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soothsayer is a database migration and versioning tool for applying sql*plus scripts to Oracle.


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soothsayer - Overview

soothsayer (noun | so͞oth′sā′ər): one who practises divination — may include fortune-telling, haruspicy, and providing Oracle wisdom.

soothsayer is a command-line tool for applying organised SQL*Plus scripts to an Oracle database. It can be used to manage database migrations as well as keep track of database versions.

Script Structure

Scripts should be organised into one of four folders within the input folder:

  • init - Initialisation scripts — for creating schemas, tablespaces etc. Generally all the steps that are required to provide a space in which to create everything else (including the database versioning tables used by soothsayer);
  • up - Roll-forward scripts;
  • down - Roll-back scripts — while not strictly required, there should be a roll-back script for every roll-forward script to allow for migrating back and forth to any database version;
  • term - Termination scripts, for dropping and cleaning up the initial tablespaces and schemas created in the Initialisation scripts.


Scripts contained in the init folder will only be executed if the schema (as given in the -s/--schema argument) cannot be detected. They are run before any of the up scripts, and are executed in alphabetical order.

Roll-forward scripts contained in the up folder will be executed after any init scripts (if required), or will be executed if the script version number is higher than the current version of the database.

Scripts which are used for init or up should use the following naming convention:

<numerical version>_<description>[.<environment>].sql

To minimise numbering conflicts when working within a team, it is recommended to use the current date and 24-hour time as your version number in the format of YYYYMMddHHmm, e.g. 201502242211.


Roll-back scripts contained in the down folder are used when running soothsayer in the down migration mode (using the -d/--down switch). They are run before any of the term scripts, and are executed in reverse alphabetical order.

It is a general recommendation that a roll-back script be created for any corresponding roll-forward script. soothsayer will display a warning for any roll-forward scripts it detects which do not appear to have a corresponding roll-back script.

Scripts contained in the term folder will only be executed after the down scripts have finished executing. They are also executed in reverse alphabetical order, and should perform any clean-up duties (dropping schema users, tablespaces etc.) which need to be performed to remove the database schema entirely from the Oracle instance.

Scripts which are used for down or term should use the following naming convention:

RB_<numerical version>_<description>[.<environment>].sql

While not strictly necessary, it is usually a good idea to simply use the same script name as the roll-forward script, and append the RB_ prefix to the front.

Note: If a target version is specified using the -v/--version argument, then the termination scripts will not be run.


soothsayer relies on a versions table to keep track of which scripts have been or should be executed to migrate a database. The versions table is intended to be created within the same schema/tablespace as the database being migrated (for ease of tracking), and has the following definition:

create table <schema>.versions
           id NUMBER not null,
           version NUMBER not null,
           script_name VARCHAR2(255) not null,
           applied_date TIMESTAMP(6) not null,
           CONSTRAINT versions_pk PRIMARY KEY (id),
           CONSTRAINT unique_version UNIQUE (version)

Version numbers are parsed from the beginning of the script file name (before the first underscore _).

Per-Environment Scripts

Scripts which should only be executed against particular environments are supported by added the environment name to the end of the script name, e.g., When executing soothsayer, the environment can be specified through the -e/--environment argument.

Only scripts which either do not specify an environment, or match the specified environment will be executed as part of the migration. This makes it easy to mark particular scripts (e.g. test data scripts) as only needing to be run in certain environments.

Stored Applied Scripts

As scripts are executed against the database, they are also stored in the target schema. Both the roll forward and roll back scripts for the version migrated are stored (if there is a roll back script).

