Пример #1
 protected override void vmethod_3(Class615 A_0)
     base.bool_3 = A_0.method_9();
     if (base.bool_6)
         bool     flag;
         Class210 class2 = base.method_2() as Class210;
         if (((flag = (class2 != null) ? class2.method_39() : false) && (class2 != null)) && ((base.method_30() is ShapeObject) && ((base.method_30() as ShapeObject).TextWrappingStyle == TextWrappingStyle.Inline)))
             Paragraph paragraph = (base.method_30() as ShapeObject).method_28();
             if (((paragraph != null) && paragraph.IsInCell) && (base.method_5() != null))
                 float num = base.method_5().method_69().Width + (base.method_30() as Interface2).imethod_3(base.method_4()).Width;
                 if (Class59.smethod_5((double)num, base.method_3().method_2(), 0.00050000002374872565) > 0)
                     flag = false;
         if (!flag)
             base.interface1_0  = A_0.method_0();
             base.layoutState_0 = LayoutState.Splitted;
             base.layoutState_0 = LayoutState.NotFitted;
         base.layoutState_0 = LayoutState.NotFitted;
Пример #2
        int Interface21.OffsetToIndex(Class196 dc, double offset, string text, string textSplit, float clientWidth, float clientActiveAreaWidth, bool bIsFirstSplit)
            int      num    = 3;
            float    num2   = this.method_41(dc, clientWidth);
            Class210 class2 = base.interface23_0 as Class210;
            bool     flag2  = (class2 != null) ? class2.Interface23.imethod_26() : true;
            bool     flag   = (base.OwnerParagraph != null) && base.OwnerParagraph.method_46();

            flag = (num2 <= 0f) || flag;
            int   num4  = dc.method_401(text, this, textSplit, offset, !flag2, flag, num2, clientActiveAreaWidth);
            float width = dc.method_323(this, BookmarkStart.b("न", num)).Width;

            if ((num4 > 0) && (!flag || (num2 >= width)))
                int num6 = Class203.smethod_4(textSplit, num4);
                if (num6 < 0)
                    if ((num4 + num6) <= 0)
                        string str = text.Substring(0, num4 + Math.Abs(num6));
                        if (dc.method_323(this, str).Width < num2)
                            num4 += num6;
                    num4 += num6;
            if ((num2 > width) && (num4 < textSplit.Length))
                int num7 = num4;
                if (((offset != num2) && (num4 < 1)) || flag)
                if (num7 > -1)
                    for (int i = num7; i < textSplit.Length; i++)
                        if ((textSplit[i] != ' ') && (textSplit[i] != '\x00a0'))
            if (((num4 <= 0) && (Class59.smethod_5((double)num2, offset, 0.005) == 0)) && !flag)
                num4 = -2147483648;
            if (((num4 <= 0) && (Class59.smethod_5((double)num2, 0.0, 0.005) <= 0)) && flag)
                num4 = -2147483648;
Пример #3
    protected override void vmethod_10(Class615 A_0)
        RectangleF ef     = base.class774_0.method_13();
        Class210   class2 = base.method_2() as Class210;
        bool       flag   = false;

        if (class2 != null)
            flag = !(class2.method_19() == 0f);
        if (base.class375_0.method_74().Count == 0)
            if ((flag && (class2.method_13() < 0)) && !(A_0.method_8() is Class65))
                ef.X     += class2.method_19();
                ef.Width -= class2.method_19();
            if (class2.method_13() < 0)
                ef.X     += class2.method_51();
                ef.Width -= class2.method_51();
            if (class2.method_13() != -1)
                if (flag && !(A_0.method_8() is Class65))
                    ef.X     += class2.method_19() + class2.method_51();
                    ef.Width -= class2.method_19() + class2.method_51();
                else if (!flag && !(A_0.method_8() is Class65))
                    ef.X     += class2.method_51();
                    ef.Width -= class2.method_51();
            if ((A_0.method_8() is Class65) && ((A_0.method_8() as Class65).method_2() is Paragraph))
                Paragraph paragraph = (A_0.method_8() as Class65).method_2() as Paragraph;
                int       count     = paragraph.WidgetCollection.Count;
                if ((count > 1) && (count != (A_0.method_8() as Class65).Interface3.imethod_3()))
                    DocumentObject obj2 = paragraph.WidgetCollection[(count - 1) - (A_0.method_8() as Class65).Interface3.imethod_3()];
                    if ((obj2 is Break) && (((obj2 as Break).BreakType == BreakType.PageBreak) || ((obj2 as Break).BreakType == BreakType.ColumnBreak)))
                        ef.X     += class2.method_19() + class2.method_51();
                        ef.Width -= class2.method_19() + class2.method_51();
        base.class375_1 = A_0.vmethod_0(ef);
        (base.interface30_0 as Class304).method_12(new Class206.Class215());
        (base.interface30_0 as Class304).method_14(0f);
Пример #4
    protected override void vmethod_4(Class615 A_0)
        base.layoutState_0 = LayoutState.Fitted;
        Class210 class2 = A_0.method_2() as Class210;

