Пример #1
        public static void SendUserNameChanges()
            var LogActivity = Carollo.GetApplicationActions(USER_NAME);

            if (!Carollo.IsLogSetUpForApp(LogActivity))

            var UserNameChanges = Carollo.GetUserNameChanges();

            if (UserNameChanges.Count > 0 && LogActivity[0].NotificatonEmailAddresses.Length > 3)
                var body = "The following employee user names need to be changed in CEEC :" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                foreach (Models.NameChanges userNameChange in UserNameChanges)
                    body += "Employee: " + userNameChange.EmpName + Environment.NewLine + "\tHCM email address: " + userNameChange.HCMUserId + Environment.NewLine + "\tCurrent CEEC user name: " + userNameChange.CeecUserId + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                MailMessage message        = new MailMessage();
                var         emailAddresses = LogActivity[0].NotificatonEmailAddresses.Split(';');
                foreach (string address in emailAddresses)

                message.Subject = "CEEC User Names Needing Updating: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                message.From    = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                message.Body    = body;
                var smtp = new SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailHost"]);

Пример #2
        public static void SendErrors(string strError, string strApp)
            //This code sends emails to whomever is set in the Applications table
            //Added Nancy Maze, Christian Varella, and Jorge Cano with Roy Hollis
            var LogActivity = Carollo.GetApplicationActions(USER_NAME);

            if (!Carollo.IsLogSetUpForApp(LogActivity))

            var body = "The following error was generated by CEEC Data Transfer:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            body += strApp + Environment.NewLine + "Error:" + strError + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
            body += "See Activity Log for more detail.";

            MailMessage message        = new MailMessage();
            var         emailAddresses = LogActivity[0].NotificatonEmailAddresses.Split(';');

            foreach (string address in emailAddresses)

            message.Subject = "CEEC Data Transfer Error: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            message.From    = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
            message.Body    = body;
            var smtp = new SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailHost"]);

Пример #3
        public static void SendCourseShellNotices()
            var LogActivity = Carollo.GetApplicationActions(COURSE_SHELL);

            if (!Carollo.IsLogSetUpForApp(LogActivity))

                var courseShells = Carollo.GetMissingCourseShells();
                if (courseShells.Count > 0)
                    var body = "The following course shells need to be created in CEEC :" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                    foreach (Models.CourseShells shell in courseShells)
                        body += "Vendor: " + shell.Vendor + Environment.NewLine + "\tCourse External Id: " + shell.CourseId + Environment.NewLine + "\tCourse Title: " + shell.CourseName + Environment.NewLine + "\tCredit Hours: " + shell.CreditHours + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                    MailMessage message        = new MailMessage();
                    var         emailAddresses = LogActivity[0].NotificatonEmailAddresses.Split(';');
                    foreach (string address in emailAddresses)

                    message.Subject = "Course Shells For CEEC: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                    message.From    = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                    message.Body    = body;
                    var smtp = new SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailHost"]);

            catch (Exception e)
                Carollo.WriteToLog("Error at Email.SendCourseShellNotices: " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.InnerException + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace, MessageType.Text, "System", ActionType.SetUpLog.ToString(), true, DateTime.Now, "");
        public static void Process(string Vendor)
            var startDate               = DateTime.Now;
            var processDate             = DateTime.Now;
            int numberOfCoursesReviewed = 0;
            int numberOfCourseShell     = 0;
            int numberOfEnrollments     = 0;
            var vendorName              = Vendor.Replace(" LMS", "");

                var absorbCourses = new List <Courses>();
                var LogActivity   = Carollo.GetApplicationActions(Vendor);

                if (Carollo.IsLogSetUpForApp(LogActivity))
                    // Absorb
                    var    LMSEmployees = new List <LMSEmployees>();
                    string token        = AbsorbAPI.GetToken();
                    if (IsToken(token))
                        LMSEmployees = AbsorbAPI.GetUsers(token);
                        Carollo.WriteToLog("CEEC token not valid.", MessageType.Text, Vendor, ActionType.SetUpLog.ToString(), true, processDate, vendorName);

                    var Completions = Carollo.GetCourseCompletions(vendorName);
                    if (Completions.Count == 0)
                        Carollo.WriteToLog("No completion data.", MessageType.Text, Vendor, ActionType.SetUpLog.ToString(), true, processDate, vendorName);

                    // Group users together for user lookups
                    Completions.Sort((x, y) => x.UserName_Email.CompareTo(y.UserName_Email));
                    var currentUserName       = "";
                    var currentUserHasHCMData = false;
                    var currentUserId         = "";

                    var HCMEmployees = new List <HCMEmployees>();
                    HCMEmployees = Carollo.GetEmployees();

                    var userEnrollments    = new List <Enrollments>();
                    var AbsorbUser         = new LMSEmployees();
                    var currentHCMEmployee = new HCMEmployees();

                    foreach (var completion in Completions)

                        if (completion.UserName_Email != currentUserName)
                            currentUserHasHCMData = false;
                            currentHCMEmployee    = HCMEmployees.Find(item => item.UserName.ToLower() == completion.UserName_Email.ToLower());

