Пример #1
    /// <sumary>
    /// Instantiate the new Chart and load the editor scene
    /// </sumary>
    public void StartEditor(bool isEdit = false)
        if (Serializer.Initialized)
            if (Serializer.ChartData == null)
                Chart chart        = new Chart();
                Beats defaultBeats = new Beats();
                defaultBeats.Easy   = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                defaultBeats.Normal = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                defaultBeats.Hard   = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                defaultBeats.Expert = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                defaultBeats.Master = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                defaultBeats.Custom = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();

                Effects defaultEffects = new Effects();
                defaultEffects.Easy   = new List <float>();
                defaultEffects.Normal = new List <float>();
                defaultEffects.Hard   = new List <float>();
                defaultEffects.Expert = new List <float>();
                defaultEffects.Master = new List <float>();
                defaultEffects.Custom = new List <float>();

                Jumps defaultJumps = new Jumps();
                defaultJumps.Easy   = new List <float>();
                defaultJumps.Normal = new List <float>();
                defaultJumps.Hard   = new List <float>();
                defaultJumps.Expert = new List <float>();
                defaultJumps.Master = new List <float>();
                defaultJumps.Custom = new List <float>();

                Crouchs defaultCrouchs = new Crouchs();
                defaultCrouchs.Easy   = new List <float>();
                defaultCrouchs.Normal = new List <float>();
                defaultCrouchs.Hard   = new List <float>();
                defaultCrouchs.Expert = new List <float>();
                defaultCrouchs.Master = new List <float>();
                defaultCrouchs.Custom = new List <float>();

                Slides defaultSlides = new Slides();
                defaultSlides.Easy   = new List <Slide>();
                defaultSlides.Normal = new List <Slide>();
                defaultSlides.Hard   = new List <Slide>();
                defaultSlides.Expert = new List <Slide>();
                defaultSlides.Master = new List <Slide>();
                defaultSlides.Custom = new List <Slide>();

                Lights defaultLights = new Lights();
                defaultLights.Easy   = new List <float>();
                defaultLights.Normal = new List <float>();
                defaultLights.Hard   = new List <float>();
                defaultLights.Expert = new List <float>();
                defaultLights.Master = new List <float>();
                defaultLights.Custom = new List <float>();

                /// For testing

                /*var list = new List<Note>();
                 * list.Add(new Note(new Vector3(-0.5756355f, 0.2400601f, 0), 1));
                 * defaultBeats.Easy.Add(0, list);
                 * list = new List<Note>();
                 * list.Add(new Note(new Vector3(-0.7826607f, 0.3006552f, 20f), 2002));
                 * defaultBeats.Easy.Add(2000, list);
                 * list = new List<Note>();
                 * list.Add(new Note(new Vector3(0.1514833f, 0.3359979f, 40f), 4001));
                 * defaultBeats.Easy.Add(4000, list);	*/

                chart.Track                 = defaultBeats;
                chart.Effects               = defaultEffects;
                chart.Jumps                 = defaultJumps;
                chart.Crouchs               = defaultCrouchs;
                chart.Slides                = defaultSlides;
                chart.Bookmarks             = new Bookmarks();
                chart.Name                  = nameField.text;
                chart.Author                = authorField.text;
                chart.AudioName             = trackField.text;
                chart.AudioData             = null;     //audioData;
                chart.AudioFrecuency        = loadedClip.frequency;
                chart.AudioChannels         = loadedClip.channels;
                chart.BPM                   = 120;
                chart.FilePath              = null;
                chart.Artwork               = artWorkField;
                chart.ArtworkBytes          = loadedArtwork;
                chart.IsAdminOnly           = Serializer.IsAdmin();
                chart.Beatmapper            = mapperField.text;
                chart.CustomDifficultyName  = "Custom";
                chart.CustomDifficultySpeed = 1;
                chart.Tags                  = new List <string>();
                chart.Lights                = defaultLights;

                Serializer.ChartData = chart;

            if (artworkEdited)
                Serializer.ChartData.Artwork      = artWorkField;
                Serializer.ChartData.ArtworkBytes = loadedArtwork;

            if (audioEdited)
                // Serializer.ChartData.AudioData = audioData;
                Serializer.ChartData.AudioFrecuency = loadedClip.frequency;
                Serializer.ChartData.AudioChannels  = loadedClip.channels;

            if (isEdit)
                Serializer.ChartData.Name       = editNameField.text;
                Serializer.ChartData.Author     = editAuthorField.text;
                Serializer.ChartData.AudioName  = editTrackField.text;
                Serializer.ChartData.Beatmapper = editMapperField.text;
            // Complete editor process
            // Serializer.SerializeToFile();
    public static Chart Convert(string path, int distancex = 50, int distancey = 35, int offsety = 10, int dynamic = 20, int repeat = 200)
        path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf(@"\"));

