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This is a template compiler for azure resource manager (ARM) template language.


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Arm Template Compiler

This is a template compiler for azure resource manager (ARM) template language. This has the capability to compile ARM templates into its expanded versions as well as the ability ing templating the template. This doc assumes that the reader is familiar with the arm template language specified in .

What is Arml++?

It is mostly a superset of the arm template language published on MSDN. This means that all valid arm templates are valid arml++ templates. The output of compiling an arml++ template is an arm template that is understood by ARM. The main advantage of arml++ templates that one can have very small template files by encoding the logic of generating them rather than large templates. The only difference is that arml++ templates have an extra section called scripts. Scripts are ECMA script files that can contain custom functions and execute JavaScript code. These custom functions can be invoked as part of arm template expressions addition to the built-in arm functions like concat(), resourceId() etc. So now anything you can think of with in an expression “[foo()]” is fair game.

Here is a template to create a public ip dns name with a guid.

    A template to create a public IP address with a guid as a dns label.
    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "Location": {
            "type": "string",
            "defaultValue": "east us"
    "scripts": {
        "beforeResourceEval": [
                "uri": "guid.js"

    "resources": [
        /*Create a public IP with a dnsname lable for our HeadNode LB*/
            "apiVersion": "2014-12-01-preview",
            "type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses",
            "name": "randomIp",
            "location": "[parameters('Location')]",
            "properties": {
                "publicIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
                "dnsSettings": {
                    "domainNameLabel": "[generateUUID()]"

These JavaScript files also have access to the JSON dom that represents individual resources defined in arml++ template. This is a pretty powerful feature because the resource definitions can be dynamically modified/added or removed. Here is an example of the scripts section.

"scripts": {
        "beforeResourceEval": [
                "uri": "guid.js"
       "afterResourceEval": [
                "uri": "CreateVmAndNics.js"

BeforeResourceEval scripts will be executed before resource expressions are evaluated and the opposite goes AfterResourceEval. One can define multiple script files and they will be executed in the order they are defined.

###Javascript functions available

  1. arm.log(‘some string {0}’’, ‘value’) : emits “some string value” on arml++ console
  2. getResource(‘resourceName’) : gets resource defined by the resource name in the arml++ template
  3. setResource(‘resourceName’, resourceObj) : adds or updates a resource defined the name resourceName in the arml++ template
  4. parameters(), concat(), variables(), resourceId() as defined the arm template language.

How does it work?

Arml++ hosts the chakra JavaScript engine that ships as part of IE. All expressions/functions in the arm template language is JavaScript compliant. The expression evaluator then parses these expressions using the javascript engine and replaces the arm expression with its result converted to JSON.

Where do I get it?

Binaries available at Source available at They contain a samples directory that have 3 different samples. Each of them show different features of a arml++ compiler. a. Samples\PublicIp This is a template that would create a public IP address with the dns name as a guid. b. Samples\VmsWithRdp An example of how to generate a template that would deploy N vms and 1 public IP address with a load balancer. RDP ports on the public ip would ranging from 3389 – 3389+N would route to VMs [0,N) Shows how to dynamically add NICs, inboundNat and VMs

How do I use it?

  1. To compile a template Arml++.exe –t [template.json] -p [parameters.json] -r [resourceGroupName] -s [subscriptionId] -o [outputOfCompilation.json]

    a. `OutputOfCompilation.json` is a self contained template that would be understood by ARM. 
  2. One can also emit custom trace statements from JavaScript by using arm.log(‘’) function. This will be emitted to the console output of arml++.exe.

  3. To debug javascript in a template in visual studio

More often than not one might need to debug javascript that is getting executed within scripts. You can launch arml++ with -d [pid of a running visual studio instance]. Remember to launch it from an administrator command prompt. Once launched it will attach the VS instance to the arml++.exe you can then set breakpoints in your javascript files.

alt text


  1. A template to create N VMs within a load balancer so that they have RDP enabled on ports 3389 - 3389 + N. 2. A template to generate Public Ip with a random guid for dns name.


All contributions are welcome and appreciated.

Known limitations

  1. reference(), copyIndex(), listStorageKeys() aren't supported.


This is a template compiler for azure resource manager (ARM) template language.







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  • C# 83.3%
  • JavaScript 13.9%
  • PowerShell 2.8%