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Proof of concept extension to Microsoft Web Deploy (MSDeploy) that supports the deployment of Windows Services.

Short term goals:

  • Update services on a remote server by name (not file path)
  • Automatically stop/start the service
  • Integrate with permission delegation in IIS

Longer term goals:

  • Support remote installation/uninstallation of services


Download a release and copy the DLL to %programfiles%\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\Extensibility (create the Extensibility directory if required). Then you can use it like any other provider:

msdeploy -verb:sync ^
         -source:servicePath=MyService ^

Server Configuration

Install the extension on the server using the same instructions as above. If running a non-administrator deployment via msdeploy.axd, the following steps will be required:

  1. Configure delegation rules for servicePath
  2. Grant file system permissions
  3. Grant service permissions

Configuring Delegation Rules

In IIS, find "Management Service Delegation" and create a new Blank Rule with the following settings:

  • Providers: servicePath
  • Actions: *
  • Path Type: Path Prefix
  • Path: ServiceName
  • Identity: SpecificUser (w/ admin access) or CurrentUser (w/ ACL configuration)

Granting File System Permissions

As with website deployments, the user will require "Full" access to directory with the service's files.

Granting Service Permissions

If CurrentUser was selected as part of the delegation rule, the deployment user must be granted access to start/stop the service in question. To do this, download Subinacl and run:

subinacl.exe /service ServiceName /GRANT=MACHINE\deploy_user=QSTO

Alternatively, sc sdshow and sc sdset can be used but their syntax is signficantly more complex and can result in corrupting your existing permissions.


The servicePath provider works very similarly to contentPath in that it can either be an absolute file path or the name of a service.


servicePath supports the following settings:

Setting Type Description
serviceTimeout int Number of seconds given for a service to start or top


Setting Enabled by default? Description
StopService yes Stops the remote service before deploying
StartService yes Starts the remote service after deploying
SkipServiceState yes Skips service state files (.InstallLog, .InstallState) to prevent later issues when uninstalling


Build requires Visual Studio 2015 as it makes use of some C# 6 features

The extension currently needs to be built against Web Deploy 3.5, as 3.6 introduced a strange dual-dependency between .NET 3.5 and 4.0 that causes havok in Visual Studio. If you already have Web Deploy 3.6 installed, you can extract Web Deploy 3.5 using the following command:

msiexec /a WebDeploy_amd64_en-US.msi /qb TARGETDIR=c:\WebDeploy35

And then add the following into your RichardSzalay.Web.Deployment.WindowsService.csproj.user file

  <MSDeployAssemblyPath>c:\WebDeploy35\x64\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3</MSDeployAssemblyPath>

Debugging against the installed version will still work fine.


Extension for Microsoft Web Deploy (MSDeploy) that adds support for deploying Windows Services







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