Пример #1
        private void SortAndBind()
            CouponController couponController = new CouponController();

            _couponList = couponController.GetAll(PortalId);

            switch (CouponsSortExpression)
            case "Code":

            case "Description":

            case "StartDate":


            if (CouponsSortDirection == SortDirection.Descending)

            gvCoupons.PageIndex  = CouponsPageIndex;
            gvCoupons.DataSource = _couponList;
Пример #2
        private void BindCoupon()
            if (CouponID != Null.NullInteger)
                var objCouponController = new CouponController();
                var objCoupon           = objCouponController.GetCoupon(CouponID, ModuleId);

                if (objCoupon == null)
                    txtCode.Text = objCoupon.Code;
                    if (lstDiscountType.Items.FindByValue(objCoupon.DiscountType.ToString()) != null)
                        lstDiscountType.SelectedValue = objCoupon.DiscountType.ToString();
                    txtAmount.Text            = objCoupon.Amount.ToString();
                    txtQuantity.Text          = objCoupon.Quantity.ToString();
                    txtStartDate.SelectedDate = objCoupon.StartDate;
                    txtEndDate.SelectedDate   = objCoupon.EndDate;
                    chkIsActive.Checked       = objCoupon.IsActive;

                    // Allow users to delete coupon
                    cmdDelete.Visible = true;
Пример #3
            public async Task RespondsWithCreated_PostNewCoupon()
                var couponRepository = new InMemoryCouponRepository();

                var couponController =
                    new CouponController(couponRepository)
                    .BootstrapForTests(urlHelper: new ActionNameOnlyUrlHelper());

                var postRequestDto = new PostRequestDto
                    Code       = "GRAND_SALE",
                    PercentOff = 50

                var postResponse = (CreatedResult)await couponController.Post(postRequestDto);

                Assert.Equal((int)HttpStatusCode.Created, postResponse.StatusCode);

                var couponDto = (CouponDto)postResponse.Value;

                Assert.Equal(nameof(CouponController.Get), postResponse.Location);

                Assert.Equal("GRAND_SALE", couponDto.Code);
                Assert.Equal(50, couponDto.PercentOff);
 protected void CouponButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CouponTextBox.Text))
         MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Please enter a valid coupon.");
         CouponController sysmgr = new CouponController();
         Coupon           coupon = sysmgr.ValidateCoupon(CouponTextBox.Text);
         if (coupon == null)
             MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Please enter a valid coupon.");
             MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
                 decimal couponDiscount = decimal.Parse(coupon.CouponDiscount.ToString());
                 decimal discount       = couponDiscount / 100;
                 CouponIDLabel.Text     = coupon.CouponID.ToString();
                 Label3.Visible         = true;
                 decimal discountValue  = decimal.Parse(SubTotalLabel.Text) * discount;
                 DiscountLabel.Text     = discountValue.ToString();
                 decimal total          = decimal.Parse(TotalLabel.Text);
                 total          -= discountValue;
                 TotalLabel.Text = total.ToString();
             }, "Coupon", "Coupon successfully applied.");
             MainView.ActiveViewIndex = 2;
Пример #5
        public static string checkCouponG25(int customerID)
            // check customer
            var customer = CustomerController.GetByID(customerID);

            if (customer == null)

            // check coupon
            var coupon = CouponController.getByName("G25");

            if (coupon == null)
                if (coupon.Active == false)

            // check user app
            var userPhone  = UserController.getByPhone(customer.CustomerPhone);
            var userPhone2 = UserController.getByPhone(customer.CustomerPhone2);

            if (userPhone == null && userPhone2 == null)

            // kiểm tra đã tạo mã cho khách này chưa
            var customerCoupon = CouponController.getCouponByCustomer(coupon.ID, customer.ID, customer.CustomerPhone);

            if (customerCoupon.Count == 0)

            // kiểm tra mã đã tạo còn cái nào actice không
            int activeCoupon = customerCoupon.Where(x => x.Active == true).Count();

            if (activeCoupon > 0)

            // kiểm tra khách đã sử dụng bao nhiêu mã
            int inactiveCoupon = customerCoupon.Where(x => x.Active == false).Count();

            if (inactiveCoupon == 1)

Пример #6
        protected void CheckCouponButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double           totalprice = double.Parse(subtotalLabel.Text.Replace(@"$", string.Empty));
            double           taxprice   = double.Parse(TaxLabel.Text.Replace(@"$", string.Empty));
            CouponController sysmgr     = new CouponController();
            Coupon           info       = sysmgr.Coupons_Get(CouponTextBox.Text);

            if (info == null)
                PercentageLabel.Text = "";
                DiscountLabel.Text   = "0";
                MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Warning", "Your coupon does not exist");
                if (DateTime.Now > info.EndDate)
                    PercentageLabel.Text = "";
                    DiscountLabel.Text   = "0";
                    MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Warning", "Your coupon seems already expired");
                    MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
                        PercentageLabel.Text = info.CouponDiscount.ToString();
                        int discountTemp     = info.CouponDiscount;
                        DiscountLabel.Text   = "$" + (totalprice * (double)discountTemp * 0.01).ToString();
                        totalLabel2.Text     = "$" + ((totalprice + taxprice - (totalprice * (double)discountTemp * 0.01))).ToString();
                    }, "Success", "Your coupon is valid!");
        public void CreateCoupon_couponCreated()
            var repository = new CouponRepository(_databaseSettings);

            var target = new CouponController(new CouponManager(repository, _mapper));

            var expiration      = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Date;
            var createCouponDto = new CreateCouponDto(
                CouponType: CouponType.Amount,
                Value: 10,
                Expiration: expiration

            var result = target.CreateCoupon(createCouponDto);

