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The Selkie.AutoMocking project is an extension for MSTest2 which provides a SUT Factory. It tries to replicate the functionality of the package AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute and make it available for MSTest2.

Goal: The goal is to make writing unit tests easier and more refactoring-safe.
How is it done? The SUT and all the required dependencies are automatically provided to the test method.
How do I use it? Like a normal MSTest2 Data Driven Test Method.

public void Add_ForNumbers_Adds(Calculator    sut,
                                [Freeze] IAdd add)
    add.Execute(1, 2)

    sut.Add(1, 2)

AutoDataTestMethod? The attribute tells MSTest to use the Selkie.AutoMocking extension of the DataTestMethod.
Freeze? Freezing a parameter makes sure that the SUT uses the same instance ass the frozen parameter (see AutoFixture Freeze).



Let do a very simple Calculator which will show us how to use the Selkie.AutoMocking package.

The Calculator will only...

  • work for integers and
  • adds two integers together.

The complete source code can be found here: Example

The Calculator Class

The Calculator class depends on the IAdd and ISubtract interface which is injected in the constructor.

public class Calculator : ICalculator
    private readonly IAdd      _add;
    private readonly ISubtract _subtract;

    public Calculator([NotNull] IAdd      add,
                      [NotNull] ISubtract subtract)

        _add      = add;
        _subtract = subtract;

The Add Class

The job of the Add class is just to add 2 integers together.

public class Add : IAdd
    public int Execute(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

Unit testing the Calculator's Constructor

All my constructors in my projects make sure that the injected arguments are not null. This mean that I have to delay the creation of the SUT in my tests using Lazy and being able to set arguments to null. This can be done by using the [BeNull] attribute.

public void Create_ForAddIsNull_Throws(Lazy<Calculator> sut,
                                       [BeNull] IAdd    add)
    Action action = () =>
                        // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
                        var actual = sut.Value;


Unit testing the Calculator's Add method

The example below shows how to test the Add method using the AutoDataTestMethod of the Selkie.AutoMocking package.

using Calculator.Interfaces;
using FluentAssertions;
using NSubstitute;
using Selkie.AutoMocking;

namespace Calculator.Tests
    public class CalculatorTests
        public void Add_ForNumbers_Adds(Calculator    sut,
                                        [Freeze] IAdd add)
            add.Execute(1, 2)

            sut.Add(1, 2)

Note: There isn't a method to initialize the test nor a CreateSut() method!

Adding subtraction to the Calculator

Now we add the subtraction functionality to the Calculator class by adding a dependency in the constructor.

public class Calculator : ICalculator
    private readonly IAdd      _add;
    private readonly ISubtract _subtract;

    public Calculator([NotNull] IAdd      add,
                      [NotNull] ISubtract subtract)
        _add      = add;
        _subtract = subtract;

    public int Add(int a, int b)
        return _add.Execute(a, b);

    public int Subtract(int a, int b)
        return _subtract.Execute(a, b);

How is the unit test class affected?

No existing code needs to be modified, only the new test for the subtraction needs to be added!

public class CalculatorTests
    public void Add_ForNumbers_Adds(Calculator    sut,
                                    [Freeze] IAdd add)
        add.Execute(1, 2)

        sut.Add(1, 2)

    public void Subtract_ForNumbers_Subtracts(Calculator         sut,
                                              [Freeze] ISubtract subtract)
        subtract?.Execute(1, 2)

        sut.Subtract(1, 2)


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