Пример #1
        protected void adde_create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Controllers.Proyects.Proyects cP = Session["Proyect"] as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;
            Controllers.Users.Users       CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

            if (adde_datestart.Text == "" || adde_datestart == null)
                adde_error.InnerText = "Start date must be filled.";
            else if (adde_datefinish.Text == "" || adde_datefinish.Text == null)
                adde_error.InnerText = "Finish date must be filled.";
                Controllers.Elements.Elements ne = new Controllers.Elements.Elements(adde_title.Text, adde_type.SelectedValue, adde_state.SelectedValue,
                                                                                     adde_priority.SelectedValue, adde_assignedto.SelectedValue, adde_summary.Text,
                                                                                     Convert.ToDateTime(adde_datestart.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(adde_datefinish.Text), cP);

                var nu = Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest.Single(a => a.Id == adde_assignedto.SelectedValue);

                Controllers.Email.Email.SendEmailElementNotification(Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUsername(nu.Username), cP.Title, adde_title.Text,
                                                                     adde_summary.Text, adde_type.SelectedValue, adde_state.SelectedValue, adde_priority.SelectedValue,
                                                                     Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Name, nu) + " " + Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Surname, nu),
                                                                     ne.DateCreation.ToString(), adde_datestart.Text, adde_datefinish.Text,
                                                                     Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Name, nu) + " " + Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Surname, nu), CU.Name + " " + CU.Surname);

                /// Redirecto to dashboard
                string   fullPATH = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                string[] splitnpu = fullPATH.Split('=');
                Response.Redirect("~/Views/Proyects/Proyects.aspx?id=" + splitnpu[1]);
Пример #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Controllers.Users.Users u = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

            /// Load all values from profile to inputs
            user_username.Text   = u.Username;
            user_surname.Text    = u.Surname;
            user_skype.Text      = u.Skype;
            user_name.Text       = u.Name;
            user_linkedin.Text   = u.Linkedin;
            user_googleplus.Text = u.Googleplus;
            user_gh.Text         = u.Github;
            user_fb.Text         = u.Facebook;
            user_cp.Text         = u.PostalCode;
            user_country.Text    = u.Country;
            user_city.Text       = u.City;
            user_address.Text    = u.Address;
            user_aboutme.Text    = u.AboutMe;
            user_company.Text    = "Not yet.";
            user_tw.Text         = u.Twitter;

            /// Set the page title as your name
            pageTitle.Text = u.Name + " " + u.Surname + " - Lovis";

            Master.cpTITLE = u.Name + " " + u.Surname;
Пример #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /// Get current userç
            Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

            /// Set error message to false
            adde_error.Visible = false;

            /// Get proyect from session
            Controllers.Proyects.Proyects cP = Session["Proyect"] as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;
            if (cP == null)
                /// Set page title from session
                pagetitle.Text = cP.Title + " - Lovis";

                /// Fill all the dropowns by backend
                /// Types
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Bug", "Bug"));         ///
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Feature", "Feature")); ///
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Support", "Support")); ///
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Review", "Review"));   //
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Defect", "Defect"));   ///
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Patch", "Patch"));     ///
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Changes", "Changes")); ///
                adde_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Documentation", "Documentation"));

                /// Priorities
                adde_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("Low", "Low"));
                adde_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("Normal", "Normal"));
                adde_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("High", "High"));
                adde_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("Critical", "Critical"));
                /// States
                adde_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("New", "New"));
                adde_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Analysis", "Analysis"));
                adde_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("In-Progress", "In-Progress"));
                adde_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Resolved", "Resolved"));
                adde_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Test", "Test"));
                adde_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Closed", "Closed"));
                /// Assigned

                /// Get the people from the proyect
                var query = (from lUL in Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest
                             join UL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL on lUL.Id equals UL.IdUser
                             where UL.IdLicense == cP.IdLicense
                             select lUL).Distinct().ToList();
                foreach (Controllers.Users.Users u in query)
                    ListItem l = new ListItem(Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Name, u) + " " + Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Surname, u), u.Id);
Пример #4
        protected void addp_create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get User
            Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

