public void LogErrorsOption()
            const string settingName             = "testingOptions";
            Dictionary <string, string> settings = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { $"{settingName}:LogErrors", "false" }
            var cfgBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

            IConfiguration cfg = cfgBuilder.Build();

            const string message   = "testing message";
            Exception    exception = new Exception("testing exception");

            //Sets up the instance by using the mock channel in the telemetry configuration object
            var mockTelemetryChannel = new Mock <ITelemetryChannel>();
            var config   = new TelemetryConfiguration("", mockTelemetryChannel.Object);
            var client   = new TelemetryClient(config);
            var instance = new ApplicationInsightLogger(client, settingName, cfg);

            instance.LogError(message, exception);

            mockTelemetryChannel.Verify(s => s.Send(It.IsAny <ITelemetry>()), Times.Never);
        public void SaveError()
            const string message   = "testing message";
            Exception    exception = new Exception("testing exception");

            //Sets up the instance by using the mock channel in the telemetry configuration object
            var mockTelemetryChannel = new Mock <ITelemetryChannel>();
            var config   = new TelemetryConfiguration("", mockTelemetryChannel.Object);
            var client   = new TelemetryClient(config);
            var instance = new ApplicationInsightLogger(client);

            //Logs an error
            instance.LogError(message, exception);

            mockTelemetryChannel.Verify(s => s.Send(It.IsAny <ITelemetry>()), Times.Once);
        public void DefaultOptions()
            const string eventName            = "testing event name";
            const string message              = "testing message";
            var          mockTelemetryChannel = new Mock <ITelemetryChannel>();
            Exception    exception            = new Exception("testing exception");

            //Sets up the instance by using the mock channel in the telemetry configuration object
            var config   = new TelemetryConfiguration("", mockTelemetryChannel.Object);
            var client   = new TelemetryClient(config);
            var instance = new ApplicationInsightLogger(client);

            //Fires all three types to ensure the options are all defaulted to true
            instance.LogInformation(eventName, message);
            instance.LogError(message, exception);

            mockTelemetryChannel.Verify(s => s.Send(It.IsAny <ITelemetry>()), Times.Exactly(3));