

            // Check whether any provider license was published this month
            if (!providerLicenses.Any())
                throw new BaseException($"No providers who published licenses in {GetDate.ToString("Y")}");

            // Each license process - add to csv provider + schema
            foreach (var providerLicense in providerLicenses)
                fileContent.AppendLine(GetRecordForLicense(consumerMatchesForMonth.ToList(), providerLicense));

            // Setup result
            var result   = new CustomFileDetails();
            var fileName = $"Schema_usage_{GetDate.ToString("Y")}.csv";
            var stream   = new MemoryStream();
            var writer   = new StreamWriter(stream);

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            result.FileName = fileName;
            result.MimeType = "text/csv";
            result.Content  = stream.ToArray();
        public CustomFileDetails GetTemplatedLicenseForPreview(List <SectionsWithClauses> model, int orgId, int schemaId, LoggedInUserDetails user)
            // Check access

            // Check whether organisation is active
            if (!user.Organization.IsActive)
                throw new BaseException("Your organization is inactive. Please check if your organization has approved Legal Officer. For more details contact DataLinker administrator.");

            // Define result
            var result = new CustomFileDetails();

            // Get published license template
            var template = _licenseTemplates.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Status == (int)TemplateStatus.Active);

            // Get schema file
            var schemaFile = _schemaFiles.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DataSchemaID == schemaId);

            // Setup url to download schema
            var urlToSchema = _urls.ToDownloadSchema(schemaFile.ID);

            // Setup content for document
            var document = _licenseContentBuilder.GetDocument(model, schemaId, orgId, template, _config.DataLinkerHost, urlToSchema);

            // Create pdf document
            var pdfDocument = new HtmlToPdfConverter
                PageFooterHtml = _licenseContentBuilder.GetFooterText((int)PublishStatus.Draft, _config.DataLinkerHost)

            // Get bytes from document
            var bytes = pdfDocument.GeneratePdf(document.OuterXml);

            // Setup result
            result.Content  = bytes;
            result.MimeType = "application/pdf";
            result.FileName = $"{template.Name}.pdf";

            // Return result
Пример #10
        public CustomFileDetails GetFileDetails(int fileId)
            // Get schema file
            var schemaFile = _schemaFiles.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == fileId);

            // Check whether file exists
            if (schemaFile == null)
                throw new BaseException("File not found");

            // Get metadata for schema file
            var schemaMeta = _schemas.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == schemaFile.DataSchemaID);

            // Setup file name
            var fileName = schemaMeta.Name + schemaFile.FileFormat;

            // Setup stream
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Setup result
            var result = new CustomFileDetails()
                Content  = stream.ToArray(),
                FileName = fileName,
                MimeType = "application/json"

            // Return result
        public CustomFileDetails GetAgreement(int agreementId, LoggedInUserDetails user)
            // Get agreements
            var agreement = _agreements.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == agreementId);

            // Return error if data not found
            if (agreement == null)
                throw new BaseException("License Agreement not found");

            // Check whether user has access

            var consumerRegistration      = _consumerProviderRegistrations.GetById(agreement.ConsumerProviderRegistrationId);
            var providerLicense           = _licenses.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == consumerRegistration.OrganizationLicenseID);
            var consumerApp               = _applications.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == consumerRegistration.ConsumerApplicationID);
            var providerApp               = _applications.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == providerLicense.ApplicationID);
            var isFromConsumerSide        = user.Organization.ID == consumerApp.OrganizationID;
            var isFromProviderSide        = user.Organization.ID == providerApp.OrganizationID;
            var isFromAllowedOrganization = isFromProviderSide || isFromConsumerSide;

            // Return error if not access to data
            if (!user.IsSysAdmin && !isFromAllowedOrganization)
                throw new BaseException("Access denied.");

            // Check whether organisation is active
            if (!user.Organization.IsActive)
                throw new BaseException(
                          "Your organization is inactive. Please check if your organization has approved Legal Officer. For more details contact DataLinker administrator.");

            // Get provider licese
            if (providerLicense.CustomLicenseID != null)
                // Get uploaded by provider file
                var customLicenseResult = GetCustomLicenseForDownload(providerLicense.CustomLicenseID.Value);

                // Return custom license result

            // Get template
            var template = _licenseTemplates.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == providerLicense.LicenseTemplateID.Value);

            // Get schema file
            var schemaFile = _schemaFiles.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DataSchemaID == providerLicense.DataSchemaID);

            // Setup url to download schema
            var urlToSchema = _urls.ToDownloadSchema(schemaFile.ID);

            // Setup license content
            var licenseDocument = _licenseContentBuilder.GetLicenseContent(organizationLicenseId: providerLicense.ID);

            // Insert provider details
            _licenseContentBuilder.InsertAgreementDetails(licenseDocument, agreement.ID, urlToSchema, _config.DataLinkerHost);

            // Get butes for generated pdf
            var bytes = new HtmlToPdfConverter().GeneratePdf(licenseDocument.OuterXml);

            var result = new CustomFileDetails
                Content  = bytes,
                FileName = template.Name + ".pdf",
                MimeType = "application/pdf"