            // Create proyect to license
            Controllers.Proyects.Proyects a = new Controllers.Proyects.Proyects(addp_title.Text, addp_summary.Text, addp_owner.Text, addp_webiste.Text, addp_repository.Text, addp_support.Text, CU);
            Controllers.Email.Email.SendEmailProjectNotification(CU.Username, addp_title.Text, addp_summary.Text, addp_owner.Text, addp_webiste.Text, addp_repository.Text, addp_support.Text, CU.Name + " " + CU.Surname);
            //Redirecto to dashboard
            Response.Redirect("~/Views/Proyects/Proyects.aspx?id=" + a.IdLicense);
Пример #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            pagetitle.Text = "Settings - Lovis";

            Controllers.Users.Users DU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;
            if (!IsPostBack)
                /// Load user for User page information

                user_username.Text         = DU.Username;
                user_name.Text             = DU.Name;
                user_surname.Text          = DU.Surname;
                user_city.Text             = DU.City;
                user_country.Text          = DU.Country;
                user_cp.Text               = DU.PostalCode;
                user_address.Text          = DU.Address;
                user_aboutme.Text          = DU.AboutMe;
                user_fb.Text               = DU.Facebook;
                user_tw.Text               = DU.Twitter;
                user_gh.Text               = DU.Github;
                user_skype.Text            = DU.Skype;
                user_googleplus.Text       = DU.Googleplus;
                user_linkedin.Text         = DU.Linkedin;
                user_public.Checked        = DU.isPublic;
                user_registerdate.Text     = DU.DateRegister.ToString();
                user_lastmodification.Text = DU.LastModification.ToString();
            if (UpdatedSuccess)
                user_username.Text         = DU.Username;
                user_name.Text             = DU.Name;
                user_surname.Text          = DU.Surname;
                user_city.Text             = DU.City;
                user_country.Text          = DU.Country;
                user_cp.Text               = DU.PostalCode;
                user_address.Text          = DU.Address;
                user_aboutme.Text          = DU.AboutMe;
                user_fb.Text               = DU.Facebook;
                user_tw.Text               = DU.Twitter;
                user_gh.Text               = DU.Github;
                user_skype.Text            = DU.Skype;
                user_googleplus.Text       = DU.Googleplus;
                user_linkedin.Text         = DU.Linkedin;
                user_public.Checked        = DU.isPublic;
                user_registerdate.Text     = DU.DateRegister.ToString();
                user_lastmodification.Text = DU.LastModification.ToString();
            user_error.Visible = false;
Пример #6
        protected void managep_btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Controllers.Proyects.Proyects CP = Session["Proyect"] as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;
            if (managep_name_delete.Text == CP.Title)
                if (managep_checkbox_delete.Checked)
                    /// Build owner string
                    Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;
                    string c = CU.Name + " " + CU.Surname + " (" + CU.Username + ")";

                    if (CP.Owner == c)
                        /// Remove project elements
                        Controllers.Elements.Elements.lE.RemoveAll(x => x.IdProyect == CP.Id);

                        /// Remove project
                        Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP.Remove(Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP.Single(a => a.Id == CP.Id));

                        /// Remove userlicense to this user
                        Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL.Remove(Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL.Single(b => b.IdUser == CU.Id && b.IdLicense == CP.IdLicense));

                        /// Redirect to dashboard
                    /// Not owner
                        errorDiv.Visible = true;
                        errorText.Text   = "Only the owner can delete the project.";
                /// Not checked
                    errorDiv.Visible = true;
                    errorText.Text   = "You have to check to delete.";
            /// Wrong project name
                errorDiv.Visible = true;
                errorText.Text   = "Incorrect name introduced.";
Пример #7
        protected void login_loginbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                /// Get user if is user in DB
                Controllers.Users.Users u = new Controllers.Users.Users().isUser(login_username.Text, login_password.Text);
                /// If not null means there is a user with username && password hashed
                if (u != null)
                    Controllers.Users.Users loginUser = new Controllers.Users.Users();

