Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a Wake-on-LAN magic packet containing the specified <see cref="PhysicalAddress" /> to UDP broadcast on port 9 including a password.
        /// <para>Packet bytes: FF FF FF FF FF FF | 16 repetitions of <see cref="PhysicalAddress" /> | contents of <paramref name="password" /></para>
        /// <para>Total number of bytes: 102.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="physicalAddress">The <see cref="PhysicalAddress" /> which is contained within the UDP broadcast packet.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The binary representation of the password. <paramref name="password" /> must either contain 4 or 6 bytes, or be <see langword="null" />.</param>
        public static void WakeOnLan(PhysicalAddress physicalAddress, byte[] password)
            Check.ArgumentNull(physicalAddress, nameof(physicalAddress));
            Check.Argument(password == null || CSharp.EqualsAny(password.Length, 4, 6), nameof(password), "The password must be either 4 or 6 bytes long or null.");

            byte[] packet = Enumerable.Repeat <byte>(0xff, 6)
                            .Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(physicalAddress.GetAddressBytes(), 16).SelectMany(b => b))
                            .Concat(password ?? new byte[0])

            using UdpClient client = new UdpClient();
            client.Connect(IPAddress.Broadcast, 9);
            client.Send(packet, packet.Length);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified set of <see cref="MessageBoxButtons" /> can raise the specified <see cref="MessageBoxEvent" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buttons">A <see cref="MessageBoxButtons" /> value.</param>
        /// <param name="e">A <see cref="MessageBoxEvent" /> event.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see langword="true" />, if the specified set of <see cref="MessageBoxButtons" /> can raise the specified <see cref="MessageBoxEvent" />;
        /// otherwise, <see langword="false" />.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool HasEvent(MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxEvent e)
            switch (e)
            case MessageBoxEvent.Ok: return(CSharp.EqualsAny(buttons, MessageBoxButtons.Ok, MessageBoxButtons.OkCancel));

            case MessageBoxEvent.Cancel: return(CSharp.EqualsAny(buttons, MessageBoxButtons.OkCancel, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel));

            case MessageBoxEvent.Yes: return(CSharp.EqualsAny(buttons, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel));

            case MessageBoxEvent.No: return(CSharp.EqualsAny(buttons, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel));

            case MessageBoxEvent.Abort: return(CSharp.EqualsAny(buttons, MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore));

            case MessageBoxEvent.Retry: return(CSharp.EqualsAny(buttons, MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel));

            case MessageBoxEvent.Ignore: return(CSharp.EqualsAny(buttons, MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore));

            default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the project file after it has been loaded from an INI file.
        /// </summary>
        public void ValidateProject()
            // Validate stub

            // Validate sources

            // Validate actions

            void ValidateStubIcon()
                // Validate stub icon
                if (Project.Stub.IconPath != null)
                    // Validate that stub icon has .ico or .exe extension
                    string extension = Path.GetExtension(Project.Stub.IconPath);

                    if (extension.Equals(".ico", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Validate that stub icon is a valid .ico file
                        if (!IconExtractor.HasIcon(Project.Stub.IconPath))
                            Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "File '" + Path.GetFileName(Project.Stub.IconPath) + "' is not a valid icon.");
                    else if (extension.Equals(".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Validate that stub icon is an executable file with an icon
                        if (!IconExtractor.HasIcon(Project.Stub.IconPath))
                            Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "Could not extract icon from '" + Path.GetFileName(Project.Stub.IconPath) + "'.");
                        Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "Stub icon must have '.ico' or '.exe' extension.");

            void ValidateStubPadding()
                // Validate that stub has padding
                if (Project.Stub.Padding < 50)
                    Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Warning, "Padding is less than 50. The compiled binary will be of high-entropy and may be detected as a packer.");

            void ValidateManifest()
                // Validate that manifest is not set to both template and cutom file
                if (Project.Manifest.Template != null && Project.Manifest.Path != null)
                    Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "Both manifest template and path specified. Please specify only one.");

            void ValidateSources()
                // Validate duplicate source ID's
                for (int i = 0; i < Project.Sources.Count; i++)
                    if (Project.Sources.Skip(i + 1).Any(source => source.Id == Project.Sources[i].Id))
                        Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "Duplicate source ID '" + Project.Sources[i].Id + "'.");

