public static void OnRefresh(Account account)
     var extras = new Bundle();
     // to force resync
     extras.PutBoolean(ContentResolver.SyncExtrasManual, true);
     extras.PutBoolean(ContentResolver.SyncExtrasExpedited, true);
     ContentResolver.RequestSync(account, SyncHelper.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, extras);
		private void SaveViewFieldsValues(Bundle outState) {
			outState.PutString(keyAdvertisementTitleText, advertisementTitle.Text);
			outState.PutString(keyAdvertisementDescriptionText, advertisementDescription.Text);
			outState.PutBoolean(keyRdBtnOnlyForSellValue, rdBtnOnlyForSell.Checked);
			outState.PutString(keyAdvertisementPriceValue, advertisementPrice.Text);
			outState.PutString(keyPhotoView1Path, mPhotoPath);
			outState.PutBoolean(keyPhotoIsTakingValue, photoIsTaking);
     * Return an instance of TimeFragment with its bundle filled with the
     * constructor arguments. The values in the bundle are retrieved in
     * {@link #onCreateView()} below to properly initialize the TimePicker.
     * @param theme
     * @param hour
     * @param minute
     * @param isClientSpecified24HourTime
     * @param is24HourTime
     * @return
		public static TimeFragment NewInstance(int Theme, int Hour, int Minute,bool IsClientSpecified24HourTime, bool Is24HourTime)
			TimeFragment timeFragment = new TimeFragment();

			Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
			bundle.PutInt("theme", Theme);
			bundle.PutInt("hour", Hour);
			bundle.PutInt("minute", Minute);
			bundle.PutBoolean("isClientSpecified24HourTime", IsClientSpecified24HourTime);
			bundle.PutBoolean("is24HourTime", Is24HourTime);

			return timeFragment;
        public static TimeFragment NewInstance(int theme,int hour,int minute,
			bool isClientSpecified24HourTime,bool is24HourTime)
            TimeFragment t = new TimeFragment ();
            Bundle b = new Bundle ();
            b.PutInt ("theme", theme);
            b.PutInt ("hour", hour);
            b.PutInt ("minute", minute);
            b.PutBoolean ("isClientSpecified24HourTime", isClientSpecified24HourTime);
            b.PutBoolean ("is24HourTime", is24HourTime);
            t.Arguments = b;

            return t;
		public static SimpleDialogFragment Instance(string title, string textValue, bool html = false, bool okay = false)
			SimpleDialogFragment d = new SimpleDialogFragment ();

			Bundle args = new Bundle ();

			args.PutString (StringVarConsts.EXTRA_TITLE, title);
			args.PutString (StringVarConsts.EXTRA_TEXT_1, textValue);
			args.PutBoolean (StringVarConsts.EXTRA_HTML_FLAG, html);
			args.PutBoolean (StringVarConsts.EXTRA_OK_FLAG, okay);

			d.Arguments = args;

			return d;
Пример #6
		void listView_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemLongClickEventArgs e){
			// content to pass 
			var bundle1 = new Bundle();
			LichHoc lh = BLichHoc.GetLH(SQLite_Android.GetConnection (),listCT[e.Position].Id);

			bundle1.PutString ("MH", lh.Id);
			bundle1.PutBoolean ("isLHT", false);
			bundle1.PutBoolean ("check", false);
			bundle1.PutString ("Thu", listCT [e.Position].Thu);
			bundle1.PutString ("TietBD", listCT [e.Position].TietBatDau);