                    /// Fill session with user
                    loginUser.Id               = u.Id;
                    loginUser.Username         = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUsername(u.Username);
                    loginUser.Name             = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Name, u);
                    loginUser.Surname          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Surname, u);
                    loginUser.Address          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Address, u);
                    loginUser.City             = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.City, u);
                    loginUser.Country          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Country, u);
                    loginUser.PostalCode       = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.PostalCode, u);
                    loginUser.AboutMe          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.AboutMe, u);
                    loginUser.Facebook         = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Facebook, u);
                    loginUser.Twitter          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Twitter, u);
                    loginUser.Github           = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Github, u);
                    loginUser.Skype            = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Skype, u);
                    loginUser.Linkedin         = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Linkedin, u);
                    loginUser.Googleplus       = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Googleplus, u);
                    loginUser.DateRegister     = u.DateRegister;
                    loginUser.LastModification = u.LastModification;
                    loginUser.PasswordHash     = u.PasswordHash;
                    loginUser.RandomKey        = u.RandomKey;
                    loginUser.isPublic         = u.isPublic;

                    /// Set user
                    Session["User"] = loginUser;
                    /// Redirect
            catch (Exception)
                /// Wrong user || password text
                isWrong             = true;
                login_error.Visible = true;
Пример #8
        protected void user_updatepasswordbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /// Get current user
            Controllers.Users.Users DU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

            /// Filter user list with user
            var x = Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest.Single(u => u.Id == DU.Id);

            if (user_password.Text != "" && user_repeatpassword.Text != "")
                if (Security.CryptoUtils.SHA256HashStringForUTF8String(user_currentpassword.Text) == x.PasswordHash)
                    if (user_password.Text == user_repeatpassword.Text)
                        x.PasswordHash = Security.CryptoUtils.SHA256HashStringForUTF8String(user_password.Text);

                        user_error.Visible   = true;
                        user_error.InnerText = "Passwords dont match.";
                    user_error.Visible   = true;
                    user_error.InnerText = "Incorrect current password.";
                user_error.Visible   = true;
                user_error.InnerText = "Password does not match.";
Пример #9
        protected void managee_update_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

            /// Get the current proyect previously.
            Controllers.Proyects.Proyects cP = Session["Proyect"] as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;

            /// Get ID from URL
            string fullPATH = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            string[] splitnpu = fullPATH.Split('=');

            /// Find the proyect where this current proyect id match some proyect ID
            var x = Controllers.Elements.Elements.lE.Single(a => a.Id == splitnpu[1]);

            /// Change everything and encode it again.
            x.Title      = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(cP, managee_title.Text);
            x.Summary    = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(cP, managee_summary.Text);
            x.Type       = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(cP, managee_type.SelectedValue);
            x.State      = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(cP, managee_state.SelectedValue);
            x.Priority   = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(cP, managee_priority.SelectedValue);
            x.DateFinish = Convert.ToDateTime(managee_datefinish.Text);

            var nu = Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest.Single(a => a.Id == managee_assignedto.SelectedValue);

            if (managee_assignedto.SelectedValue != Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, x.AssignedTo))
                x.AssignedTo = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeElementString(cP, managee_assignedto.Text);
                Controllers.Email.Email.SendEmailElementNotification(Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUsername(nu.Username), cP.Title, managee_title.Text,
                                                                     managee_summary.Text, managee_type.SelectedValue, managee_state.SelectedValue,
                                                                     managee_priority.SelectedValue, Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Name, nu) + " " + Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Surname, nu), x.DateCreation.ToString(),
                                                                     managee_datestart.Text, managee_datefinish.Text, Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Name, nu) + " " + Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(nu.Surname, nu), CU.Name + " " + CU.Surname);

            Response.Redirect("~/Views/Proyects/Proyects.aspx?id=" + cP.IdLicense);
Пример #10
        public void BuildCounters()
            int newCounter        = 0;
            int analysisCounter   = 0;
            int inprogressCounter = 0;
            int resolvedCounter   = 0;
            int testCounter       = 0;
            int closedCounter     = 0;

            Session["Proyect"] = null;

            Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

            /// Get proyects from user to build sidebar
            List <Controllers.Proyects.Proyects> CuLP = new List <Controllers.Proyects.Proyects>();

            foreach (Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense UL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL)
                /// Find Userlicenses of user
                if (UL.IdUser == CU.Id)
                        /// Finde License of UserLicense
                        var x = Controllers.License.License.lL.Single(l => l.IdLicense == UL.IdLicense);