As well as enabling a trail of exactly what commands have been executed against the database, this also allows for down migrations to be performed using the roll back scripts stored in the database (using the --usestored switch).

create table <schema>.appliedscripts
           id NUMBER not null,
           version_id NUMBER not null,
           forward_script CLOB not null,
           backward_script CLOB null,
           CONSTRAINT appliedscripts_pk PRIMARY KEY (id),
           CONSTRAINT fk_version_id FOREIGN KEY (version_id) REFERENCES <schema>.versions(id)


soothsayer requires a single configuration setting — RunnerPath — which should be set to the path of the SQL*Plus executable. The installer for SQL*Plus is made available by Oracle as part of their Instant Client tools.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="sqlPlus" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
    <add key="RunnerPath" value="C:\oracle\client\product\11.2.0\client_1\sqlplus.exe" />


###Supported commands:###

list                 Display a list of existing versions.
migrate              Run a database migration.


-c, --connection     Required. The data source connection string for
					 connecting to the target Oracle instance.
-s, --schema         Required. The oracle schema in which the version tables
					 reside. Most likely the same schema as the tables being
-u, --username       Required. The username to use to connect to target Oracle
-p, --password       The password for connecting to the target Oracle
					 instance. If not provided in the commandline then you
					 will be prompted to enter it in.
--help               Display this help screen.


-d, --down           (Default: False) Executes the rollback scripts instead
                     of the forward scripts. By default, migrations are run
                     in roll-forward mode.

-c, --connection     Required. The data source connection string for
					 connecting to the target Oracle instance.

-s, --schema         Required. The oracle schema in which the version tables
					 reside. Most likely the same schema as the tables being

--tablespace         The oracle tablespace in which the version tables should
					 reside. By default the schema name will be used if this
					 is not specified.

-u, --username       Required. The username to use to connect to target
					 Oracle instance.

-p, --password       The password for connecting to the target Oracle
					 instance. If not provided in the commandline then you
					 will be prompted to enter it in.

-i, --input          Required. The input folder containing both the
					 roll-forward (up) and roll-back (down) sql scripts.

-e, --environment    The environment of the target Oracle instance. This
					 enables running of environment specific scripts. More
					 than one environment can be specified, separated by a

-v, --version        The target database version to migrate up (or down) to.
					 Migration will stop if the next script will bring the
					 database to a higher version than specified here (or
					 lower in the case of roll-backs).

-y, --noprompt       (Default: False) The target database version to migrate
					 up (or down) to. Migration will stop if the next script
					 will bring the database to a higher version than
					 specified here (or lower in the case of roll-backs).

--concise            Suppresses verbose information (such as SqlPlus output)

--usestored          (Default: False) Tells soothsayer to ignore the down
                     migration script files and use the stored scripts in the
                     target database schema.

--force              (Default: False) Tells soothsayer to ignore any errors
					 from executing scripts within SQL*Plus and continue
					 execution of all the scripts.

--help               Display this help screen.


Migrating up to the latest version

say.exe migrate -c (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( -s sample -i ..\..\..\sample\ -e qa -u system -p password -y

Migrating down to a specific version

say.exe migrate -c (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( -s sample -i ..\..\..\sample\ -e qa -u system -p password -d --version 201502251210 -y


One of my scripts failed and now everything is ruined and down/term won't even run

Try running soothsayer down migration using the --force switch. This will cause soothsayer to ignore any errors emitted from SQL*Plus and attempt to execute all the scripts. If your termination scripts properly destroy all tablespaces and schemas, then this should bring you back to a blank state.

soothsayer appears to hang when running a particular script

Does your script contain any begin/end block statements? E.g.,

  -- some declares
  -- do some things

SQL*Plus requires that you terminate the execution of a block with a forward-slash (/). E.g.,

  -- some declares
  -- do some things

If the slash is omitted, then _SQL*Plus_ sits there waiting for the statement to be terminated.

## Legal ##

soothsayer is made available as-is under the _Apache License, Version 2.0_. See the LICENSE file for full license details.

Oracle sqlplus.exe, which is bundled with soothsayer, is made available by Oracle under the _Oracle Technology Network Development and Distribution License Terms for Instant Client_ (


soothsayer is a database migration and versioning tool for applying sql*plus scripts to Oracle.







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