            Assert.IsType <CreatedAtRouteResult>(result.Result);
            var couponId = ((CreatedAtRouteResult)result.Result).RouteValues["id"].ToString();

            var actual = repository.FindById(couponId);

            var expected = new Coupon
                Id         = couponId,
                CouponType = CouponType.Amount,
                Value      = 10,
                Expiration = expiration

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the coupons.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadCoupons()
            CouponCollection couponCollection = new CouponController().FetchAll();

            if (couponCollection.Count == 0)
                dgCoupons.Visible = false;
                dgCoupons.DataSource     = couponCollection;
                dgCoupons.ItemDataBound += dgCoupons_ItemDataBound;
                HyperLinkColumn hlEditColumn = dgCoupons.Columns[0] as HyperLinkColumn;
                if (hlEditColumn != null)
                    hlEditColumn.Text = LocalizationUtility.GetText("lblEdit");
                    hlEditColumn.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = "~/admin/coupons.aspx?couponId={0}";
                dgCoupons.Columns[0].HeaderText = LocalizationUtility.GetText("hdrEdit");
                dgCoupons.Columns[1].HeaderText = LocalizationUtility.GetText("hdrCouponCode");
                dgCoupons.Columns[2].HeaderText = LocalizationUtility.GetText("hdrExpirationDate");
                dgCoupons.Columns[3].HeaderText = LocalizationUtility.GetText("hdrType");
                dgCoupons.Columns[4].HeaderText = LocalizationUtility.GetText("hdrDelete");

                ButtonColumn btnColumn = dgCoupons.Columns[4] as ButtonColumn;
                if (btnColumn != null)
                    btnColumn.Text = LocalizationUtility.GetText("lblDelete");
Пример #9
            public async Task CanGetCoupon_PostNewCoupon()
                var couponRepository = new InMemoryCouponRepository();

                var couponController =
                    new CouponController(couponRepository)

                var postRequestDto = new PostRequestDto
                    Code       = "GRAND_SALE",
                    PercentOff = 50

                var postResponse = await couponController.Post(postRequestDto);

                var postResponseCouponDto = (CouponDto)postResponse.Value;

                var getResponse = await couponController.Get(postResponseCouponDto.Id);

                Assert.Equal((int)HttpStatusCode.OK, getResponse.StatusCode);

                var couponDto = (CouponDto)getResponse.Value;

                Assert.Equal("GRAND_SALE", couponDto.Code);
                Assert.Equal(50, couponDto.PercentOff);
Пример #10
        protected void addRentalEquipment_Click(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)
            MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HIDDEN_LABEL_selectedCustomerID.Text))
                    throw new Exception("Must have customer selected");
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(creditcardinput.Text))
                    throw new Exception("Must have credit card");
                else if (PendingRentalListView.Items.Count() == 0)
                    RentalController Rmgr = new RentalController();

                    //Marshall Methods
                    CouponController Cmgr = new CouponController();
                    //Test data
                    //Chip Andale EmployeeID: 10
                    //Fuelling,Adolph 780.600.2840 CustomerID: 47
                    //int createAndReturnEmptyRentalID
                    //selectedCustomerRental.Text = mgr.createAndReturnEmptyRentalID(47, 10, null, " ").ToString();
                    //public int createAndReturnEmptyRentalID(int customerid, int employeeid, int? couponid, string creditcard)
                    selectedCustomerRental.Text = Rmgr.createAndReturnEmptyRentalID(int.Parse(HIDDEN_LABEL_selectedCustomerID.Text),
                    //Cmgr.ValidateCoupon(string.IsNullOrEmpty(couponinput.Text) ? (int?)null : couponinput.Text).CouponID

                    //Add selected equipment
                    RentalDetailController __addmgr = new RentalDetailController();
                    __addmgr.addRentalEquipment(int.Parse(selectedCustomerRental.Text), int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()));

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedCustomerRental.Text))
                        throw new Exception("Equipment has not been added!!");

                    MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Form Created", "Item added to newly created form");
                    //newRental.Visible = true;
                    RentalDetailController mgr = new RentalDetailController();
                    mgr.addRentalEquipment(int.Parse(selectedCustomerRental.Text), int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()));

                    MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Equipment has been added.");
        public void FindById_notFound_returnNotFoundResult()
            var repository = new CouponRepository(_databaseSettings);

            var target = new CouponController(new CouponManager(repository, _mapper));

            var actual = target.FindById(Invalid_ID);

            Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(actual.Result);
        public void Create_A_Coupon()
            CouponController couponController = new CouponController(_couponRepository, null);

            var coupon       = GenerateCoupon();
            var actionResult = couponController.Create(coupon);

            var result = actionResult.Result as CreatedAtRouteResult;

        public void Remove_A_Coupon()
            CouponController couponController = new CouponController(_couponRepository, null);
            var coupon       = GenerateCoupon();
            var actionResult = couponController.Create(coupon);
            var response     = actionResult.Result as CreatedAtRouteResult;
            var couponId     = (response.Value as Coupon).Id;

            var result = couponController.DeleteCoupon(couponId);

            result.Should().BeOfType <NoContentResult>();
Пример #14
 protected void FetchCouponList()
     MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
         DateTime currentDate                 = DateTime.Now;
         CouponController sysmgr              = new CouponController();
         List <Coupon> currentCopns           = sysmgr.GetListOfAvailableCoupons(currentDate);
         PromoCodeDropDownList.DataSource     = currentCopns;
         PromoCodeDropDownList.DataValueField = "CouponID";
         PromoCodeDropDownList.DataTextField  = "CouponIDValue";
Пример #15
        public void Setup()
            mockUnitOfWork = Substitute.For <IUnitOfWork>();

            var profile       = new MappingProfile();
            var configuration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(profile));

            mapper = new Mapper(configuration);

            uut = new CouponController(mockUnitOfWork, mapper);

            defaultList = new List <Coupon>()
                new Coupon()
                    BarName        = "TestBar",
                    CouponID       = "10 Kr af alt",
                    ExpirationDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Bar            = null,
                new Coupon()
                    BarName        = "TestBar",
                    CouponID       = "5 Kr af alt",
                    ExpirationDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Bar            = null,
            defaultCoupon = defaultList[0];