			Intent myintent = new Intent (Activity, typeof(Remider));
			myintent.PutExtra ("RemindValue", bundle1);
			StartActivity (myintent);
Пример #7
		public static SignInFragment Create(bool edit) {
			var args = new Bundle();
			args.PutBoolean(ArgEdit, edit);
			var fragment = new SignInFragment();
			fragment.Arguments = args;
			return fragment;
        public override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
            outState.PutBoolean("CheckBox", _checkBox.Enabled);
            outState.PutString("EditText", _editText.Text);

 protected override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
     if (IsViewPagerActive())
         outState.PutBoolean(IsLockedArgument, viewPager.IsLocked);
Пример #10
        public override void Start()
            Bundle hints = new Bundle();
            foreach (Symbology symbology in _enabled)
                switch (symbology)
                    case Symbology.UPCE: hints.PutBoolean(DO_UPCE, true); break;
                    case Symbology.EAN8: hints.PutBoolean(DO_EAN8, true); break;
                    case Symbology.EAN13: hints.PutBoolean(DO_EAN13, true); break;
                    case Symbology.Code39: hints.PutBoolean(DO_CODE93, true); break;
                    case Symbology.Code93: hints.PutBoolean(DO_CODE39, true); break;
                    case Symbology.Code128: hints.PutBoolean(DO_CODE128, true); break;
                    case Symbology.Sticky: hints.PutBoolean(DO_STICKY, true); break;

                    case Symbology.UPCA: break;
                    default: break;
            hints.PutString(DO_BROADCAST_TO, RedLaserScanReceiver.BROADCAST_ACTION);

            Intent i = new Intent();

            Log.Info("BarcodeScanning", "broadcast intent with action sent");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("BarcodeScanning", ex.Message);
Пример #11
 public static BookingsTabFragment NewInstance(int position, bool workshop)
     var f = new BookingsTabFragment();
     var b = new Bundle();
     b.PutInt("position", position);
     b.PutBoolean("isWorkshop", workshop);
     f.Arguments = b;
     return f;
Пример #12
		public static void SetSlotReservationFlags(Bundle extras, bool reservePlayingQueueSlot,
			bool reserveSkipToNextSlot, bool reserveSkipToPrevSlot) {
			if (reservePlayingQueueSlot) {
				extras.PutBoolean(SlotReservationQueue, true);
			} else {
			if (reserveSkipToPrevSlot) {
				extras.PutBoolean(SlotReservationSkipToPrev, true);
			} else {
			if (reserveSkipToNextSlot) {
				extras.PutBoolean(SlotReservationSkipToNext, true);
			} else {
Пример #13
 public static RegisterCMFragment NewInstance(String email, bool IsUpdate)
     var fragment = new RegisterCMFragment ();
     var args = new Bundle ();
     args.PutString (EMAIL, email);
     args.PutBoolean (ISUDAPE, IsUpdate);
     fragment.Arguments = args;
     return fragment;
Пример #14
        protected override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
            outState.PutBoolean ("showLogin", this.showLogin);

            if (ActionBar.SelectedTab != null)
                outState.PutString ("selected", (string)ActionBar.SelectedTab.Tag);

            base.OnSaveInstanceState (outState);
Пример #15
		public static Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment newInstance(MainActivity context, int pos, float scale,bool IsBlured)

			Bundle b = new Bundle();
			b.PutInt("pos", pos);
			b.PutFloat("scale", scale);
			b.PutBoolean("IsBlured", IsBlured);	
			MyFragment myf = new MyFragment ();
			return Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment.Instantiate (context,myf.Class.Name, b);
Пример #16
		void listView_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemLongClickEventArgs e){
			// content to pass to dialog fragment
			var bundle1 = new Bundle();
			bundle1.PutString ("MH", list[e.Position].MaMH);
			bundle1.PutBoolean ("check", true);
			bundle1.PutString ("NamHoc", list[e.Position].NamHoc);
			bundle1.PutString ("HocKy", list[e.Position].HocKy);
			Intent myintent = new Intent (Activity, typeof(Remider));
			myintent.PutExtra ("RemindValue", bundle1);
			StartActivity (myintent);
     * <p>Return a new instance of {@code SlideDateTimeDialogFragment} with its bundle
     * filled with the incoming arguments.</p>
     * <p>Called by {@link SlideDateTimePicker#show()}.</p>
     * @param listener
     * @param initialDate
     * @param minDate
     * @param maxDate
     * @param isClientSpecified24HourTime
     * @param is24HourTime
     * @param theme
     * @param indicatorColor
     * @return
		public static SlideDateTimeDialogFragment NewInstance(SlideDateTimeListener Listener,Date InitialDate, Date MinDate, Date MaxDate, bool IsClientSpecified24HourTime,bool Is24HourTime, int Theme, int IndicatorColor)
			_listener = Listener;

