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Ink integration for Godot Engine.


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An ink integration for Godot Engine.

If you like godot-ink, please consider buying me a coffee:

The following platforms have been tested with Godot 3.2.2:

  • Windows 🗸
  • Linux 🗸
  • WebAssembly 🗸
  • iOS 🗸

I'm pretty sure this will also run fine on MacOS and Android but haven't witnessed it yet. If you end up testing an unlisted platform, please create an issue to tell me whether everything work or not.

Examples can be found in my godot-ink-example repository.


  • Drop the folder in your project's addons/ folder.
  • Make sure you have a .csproj file. If not, there's a menu for that in Godot: Project -> Tools -> Mono -> Create C# Solution.
  • Grab (or compile) ink-engine-runtime.dll from the official ink repository and drop it at the root of your Godot project.
  • Add the following to you .csproj file:
    <Reference Include="Ink">
  • Build your project.
  • Go to Project -> Project Settings... -> Plugins and tick the Enable checkbox.

🤖 To ease the installation process, I made installation scripts.
⚠️ Beware, they probably aren't bulletproof.
🤖 But if you want to go that way they'll skip you steps 2, 3 and 4.

How to use

When the plugin is properly loaded, you should be able to use the new ink panel to inspect your story.

If you want to compile your .ink files directly, you'll also need to download the ink compiler on your computer and copy/paste the path to the inklecate binary into your project settings (Project -> Project Settings... -> Ink -> Inklecate Path).

N.B : Use inklecate.exe binary for both Linux and Windows environments, but use the macOS inklecate binary for macOS.

Everything is handled in an InkStory node.
In GDScript for some properties, you'll need to use a get_ prefix (e.g. get_CanContinue() to access CanContinue). Trust your autocompletion.

Loading the story

First you should navigate to your .json or .ink file and import it as an Ink story in Godot. To do that, select the file in Godot, go to Import, select Ink story under Import As: and click ReImport.

To load your story, you can:

  • Point the InkFile exported variable to your .json/.ink file and check the AutoLoadStory checkbox in the inspector.
  • Point the InkFile exported variable to your .json/.ink file (in the inspector or via a script) and call story.LoadStory().

Running the story and making choices

Getting content from the story is done by calling the .Continue() method.

InkStory story = GetNode<InkStory>("Story");

while (story.CanContinue) {
    // Alternatively, text can be accessed from story.CurrentText

Choices are made with the .ChooseChoiceIndex(int) method.

if (story.HasChoices) {
    foreach (string choice in story.CurrentChoices) {

Using signals

If you don't want to bother accessing CurrentText and CurrentChoices, signals are emitted when the story continues forward and when a new choice appears.

    story.Connect(nameof(InkStory.InkContinued), this, "OnStoryContinued");
    story.Connect(nameof(InkStory.InkChoices), this, "OnChoices");

public void OnStoryContinued(string text, string[] tags)

public void OnStoryChoices(string[] choices)

The above signals are also available through the node inspector.

Save / Load

You get and set the json state by calling .GetState() and .SetState(string).

string state = story.GetState();

Alternatively you can save and load directly from disk (either by passing a path or a file as argument) with .LoadStateFromDisk and .SaveStateOnDisk.
When using a path, the default behaviour is to use the user:// folder. You can bypass this by passing a full path to the functions (e.g. res://my_dope_save_file.json).


If you need to, those functions can also take a File in parameter.

File file = new File();
file.Open("user://save.json", File.ModeFlags.Write);
file.Close();"user://save.json", File.ModeFlags.Read);


Tags, global tags and knot tags are accessible respectively through .CurrentTags, .GlobalTags and .TagsForContentAtPath(string).


As shown above, current tags are also passed along the current text in the InkContinued event.

Jumping to a Knot/Stitch

You can jump to a particular knot or stitch with .ChoosePathString(string). This method will return false if the jump failed.

if story.ChoosePathString("mycoolknot.myradstitch") {

Using Ink variables

Ink variables (except InkLists for now) can be get and set.

story.SetVariable("foo", "bar");

They can also be observed with signals.

    story.connect(story.ObserveVariable("foo"), this, "FooObserver")

private void FooObserver(string name, string value)
    GD.Print($"{name} = {value}");

If you're working with GDScript, you might want to enable Marshall state variables in your project's settings to avoid getting error when trying to access ink lists.

Read/Visit count

You can know how many times a knot/stitch has been visited with .VisitCountPathString(string).



godot-ink is released under MIT license (see the LICENSE file for more information).


Ink integration for Godot Engine.



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  • C# 86.4%
  • GDScript 13.6%