        if ((class2 != null) ? class2.method_37() : false)
            base.layoutState_0 = LayoutState.Breaked;
Пример #5
 protected override void vmethod_9()
     if ((base.class375_1.method_73() is Paragraph) && (base.class375_1.method_73().imethod_0() is Class210))
         Class210 class3 = base.class375_1.method_73().imethod_0() as Class210;
         if (class3.method_43() && (class3.method_91() != null))
             TabJustification justification = class3.method_91().method_48();
             foreach (Class375 class2 in base.class375_1.method_74())
                 if ((justification != TabJustification.Left) && (class2.method_48() == TabJustification.Left))
Пример #6
        internal float method_41(Class196 A_0, float A_1)
            float num = 0f;

            if (base.Owner != null)
                DocumentObject owner = base.Owner;
                while (!(owner is Section))
                    if (((owner is Table) || (owner is Footnote)) || (owner.Owner == null))
                    owner = owner.Owner;
                if (owner is Section)
                    Paragraph ownerParagraph = base.OwnerParagraph;
                    if (base.Owner is SDTInlineContent)
                        ownerParagraph = (base.Owner as SDTInlineContent).OwnerParagraph;
                    if (ownerParagraph.Format.IsFrame && (ownerParagraph.Format.FrameWidthRule == FrameSizeRule.Exact))
                        A_1 = ownerParagraph.Format.FrameWidthEx;
                    Class210 class2 = ((Interface1)ownerParagraph).imethod_0() as Class210;
                    return(A_1 - (((float)(class2.Interface22.imethod_1().method_0() + class2.Interface22.imethod_1().method_8())) + class2.method_51()));
                if (owner is Table)
                if (owner is Footnote)
                    num = A_1;
Пример #7
 public bool Remove(string name)
     Class210 class2 = new Class210 {
         string_0 = name
     if (class2.string_0 == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
     if (this.IsFrozen)
         ilog_0.ErrorFormat("[Remove] This TaskManager is frozen.", Array.Empty<object>());
         return false;
     ITask item = this.list_0.FirstOrDefault<ITask>(new Func<ITask, bool>(class2.method_0));
     if (item == null)
         ilog_0.ErrorFormat("[Remove] A task with the name of {0} does not exist.", class2.string_0);
         return false;
     ilog_0.DebugFormat("[Remove] Now removing [{0}].", item.Name);
     return true;
Пример #8
    private void method_21(Interface1 A_0, bool A_1)
        RectangleF ef     = this.rectangleF_0;
        double     x      = this.rectangleF_0.X;
        double     y      = this.rectangleF_0.Y;
        double     width  = this.rectangleF_0.Width;
        double     height = this.rectangleF_0.Height;