			// Create a new instance of SlideDateTimeDialogFragment
			SlideDateTimeDialogFragment dialogFragment = new SlideDateTimeDialogFragment();

			// Store the arguments and attach the bundle to the fragment
			Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
			bundle.PutSerializable("initialDate", InitialDate);
			bundle.PutSerializable("minDate", MinDate);
			bundle.PutSerializable("maxDate", MaxDate);
			bundle.PutBoolean("isClientSpecified24HourTime", IsClientSpecified24HourTime);
			bundle.PutBoolean("is24HourTime", Is24HourTime);
			bundle.PutInt("theme", Theme);
			bundle.PutInt("indicatorColor", IndicatorColor);

			// Return the fragment with its bundle
			return dialogFragment;
Пример #18
		public static WebViewDialog Instance(string title, string url, bool okay = false)
			WebViewDialog d = new WebViewDialog ();

			Bundle args = new Bundle ();

			args.PutString (StringVarConsts.EXTRA_TITLE, title);
			args.PutString (StringVarConsts.EXTRA_URL, url);
			args.PutBoolean (StringVarConsts.EXTRA_OK_FLAG, okay);

			d.Arguments = args;

			return d;
        public static DetailsShowSeasonListFragment NewInstance(TVShow show, int index, bool highlightSelectedIndex)
            DetailsShowSeasonListFragment frag = new DetailsShowSeasonListFragment();

            Bundle args = new Bundle();
            string serializedShow = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(show);
            args.PutString("myShowString", serializedShow);
            args.PutInt("index", index);
            args.PutBoolean("highlight", highlightSelectedIndex);

            frag.Arguments = args;

            return frag;

Пример #20
 public static void clearAndExit(Context ctx)
     if (ctx != new MainActivity())
         Intent intent = new Intent(ctx, typeof(MainActivity));
         Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
         bundle.PutBoolean("exit", true);
		private async void ClickFunction()
			//get imei
			var telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) GetSystemService(TelephonyService);
			string imei = telephonyManager.DeviceId;

			//if no imei use androidid
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (imei)) {
				imei = Settings.Secure.GetString (ContentResolver,Settings.Secure.AndroidId);

			Console.Error.WriteLine ("imei:"+imei);

			//if imei not empty proceed
			if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (imei)) {
				try {	
					var json_validateEventCode = await Task.Factory.StartNew (() => Webservice.ws_validateEventCode (et_eventCode.Text, imei, uid));
					Webservice.validateEventCode data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Webservice.validateEventCode> (json_validateEventCode);

					//hide loading and show send button
					pb.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
					btn_send.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;

					if (data.success == 1) {

						//disable button to prevent double click
						RunOnUiThread (() => {
							btn_send.Enabled = false;

						//database save quizdata
						QuizDB quizDB = new QuizDB ();
						quizDB.completion_Stat = 0;
						quizDB.event_Code = event_code;
						quizDB.user_id = uid;
						quizDB.event_Id = data.event_id;

						try {
							DB_access.saveData (quizDB);
						} catch {


						//loop and store question and answer into list
						foreach (var temp in data.quizs) {
							if (temp.answer == 0) {
								QuestionAnswer.answerList.Add (false);
							} else {
								QuestionAnswer.answerList.Add (true);
							QuestionAnswer.questionList.Add (temp.question);