            // Direct conversion without navigational property
            correctResultList = new List <CouponDto>()
                new CouponDto()
                    BarName        = "TestBar",
                    CouponID       = "10 Kr af alt",
                    ExpirationDate = DateTime.Now,
                new CouponDto()
                    BarName        = "TestBar",
                    CouponID       = "5 Kr af alt",
                    ExpirationDate = DateTime.Now,
            defaultCouponDto = correctResultList[0];
Пример #16
        public static string generateCouponG25(int customerID)
            var coupon = CouponController.getByName("G25");

            if (coupon != null)
                //generate coupon for customer
                var customerCoupon = CouponController.insertCustomerCoupon(customerID, coupon.ID);
                if (customerCoupon != null)

Пример #17
        public static string generateCouponG15(int customerID, bool checkUser = false)
            // check customer
            var customer = CustomerController.GetByID(customerID);

            if (customer == null)

            // check coupon
            var coupon = CouponController.getByName("G15");

            if (coupon == null)
                if (coupon.Active == false)

            // check user app
            if (checkUser == true)
                var userPhone  = UserController.getByPhone(customer.CustomerPhone);
                var userPhone2 = UserController.getByPhone(customer.CustomerPhone2);
                if (userPhone == null && userPhone2 == null)

            //generate coupon for customer
            var customerCoupon = CouponController.insertCustomerCoupon(customerID, coupon.ID);

            if (customerCoupon != null)

        public void FindById_HasOneCartWithSameId_returnAllShoppingCartsInformation()
            var repository = new CouponRepository(_databaseSettings);

            var coupon = new Coupon
                CouponType = CouponType.Percentage,
                Value      = 10


            var target = new CouponController(new CouponManager(repository, _mapper));

            var actual = target.FindById(coupon.Id);

            var expected = new CouponDto(coupon.Id, CouponType.Percentage, 10, coupon.Expiration);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual.Value);
        public void Delete_ReturnNoConentAndDeleteItem()
            var repository = new CouponRepository(_databaseSettings);

            var coupon = new Coupon
                CouponType = CouponType.Percentage,
                Value      = 10


            var target = new CouponController(new CouponManager(repository, _mapper));

            var actual = target.DeleteCoupon(coupon.Id);

            Assert.IsType <NoContentResult>(actual);
            var couponFindResult = target.FindById(Invalid_ID);

            Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(couponFindResult.Result);
Пример #20
 protected void CouponUseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
         CouponController csysmgr = new CouponController();
         Coupon cinfo             = csysmgr.Coupons_Get(CouponInput.Text);
         if (cinfo == null)
             MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Warning", "Please enter valid coupon value!");
             if (cinfo.StartDate > DateTime.Now || cinfo.EndDate < DateTime.Now)
                 MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("Warning", "This coupon cannot be used for now! Please check the valid date!");
     }, "Success", "Coupom has been used");
Пример #21
    protected void CreateSaleBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string username = User.Identity.Name;

        ShoppingCartController totalmgr  = new ShoppingCartController();
        decimal          total           = totalmgr.GetShoppingCartTotal(username);
        CouponController sysmgr          = new CouponController();
        decimal          discountPercent = sysmgr.GetCouponAmount(int.Parse(PromoCodeDropDownList.SelectedValue));

        decimal subtotal    = total * (1 - discountPercent);
        string  paymentType = PaymentTypeList.SelectedValue.ToUpper();

        int couponId = int.Parse(PromoCodeDropDownList.SelectedValue);

        MessageUserControl.TryRun(() =>
            SalesController salemgr = new SalesController();
            int sid = salemgr.CreatSaleFromCart(username, subtotal, couponId, paymentType);
            var url = String.Format("~/Pages/Sales/SaleConfirmation.aspx?sid={0}", sid);
Пример #22
    protected void PromoCodeDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Label  saleDiscount             = new Label();
        Label  saleFinalTotal           = new Label();
        string username                 = User.Identity.Name.ToString();
        ShoppingCartController totalmgr = new ShoppingCartController();
        decimal total = totalmgr.GetShoppingCartTotal(username);

        if (PromoCodeDropDownList.SelectedValue == "0")
            DiscountPercentValue.Text = "0.00 %";
            DiscountValue.Text        = "$0.00";

            foreach (RepeaterItem item in CheckoutRepeaterView.Items)
                saleDiscount        = item.FindControl("SaleDiscountValue") as Label;
                saleDiscount.Text   = "$0.00";
                saleFinalTotal      = item.FindControl("SaleFinalTotal") as Label;
                saleFinalTotal.Text = string.Format("{0:C2}", total);
            CouponController sysmgr          = new CouponController();
            decimal          discountPercent = sysmgr.GetCouponAmount(int.Parse(PromoCodeDropDownList.SelectedValue));
            DiscountPercentValue.Text = string.Format("{0:P2}", discountPercent);
            DiscountValue.Text        = string.Format("{0:C2}", (total * discountPercent));

