Пример #1
 // Constructor
 public CIEvent( CPGDate date, string sType, string sDescription, string sOverview, string sNote, bool sImportant, bool bCapitalise )
     m_epPreference = EPreference.Unknown;
     m_date = date;
     if( bCapitalise )
         CCreator.Capitalise( ref sDescription );
     if( sDescription.Length > 0 )
         if( sDescription[ sDescription.Length - 1 ] == '.' )
             m_sDescription = sDescription.Substring( 0, sDescription.Length - 1 );
             m_sDescription = sDescription;
     m_sOverview = sOverview;
     m_bImportant = sImportant;
     m_sNote = sNote;
     if( sNote == "" )
         m_sNote = null;
     m_sType = sType;
Пример #2
 // Copy constructor
 public CEventDetail( CEventDetail ed )
     : base(ed.Gedcom)
     m_sEventOrFactClassification = ed.m_sEventOrFactClassification;
     if( ed.m_dateValue != null )
         m_dateValue = new CPGDate( ed.m_dateValue );
         m_dateValue = null;
     if( ed.m_placeStructure != null )
         m_placeStructure = new CPlaceStructure( ed.m_placeStructure );
         m_placeStructure = null;
     if( ed.m_addressStructure != null )
         m_addressStructure = new CAddressStructure( ed.m_addressStructure );
         m_addressStructure = null;
     m_sResponsibleAgency = ed.m_sResponsibleAgency;
     m_sReligiousAffiliation = ed.m_sReligiousAffiliation;
     m_sCauseOfEvent = ed.m_sCauseOfEvent;
     m_sRestrictionNotice = ed.m_sRestrictionNotice;
     m_alNoteStructures = new ArrayList();
     foreach( CNoteStructure ns in ed.m_alNoteStructures )
         m_alNoteStructures.Add( ns.CopyConstructor() );
     m_alSourceCitations = new ArrayList();
     foreach( CSourceCitation sc in ed.m_alSourceCitations )
         m_alSourceCitations.Add( sc.CopyConstructor() );
     m_alMultimediaLinks = new ArrayList();
     foreach( CMultimediaLink ml in ed.m_alMultimediaLinks )
         m_alMultimediaLinks.Add( ml.CopyConstructor() );
     m_sAgeAtEvent = ed.m_sAgeAtEvent;
     m_sHusbandAgeAtEvent = ed.m_sHusbandAgeAtEvent;
     m_sWifeAgeAtEvent = ed.m_sWifeAgeAtEvent;
     m_xrefFam = ed.m_xrefFam;
     m_bAdoptedByHusband = ed.m_bAdoptedByHusband;
     m_bAdoptedByWife = ed.m_bAdoptedByWife;
     m_xrefAdoptedChild = ed.m_xrefAdoptedChild;
     m_sAlternativePlace = ed.m_sAlternativePlace;
        // Goes through all families this person was a irSibling in and finds their frParents and siblings.
        private void AddParentsAndSiblings()
            // Set a limit for date comparisons
              DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;

              // Go through all families this person was a irSibling in
              foreach (CChildToFamilyLink cfl in m_ir.m_alChildToFamilyLinks)
            CFamilyRecord fr = m_gedcom.GetFamilyRecord(cfl.m_xrefFam);
            if (fr != null)
              CIndividualRecord husband = m_gedcom.GetIndividualRecord(fr.m_xrefHusband);
              CIndividualRecord wife = m_gedcom.GetIndividualRecord(fr.m_xrefWife);

              if (husband != null || wife != null)
            CHusbandAndWife parents = new CHusbandAndWife();
            parents.m_irHusband = husband;
            parents.m_irWife = wife;

              // Get all the children in order, to find previous and next irSibling
              CPGDate testBirthday = (m_qdateInferredBirthday != null) ? m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_date : null;

              if (testBirthday == null)
            testBirthday = new CPGDate(dtNow);

              int previousDifference = -100 * 365; // 100 years should be enough
              int nextDifference = 100 * 365;
              int previousXrefDifference = -100 * 365; // Arbitrary big value
              int nextXrefDifference = 100 * 365; // Arbitrary big value
              int xrefNumber = CGedcom.MakeXrefNumber(m_ir.m_xref);

              foreach (CChild ch in fr.m_alChildren)
            if (ch.m_ir.m_xref == m_ir.m_xref)

            CIndividualRecord child = ch.m_ir;
            if (child != null)
              if (child.Visibility() == CIndividualRecord.EVisibility.Invisible)

              CEventDetail childBirthday = child.GetEvent("BIRT");
              if (childBirthday == null)
                childBirthday = child.GetEvent("CHR");
              if (childBirthday == null)
                childBirthday = child.GetEvent("BAPM");