                        /// Filter proyects for Licenses of user
                        foreach (Controllers.Proyects.Proyects P in Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP)
                            /// If userlicense and proyect licenese are == that means is our proyect
                            if (P.IdLicense == x.IdLicense)
                    catch (Exception)

            foreach (Controllers.Proyects.Proyects p in CuLP)
                    var y = Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP.Single(a => a.IdLicense == p.IdLicense);

                    var query3 = (from a in Controllers.Elements.Elements.lE
                                  where a.IdProyect == y.Id
                                  select a).OrderByDescending(d => d.DateCreation).ToList();

                    foreach (Controllers.Elements.Elements ep in query3)
                        string a = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(p, ep.State);
                        switch (a)
                        case "New":

                        case "Analysis":

                        case "In-Progress":

                        case "Resolved":

                        case "Test":

                        case "Closed":
                catch (Exception)

            /// Set values to counters in dashboard
            newTaskCounter.Text        = newCounter.ToString();
            analysisTaskCounter.Text   = analysisCounter.ToString();
            inprogressTaskCounter.Text = inprogressCounter.ToString();
            resolvedTaskCounter.Text   = resolvedCounter.ToString();
            testTaskCounter.Text       = testCounter.ToString();
            closedTaskCounter.Text     = closedCounter.ToString();

Пример #11
        protected void user_update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (user_name.Text != "" && user_surname.Text != "")
                /// Get current user
                Controllers.Users.Users DU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;

                /// Filter user list with user
                var x = Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest.Single(u => u.Id == DU.Id);

                /// Set new variables
                x.Name       = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_name.Text);
                x.Surname    = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_surname.Text);
                x.Address    = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_address.Text);
                x.City       = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_city.Text);
                x.Country    = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_country.Text);
                x.PostalCode = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_cp.Text);
                x.AboutMe    = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_aboutme.Text);
                x.Facebook   = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_fb.Text);
                x.Twitter    = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_tw.Text);
                x.Github     = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_gh.Text);
                x.Skype      = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_skype.Text);
                x.Googleplus = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_googleplus.Text);
                x.Linkedin   = Security.CryptoUtils.EncodeUserString(x, user_linkedin.Text);
                x.isPublic   = user_public.Checked;

                x.LastModification = DateTime.Now;

                Controllers.Users.Users loginUser = new Controllers.Users.Users();

                /// Set new User for Session
                loginUser.Id               = x.Id;
                loginUser.Username         = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUsername(x.Username);
                loginUser.Name             = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Name, x);
                loginUser.Surname          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Surname, x);
                loginUser.Address          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Address, x);
                loginUser.City             = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.City, x);
                loginUser.Country          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Country, x);
                loginUser.PostalCode       = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.PostalCode, x);
                loginUser.AboutMe          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.AboutMe, x);
                loginUser.Facebook         = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Facebook, x);
                loginUser.Twitter          = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Twitter, x);
                loginUser.Github           = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Github, x);
                loginUser.Skype            = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Skype, x);
                loginUser.Googleplus       = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Googleplus, x);
                loginUser.Linkedin         = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(x.Linkedin, x);
                loginUser.DateRegister     = x.DateRegister;
                loginUser.LastModification = x.LastModification;
                loginUser.RandomKey        = x.RandomKey;
                loginUser.PasswordHash     = x.PasswordHash;
                loginUser.isPublic         = x.isPublic;

                /// Clear Session
                /// Create new Session
                Session["User"] = loginUser;
                UpdatedSuccess  = true;
                /// Set error message and show it
                user_error.Attributes.Add("class", "text-success text-center");
                user_error.InnerHtml = "Profile updated.";
                user_error.Visible   = true;
            /// Passwords do not match
            else if (user_name.Text == "" || user_surname.Text == "")
                user_error.Visible   = true;
                user_error.InnerText = "First and last name have to be filled.";
            } /// Some error
                user_error.Visible   = true;
                user_error.InnerText = "There was an error.";
Пример #12
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;
     addp_owner.Text = CU.Name + " " + CU.Surname + " (" + CU.Username + ")";
Пример #13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;
            /// Someone tried to access this web without the correct id