            foreach (RepeaterItem item in CheckoutRepeaterView.Items)
                saleDiscount        = item.FindControl("SaleDiscountValue") as Label;
                saleDiscount.Text   = string.Format("{0:C2}", (total * discountPercent));
                saleFinalTotal      = item.FindControl("SaleFinalTotal") as Label;
                saleFinalTotal.Text = string.Format("{0:C2}", (total * (1 - discountPercent)));
Пример #23
        protected void lbApplyCoupon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string couponCode = txtCouponCode.Text;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(couponCode))
                CouponController controller = new CouponController();
                CouponInfo       coupon     = controller.GetCouponByCode(PortalId, couponCode);
                if (ValidateCoupon(coupon, Order))
                lblDiscountMessage.Text = "";
Пример #24
        protected void OnDeleteClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (CouponID != Null.NullInteger)
                    // Update Coupon
                    var objCouponController = new CouponController();
                    var objCoupon           = objCouponController.GetCoupon(CouponID, ModuleId);

                    if (objCoupon != null)

            catch (Exception ex)
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex);
Пример #25
        public ActionResult Shipping(ShippingViewModel model)
                var currentUser = GetAuthenticatedUser();
                var cartList    = _context.Cart.Where(x => x.UserId == currentUser.id).ToList();

                if (cartList.Count == 0)
                    return(Error("سبد خرید شما خالی است."));

                var addressList = _context.UserAddress.Where(x => x.StatusId == UserAddressStatus.Active.Id && x.UserId == currentUser.id).ToList();
                var address     = addressList.Single(x => x.Id == model.addressId);
                if (model.addressId > 0)
                    if (addressList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.addressId) == null)
                        return(Error("آدرس انتخاب شده صحیح نیست."));
                        addressList.ForEach(x => x.MainAddress = false);
                        address.MainAddress = true;
                    return(Error("لطفا آدرس تحویل سفارش خود را مشخص کنید."));

                if (model.deliveryType > 0)
                    if (model.deliveryType == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.time) && model.time.Split(' ').Length != 2)
                        return(Error("لطفا زمان تحویل سفارش خود را مشخص کنید."));
                    return(Error("لطفا نحوه تحویل سفارش خود را مشخص کنید."));

                Response couponResponse = null;
                Coupon   coupon         = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.coupon))
                    couponResponse = CouponController.CheckCoupon(_context, currentUser, model.coupon, out coupon);
                    if (couponResponse.status != ResponseStatus.Ok)

                var invoiceDetailList = new List <InvoiceDetail>();
                foreach (var item in cartList)
                    var totalPrice    = item.Product.Price - item.Product.Discount;
                    var invoiceDetail = new InvoiceDetail()
                        ProductId        = item.ProductId,
                        ProductFeatureId = item.ProductFeatureId,
                        Count            = item.Count,
                        Price            = totalPrice,
                        StatusId         = InvoiceDetailStatus.Accepted.Id,
                        CreateUserId     = currentUser.id,
                        ModifyUserId     = currentUser.id,
                        CreateDate       = GetDatetime(),
                        ModifyDate       = GetDatetime(),
                        CreateIp         = GetCurrentIp(),
                        ModifyIp         = GetCurrentIp()

                var price = invoiceDetailList.Sum(x => x.Count * x.Price);

                if (coupon != null)
                    if (coupon.TypeId == CouponType.Amount.Id)
                        price = price - coupon.Value;
                    else if (coupon.TypeId == CouponType.Percentage.Id)
                        price = price - ((price / 100) * coupon.Value);

                    if (price < 0)
                        price = 0;

                var keys             = new string[] { BaseInformationKey.OrderGapDay, BaseInformationKey.MinDeliveryFreePrice, BaseInformationKey.DeliveryPrice, BaseInformationKey.DeliveryManCity };
                var baseInformations = _context.BaseInformation.Where(x => keys.Any(y => y == x.Key));

                var GapDay = int.Parse(baseInformations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == BaseInformationKey.OrderGapDay)?.Value ?? AsefianMetadata.DefaultGapDay);
                var MinDeliveryFreePrice = long.Parse(baseInformations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == BaseInformationKey.MinDeliveryFreePrice)?.Value ?? AsefianMetadata.DefaultMinDeliveryFreePrice);
                var DeliveryPrice        = long.Parse(baseInformations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == BaseInformationKey.DeliveryPrice)?.Value ?? AsefianMetadata.DefaultDeliveryPrice);

                if (model.deliveryType == DeliveryType.DeliveryMan.Id)
                    var deliveryManCity = baseInformations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == BaseInformationKey.DeliveryManCity)?.Value.Split('-').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray() ?? new int[] { };
                    if (deliveryManCity.Count(x => x == address.CityId) == 0)
                        return(Error("برای آدرس مورد نظر شما امکان ارسال با پیک فراهم نیست."));

                var deliveryPrice = DeliveryPrice;
                if (price >= MinDeliveryFreePrice)
                    deliveryPrice = 0;

                DateTime?deliveryDate = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.time))
                    deliveryDate = DateUtility.GetDateTime(model.time.Split(' ')[0]);

                if (deliveryDate != null && DateTime.Today.AddDays(GapDay) > deliveryDate)
                    return(Error("تاریخ وارد شده برای تحویل سفارش صحیح نیست."));

                var invoice = new Invoice()
                    UserId          = currentUser.id,
                    InvoiceStatusId = InvoiceStatus.Registered.Id,
                    PaymentTypeId   = PaymentType.Unknown.Id,
                    InvoiceNo       = GetNewInvoiceNo(),
                    Price           = price,
                    UnpaidPrice     = price,
                    DeliveryPrice   = deliveryPrice,
                    DeliveryTypeId  = model.deliveryType,
                    AddressId       = model.addressId,
                    DeliveryDate    = deliveryDate,
                    DeliveryTime    = model.time?.Split(' ')[1],
                    CouponId        = coupon?.Id,
                    CreateUserId    = currentUser.id,
                    ModifyUserId    = currentUser.id,
                    CreateDate      = GetDatetime(),
                    ModifyDate      = GetDatetime(),
                    CreateIp        = GetCurrentIp(),
                    ModifyIp        = GetCurrentIp(),