        if (A_0 != null)
            double num5 = 0.0;
            double num6 = 0.0;
            double num7 = 0.0;
            double num8 = 0.0;
            if (this.interface22_0 != null)
                num5 = this.method_8().method_0() + this.method_9().method_0();
                num6 = this.method_8().method_4() + this.method_9().method_4();
                num7 = this.method_8().method_8() + this.method_9().method_8();
                num8 = this.method_9().method_12();
            if (x < 0.0)
                x = this.rectangleF_0.X;
            if (((A_0 != null) && (A_0 is TableCell)) && A_0.imethod_0().imethod_30())
                x      = this.rectangleF_0.X + num6;
                y      = this.rectangleF_0.Y + num5;
                width  = (this.rectangleF_0.Width - num6) - num8;
                height = (this.rectangleF_0.Height - num5) - num7;
                x      = this.rectangleF_0.X + num5;
                y      = this.rectangleF_0.Y + num6;
                width  = (this.rectangleF_0.Width - num5) - num7;
                height = (this.rectangleF_0.Height - num6) - num8;
            if ((A_0 is TableCell) || ((A_0 is Class65) && ((A_0 as Class65).method_2() is TableCell)))
                TableCell cell = (A_0 is TableCell) ? (A_0 as TableCell) : ((!(A_0 is Class65) || !((A_0 as Class65).method_2() is TableCell)) ? null : ((A_0 as Class65).method_2() as TableCell));
                if ((cell != null) && (cell.OwnerRow.OwnerTable.TableFormat.CellSpacing > 0f))
                    width += cell.OwnerRow.OwnerTable.TableFormat.CellSpacingEx * 2f;
            if (((A_0 is Paragraph) && (A_0 as Paragraph).IsInCell) && !(((A_0 as Paragraph).OwnerTextBody as TableCell).interface23_0 as Class211).method_107())
                height -= this.method_8().method_12();
            if (width < 0.0)
                width = 0.0;
            if (height < 0.0)
                height = 0.0;
            if (A_0 is Paragraph)
                Class210   class2 = A_0.imethod_0() as Class210;
                RectangleF ef2    = class2.method_87();
                if (!ef2.IsEmpty || (ef2.Right > 0f))
                    float num9 = ef2.Right - ((float)x);
                    x    += num9;
                    width = class2.method_89() - ef2.Right;
                    width = (width < 0.0) ? 0.0 : width;
        if (!A_1)
            this.rectangleF_1 = new RectangleF(new PointF((float)x, ef.Y), new SizeF((float)width, ef.Height));
            this.rectangleF_1 = new RectangleF((float)x, (float)y, (float)width, (float)height);
        if ((A_0 is Paragraph) || ((A_0 is Class65) && ((A_0 as Class65).method_2() is Paragraph)))
            (A_0.imethod_0() as Class210).method_86(this.rectangleF_1);
 public abstract void Visit(Class210 c);
 public override void Visit(Class210 c) { }
Пример #11
    private void method_93(Class375 A_0)
        RectangleF ef20;
        int        num   = 4;
        bool       flag  = false;
        bool       flag2 = false;
        int        count = A_0.method_74().Count;

        Class210 class2 = A_0.method_73().imethod_0() as Class210;

        if (((A_0.method_73() is Paragraph) && (class2 as Class213).method_105()) && ((A_0.method_73().imethod_0() as Class213).method_59() != float.MinValue))
            A_0.method_27((class2 as Class213).method_59() + (A_0.method_73() as Paragraph).Format.FrameWidthEx);
        HorizontalAlignment alignment = (class2 != null) ? class2.method_15() : HorizontalAlignment.Left;
        double num4     = base.method_4().method_169(A_0);
        PointF location = A_0.method_69().Location;

        if ((count > 0) && (A_0.method_69().Location != A_0.method_74().method_4(0).method_69().Location))
            using (List <Class375> .Enumerator enumerator = A_0.method_74().GetEnumerator())
                Class375 current;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    current = enumerator.Current;
                    if (((!(current.method_73() is Class7) || ((current.method_73() as Class7).TextBoxFormat.TextWrappingStyle == TextWrappingStyle.Inline)) && (!(current.method_73() is DocOleObject) || ((current.method_73() as DocOleObject).Interface49.get_OlePicture().TextWrappingStyle == TextWrappingStyle.Inline))) && (!(current.method_73() is DocPicture) || ((current.method_73() as DocPicture).TextWrappingStyle == TextWrappingStyle.Inline)))
                        goto Label_01AA;
                goto Label_01CC;
                location = current.method_69().Location;
        ef20 = new RectangleF(location, new SizeF(A_0.method_69().Width + ((float)num4), A_0.method_69().Height));
        Class312 class4 = base.method_4().method_28().method_51(ef20, base.class375_0.method_73());

