Пример #1
        public static void beginPathVerification(bool needPath)
            Debug.Assert(!verifyingPath && !verifyingProg);

            ci = GlobalConfig.InferPass;
            GlobalConfig.InferPass = null;


            if (refinement)
                BoogieVerify.options = refinementVerifyOptions;
                BoogieVerify.options = pathVerifyOptions;

            verifyingPath = true;
            BoogieVerify.recordTempTime = true;

            if (GlobalConfig.explainQuantifiers != null)
                old_logfile = CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverLogFilePath;
                CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverLogFilePath = GlobalConfig.explainQuantifiers;

            startTime = DateTime.Now;
Пример #2
        // Verify prog while tracking only variables in trackedVars.
        // Returns true if no error is found.
        // Returns false if error is found. Returns counterexample via pout
        // If returnTrace is set to false, then pout is always null
        //     (no counterexample generation is attempted)
        // cex: the error trace in prog (if there is one)
        // tinfo: the transformation carried out in going from prog to pout
        // Call this method via: checkProgram or checkPath
        private static bool VerifyProgram(ref PersistentCBAProgram prog, VarSet trackedVars, bool returnTrace,
                                          out PersistentCBAProgram pout, out InsertionTrans tinfo, out ErrorTrace cex)
            PersistentCBAProgram curr = prog;

            pout  = null;
            cex   = null;
            tinfo = null;

            // These are the compilation phases

            VariableSlicePass        cp1 = new VariableSlicePass(trackedVars);
            StormInstrumentationPass cp2 = null;
            var recordK = new HashSet <string>();

            if (!GlobalConfig.isSingleThreaded)
                cp2 = new StormInstrumentationPass();

            StaticInliningAndUnrollingPass cp3 = null;

            if (GlobalConfig.staticInlining > 0)
                cp3 = new StaticInliningAndUnrollingPass(new StaticSettings(CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound, CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound));

            ContractInfer ciPass = null;

            // Run the source transformations
            curr = cp1.run(curr);
            if (cp2 != null)
                curr = cp2.run(curr);
            if (cp3 != null)
                curr = cp3.run(curr);

            // infer contracts
            if (GlobalConfig.InferPass != null)
                ciPass = new ContractInfer(GlobalConfig.InferPass);
                ciPass.ExtractLoops = false;
                curr = ciPass.run(curr);
                Console.WriteLine("Houdini took {0} seconds", ciPass.lastRun.TotalSeconds.ToString("F2"));
                GlobalConfig.InferPass = null;

                // add summaries to the original program
                prog = ciPass.addSummaries(prog);

            // record k and tid
            if (cp2 != null)
                recordK.Add(cp2.varKName); recordK.Add(cp2.tidVarName);

            if (GlobalConfig.varsToRecord.Count != 0)

            // Now verify
            VerificationPass cp4 = new VerificationPass(true, recordK);

            curr = cp4.run(curr);

            reachedBound = cp4.reachedBound;

            if (cp4.success)
                // Program correct.
            else if (!returnTrace)
                // Concretize the trace and see if its a real bug

                // Concretization: map back the trace to the original program
                var trace4 = cp4.trace;
                //PrintProgramPath.print(cp4.input as PersistentCBAProgram, trace4, "temp4");

                if (ciPass != null)
                    trace4 = ciPass.mapBackTrace(trace4);
                var trace3 = trace4;

                if (cp3 != null)
                    trace3 = cp3.mapBackTrace(trace4);
                //PrintProgramPath.print(cp3.input as PersistentCBAProgram, trace3, "temp3");

                var trace2 = trace3;
                if (cp2 != null)
                    trace2 = cp2.mapBackTrace(trace3);

                var trace1 = cp1.mapBackTrace(trace2);
                //PrintProgramPath.print(cp1.input as PersistentCBAProgram, trace1, "temp1");

                cex = trace1;

                // Restrict the program to the trace
                tinfo = new InsertionTrans();
                var traceProgCons = new RestrictToTrace(cp1.input.getProgram(), tinfo);

                pout =
                    new PersistentCBAProgram(traceProgCons.getProgram(),