        Chart synthSong = new Chart();

        if (File.Exists(path + @"\info.dat"))
            //load song info
            string infoStr = "";
            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path + @"\info.dat"))
                infoStr = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            //deserialize song info
            Info info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Info>(infoStr);

            synthSong.Name          = (info._songName != "") ? info._songName : "N/A";
            synthSong.Author        = (info._songAuthorName != "") ? info._songAuthorName : "N/A";
            synthSong.BPM           = info._beatsPerMinute;
            synthSong.Offset        = (info._songTimeOffset < 0) ? info._songTimeOffset : synthSong.Offset = 0;
            synthSong.Beatmapper    = (info._levelAuthorName != "") ? info._levelAuthorName : "N/A";
            synthSong.BeatConverted = true;

            synthSong.Artwork        = "Default Artwork";
            synthSong.ArtworkBytes   = null;
            synthSong.AudioName      = "";
            synthSong.AudioData      = null;
            synthSong.AudioFrecuency = 0;
            synthSong.AudioChannels  = 2;
            synthSong.EditorVersion  = "1.8";
            synthSong.IsAdminOnly    = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps.Count && i < 5; i++)
                if (File.Exists(path + @"\" + info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._beatmapFilename))
                    //load song difficulty
                    string beatSongStr = "";
                    using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path + @"\" + info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._beatmapFilename))
                        beatSongStr = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                    //deserialize song difficulty
                    BeatSong beatSong = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BeatSong>(beatSongStr);

                    //convert notes
                    Dictionary <float, List <Note> > track = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                    for (int j = 0; j < beatSong._notes.Count; j++)
                        int time = (int)Math.Round(beatSong._notes[j]._time * 60000f / info._beatsPerMinute);

                        float y_offset = 0;
                        float _offset  = 0;
                        switch (beatSong._notes[j]._cutDirection)
                        case 0: y_offset += dynamic * 0.01f; break;                                                     //up

                        case 1: y_offset -= dynamic * 0.01f; break;                                                     //down

                        case 2: _offset += dynamic * 0.01f; break;                                                      //left

                        case 3: _offset -= dynamic * 0.01f; break;                                                      //right

                        case 4: y_offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //up_left

                        case 5: y_offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //up_right

                        case 6: y_offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //down_left

                        case 7: y_offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //down_right

                        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(_offset + (distancex / 150f) * (beatSong._notes[j]._lineIndex - 1.5f), y_offset + (distancey / 100f) * (beatSong._notes[j]._lineLayer - 1f) + offsety * 0.01f, (time) * 0.02f);

                        Note.NoteType type;
                        if (beatSong._notes[j]._type == 0)
                            type = Note.NoteType.LeftHanded;
                        else if (beatSong._notes[j]._type == 1)
                            type = Note.NoteType.RightHanded;

                        string id = i.ToString() + "," + j.ToString();

                        Note note = new Note(pos, id, -1, type);

                        if (!track.ContainsKey(time))
                            List <Note> notes = new List <Note>();

                            track.Add(time, notes);

                    //convert obstacles
                    List <Crouch> crouches = new List <Crouch>();
                    List <Slide>  slides   = new List <Slide>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < beatSong._obstacles.Count; j++)
                        int time     = (int)Math.Round(beatSong._obstacles[j]._time * 60000f / info._beatsPerMinute);
                        int duration = (int)Math.Round(beatSong._obstacles[j]._duration * 60000f / info._beatsPerMinute);

                        for (int n = time; n < time + duration; n += repeat)
                            if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._type == 1)
                                Crouch crouch = new Crouch();
                                crouch.time     = n;
                                crouch.position = new float[] { 0, 0, n * 18.75f };
                                Slide slide = new Slide();
                                slide.time     = n;
                                slide.position = new float[] { 0, 0, n * 18.75f };
                                if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._width == 1)
                                    if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 0)//one on the left
                                        slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 4;
                                    else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 3)//one on the right
                                        slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 2;
                                    else//one middle right or middle left
                                        slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 3;
                                else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._width == 2)
                                    if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 0)//two on the left
                                        slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 1;
                                    else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 1)//two in the middle
                                        slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 3;
                                    else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 2)//two on the right
                                        slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 0;
                                    Crouch crouch = new Crouch();
                                    crouch.time     = n;
                                    crouch.position = new float[] { 0, 0, n * 18.75f };

                    Beats defaultBeats = new Beats();
                    defaultBeats.Easy   = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                    defaultBeats.Normal = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                    defaultBeats.Hard   = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                    defaultBeats.Expert = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                    defaultBeats.Master = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();
                    defaultBeats.Custom = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >();

                    synthSong.Track = defaultBeats;

                    Crouchs defaultCrouchs = new Crouchs();
                    defaultCrouchs.Easy   = new List <Crouch>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Normal = new List <Crouch>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Hard   = new List <Crouch>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Expert = new List <Crouch>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Master = new List <Crouch>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Custom = new List <Crouch>();

                    synthSong.Crouchs = defaultCrouchs;

