Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the actor takes damage. This allows the actor to respond.
        /// Damage Type 0 = Physical melee
        /// Damage Type 1 = Physical ranged
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDamageValue">Amount of damage to take</param>
        /// <param name="rDamageType">Damage type taken</param>
        /// <param name="rAttackAngle">Angle that the damage came from releative to the actor's forward</param>
        /// <returns>Determines if the damage was applied</returns>
        public virtual bool OnDamaged(float rDamageValue, int rDamageType = 0, float rAttackAngle = 0f, Transform rBone = null)
            if (!IsAlive)

            float lRemainingHealth = 0f;

            if (AttributeSource != null)
                lRemainingHealth = AttributeSource.GetAttributeValue(HealthID) - rDamageValue;
                AttributeSource.SetAttributeValue(HealthID, lRemainingHealth);

            if (lRemainingHealth <= 0f)
                OnDeath(rDamageValue, rDamageType, rAttackAngle, rBone);
                MotionController lMC = gameObject.GetComponent <MotionController>();
                if (lMC != null)
                    lMC.ActivateMotion(DamagedMotion, (int)rAttackAngle);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tells the actor to die and triggers any effects or animations
        /// Damage Type 0 = Physical melee
        /// Damage Type 1 = Physical ranged
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDamageValue">Amount of damage to take</param>
        /// <param name="rDamageType">Damage type taken</param>
        /// <param name="rAttackAngle">Angle that the damage came from releative to the actor's forward</param>
        /// <param name="rBone">Transform that the damage it... if known</param>
        /// <param name="rDeathMotion">Motion to activate due to death</param>
        public virtual void OnKilled(IMessage rMessage)
            IsAlive = false;

            if (AttributeSource != null && HealthID.Length > 0)
                AttributeSource.SetAttributeValue(HealthID, 0f);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tells the actor to die and triggers any effects or animations
        /// Damage Type 0 = Physical melee
        /// Damage Type 1 = Physical ranged
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDamageValue">Amount of damage to take</param>
        /// <param name="rDamageType">Damage type taken</param>
        /// <param name="rAttackAngle">Angle that the damage came from releative to the actor's forward</param>
        /// <param name="rBone">Transform that the damage it... if known</param>
        public virtual void OnDeath(float rDamageValue = 0, int rDamageType = 0, float rAttackAngle = 0f, Transform rBone = null)
            IsAlive = false;

            if (AttributeSource != null)
                AttributeSource.SetAttributeValue(HealthID, 0f);

            StartCoroutine(InternalDeath(rDamageValue, rDamageType, rAttackAngle, rBone));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tells the actor to die and triggers any effects or animations
        /// Damage Type 0 = Physical melee
        /// Damage Type 1 = Physical ranged
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDamageValue">Amount of damage to take</param>
        /// <param name="rDamageType">Damage type taken</param>
        /// <param name="rAttackAngle">Angle that the damage came from releative to the actor's forward</param>
        /// <param name="rBone">Transform that the damage it... if known</param>
        /// <param name="rDeathMotion">Motion to activate due to death</param>
        public virtual void OnKilled(IMessage rMessage)
            com.ootii.Utilities.Debug.Log.FileWrite(transform.name + ".OnKilled()");

            IsAlive = false;

            if (AttributeSource != null)
                AttributeSource.SetAttributeValue(HealthID, 0f);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the actor takes damage. This allows the actor to respond.
        /// Damage Type 0 = Physical melee
        /// Damage Type 1 = Physical ranged
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDamageValue">Amount of damage to take</param>
        /// <param name="rDamageType">Damage type taken</param>
        /// <param name="rAttackAngle">Angle that the damage came from releative to the actor's forward</param>
        /// <param name="rDamagedMotion">Motion to activate due to damage</param>
        /// <param name="rDeathMotion">Motion to activate due to death</param>
        /// <returns>Determines if the damage was applied</returns>
        public virtual bool OnDamaged(IMessage rMessage)
            com.ootii.Utilities.Debug.Log.FileWrite(transform.name + ".OnDamaged()");

            if (!IsAlive)

            float lRemainingHealth = 0f;

            if (AttributeSource != null && rMessage is CombatMessage)
                lRemainingHealth = AttributeSource.GetAttributeValue(HealthID) - ((CombatMessage)rMessage).Damage;
                AttributeSource.SetAttributeValue(HealthID, lRemainingHealth);

            if (lRemainingHealth <= 0f)
                MotionController lMC = gameObject.GetComponent <MotionController>();
                if (lMC != null)
                    // Send the message to the MC to let it activate
                    //ActorMessage lMessage = ActorMessage.Allocate();
                    rMessage.ID = CombatMessage.MSG_DEFENDER_DAMAGED;

                    //lMC.ActivateMotion((rDamagedMotion.Length > 0 ? rDamagedMotion : DamagedMotion), (int)rAttackAngle);
                    Animator lAnimator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>();
                    if (lAnimator != null)
                        lAnimator.CrossFade(DamagedMotion, 0.25f);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the actor takes damage. This allows the actor to respond.
        /// Damage Type 0 = Physical melee
        /// Damage Type 1 = Physical ranged
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDamageValue">Amount of damage to take</param>
        /// <param name="rDamageType">Damage type taken</param>
        /// <param name="rAttackAngle">Angle that the damage came from releative to the actor's forward</param>
        /// <param name="rDamagedMotion">Motion to activate due to damage</param>
        /// <param name="rDeathMotion">Motion to activate due to death</param>
        /// <returns>Determines if the damage was applied</returns>
        public virtual bool OnDamaged(IMessage rMessage)
            if (!IsAlive)

            float lRemainingHealth = 0f;

            if (AttributeSource != null)
                if (rMessage is DamageMessage)
                    lRemainingHealth = AttributeSource.GetAttributeValue(HealthID) - ((DamageMessage)rMessage).Damage;
                    AttributeSource.SetAttributeValue(HealthID, lRemainingHealth);

            if (lRemainingHealth <= 0f)
            else if (rMessage != null)
                bool lPlayAnimation = true;
                if (rMessage is DamageMessage)
                    lPlayAnimation = ((DamageMessage)rMessage).AnimationEnabled;

                if (lPlayAnimation)
                    MotionController lMotionController = gameObject.GetComponent <MotionController>();
                    if (lMotionController != null)
                        // Send the message to the MC to let it activate
                        rMessage.ID = CombatMessage.MSG_DEFENDER_DAMAGED;

                    if (!rMessage.IsHandled && DamagedMotion.Length > 0)
                        MotionControllerMotion lMotion = lMotionController.GetMotion(DamagedMotion);
                        if (lMotion != null)
                            Animator lAnimator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>();
                            if (lAnimator != null)
                                lAnimator.CrossFade(DamagedMotion, 0.25f);