                    DetailList = invoiceDetailList


                var invoiceLog = new InvoiceLog()
                    Invoice      = invoice,
                    StatusId     = InvoiceStatus.Registered.Id,
                    CreateUserId = currentUser.id,
                    CreateDate   = GetDatetime(),
                    CreateIp     = GetCurrentIp()


                return(Success("سفارش شما با موفقیت ثبت شد.", new
                    id = invoice.Id
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #26
        public ActionResult SubmitPayment(SubmitPaymentViewModel model)
            var currentUser = GetAuthenticatedUser();

            if (model.paymentType <= 0)
                TempData["SubmitPaymentError"] = "انتخاب نوع پرداخت اجباری است.";
                return(Redirect("/invoice/payment/" + model.id));

            var invoice = _context.Invoice.Where(x => x.InvoiceStatusId == InvoiceStatus.Registered.Id && x.Id == model.id && x.UserId == currentUser.id).SingleOrDefault();

            if (invoice == null)

            if (invoice.InvoiceStatusId == InvoiceStatus.InProgress.Id)
                return(Redirect("/invoice/detail/" + model.id));

            if (invoice.CouponId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.coupon))
                Response couponResponse = null;

                couponResponse = CouponController.CheckCoupon(_context, currentUser, model.coupon, out Coupon coupon);
                if (couponResponse.status != ResponseStatus.Ok)
                    TempData["SubmitPaymentError"] = "انتخاب نوع پرداخت اجباری است.";
                    return(Redirect("/invoice/payment/" + model.id));

                if (coupon.TypeId == CouponType.Amount.Id)
                    invoice.Price -= coupon.Value;
                else if (coupon.TypeId == CouponType.Percentage.Id)
                    invoice.Price -= ((invoice.Price / 100) * coupon.Value);

                if (invoice.Price < 0)
                    invoice.Price = 0;

                invoice.CouponId = coupon.Id;

            invoice.InvoiceStatusId = InvoiceStatus.InProgress.Id;
            invoice.PaymentTypeId   = model.paymentType;
            invoice.ModifyUserId    = currentUser.id;
            invoice.ModifyDate      = GetDatetime();
            invoice.ModifyIp        = GetCurrentIp();

            var invoiceLog = new InvoiceLog()
                InvoiceId    = invoice.Id,
                StatusId     = InvoiceStatus.InProgress.Id,
                CreateUserId = currentUser.id,
                CreateDate   = GetDatetime(),
                CreateIp     = GetCurrentIp()



            return(Redirect("/invoice/detail/" + model.id));
Пример #27
 public static string getCoupon(int customerID, string code, int productNumber, decimal price)
     return(CouponController.getCoupon(customerID, code, productNumber, price));
Пример #28
        protected void btnOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
                string   username    = Request.Cookies["usernameLoginSystem"].Value;
                var      acc         = AccountController.GetByUsername(username);
                if (acc != null)
                    if (acc.RoleID == 0 || acc.RoleID == 2)
                        #region Lấy thông tin khởi tạo Order
                        // Change user
                        string UserHelp = "";
                        if (username != hdfUsernameCurrent.Value)
                            UserHelp = username;
                            username = hdfUsernameCurrent.Value;

                        int    AgentID     = Convert.ToInt32(acc.AgentID);
                        int    OrderType   = hdfOrderType.Value.ToInt();
                        string AdditionFee = "0";
                        string DisCount    = "0";
                        int    CustomerID  = 0;

                        string CustomerPhone   = Regex.Replace(txtPhone.Text.Trim(), @"[^\d]", "");
                        string CustomerName    = txtFullname.Text.Trim().ToLower().ToTitleCase();
                        string CustomerEmail   = "";
                        string CustomerAddress = txtAddress.Text.Trim().ToTitleCase();

                        int ProvinceID = hdfProvinceID.Value.ToInt(0);
                        int DistrictID = hdfDistrictID.Value.ToInt(0);
                        int WardID     = hdfWardID.Value.ToInt(0);

                        var checkCustomer = CustomerController.GetByPhone(CustomerPhone);

                        string kq = "";

                        #region Cập nhật thông tin khách hàng
                        if (checkCustomer != null)
                            CustomerID = checkCustomer.ID;
                            kq         = CustomerController.Update(CustomerID, CustomerName, checkCustomer.CustomerPhone, CustomerAddress, "", checkCustomer.CustomerLevelID.Value, checkCustomer.Status.Value, checkCustomer.CreatedBy, currentDate, username, false, checkCustomer.Zalo, checkCustomer.Facebook, checkCustomer.Note, checkCustomer.Nick, checkCustomer.Avatar, checkCustomer.ShippingType.Value, checkCustomer.PaymentType.Value, checkCustomer.TransportCompanyID.Value, checkCustomer.TransportCompanySubID.Value, checkCustomer.CustomerPhone2, ProvinceID, DistrictID, WardID);
                            kq = CustomerController.Insert(CustomerName, CustomerPhone, CustomerAddress, CustomerEmail, 0, 0, currentDate, username, false, "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", ProvinceID, DistrictID, WardID);
                            if (kq.ToInt(0) > 0)
                                CustomerID = kq.ToInt(0);

