public ClientVerActividades(User usr, ClientGestTurno f) { InitializeComponent(); usrAux = usr; formGestTurnos = f; }
public ClientCrearActiv(User usr, ClientGestTurno f) { InitializeComponent(); usrAux = usr; formGestTurnos = f; }
private void ClientForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; //////////////// MDI ////////////////////////// //Esto para el color de fondo // Loop through all of the form's controls looking // for the control of type MdiClient. foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls) { try { // Attempt to cast the control to type MdiClient. MdiClient ctlMDI = (MdiClient)ctl; // Set the BackColor of the MdiClient control. ctlMDI.BackColor = this.BackColor; } catch (InvalidCastException) { // Catch and ignore the error if casting failed. } } formWelcome = new ClientBienvenida(this,usuario); formHorDetails = new ClientHorVer(); formHorHome = new ClientHorHome(usuario, formHorDetails); formCreateHor1 = new ClientCrearHor1(usuario); formCreateHor2 = new ClientCrearHor2(usuario); formMatric = new ClientMatriculacionActiv(usuario); formGestTurnos = new ClientGestTurno(); formVerAct = new ClientVerActividades(usuario, formGestTurnos); formCrearAct = new ClientCrearActiv(usuario, formGestTurnos); //Para comunicarse entre ellos formCreateHor1.setContinueForm(formCreateHor2); formCreateHor2.setBackForm(formCreateHor1); formWelcome.MdiParent = this; formHorHome.MdiParent = this; formHorDetails.MdiParent = this; formCreateHor1.MdiParent = this; formCreateHor2.MdiParent = this; formMatric.MdiParent = this; formVerAct.MdiParent = this; formCrearAct.MdiParent = this; formGestTurnos.MdiParent = this; formWelcome.Show(); formHorHome.Show(); formHorDetails.Show(); formCreateHor1.Show(); formCreateHor2.Show(); formMatric.Show(); formVerAct.Show(); formCrearAct.Show(); formGestTurnos.Show(); formWelcome.Show(); formWelcome.Focus(); //////////////// --- ////////////////////////// loadLastHorarios(); loadLastActividades(); beingDragged = false; beingResized = false; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; }