public void ListTaskFilesMaxCountTest()
            // Verify default max count
            Assert.Equal(Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Batch.Utils.Constants.DefaultMaxCount, cmdlet.MaxCount);

            // Setup cmdlet to list Task files and a max count.
            BatchAccountContext context = BatchTestHelpers.CreateBatchContextWithKeys();

            cmdlet.BatchContext = context;
            cmdlet.WorkItemName = "workItem";
            cmdlet.JobName      = "job-0000000001";
            cmdlet.TaskName     = "task";
            cmdlet.Name         = null;
            cmdlet.Filter       = null;
            int maxCount = 2;

            cmdlet.MaxCount = maxCount;

            string[] namesOfConstructedTaskFiles = new[] { "stdout.txt", "stderr.txt", "wd" };

            // Build some Task files instead of querying the service on a ListTaskFiles call
            YieldInjectionInterceptor interceptor = new YieldInjectionInterceptor((opContext, request) =>
                if (request is ListTaskFilesRequest)
                    ListTaskFilesResponse response = BatchTestHelpers.CreateListTaskFilesResponse(namesOfConstructedTaskFiles);
                    Task <object> task             = Task <object> .Factory.StartNew(() => { return(response); });

            cmdlet.AdditionalBehaviors = new List <BatchClientBehavior>()

            // Setup the cmdlet to write pipeline output to a list that can be examined later
            List <PSTaskFile> pipeline = new List <PSTaskFile>();

            commandRuntimeMock.Setup(r =>
                                     r.WriteObject(It.IsAny <PSTaskFile>()))
            .Callback <object>(t => pipeline.Add((PSTaskFile)t));


            // Verify that the max count was respected
            Assert.Equal(maxCount, pipeline.Count);

            // Verify setting max count <= 0 doesn't return nothing
            cmdlet.MaxCount = -5;

            Assert.Equal(namesOfConstructedTaskFiles.Length, pipeline.Count);
        public void ListBatchTaskFilesWithoutFiltersTest()
            // Setup cmdlet to list Task files without filters.
            BatchAccountContext context = BatchTestHelpers.CreateBatchContextWithKeys();

            cmdlet.BatchContext = context;
            cmdlet.WorkItemName = "workItem";
            cmdlet.JobName      = "job-0000000001";
            cmdlet.TaskName     = "task";
            cmdlet.Name         = null;
            cmdlet.Filter       = null;

            string[] namesOfConstructedTaskFiles = new[] { "stdout.txt", "stderr.txt", "wd" };

            // Build some Task files instead of querying the service on a ListTaskFiles call
            YieldInjectionInterceptor interceptor = new YieldInjectionInterceptor((opContext, request) =>
                if (request is ListTaskFilesRequest)
                    ListTaskFilesResponse response = BatchTestHelpers.CreateListTaskFilesResponse(namesOfConstructedTaskFiles);
                    Task <object> task             = Task <object> .Factory.StartNew(() => { return(response); });

            cmdlet.AdditionalBehaviors = new List <BatchClientBehavior>()

            // Setup the cmdlet to write pipeline output to a list that can be examined later
            List <PSTaskFile> pipeline = new List <PSTaskFile>();

            commandRuntimeMock.Setup(r =>
                                     r.WriteObject(It.IsAny <PSTaskFile>()))
            .Callback <object>(t => pipeline.Add((PSTaskFile)t));


            // Verify that the cmdlet wrote the constructed Task files to the pipeline
            Assert.Equal(3, pipeline.Count);
            int taskCount = 0;

            foreach (PSTaskFile f in pipeline)
            Assert.Equal(namesOfConstructedTaskFiles.Length, taskCount);
        public void GetBatchTaskFileParametersTest()
            // Setup cmdlet without required parameters
            BatchAccountContext context = BatchTestHelpers.CreateBatchContextWithKeys();

            cmdlet.BatchContext = context;
            cmdlet.WorkItemName = null;
            cmdlet.JobName      = null;
            cmdlet.TaskName     = null;
            cmdlet.Name         = null;
            cmdlet.Task         = null;
            cmdlet.Filter       = null;

            // Build some Task files instead of querying the service on a ListTaskFiles call
            YieldInjectionInterceptor interceptor = new YieldInjectionInterceptor((opContext, request) =>
                if (request is ListTaskFilesRequest)
                    ListTaskFilesResponse response = BatchTestHelpers.CreateListTaskFilesResponse(new string[] { "stdout.txt" });
                    Task <object> task             = Task <object> .Factory.StartNew(() => { return(response); });

            cmdlet.AdditionalBehaviors = new List <BatchClientBehavior>()

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => cmdlet.ExecuteCmdlet());

            cmdlet.WorkItemName = "workItem";
            cmdlet.JobName      = "job-0000000001";
            cmdlet.TaskName     = "task";

            // Verify no exceptions occur

            cmdlet.WorkItemName = null;
            cmdlet.JobName      = null;
            cmdlet.TaskName     = null;
            cmdlet.Task         = new PSCloudTask("task", "cmd /c dir /s");

            // Verify that we don't get an argument exception. We should get an InvalidOperationException though since the task is unbound
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => cmdlet.ExecuteCmdlet());