                        string totalPrice            = hdfTotalPrice.Value.ToString();
                        string totalPriceNotDiscount = hdfTotalPriceNotDiscount.Value;
                        int    PaymentStatus         = 3;
                        int    ExcuteStatus          = 2;
                        int    PaymentType           = 1;
                        int    ShippingType          = 1;

                        bool IsHidden = false;
                        int  WayIn    = 1;

                        double DiscountPerProduct = Convert.ToDouble(pDiscount.Value);

                        double TotalDiscount = Convert.ToDouble(pDiscount.Value) * Convert.ToDouble(hdfTotalQuantity.Value);
                        string FeeShipping   = pFeeShip.Value.ToString();
                        double GuestPaid     = Convert.ToDouble(pGuestPaid.Value);
                        double GuestChange   = Convert.ToDouble(totalPrice) - GuestPaid;
                        var    couponID      = hdfCouponID.Value.ToInt(0);
                        var    couponValue   = hdfCouponValue.Value.ToDecimal(0);

                        tbl_Order order = new tbl_Order()
                            AgentID               = AgentID,
                            OrderType             = OrderType,
                            AdditionFee           = AdditionFee,
                            DisCount              = DisCount,
                            CustomerID            = CustomerID,
                            CustomerName          = CustomerName,
                            CustomerPhone         = CustomerPhone,
                            CustomerAddress       = CustomerAddress,
                            CustomerEmail         = CustomerEmail,
                            TotalPrice            = totalPrice,
                            TotalPriceNotDiscount = totalPriceNotDiscount,
                            PaymentStatus         = PaymentStatus,
                            ExcuteStatus          = ExcuteStatus,
                            IsHidden              = IsHidden,
                            WayIn              = WayIn,
                            CreatedDate        = currentDate,
                            CreatedBy          = username,
                            DiscountPerProduct = DiscountPerProduct,
                            TotalDiscount      = TotalDiscount,
                            FeeShipping        = FeeShipping,
                            GuestPaid          = GuestPaid,
                            GuestChange        = GuestChange,
                            PaymentType        = PaymentType,
                            ShippingType       = ShippingType,
                            OrderNote          = String.Empty,
                            DateDone           = DateTime.Now,
                            OtherFeeName       = String.Empty,
                            OtherFeeValue      = 0,
                            PostalDeliveryType = 1,
                            UserHelp           = UserHelp,
                            CouponID           = couponID,
                            CouponValue        = couponValue

                        var ret = OrderController.InsertOnSystem(order);

                        int OrderID = ret.ID;

                        #region Khởi tạo Other Fee
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hdfOtherFees.Value))
                            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                            var fees = serializer.Deserialize <List <Fee> >(hdfOtherFees.Value);
                            if (fees != null)
                                foreach (var fee in fees)
                                    fee.OrderID      = ret.ID;
                                    fee.CreatedBy    = acc.ID;
                                    fee.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
                                    fee.ModifiedBy   = acc.ID;
                                    fee.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

                                FeeController.Update(ret.ID, fees);

                        #region Cập nhật Coupon
                        if (order.CouponID.HasValue && order.CouponID.Value > 0)
                            CouponController.updateStatusCouponCustomer(CustomerID, order.CouponID.Value, false);

                        if (OrderID > 0)
                            #region Khởi tạo chi tiết đơn hàng
                            ProductPOS              POS          = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProductPOS>(hdfListProduct.Value);
                            List <tbl_OrderDetail>  orderDetails = new List <tbl_OrderDetail>();
                            List <tbl_StockManager> stockManager = new List <tbl_StockManager>();

                            // Reverser

                            foreach (ProductGetOut item in POS.productPOS)
                                    new tbl_OrderDetail()
                                    AgentID                   = AgentID,
                                    OrderID                   = OrderID,
                                    SKU                       = item.SKU,
                                    ProductID                 = item.ProductType == 1 ? item.ProductID : 0,
                                    ProductVariableID         = item.ProductType == 1 ? 0 : item.ProductVariableID,
                                    ProductVariableDescrition = item.ProductVariableSave,
                                    Quantity                  = item.QuantityInstock,
                                    Price                     = item.Giabanle,
                                    Status                    = 1,
                                    DiscountPrice             = 0,
                                    ProductType               = item.ProductType,
                                    CreatedDate               = currentDate,
                                    CreatedBy                 = username,
                                    IsCount                   = true

                                int parentID = item.ProductID;
                                var variable = ProductVariableController.GetByID(item.ProductVariableID);
                                if (variable != null)
                                    parentID = Convert.ToInt32(variable.ProductID);

                                    new tbl_StockManager()
                                    AgentID           = AgentID,
                                    ProductID         = item.ProductType == 1 ? item.ProductID : 0,
                                    ProductVariableID = item.ProductType == 1 ? 0 : item.ProductVariableID,
                                    Quantity          = item.QuantityInstock,
                                    QuantityCurrent   = 0,
                                    Type        = 2,
                                    NoteID      = "Xuất kho bán POS",
                                    OrderID     = OrderID,
                                    Status      = 3,
                                    SKU         = item.SKU,
                                    CreatedDate = currentDate,
                                    CreatedBy   = username,
                                    MoveProID   = 0,
                                    ParentID    = parentID


                            // Cập nhật lại sô lượng và giá vố vào đơn hàng
                            // Cập nhật lại thông tin kho hàng

                            #region Khởi tạo đơn hàng đổi trả
                            string refund = hdSession.Value;
                            if (refund != "1")
                                string[] RefundID = refund.Split('|');
                                var      update   = RefundGoodController.UpdateStatus(RefundID[0].ToInt(), username, 2, OrderID);
                                var      updateor = OrderController.UpdateRefund(OrderID, RefundID[0].ToInt(), username);