            /// Get ID from URL
            string fullPATH = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;

            string[] splitnpu = fullPATH.Split('=');

            proyect_manage.NavigateUrl = "~/Views/Proyects/ManageProyect.aspx?id=" + splitnpu[1];

            /// Get project from ID
            Controllers.Proyects.Proyects cP = new Controllers.Proyects.Proyects();

                /// Get userlicence in common of this proyect and this user
                var query2 = (from lUL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL
                              where lUL.IdUser == CU.Id && lUL.IdLicense == splitnpu[1]
                              select lUL).First();
                    /// If they are equal ( just in case someone paste another proyectID
                    var x = Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP.Single(a => a.IdLicense == splitnpu[1] && a.IdLicense == query2.IdLicense);

                    cP.Id         = x.Id;
                    cP.IdLicense  = x.IdLicense;
                    cP.Title      = x.Title;
                    cP.Summary    = x.Summary;
                    cP.Owner      = x.Owner;
                    cP.Website    = x.Website;
                    cP.Repository = x.Repository;
                    cP.Support    = x.Support;

                    cP.Title      = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Title);
                    cP.Summary    = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Summary);
                    cP.Owner      = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Owner);
                    cP.Website    = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Website);
                    cP.Repository = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Repository);
                    cP.Support    = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Support);

                    /// If everything works lets save Session
                    Session["Proyect"] = cP as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;

                    Master.cpTITLE = cP.Title;
                catch (Exception)
                    /// GTFO
            catch (Exception)

            /// Get current Proyect from the Session["Proyect"]
            //Controllers.Proyects.Proyects CP = Session["Proyect"] as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;

            /// Set the summary on the view
            proyect_summary.InnerText      = cP.Summary;
            proyect_website.Text           = cP.Website;
            proyect_repository.Text        = cP.Repository;
            proyect_support.Text           = cP.Support;
            proyect_website.NavigateUrl    = "http://" + cP.Website;
            proyect_repository.NavigateUrl = "http://github.com/" + cP.Repository;
            proyect_support.NavigateUrl    = "mailto:" + cP.Support;
            proyect_newtask.NavigateUrl    = "/Views/Element/AddElement.aspx?id=" + splitnpu[1];
            pagetitle.Text = cP.Title + " - Lovis";

            /// Get the people from the proyect
            var query = (from lUL in Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest
                         join UL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL on lUL.Id equals UL.IdUser
                         where UL.IdLicense == cP.IdLicense
                         select lUL).Distinct().ToList();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Controllers.Users.Users pU in query)
                Controllers.Users.Users ppU = new Controllers.Users.Users();
                ppU.Username = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUsername(pU.Username);
                ppU.Name     = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(pU.Name, pU);
                ppU.Surname  = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(pU.Surname, pU);

                sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}, ", ppU.Name, ppU.Surname);

            sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2);

            proyect_people.InnerText = sb.ToString();

            /// Elements load
            bugPanel.Text           = BuildElement("Bug", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            defectPanel.Text        = BuildElement("Defect", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            patchesPanel.Text       = BuildElement("Patch", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            changesPanel.Text       = BuildElement("Changes", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            featurePanel.Text       = BuildElement("Feature", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            supportPanel.Text       = BuildElement("Support", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            reviewPanel.Text        = BuildElement("Review", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            documentationPanel.Text = BuildElement("Documentation", splitnpu[1], cP, 1);
            closedPanel.Text        = BuildElement("", splitnpu[1], cP, 2);
Пример #14
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;
                /// Someone tried to access this web without the correct id

                /// Get ID from URL
                string   fullPATH = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                string[] splitnpu = fullPATH.Split('=');

                /// Get project from ID
                Controllers.Proyects.Proyects cP = new Controllers.Proyects.Proyects();