              CPGDate childBirthdate = null;
              if (childBirthday != null)
                childBirthdate = childBirthday.m_dateValue;
              if (childBirthdate == null)
                childBirthdate = new CPGDate(dtNow);

              int difference = CPGDate.Difference(testBirthday, childBirthdate);
              if (difference < 0)
                if (difference > previousDifference)
                  previousDifference = difference;
                  m_sPreviousChildLink = MakeLink(child,"previous child");
              else if (difference > 0)
                if (difference < nextDifference)
                  nextDifference = difference;
                  m_sNextChildLink = MakeLink(child,"next child");
                // Twins or no birthday. Sort according to xref number
                int childXrefNumber = CGedcom.MakeXrefNumber(ch.m_ir.m_xref);
                int xrefDifference = xrefNumber - childXrefNumber;
                if (xrefDifference < 0)
                  if (xrefDifference > previousXrefDifference)
                    previousXrefDifference = xrefDifference;
                    m_sPreviousChildLink = MakeLink(child,"previous child");
                  if (xrefDifference < nextXrefDifference)
                    nextXrefDifference = xrefDifference;
                    m_sNextChildLink = MakeLink(child,"next child");
              } // end 3 way if
            } // end if(irSibling != null )
              } // end foreach irSibling
            } // end if( fr != null )
              } // end foreach fr
        // Extracts the data from the MARR event for the fr record.
        private string AddMarriageEvent( CFamilyRecord fr, string sourceRefs, out CPGDate marriageDate, out string marriageNote, out string marriagePlace )
            // Find out when they were married
              marriageDate = null;
              marriagePlace = "";
              sourceRefs = "";
              marriageNote = "";
              foreach (CFamilyEventStructure fes in fr.m_alFamilyEventStructures)
            if (fes.Type == "MARR")
              if (fes.m_eventDetail != null)
            marriageDate = fes.m_eventDetail.m_dateValue;

            if (fes.m_eventDetail.m_placeStructure != null)
              if (fes.m_eventDetail.m_placeStructure.m_sPlaceName != "")
                marriagePlace = String.Concat(" ", MainForm.s_config.m_sPlaceWord, " ", EscapeHTML(fes.m_eventDetail.m_placeStructure.m_sPlaceName, false));

            sourceRefs = AddSources(ref m_alReferenceList, fes.m_eventDetail.m_alSourceCitations);

            if (fes.m_eventDetail.m_alNoteStructures != null)
              foreach (CNoteStructure ns in fes.m_eventDetail.m_alNoteStructures)
                if (ns.Text != null && ns.Text.Length > 0)
                  if (marriageNote != "")
                    marriageNote += "\n";

                  if (MainForm.s_config.m_bObfuscateEmails)
                    marriageNote += ObfuscateEmail(ns.Text);
                    marriageNote += ns.Text;
              return sourceRefs;
        // Picks the individual's occupation closest to the given date, within the given limits.
        private static string BestOccupation(ArrayList occupations, CPGDate givenDate, CPGDate lowerLimit, CPGDate upperLimit)
            int minDifference;
              if (lowerLimit == null || upperLimit == null)
            minDifference = Int32.MaxValue;
            minDifference = Math.Abs(CPGDate.Difference(lowerLimit, upperLimit));

              COccupationCounter bestOc = null;

              foreach (COccupationCounter oc in occupations)
            if (oc.m_date == null)
              // Dateless occupation assumed to be the generic answer
              return oc.m_sName;
              int sdifference = CPGDate.Difference(givenDate, oc.m_date);
              int difference = Math.Abs(sdifference);
              if (Math.Sign(sdifference) == -1)
            // favours occupations before date rather than after it.
            difference *= 3;
            difference /= 2;
              if (Math.Abs(difference) < minDifference)
            minDifference = difference;
            bestOc = oc;

              if (bestOc == null)
            return "";

              return bestOc.m_sName;
        // The main method that causes the page to be created.
        public bool Create( CStats stats )
            LogFile.TheLogFile.WriteLine(LogFile.DT_HTML, LogFile.EDebugLevel.Note, "CCreatorRecordIndividual.Create()");

              if (m_ir == null)
            return false;

              if (m_ir.Visibility() == CIndividualRecord.EVisibility.Invisible)
            return false;

