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This project is deprecated in favor of ringcentral-csharp-client.

RingCentral SDK for C#

NuGet Build Status Coverage Status Docs License Chat


We recommend NuGet. Install the latest stable version:

Install-Package RingCentralSDK

This will download the RingCentral Portable Class Library into your project as well as all the dependencies. The NuGet package is compabible with all popular platforms including but not limited to .NET 4.0+, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Mac.

Install the pre-release version:

Install-Package RingCentralSDK -Pre

Install a specific version:

Install-Package RingCentralSDK -Version 1.0.0


Please read the docs.

API Developer Guide

This SDK wraps the RingCentral Connect Platform API which is documented in the RingCentral Connect Platform Developer Guide. For additional information, please refer to the Developer Guide.


Project Repo

RingCentral Developer Site

RingCentral API Docs

RingCentral API Explorer

RingCentral GitHub Organization

Getting help

If you need help installing or using the library, please contact RingCentral Developer Support at As an alternative, you an also post on Stack Overflow under the ringcentral tag.

If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!


Any reports of problems, comments or suggestions are most welcome.

Please report these on Github


RingCentral SDK is available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE for details.

RingCentral SDK © 2015-2016 by RingCentral, Inc.