                // Exclude unused sources
                foreach (ProjectSource source in Project.Sources.ToArray())
                    if (Project.Actions.None(action => action.Source == source))
                        Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Warning, "Source '" + source.Id + "' was excluded, because it is not used.");

            void ValidateCompression()
                // Validate that compressed files are smaller than 100 MB
                foreach (EmbeddedSource source in Project.Sources.OfType <EmbeddedSource>())
                    if (source.Compress && source.Path != null && new FileInfo(source.Path).Length > 1024 * 1024 * 100)
                        Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Warning, "File '" + Path.GetFileName(source.Path) + "' is bigger than 100 MB. It is recommended to disable compression.");

            void ValidateEofData()
                IEnumerable <EmbeddedSource> eofSources = Project.Sources.OfType <EmbeddedSource>().Where(source => source.EofData);

                // Validate that only PE files are used as EOF data sources
                foreach (EmbeddedSource source in eofSources)
                    if (new[] { ".exe", ".dll" }.None(extension => Path.GetExtension(source.Path).Equals(extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                        Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "Cannot write EOF data of file '" + Path.GetFileName(source.Path) + "'. Only executable files contain EOF data.");

                // Validate that only one file's EOF data is written
                foreach (EmbeddedSource source in eofSources.Skip(1))
                    Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "Cannot write EOF data of file '" + Path.GetFileName(source.Path) + "'. Only one file's EOF data can be written.");

            void ValidateActions()
                // Validate that at least one action exists
                if (Project.Actions.None())
                    Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Warning, "The project is empty.");

            void ValidateRunPE()
                // Validate that RunPE files have an .exe extension
                foreach (RunPEAction action in Project.Actions.OfType <RunPEAction>())
                    if (action.Source is EmbeddedSource embeddedSource &&
                        embeddedSource.Path != null &&
                        !Path.GetExtension(embeddedSource.Path).Equals(".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "RunPE file must have '.exe' extension.");

            void ValidateInvoke()
                // Validate that invoke files have an .exe extension
                foreach (InvokeAction action in Project.Actions.OfType <InvokeAction>())
                    if (action.Source is EmbeddedSource embeddedSource &&
                        embeddedSource.Path != null &&
                        !Path.GetExtension(embeddedSource.Path).Equals(".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, "Invoked file must have '.exe' extension.");

                // Validate that invoke actions are only used in a .NET stub
                if (CSharp.EqualsNone(Project.Stub.Type, StubType.DotNet32, StubType.DotNet64) && Project.Actions.OfType <InvokeAction>().Any())
                    Errors.Add(ErrorSource.Project, ErrorSeverity.Error, ".NET invocation is only supported in a .NET stub.");

            void ValidateDrop()
                // Validate that a UAC manifest is included, if files are dropped in privileged directories
                IEnumerable <string> privilegedDropFileNames = Project.Actions
                                                               .OfType <DropAction>()
                                                               .Where(action => CSharp.EqualsAny(action.Location, DropLocation.WindowsDirectory, DropLocation.SystemDirectory, DropLocation.ProgramFiles, DropLocation.CDrive))
                                                               .Select(action =>
                    if (action.FileName != null)
                    else if (action.Source is EmbeddedSource embeddedSource && embeddedSource.Path != null)
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a specified portion of the table of <see cref="TcpViewEntry" /> objects that represent a snapshot of the current TCP and/or UDP connections in either IPv4, IPv6 or both. If <paramref name="resolveProtocolNames" /> is set to <see langword="true" />, Protocol names are resolved according to the services file in %systemroot%\drivers\etc\services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tcp4"><see langword="true" /> to include TCPv4 entries.</param>
        /// <param name="tcp6"><see langword="true" /> to include TCPv6 entries.</param>
        /// <param name="udp4"><see langword="true" /> to include UDPv4 entries.</param>
        /// <param name="udp6"><see langword="true" /> to include UDPv6 entries.</param>
        /// <param name="resolveProtocolNames"><see langword="true" /> to resolve Protocol names according to the services file in %systemroot%\drivers\etc\services.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new <see cref="TcpViewEntry" />[] object with the TCP and/or UDP table in either IPv4, IPv6 or both. If <paramref name="resolveProtocolNames" /> is set to <see langword="true" />, Protocol names are resolved according to the services file in %systemroot%\drivers\etc\services.
        /// </returns>
        public static TcpViewEntry[] GetEntries(bool tcp4, bool tcp6, bool udp4, bool udp6, bool resolveProtocolNames)
            List <TcpViewEntry> entries = new List <TcpViewEntry>();