						//bundle to be sent for question fragment 
						Bundle msg = new Bundle ();
						msg.PutInt ("currentQuestion", 1);
						msg.PutBoolean ("anwser", QuestionAnswer.answerList [0]);
						msg.PutString ("user_id", uid);
						msg.PutInt ("event_id", data.event_id);
						msg.PutString ("imei", imei);

						FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction ();
						dialog_Signup signUpDialog = new dialog_Signup ();
						signUpDialog.Arguments = msg;
						signUpDialog.Cancelable = false;
						signUpDialog.Show (transaction, "dialog fragment");
					} else if (data.success == 0) {

						Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar
						.Make (btn_send, "Kod penyertaan salah. Sila semak semula.", Snackbar.LengthLong)
						.SetAction ("OK", delegate {

						View snackbarView = snackbar.View;
						TextView tv = (TextView)snackbarView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.snackbar_text);
						tv.SetTextColor (Color.White);

						snackbar.Show ();

					} else if (data.success == 3) {
						AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder (this);

						alert.SetTitle ("Quiz telah ditutup!");
						alert.SetCancelable (false);
						alert.SetPositiveButton ("OK", (senderAlert, args) => {
							Finish ();

						RunOnUiThread (() => {
							alert.Show ();
					} else if (data.success == 2) {
						Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar
						.Make (btn_send, "Hanya satu penyertaan bagi setiap akaun/gajet", Snackbar.LengthLong)
						.SetAction ("OK", delegate {

						View snackbarView = snackbar.View;
						TextView tv = (TextView)snackbarView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.snackbar_text);
						tv.SetTextColor (Color.White);

						snackbar.Show ();
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("ex" + ex);
					AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder (this);

					alert.SetTitle ("Ralat! Sila cuba sebentar lagi. ");
					alert.SetCancelable (false);
					alert.SetPositiveButton ("OK", (senderAlert, args) => {

					RunOnUiThread (() => {
						alert.Show ();

					//hide loading and show send button
					pb.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
					btn_send.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
			} else {
				//if no imei/android,cannot proceed 
				Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar
					.Make (btn_send, "Ralat! Gajet anda tiada imei/androidid", Snackbar.LengthLong)
					.SetAction ("OK", delegate {

				View snackbarView = snackbar.View;
				TextView tv = (TextView)snackbarView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.snackbar_text);
				tv.SetTextColor (Color.White);