                    /// Get userlicence in common of this proyect and this user
                    var query2 = (from lUL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL
                                  where lUL.IdUser == CU.Id && lUL.IdLicense == splitnpu[1]
                                  select lUL).First();
                        /// If they are equal (just in case someone paste another proyectID)
                        var x = Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP.Single(a => a.IdLicense == splitnpu[1] && a.IdLicense == query2.IdLicense);

                        cP.Id         = x.Id;
                        cP.IdLicense  = x.IdLicense;
                        cP.Title      = x.Title;
                        cP.Summary    = x.Summary;
                        cP.Owner      = x.Owner;
                        cP.Website    = x.Website;
                        cP.Repository = x.Repository;
                        cP.Support    = x.Support;

                        cP.Title      = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Title);
                        cP.Summary    = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Summary);
                        cP.Owner      = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Owner);
                        cP.Website    = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Website);
                        cP.Repository = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Repository);
                        cP.Support    = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, cP.Support);

                        /// If everything works lets save Session
                        Session["Proyect"] = cP as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;

                        Master.cpTITLE = cP.Title;
                    catch (Exception)
                        /// GTFO
                catch (Exception)

                /// Get current Proyect from the Session["Proyect"]
                /// Set the summary on the view
                managep_summary.Text    = cP.Summary;
                managep_webiste.Text    = cP.Website;
                managep_owner.Text      = cP.Owner;
                managep_title.Text      = cP.Title;
                managep_support.Text    = cP.Support;
                managep_repository.Text = cP.Repository;
                Master.cpTITLE          = cP.Title;

                /// Get the people from the proyect
                var query = (from lUL in Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest
                             join UL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL on lUL.Id equals UL.IdUser
                             where UL.IdLicense == cP.IdLicense
                             select lUL).ToList();

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                /// Build the string with all the contributors
                foreach (Controllers.Users.Users pU in query)
                    Controllers.Users.Users ppU = new Controllers.Users.Users();
                    ppU.Username = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUsername(pU.Username);
                    ppU.Name     = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(pU.Name, pU);
                    ppU.Surname  = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(pU.Surname, pU);

                    sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}, ", ppU.Name, ppU.Surname);
                /// Remove last ,
                sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2);
                /// Set it
                proyect_people.InnerText = sb.ToString();
                errorDiv.Visible         = false;
            pagetitle.Text = managep_title.Text + " - Lovis";
Пример #15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["User"] == null)

                #region GLOBAL VARIALBES

                Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;
                string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;


                /// HANDLE 404 ERROR

                #region HANDLE 404 ERRO

                if (Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors == true || Response.Status == "404 Not Found" || Response.StatusCode == 404)


                /// START BUILD SIDEBAR

                #region BUILD SIDEBAR

                /// Get proyects from user to build sidebar
                List <Controllers.Proyects.Proyects> CuLP = new List <Controllers.Proyects.Proyects>();

                foreach (Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense UL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL)
                    /// Find Userlicenses of user
                    if (UL.IdUser == CU.Id)
                        /// Finde License of UserLicense
                        var x = Controllers.License.License.lL.Single(l => l.IdLicense == UL.IdLicense);

                        /// Filter proyects for Licenses of user
                        foreach (Controllers.Proyects.Proyects P in Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP)
                            /// If userlicense and proyect licenese are == that means is our proyect
                            if (P.IdLicense == x.IdLicense)

                foreach (Controllers.Proyects.Proyects DP in CuLP)
                    Controllers.Proyects.Proyects dP = new Controllers.Proyects.Proyects();

                    dP.Id        = DP.Id;
                    dP.IdLicense = DP.IdLicense;
                    dP.Title     = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(DP, DP.Title);
                    dP.Summary   = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(DP, DP.Summary);




                /// BUILD TOP BAR

                #region TOPNAME

                if (url == "~/Views/Proyects/Proyects.aspx")
                    Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > Projects > " + cpTITLE;
                    /// Else its normal path
                    string[] splitedurl = url.Split('/');
                    string[] splitpath  = splitedurl.Last().Split('.');
                    Master_pagetitle.InnerText = splitpath[0];