                            // Hoàn thành khởi tạo đơn hàng nên gán lại giá trị trang lúc ban đầu
                            hdStatusPage.Value = "Create";
                            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "script", "$(function () { HoldOn.close(); printInvoice(" + OrderID + ") });", true);
            catch (Exception)
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "script", "$(function () { handleErrorSubmit(); });", true);
 public void Setup()
     mockCouponManagementHelper = new Mock <ICouponManagementHelper>();
     mockCouponData             = new CouponData();
     couponController           = new CouponController(mockCouponManagementHelper.Object);
Пример #30
        public void LoadData()
            int ID         = Request.QueryString["id"].ToInt(0);
            int mergeprint = 0;

            if (Request.QueryString["merge"] != null)
                mergeprint = Request.QueryString["merge"].ToInt(0);

            if (ID > 0)
                var order = OrderController.GetByID(ID);

                if (order != null)
                    string error = "";
                    string Print = "";

                    double TotalQuantity = 0;
                    double TotalOrder    = 0;

                    var orderdetails = OrderDetailController.GetByIDSortBySKU(ID);

                    var numberOfOrders = OrderController.GetByCustomerID(Convert.ToInt32(order.CustomerID));
                    var customer       = CustomerController.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(order.CustomerID));

                    if (orderdetails.Count > 0)
                        printItemList(ref ID, ref mergeprint, ref TotalQuantity, ref TotalOrder, ref Print);

                        string productPrint = "";
                        string shtml        = "";

                        productPrint += "<div class='body'>";
                        productPrint += "<div class='table-1'>";
                        string mergeAlert = "";
                        if (mergeprint == 1)
                            mergeAlert += "<p class='merge-alert'>(Đã gộp sản phẩm)<p>";
                        productPrint += "<h1>HÓA ĐƠN #" + order.ID + mergeAlert + "</h1>";

                        productPrint += "<table>";
                        productPrint += "<colgroup>";
                        productPrint += "<col class='col-left'/>";
                        productPrint += "<col class='col-right'/>";
                        productPrint += "</colgroup>";
                        productPrint += "<tbody>";
                        productPrint += "<tr>";
                        productPrint += "<td>Khách hàng</td>";
                        productPrint += "<td>" + order.CustomerName.ToTitleCase() + "</td>";
                        productPrint += "</tr>";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.Nick))
                            if (order.ShippingType != 1)
                                productPrint += "<tr>";
                                productPrint += "<td>Nick</td>";
                                productPrint += "<td>" + customer.Nick.ToTitleCase() + "</td>";
                                productPrint += "</tr>";

                        productPrint += "<tr>";
                        productPrint += "<td>Điện thoại</td>";
                        productPrint += "<td>" + order.CustomerPhone + "</td>";
                        productPrint += "</tr>";

                        if (order.ExcuteStatus == 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.DateDone.ToString()))
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += "<td>Ngày hoàn tất</td>";
                            string datedone = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", order.DateDone);
                            productPrint += "<td>" + datedone + "</td>";
                            productPrint += "</tr>";
                            error += "Đơn hàng chưa hoàn tất";

                        productPrint += "<tr>";
                        productPrint += "<td>Nhân viên</td>";
                        productPrint += "<td>" + order.CreatedBy + "</td>";
                        productPrint += "</tr>";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.OrderNote))
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += "<td>Ghi chú</td>";
                            productPrint += "<td>" + order.OrderNote + "</td>";
                            productPrint += "</tr>";

                        productPrint += "</tbody>";
                        productPrint += "</table>";
                        productPrint += "</div>";

                        productPrint += "<div class='table-2'>";
                        productPrint += "<table>";
                        productPrint += "<colgroup>";
                        productPrint += "<col class='soluong' />";
                        productPrint += "<col class='gia' />";
                        productPrint += "<col class='tong' />";
                        productPrint += "</colgroup>";
                        productPrint += "<thead>";
                        productPrint += "<th>Số lượng</th>";
                        productPrint += "<th>Giá</th>";
                        productPrint += "<th>Tổng</th>";
                        productPrint += "</thead>";
                        productPrint += "<tbody>";
                        productPrint += Print;
                        productPrint += "</tbody>";
                        productPrint += "</table>";
                        productPrint += "</div>";

                        productPrint += "<div class='table-3'>";
                        productPrint += "<table>";
                        productPrint += "<tr>";
                        productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Số lượng</td>";
                        productPrint += "<td>" + TotalQuantity + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
                        productPrint += "</tr>";
                        productPrint += "<tr>";
                        productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Thành tiền</td>";
                        productPrint += "<td>" + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalOrder) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                        productPrint += "</tr>";

                        double TotalPrice = TotalOrder;

                        if (order.DiscountPerProduct > 0)
                            var TotalDiscount = Convert.ToDouble(order.DiscountPerProduct) * Convert.ToDouble(TotalQuantity);
                            TotalOrder    = TotalOrder - TotalDiscount;
                            TotalPrice    = TotalPrice - TotalDiscount;
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Chiết khấu mỗi cái </td>";
                            productPrint += "<td>" + string.Format("{0:N0}", Convert.ToDouble(order.DiscountPerProduct)) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                            productPrint += "</tr>";
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Trừ tổng chiết khấu</td>";
                            productPrint += "<td>-" + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalDiscount) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                            productPrint += "</tr>";
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Sau chiết khấu</td>";
                            productPrint += "<td>" + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalOrder) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                            productPrint += "</tr>";