              // Collect together multimedia links
              if (MainForm.s_config.m_bAllowMultimedia && (m_ir.m_alUniqueFileRefs != null) && !m_bConcealed)
            m_ir.m_alUniqueFileRefs.Sort(new CMultimediaFileReference.OrderComparer());
            AddMultimedia( null, m_ir.m_alUniqueFileRefs, String.Concat(m_ir.m_xref, "mm"), String.Concat(m_ir.m_xref, "mo"), MainForm.s_config.m_uMaxImageWidth, MainForm.s_config.m_uMaxImageHeight, stats );



              if (m_qdateInferredBirthday != null && m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_eqQualification == CPGQualifiedDate.EQualification.Birth)
            m_dateActualBirthday = m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_date;

              if (m_qdateInferredDeathday != null && m_qdateInferredDeathday.m_eqQualification == CPGQualifiedDate.EQualification.Death)
            m_dateActualDeathday = m_qdateInferredDeathday.m_date;


              CPGDate age30;
              if (m_qdateInferredBirthday != null && CPGDate.IsValid(m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_date))
            age30 = new CPGDate(m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_date);
            age30 = new CPGDate(DateTime.Now);
              age30.m_year.m_nYear += MainForm.s_config.m_nAgeForOccupation;

              // We should have birthday and deathday by now, so find longest occupation
              if (!m_bConcealed)
            m_sOccupation = BestOccupation(m_alOccupations, age30, (m_qdateInferredBirthday != null) ? m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_date : null, (m_qdateInferredDeathday != null) ? m_qdateInferredDeathday.m_date : null);// Picks occupation with longest time span

              // Go through all families this person was a irSubject to
              if (!m_bConcealed)
            foreach (CSpouseToFamilyLink sfl in m_ir.m_alSpouseToFamilyLinks)
              CFamilyRecord fr = m_gedcom.GetFamilyRecord(sfl.m_xrefFam);
              if (fr != null)

            // Find the irSubject's name
            CIndividualRecord spouse = null;
            string spouseLink = "";
            if (fr.m_xrefHusband != m_ir.m_xref)
              spouse = m_gedcom.GetIndividualRecord(fr.m_xrefHusband);
              spouse = m_gedcom.GetIndividualRecord(fr.m_xrefWife);
            if (spouse != null && spouse.Visibility() != CIndividualRecord.EVisibility.Invisible)
              spouseLink = MakeLink(spouse);

            // Add fr events as events connected to this individual
            foreach (CFamilyEventStructure fes in fr.m_alFamilyEventStructures)
              ProcessEvent(fes, spouseLink );


            AddMarriage( spouse, spouseLink, fr );
              } // end if !concealed

              string birthyear = "";
              string deathyear = "";
              if (!m_bConcealed)
            if (m_qdateInferredBirthday != null && m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_date != null)
              birthyear = m_qdateInferredBirthday.m_date.Year;
            if (m_qdateInferredDeathday != null && m_qdateInferredDeathday.m_date != null)
              deathyear = m_qdateInferredDeathday.m_date.Year;

              string title = m_sName; //"Fred Bloggs 1871-1921"
              string lifeDates = "";
              if (!m_bConcealed)
            if (birthyear != "" || deathyear != "")
              lifeDates = String.Concat(birthyear, "-", deathyear);
              title = String.Concat(m_sName, " ", lifeDates);

              AddIndividualIndexEntry( lifeDates );

              OutputHTML( title );

              return true;
 // Constructor
 public CCreatorRecordIndividual( CGedcom gedcom, IProgressCallback progress, string sW3cfile, CIndividualRecord ir, CCreatorIndexIndividuals indiIndexCreator, CPaintbox paintbox )
     : base(gedcom, progress, sW3cfile)
     m_ir = ir;
       m_indiIndexCreator = indiIndexCreator;
       m_paintbox = paintbox;
       m_htFirstFoundEvent = new Hashtable();
       m_sBirthdaySourceRefs = "";
       m_sDeathdaySourceRefs = "";
       m_sNameTitle = "";
       m_bUnknownName = false;
       m_sName = m_ir.Name;
       m_sNameSuffix = m_ir.NameSuffix;
       m_sFirstName = "";
       m_sSurname = "";
       m_sOccupation = "";
       m_bConcealed = m_ir.Visibility() == CIndividualRecord.EVisibility.Restricted;
       m_alEventList = new ArrayList();
       m_alAttributeList = new ArrayList();
       m_alReferenceList = new ArrayList();
       m_alOccupations = new ArrayList();
       m_sPreviousChildLink = "";
       m_sNextChildLink = "";
       m_alOtherNames = new ArrayList();
       m_qdateInferredBirthday = null;
       m_dateActualBirthday = null;
       m_qdateInferredDeathday = null;
       m_dateActualDeathday = null;
       m_alParents = new ArrayList();