            if (tcp4)
                    GetConnections <Native.TcpTable, Native.TcpRow>(false, 2)
                    .Select(row => new TcpViewEntry
                    Protocol      = TcpViewEntryProtocol.Tcp4,
                    LocalAddress  = new IPAddress(BitConverter.GetBytes(row.LocalAddress)),
                    LocalPort     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new[] { row.LocalPort[1], row.LocalPort[0] }, 0),
                    RemoteAddress = new IPAddress(BitConverter.GetBytes(row.RemoteAddress)),
                    RemotePort    = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new[] { row.RemotePort[1], row.RemotePort[0] }, 0),
                    TcpState      = (TcpState)row.State,
                    ProcessId     = (int)row.OwningProcessId
            if (tcp6)
                    GetConnections <Native.Tcp6Table, Native.Tcp6Row>(false, 23)
                    .Select(row => new TcpViewEntry
                    Protocol      = TcpViewEntryProtocol.Tcp6,
                    LocalAddress  = new IPAddress(row.LocalAddress),
                    LocalPort     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new[] { row.LocalPort[1], row.LocalPort[0] }, 0),
                    RemoteAddress = new IPAddress(row.RemoteAddress),
                    RemotePort    = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new[] { row.RemotePort[1], row.RemotePort[0] }, 0),
                    TcpState      = (TcpState)row.State,
                    ProcessId     = (int)row.OwningProcessId
            if (udp4)
                    GetConnections <Native.UdpTable, Native.UdpRow>(true, 2)
                    .Select(row => new TcpViewEntry
                    Protocol     = TcpViewEntryProtocol.Udp4,
                    LocalAddress = new IPAddress(row.LocalAddress),
                    LocalPort    = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new[] { row.LocalPort[1], row.LocalPort[0] }, 0),
                    ProcessId    = (int)row.OwningProcessId
            if (udp6)
                    GetConnections <Native.Udp6Table, Native.Udp6Row>(true, 23)
                    .Select(row => new TcpViewEntry
                    Protocol     = TcpViewEntryProtocol.Udp6,
                    LocalAddress = new IPAddress(row.LocalAddress),
                    LocalPort    = (int)row.LocalPort,
                    ProcessId    = (int)row.OwningProcessId

                   .Select(entry =>
                entry.LocalProtocolName = ResolvePort(entry.LocalPort, CSharp.EqualsAny(entry.Protocol, TcpViewEntryProtocol.Udp4, TcpViewEntryProtocol.Udp6));
                entry.RemoteProtocolName = entry.RemotePort == null ? null : ResolvePort(entry.RemotePort.Value, CSharp.EqualsAny(entry.Protocol, TcpViewEntryProtocol.Udp4, TcpViewEntryProtocol.Udp6));
                return entry;

            TRow[] GetConnections <TTable, TRow>(bool udp, int version)
                int       bufferSize      = 0;
                FieldInfo numEntriesField = typeof(TTable).GetField("EntryCount");

                IntPtr tcpTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);

                    if (GetTable(tcpTable) == 0)
                        TTable table      = Marshal.PtrToStructure <TTable>(tcpTable);
                        int    rowSize    = Marshal.SizeOf <TRow>();
                        uint   entryCount = numEntriesField.GetValue <uint>(table);

                        TRow[] tableRows = new TRow[entryCount];
                        IntPtr ptr       = tcpTable + 4;
                        for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++, ptr += rowSize)
                            tableRows[i] = Marshal.PtrToStructure <TRow>(ptr);
                        return(new TRow[0]);

                uint GetTable(IntPtr table) => udp?Native.GetExtendedUdpTable(table, ref bufferSize, true, version, 1) : Native.GetExtendedTcpTable(table, ref bufferSize, true, version, 5);

            string ResolvePort(int port, bool udp)
                if (resolveProtocolNames)
                    if (ProtocolMap == null)
                        ProtocolMap = ProtocolMappingEntry.GetProtocolMappingEntries();
                    return(ProtocolMap.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Protocol == (udp ? ProtocolMappingProtocol.Udp : ProtocolMappingProtocol.Tcp) && entry.Port == port)?.Name);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Escapes a SendKeys sequence. The characters +^%~(){}[] are encapsulated by braces. The returned <see cref="string" /> can be then passed to SendKeys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">The <see cref="string" /> value to be escaped.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="string" /> with the escaped representation of <paramref name="str" />.
        /// </returns>
        public static string EscapeSendKeys(string str)
            Check.ArgumentNull(str, nameof(str));

            return(str.Select(key => CSharp.EqualsAny(key, "+^%~(){}[]") ? "{" + key + "}" : key.ToString()).AsString());