                    Slides defaultSlides = new Slides();
                    defaultSlides.Easy   = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Normal = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Hard   = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Expert = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Master = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Custom = new List <Slide>();

                    synthSong.Slides = defaultSlides;

                    if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Expert"))
                        synthSong.Track.Expert   = track;
                        synthSong.Crouchs.Expert = crouches;
                        synthSong.Slides.Expert  = slides;
                    else if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Hard"))
                        synthSong.Track.Hard   = track;
                        synthSong.Crouchs.Hard = crouches;
                        synthSong.Slides.Hard  = slides;
                    else if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Normal"))
                        synthSong.Track.Normal   = track;
                        synthSong.Crouchs.Normal = crouches;
                        synthSong.Slides.Normal  = slides;
                    else if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Easy"))
                        synthSong.Track.Easy   = track;
                        synthSong.Crouchs.Easy = crouches;
                        synthSong.Slides.Easy  = slides;
                        synthSong.Track.Master   = track;
                        synthSong.Crouchs.Master = crouches;
                        synthSong.Slides.Master  = slides;

            string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path);

            foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
                if (filePath.Contains(".egg"))//replace the .egg file ending with .ogg
                    string tmp = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.IndexOf(".egg")) + ".ogg";
                    if (!File.Exists(tmp))
                        File.Copy(filePath, tmp);
Пример #3
    private void LoadAudioChart(string absoluteUri, bool isJSON = false)
        if (Serializer.Initialized)
            // bool fileLoadSuccess = Serializer.LoadFronFile(absoluteUri, isJSON, absoluteUri.Contains(".dat"));
            bool fileLoadSuccess = isJSON ? Serializer.LoadFronFile(absoluteUri, isJSON, absoluteUri.Contains(".dat")) : Serializer.LoadFronFile(absoluteUri);
            if (fileLoadSuccess)
                editPanelAnimator.Play("Panel In");
                editModePanelAnimator.Play("Panel Out");

                editNameField.text   = Serializer.ChartData.Name;
                editAuthorField.text = Serializer.ChartData.Author;
                editTrackField.text  = (Serializer.ChartData.AudioData != null) ? string.Empty : Serializer.ChartData.AudioName;
                editMapperField.text = Serializer.ChartData.Beatmapper;
                if (!isJSON)
                    Serializer.ChartData.FilePath = absoluteUri;

                // For the artwork texture
                if (Serializer.ChartData.ArtworkBytes == null)
                    Serializer.ChartData.Artwork      = "Default Artwork";
                    Serializer.ChartData.ArtworkBytes = defaultArtworkData;

                SetSpriteToImage(editArtworkField, Serializer.ChartData.ArtworkBytes);

                // If not has effect data
                if (Serializer.ChartData.Effects == null)
                    Effects defaultEffects = new Effects();
                    defaultEffects.Easy   = new List <float>();
                    defaultEffects.Normal = new List <float>();
                    defaultEffects.Hard   = new List <float>();
                    defaultEffects.Expert = new List <float>();
                    defaultEffects.Master = new List <float>();
                    defaultEffects.Custom = new List <float>();

                    Serializer.ChartData.Effects = defaultEffects;

                if (Serializer.ChartData.Jumps == null)
                    Jumps defaultJumps = new Jumps();
                    defaultJumps.Easy   = new List <float>();
                    defaultJumps.Normal = new List <float>();
                    defaultJumps.Hard   = new List <float>();
                    defaultJumps.Expert = new List <float>();
                    defaultJumps.Master = new List <float>();
                    defaultJumps.Custom = new List <float>();

                    Serializer.ChartData.Jumps = defaultJumps;

                if (Serializer.ChartData.Crouchs == null)
                    Crouchs defaultCrouchs = new Crouchs();
                    defaultCrouchs.Easy   = new List <float>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Normal = new List <float>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Hard   = new List <float>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Expert = new List <float>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Master = new List <float>();
                    defaultCrouchs.Custom = new List <float>();

                    Serializer.ChartData.Crouchs = defaultCrouchs;

                if (Serializer.ChartData.Slides == null)
                    Slides defaultSlides = new Slides();
                    defaultSlides.Easy   = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Normal = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Hard   = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Expert = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Master = new List <Slide>();
                    defaultSlides.Custom = new List <Slide>();

                    Serializer.ChartData.Slides = defaultSlides;

                if (Serializer.ChartData.Lights == null)
                    Lights defaultLights = new Lights();
                    defaultLights.Easy   = new List <float>();
                    defaultLights.Normal = new List <float>();
                    defaultLights.Hard   = new List <float>();
                    defaultLights.Expert = new List <float>();
                    defaultLights.Master = new List <float>();
                    defaultLights.Custom = new List <float>();

                    Serializer.ChartData.Lights = defaultLights;

                if (Serializer.ChartData.Bookmarks == null)
                    Serializer.ChartData.Bookmarks = new Bookmarks();