                    /// Some fixes

                    if (splitpath[0] == "AddProyect")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > Proyects > Add project";
                    if (splitpath[0] == "User")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > Account > Manage";
                    if (splitpath[0] == "404")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Page not found";
                    if (splitpath[0] == "Dashboard" || splitpath[0] == "dashboard")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > Dashboard";
                    if (splitpath[0] == "AddElement")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > " + cpTITLE + " > Add task";
                    if (splitpath[0] == "ManageProyect")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > " + cpTITLE + " > Manage";
                    if (splitpath[0] == "ManageElement")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > " + cpTITLE + " > Manage task";
                    if (splitpath[0] == "Proyects")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > " + cpTITLE;
                    if (splitpath[0] == "Profile")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > " + cpTITLE;
                    if (splitpath[0] == "YourProjects")
                        Master_pagetitle.InnerText = "Lovis > My projects";


                #region BUILD TOPBAR

                /// Set name in account dropdown
                master_username.InnerText = CU.Name;

Пример #16
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                managee_error.Visible = false;

                Controllers.Users.Users CU = Session["User"] as Controllers.Users.Users;
                /// Someone tried to access this web without the correct id

                /// Get ID from URL
                string   fullPATH = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                string[] splitnpu = fullPATH.Split('=');

                /// Get project from ID
                Controllers.Proyects.Proyects cP = Session["Proyect"] as Controllers.Proyects.Proyects;
                if (cP == null)
                    /// Fill all the dropowns by backend
                    /// Types
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Bug", "Bug"));                     /// 1
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Feature", "Feature"));             /// 5
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Support", "Support"));             /// 6
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Review", "Review"));               /// 7
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Defect", "Defect"));               ///2
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Patch", "Patch"));                 /// 3
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Changes", "Changes"));             /// 4
                    managee_type.Items.Add(new ListItem("Documentation", "Documentation")); /// 8
                                                                                            /// Priorities
                    managee_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("Low", "Low"));
                    managee_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("Normal", "Normal"));
                    managee_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("High", "High"));
                    managee_priority.Items.Add(new ListItem("Critical", "Critical"));
                    /// States
                    managee_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("New", "New"));
                    managee_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Analysis", "Analysis"));
                    managee_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("In-Progress", "In-Progress"));
                    managee_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Resolved", "Resolved"));
                    managee_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Test", "Test"));
                    managee_state.Items.Add(new ListItem("Closed", "Closed"));
                    /// Assigned
                    /// Get the people from the proyect
                    var query = (from lUL in Controllers.Users.Users.uLTest
                                 join UL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL on lUL.Id equals UL.IdUser
                                 where UL.IdLicense == cP.IdLicense
                                 select lUL).Distinct().ToList();
                    foreach (Controllers.Users.Users u in query)
                        ListItem l = new ListItem(Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Name, u) + " " + Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeUserString(u.Surname, u), u.Id);

                    /// Check if user has access to this task by checking if the user itself has access to this PROJECT
                    foreach (Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense UL in Controllers.UserLicense.UserLicense.lUL)
                        /// Find Userlicenses of user
                        if (UL.IdUser == CU.Id)
                            /// Find License of UserLicense
                            var y = Controllers.License.License.lL.Single(l => l.IdLicense == UL.IdLicense);

                            /// Filter proyects for Licenses of user
                            foreach (Controllers.Proyects.Proyects P in Controllers.Proyects.Proyects.lP)
                                /// If userlicense and proyect licenese are == that means is our proyect
                                if (P.IdLicense == y.IdLicense)
                                        var x = Controllers.Elements.Elements.lE.Single(a => a.Id == splitnpu[1] && a.IdProyect == cP.Id);

                                        managee_title.Text               = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, x.Title);
                                        managee_summary.Text             = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, x.Summary);
                                        managee_type.SelectedValue       = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, x.Type);
                                        managee_state.SelectedValue      = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, x.State);
                                        managee_priority.SelectedValue   = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, x.Priority);
                                        managee_datestart.Text           = x.DateStart.ToString();
                                        managee_datefinish.Text          = x.DateFinish.ToString();
                                        managee_assignedto.SelectedValue = Security.CryptoUtils.DecodeElementString(cP, x.AssignedTo);
                                    catch (Exception)
                    pagetitle.Text = managee_title.Text + " - Lovis";