				snackbar.Show ();
Пример #22
 protected override void OnSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState)
     outState.PutBoolean (KEY_NEW_CODE_REQUIRED, mServerAuthCodeRequired.Get ());
		/// <summary>
		/// Called to retrieve per-instance state from an activity before being killed
		/// so that the state can be restored in <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c> or
		/// <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnRestoreInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c> (the <c><see cref="T:Android.OS.Bundle" /></c> populated by this method
		/// will be passed to both).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="outState">Bundle in which to place your saved state.</param>
		/// <since version="Added in API level 1" />
		/// <altmember cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle)" />
		/// <altmember cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnRestoreInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" />
		/// <altmember cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnPause" />
		/// <remarks><para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">Called to retrieve per-instance state from an activity before being killed
		/// so that the state can be restored in <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c> or
		/// <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnRestoreInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c> (the <c><see cref="T:Android.OS.Bundle" /></c> populated by this method
		/// will be passed to both).
		/// </para>
		/// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">This method is called before an activity may be killed so that when it
		/// comes back some time in the future it can restore its state.  For example,
		/// if activity B is launched in front of activity A, and at some point activity
		/// A is killed to reclaim resources, activity A will have a chance to save the
		/// current state of its user interface via this method so that when the user
		/// returns to activity A, the state of the user interface can be restored
		/// via <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c> or <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnRestoreInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c>.
		/// </para>
		/// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">Do not confuse this method with activity lifecycle callbacks such as
		/// <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnPause" /></c>, which is always called when an activity is being placed
		/// in the background or on its way to destruction, or <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnStop" /></c> which
		/// is called before destruction.  One example of when <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnPause" /></c> and
		/// <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnStop" /></c> is called and not this method is when a user navigates back
		/// from activity B to activity A: there is no need to call <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnSaveInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c>
		/// on B because that particular instance will never be restored, so the
		/// system avoids calling it.  An example when <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnPause" /></c> is called and
		/// not <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnSaveInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c> is when activity B is launched in front of activity A:
		/// the system may avoid calling <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnSaveInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c> on activity A if it isn't
		/// killed during the lifetime of B since the state of the user interface of
		/// A will stay intact.
		/// </para>
		/// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">The default implementation takes care of most of the UI per-instance
		/// state for you by calling <c><see cref="M:Android.Views.View.OnSaveInstanceState" /></c> on each
		/// view in the hierarchy that has an id, and by saving the id of the currently
		/// focused view (all of which is restored by the default implementation of
		/// <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnRestoreInstanceState(Android.OS.Bundle)" /></c>).  If you override this method to save additional
		/// information not captured by each individual view, you will likely want to
		/// call through to the default implementation, otherwise be prepared to save
		/// all of the state of each view yourself.
		/// </para>
		/// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">If called, this method will occur before <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnStop" /></c>.  There are
		/// no guarantees about whether it will occur before or after <c><see cref="M:Android.App.Activity.OnPause" /></c>.</para>
		/// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">
		///   <format type="text/html">
		///     <a href="" target="_blank">[Android Documentation]</a>
		///   </format>
		/// </para></remarks>
		protected override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
			outState.PutBoolean("ran", true);
			outState.PutString(MediaStore.MediaColumns.Title, _title);
			outState.PutString(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Description, _description);
			outState.PutInt(ExtraId, _id);
			outState.PutString(ExtraType, _type);
			outState.PutString(ExtraAction, _action);
			outState.PutInt(MediaStore.ExtraDurationLimit, _seconds);
			outState.PutInt(MediaStore.ExtraVideoQuality, (int) _quality);
			outState.PutBoolean(ExtraTasked, _tasked);

			if (_path != null)
				outState.PutString(ExtraPath, _path.Path);

Пример #24
 override protected void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
    outState.PutBoolean(STATE_SHARING, mSharing);
Пример #25
		protected override void OnSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState)
			outState.PutBoolean (KEY_REQUESTING_LOCATION_UPDATES, mRequestingLocationUpdates);
			outState.PutParcelable (KEY_LOCATION, mCurrentLocation);
			outState.PutString (KEY_LAST_UPDATED_TIME_STRING, mLastUpdateTime);
			base.OnSaveInstanceState (outState);
Пример #26
		protected override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
			outState.PutBoolean(Constants.SERVICE_STARTED_KEY, isStarted);
Пример #27
 protected override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
     outState.PutBoolean ("clicked", this.wasClicked);
     base.OnSaveInstanceState (outState);
		private void btnNextQuestion_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
			Dismiss ();

			if (currentQuestion <= (QuestionAnswer.questionList.Count-1)) {
				Bundle msg = new Bundle ();
				msg.PutInt ("currentQuestion", currentQuestion + 1);
				msg.PutBoolean ("anwser", QuestionAnswer.answerList[currentQuestion]);

				FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction ();
				dialog_Signup signUpDialog = new dialog_Signup ();
				signUpDialog.Arguments = msg;
				signUpDialog.Cancelable = false;
				signUpDialog.Show (transaction, "dialog fragment");
Пример #29
		protected override void OnSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState)
			base.OnSaveInstanceState (outState);
			outState.PutBoolean (KEY_IS_RESOLVING, mIsResolving);
			outState.PutBoolean (KEY_SHOULD_RESOLVE, mIsResolving);
Пример #30
 public override void OnSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState)
     outState.PutBoolean (UseDraftKey, useDraft);
     base.OnSaveInstanceState (outState);