Пример #1
        public static void PredictInput()
            const string Input = "Hello world";
            MyPredictor  slow  = MyPredictor.SlowPredictor;
            MyPredictor  fast  = MyPredictor.FastPredictor;
            Ast          ast   = Parser.ParseInput(Input, out Token[] tokens, out _);

            // Returns null when no predictor implementation registered
            List <PredictionResult> results = CommandPrediction.PredictInput(Client, ast, tokens).Result;


                // Register 2 predictor implementations
                SubsystemManager.RegisterSubsystem <ICommandPredictor, MyPredictor>(slow);
                SubsystemManager.RegisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, fast);

                // Expect the results from 'fast' predictor only b/c the 'slow' one
                // cannot finish before the specified timeout.
                // The specified timeout is exaggerated to make the test reliable.
                // xUnit must spin up a lot tasks, which makes the test unreliable when the time difference between 'delay' and 'timeout' is small.
                results = CommandPrediction.PredictInput(Client, ast, tokens, millisecondsTimeout: 1000).Result;

                PredictionResult res = results[0];
                Assert.Equal(fast.Id, res.Id);
                Assert.Equal(Session, res.Session);
                Assert.Equal(2, res.Suggestions.Count);
                Assert.Equal($"'{Input}' from '{Client}' - TEST-1 from {fast.Name}", res.Suggestions[0].SuggestionText);
                Assert.Equal($"'{Input}' from '{Client}' - TeSt-2 from {fast.Name}", res.Suggestions[1].SuggestionText);

                // Expect the results from both 'slow' and 'fast' predictors
                // Same here -- the specified timeout is exaggerated to make the test reliable.
                // xUnit must spin up a lot tasks, which makes the test unreliable when the time difference between 'delay' and 'timeout' is small.
                results = CommandPrediction.PredictInput(Client, ast, tokens, millisecondsTimeout: 4000).Result;
                Assert.Equal(2, results.Count);

                PredictionResult res1 = results[0];
                Assert.Equal(slow.Id, res1.Id);
                Assert.Equal(Session, res1.Session);
                Assert.Equal(2, res1.Suggestions.Count);
                Assert.Equal($"'{Input}' from '{Client}' - TEST-1 from {slow.Name}", res1.Suggestions[0].SuggestionText);
                Assert.Equal($"'{Input}' from '{Client}' - TeSt-2 from {slow.Name}", res1.Suggestions[1].SuggestionText);

                PredictionResult res2 = results[1];
                Assert.Equal(fast.Id, res2.Id);
                Assert.Equal(Session, res2.Session);
                Assert.Equal(2, res2.Suggestions.Count);
                Assert.Equal($"'{Input}' from '{Client}' - TEST-1 from {fast.Name}", res2.Suggestions[0].SuggestionText);
                Assert.Equal($"'{Input}' from '{Client}' - TeSt-2 from {fast.Name}", res2.Suggestions[1].SuggestionText);
                SubsystemManager.UnregisterSubsystem <ICommandPredictor>(slow.Id);
                SubsystemManager.UnregisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, fast.Id);
Пример #2
 Task <List <PredictionResult> > IPSConsoleReadLineMockableMethods.PredictInput(Ast ast, Token[] tokens)
     return(CommandPrediction.PredictInput(PSReadLine, ast, tokens));