                            if (currentHCMEmployee != null)
                                AbsorbUser = LMSEmployees.Find(item => item.UserName.ToLower() == completion.UserName_Email.ToLower());
                                if (AbsorbUser == null)

                                userEnrollments       = AbsorbAPI.GetUserEnrollments(token, AbsorbUser.Id.Value);
                                currentUserHasHCMData = true;
                                currentUserId         = AbsorbUser.Id.ToString();
                                Carollo.WriteToLog("No employee exist in HCM that matches the completion data for user " + completion.UserName_Email + ".", MessageType.Text, Vendor, ActionType.SetUpLog.ToString(), true, processDate, vendorName);

                            currentUserName = completion.UserName_Email;

                        if (currentUserHasHCMData)
                            // fetch data only if needed and only once
                            if (absorbCourses.Count == 0)
                                absorbCourses = AbsorbAPI.GetCourses(token);

                            var activityCourse = new Courses();
                            if (absorbCourses.Exists(item => item.ExternalId.ToUpper() == completion.CourseName.ToUpper()))
                                activityCourse = absorbCourses.Find(item => item.ExternalId.ToUpper() == completion.CourseName.ToUpper());

                            if (activityCourse.ExternalId != null)
                                var needsUpdate    = false;
                                var userEnrollment = new Enrollments();
                                if (!userEnrollments.Exists(item => item.CourseId == activityCourse.Id && item.DateCompleted == completion.CompletionDate))
                                    var enrollment = AbsorbAPI.CreateEnrollment(token, currentUserId, activityCourse.Id.ToString());
                                    if (enrollment == "")

                                    Guid enrollmentGuid;
                                    if (Guid.TryParse(enrollment, out enrollmentGuid))
                                        needsUpdate    = true;
                                        userEnrollment = new Enrollments {
                                            Id = enrollmentGuid, CourseId = activityCourse.Id, UserId = (Guid)AbsorbUser.Id, IsActive = true, Progress = 1, Score = completion.Score, DateStarted = DateTime.Now, DateCompleted = completion.CompletionDate, TimeSpentTicks = 0, AcceptedTermsAndConditions = false
                                        Carollo.WriteToLog("Enrollment succeeded: " + enrollment, MessageType.Text, Carollo.DetermineAction(LogActivity[0], ActionType.UpdateEnrollment.ToString()), true, currentUserId, completion.CourseName, completion.CourseTitle, completion.UserName_Email, vendorName, "");
                                        Carollo.WriteToLog("Enrollment failed.", MessageType.Text, Carollo.DetermineAction(LogActivity[0], ActionType.WriteToLogError.ToString()), true, currentUserId, completion.CourseName, completion.CourseTitle, completion.UserName_Email, vendorName, "");
                                    userEnrollment = userEnrollments.Find(item => item.CourseId == activityCourse.Id && item.DateCompleted == completion.CompletionDate);
                                    if (userEnrollment.Status != Status.Complete)
                                        needsUpdate = true;

                                if (needsUpdate)
                                    var CourseEnrollment = ConstructCourseEnrollmentEmployee(userEnrollment);
                                    var UpdateResult     = AbsorbAPI.UpdateEnrollmentCourse(token, (Guid)AbsorbUser.Id, CourseEnrollment);
                                    Carollo.WriteToLog(currentHCMEmployee.NickName + " " + currentHCMEmployee.LastName + " completed " + userEnrollment.CourseName + " results:" + UpdateResult, MessageType.Text, Carollo.DetermineAction(LogActivity[0], ActionType.UpdateEnrollment.ToString()), false, currentHCMEmployee.UserName, userEnrollment.CourseId.ToString(), userEnrollment.CourseName, currentHCMEmployee.EmployeeID, vendorName, "");

                                Carollo.WriteToLog("No course shell exist in CEEC that matches the completion data", MessageType.Text, Carollo.DetermineAction(LogActivity[0], ActionType.CourseShell.ToString()), true, currentUserId, completion.CourseName, completion.CourseTitle, completion.UserName_Email, vendorName, "");
                            Carollo.WriteToLog("No employee exist in HCM that matches the completion data for user " + completion.UserName_Email + ".", MessageType.Text, Vendor, ActionType.SetUpLog.ToString(), true, processDate, vendorName);

                    Carollo.WriteToLog("External completion Courses to CEEC results: Courses Reviewed = " + numberOfCoursesReviewed + " - Courses Enrolled = " + numberOfEnrollments + " - Course Shells missing = " + numberOfCourseShell, MessageType.Text, Vendor, ActionType.ExecuteCompleted.ToString(), true, startDate, vendorName);
                    Carollo.WriteToLog("The Log Activity is not setup for this application", MessageType.Text, Vendor, ActionType.SetUpLog.ToString(), true, startDate, vendorName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Carollo.WriteToLog(ex.StackTrace, MessageType.Text, Vendor, ActionType.WriteToLogError.ToString(), true, startDate, vendorName);