        if (((!class4.method_0().IsEmpty&& (class4.method_2().method_0() != TextWrappingStyle.Inline)) && ((class4.method_2().method_0() != TextWrappingStyle.Behind) && (class4.method_2().method_0() != TextWrappingStyle.InFrontOfText))) && (class4.method_0().X > A_0.method_69().X))
            double num3  = num4;
            float  right = A_0.method_74().method_4(base.method_4().method_170(A_0.method_74(), A_0.method_74().method_0(), false)).method_69().Right;
            num4 = class4.method_0().X - A_0.method_69().Right;
            if (class4.method_0().X > right)
                if (class2.method_85().Right >= class4.method_0().X)
                    num4 = class4.method_0().X - right;
                    num4 = num3;
        Paragraph paragraph = this.method_96();

        if (((paragraph != null) && base.method_73(paragraph)) && (paragraph.Format.FrameWidth == 0))
            num4 = 0.0;
        if (num4 < 0.0)
            num4 = 0.0;
        CharacterSpacing compressPunctuation = CharacterSpacing.compressPunctuation;
        bool             flag3 = false;

        if (paragraph != null)
            Section section = this.method_95(paragraph);
            if (section != null)
                compressPunctuation = section.PageSetup.CharacterSpacingControl;
            if ((((alignment == HorizontalAlignment.Justify) && (paragraph != null)) && ((A_0.method_64() != BookmarkStart.b("礩尫䈭夯䘱䀳匵尷", num)) && (A_0.method_64() != BookmarkStart.b("礩尫䈭夯䘱䀳匵尷甹娻爽⤿ⱁ⅃х㩇⽉ⵋ╍", num)))) && ((A_0.method_74().Count > 0) && !A_0.method_74().method_4(0).method_66()))
                flag = true;
            flag3 = !paragraph.Document.Settings.method_5().method_29();
            if (((alignment == HorizontalAlignment.Justify) && (A_0.method_64() == BookmarkStart.b("礩尫䈭夯䘱䀳匵尷甹娻爽⤿ⱁ⅃х㩇⽉ⵋ╍", num))) && !flag3)
                flag2 = true;
        if (compressPunctuation != CharacterSpacing.doNotCompress)
        if (!this.method_97(paragraph) && ((!flag2 && !flag) || ((flag && paragraph.IsEndOfSection) && (!paragraph.IsEndOfDocument && flag3))))
            switch (alignment)
            case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                A_0.method_106(base.method_4(), num4);

            case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                A_0.method_107(base.method_4(), num4);

            case HorizontalAlignment.Justify:
            case HorizontalAlignment.Distributed:
                int num6 = 0;
                A_0.method_109(base.method_4(), num4, ref num6);
                for (int i = num6; i < A_0.method_74().Count; i++)
                    A_0.method_74().method_4(i).method_70(new RectangleF(A_0.method_74().method_4(i).method_69().X, A_0.method_74().method_4(i).method_69().Y, A_0.method_74().method_4(i).method_69().Width, A_0.method_74().method_4(i).method_69().Height));
                    if (i < (A_0.method_74().Count - 1))
                        A_0.method_74().method_4(i + 1).method_70(new RectangleF(A_0.method_74().method_4(i + 1).method_69().Location.X, A_0.method_74().method_4(i + 1).method_69().Location.Y, A_0.method_74().method_4(i + 1).method_69().Width, A_0.method_74().method_4(i + 1).method_69().Height));
        if (((base.method_4().method_28().method_3().Count == 2) && base.method_4().method_28().method_1()) && (A_0.method_12() != float.MinValue))
            float  num7  = Math.Max(base.method_4().method_28().method_3().method_4(0).method_69().Bottom, base.method_4().method_28().method_28().Margins.Top);
            float  num9  = A_0.method_12() - num7;
            double num10 = ((double)num9) % A_0.method_7().method_7();
            double num11 = 0.0;
            if (((int)num10) > 0)
                if (((int)(((double)num9) / A_0.method_7().method_7())) == 0)
                    num11 = A_0.method_7().method_7() - num9;
                    A_0.method_94(0.0, num11, true);
                else if ((num10 >= A_0.method_7().method_0()) && (num10 <= A_0.method_7().method_7()))
                    num11 = A_0.method_7().method_4();
                    A_0.method_94(0.0, num11, true);
                    num11 = Math.Abs((double)(A_0.method_7().method_4() - num10));
                    A_0.method_94(0.0, num11, true);