                        if (order.RefundsGoodsID != null)
                            var refund = RefundGoodController.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(order.RefundsGoodsID));
                            if (refund != null)
                                TotalOrder = TotalOrder - Convert.ToDouble(refund.TotalPrice);

                                productPrint += "<tr>";
                                productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Trừ hàng trả (đơn " + order.RefundsGoodsID + ")</td>";
                                productPrint += "<td>-" + string.Format("{0:N0}", Convert.ToDouble(refund.TotalPrice)) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                                productPrint += "</tr>";

                                productPrint += "<tr>";
                                productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Tổng tiền còn lại</td>";
                                productPrint += "<td>" + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalOrder) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                                productPrint += "</tr>";
                                error += "Không tìm thấy đơn hàng đổi trả " + order.RefundsGoodsID.ToString();

                        if (Convert.ToDouble(order.FeeShipping) > 0)
                            TotalOrder    = TotalOrder + Convert.ToDouble(order.FeeShipping);
                            TotalPrice    = TotalPrice + Convert.ToDouble(order.FeeShipping);
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>Phí vận chuyển</td>";
                            productPrint += "<td>" + string.Format("{0:N0}", Convert.ToDouble(order.FeeShipping)) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                            productPrint += "</tr>";

                        // Check fee
                        var fees = FeeController.getFeeInfo(ID);
                        foreach (var fee in fees)
                            TotalOrder    = TotalOrder + Convert.ToDouble(fee.Price);
                            TotalPrice    = TotalPrice + Convert.ToDouble(fee.Price);
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += "<td colspan='2'>" + fee.Name + "</td>";
                            productPrint += "<td>" + string.Format("{0:N0}", Convert.ToDouble(fee.Price)) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                            productPrint += "</tr>";

                        // Giảm giá
                        if (order.CouponID.HasValue && order.CouponID.Value > 0)
                            var coupon = CouponController.getCoupon(order.CouponID.Value);

                            TotalOrder    = TotalOrder - Convert.ToDouble(coupon.Value);
                            TotalPrice    = TotalPrice - Convert.ToDouble(coupon.Value);
                            productPrint += "<tr>";
                            productPrint += String.Format("<td colspan='2'>Mã giảm giá: {0}</td>", coupon.Code);
                            productPrint += String.Format("<td>-{0:N0}&nbsp;</td>", Convert.ToDouble(coupon.Value));
                            productPrint += "</tr>";

                        if (TotalPrice != Convert.ToDouble(order.TotalPrice))
                            error += "Đơn hàng tính sai tổng tiền";

                        productPrint += "<tr>";
                        productPrint += "<td class='strong' colspan='2'>TỔNG TIỀN</td>";
                        productPrint += "<td class='strong'>" + string.Format("{0:N0}", TotalOrder) + "&nbsp;</td>";
                        productPrint += "</tr>";

                        productPrint += "</tbody>";
                        productPrint += "</table>";
                        productPrint += "</div>";
                        productPrint += "</div>";

                        string address  = "";
                        string phone    = "";
                        string facebook = "";
                        var    agent    = AgentController.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(order.AgentID));
                        if (agent != null)
                            address  = agent.AgentAddress;
                            phone    = agent.AgentPhone;
                            facebook = agent.AgentFacebook;

                        var acc = AccountController.GetByUsername(order.CreatedBy);
                        if (acc != null)
                            var accountInfo = AccountInfoController.GetByUserID(acc.ID);
                            if (accountInfo != null)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountInfo.Phone))
                                    phone = accountInfo.Phone;

                        string dateOrder = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", order.DateDone);

                        shtml += "<div class='hoadon'>";
                        shtml += "<div class='all'>";

                        if (numberOfOrders.Count < 4)
                            shtml += "<div class='head'>";
                            shtml += "<div class='logo'><div class='img'><img src='App_Themes/Ann/image/logo.png' /></div></div>";
                            shtml += "<div class='info'>";

                            shtml += "<div class='ct'>";
                            shtml += "<div class='ct-title'></div>";
                            shtml += "<div class='ct-detail'> " + address + "</div>";
                            shtml += "</div>";

                            shtml += "<div class='ct'>";
                            shtml += "<div class='ct-title'> </div>";
                            shtml += "<div class='ct-detail'> " + phone + "</div>";
                            shtml += "</div>";

                            shtml += "<div class='ct'>";
                            shtml += "<div class='ct-title'></div>";
                            shtml += "<div class='ct-detail'>http://ann.com.vn</div>";
                            shtml += "</div>";

                            shtml += "</div>";
                            shtml += "</div>";

                        shtml += productPrint;

                        if (numberOfOrders.Count < 4)
                            var    config = ConfigController.GetByTop1();
                            string rule   = "";
                            if (order.OrderType == 2)
                                rule = config.ChangeGoodsRule;
                                rule = config.RetailReturnRule;

                            shtml += "<div class='footer'><h3>CẢM ƠN QUÝ KHÁCH! HẸN GẶP LẠI !</h3></div> ";
                            shtml += "<div class='footer'>" + rule + "</div> ";
                            shtml += "<div class='footer'>";
                            shtml += "<p>ANN rất vui khi quý khách đã mua " + numberOfOrders.Count + " đơn hàng!</p>";
                            shtml += "</div>";

                        shtml += "</div>";
                        shtml += "</div>";

                        if (error != "")
                            ltrPrintInvoice.Text = "Xảy ra lỗi: " + error;
                            ltrPrintEnable.Text  = "";
                            ltrPrintInvoice.Text = shtml;
                            ltrPrintEnable.Text  = "<div class='print-enable true'></div>";
                    ltrPrintInvoice.Text = "Không tìm thấy đơn hàng " + ID;
                ltrPrintInvoice.Text = "Xảy ra lỗi!!!";