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A library that contains nice-to-have functionality that is missing in the .NET Framework.


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NTH library Travis Build Status Windows Build Status NuGet version


  1. Documentation
  2. Compatibility
  3. NuGet
  4. Features
    1. Reduce Noise
    2. CommandLine Class
    3. .ToHexString()
    4. ConvertEx.FromHexString()
    5. .ReverseBits()
    6. .ConvertToStruct<T>()
    7. ByteSize Class
    8. Levenshtein Distance
    9. ConsoleEx
    10. BitUtil
    11. NewLine Operations
    12. Unix Time Extensions
    13. IEnumerable Extensions
    14. Hashing Shortcuts


The NTH library is documented here. Also you can find several code annotations in the source code using C#'s XML documentation style.


Currently, the NTH library can be used with .NET 4.0 (+ Client Profile), 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. The binaries are compiled against .NET 4.0 AnyCPU. There are currently no plans to port this library to a .NET version < 4.


Install this library using NuGet:

PM> Install-Package NTH

The NuGet package is getting updated as soon as a new distribution build is available. The raw package contents (DLL files and XML documentation) are available here for download, if needed.


Let's come to the good stuff, shall we?

Reduce Noise

Extension methods help to reduce code noise.

string baz = " this is\n some text containing white space    	\t ";
var baz2 = baz.StripWhiteSpace(); // baz2 == "thisissometextcontainingwhitespace"

Also available:


MathEx extending the Math class:

MathEx.Max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // Using rest parameters
MathEx.Max(1, 2, 3); // If there are ony 3 parameters, an optimized version is used
// instead of
Math.Max(Math.Max(1, 2), 3);

// same for Min()
// available for int, long, float and double

A Pow() method for integers:

int @base = 2;
int exponent = 4;
int result = MathEx.Pow(@base, exponent);
// same for long

Clamp for bytes, shorts, ints, longs, floats, doubles and decimals.

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;

int d = MathEx.Clamp(a, b, c); // d == 2


Using the CommandLine class, it is easier to handle command line arguments. Strings are automatically escaped and stuff. The CommandLine class has a FilePath property and a Arguments property. The arguments property is of type ArgumentList which can be used separately.

static void Main(string[] argv)
	var newCommandLine = new CommandLine(@"C:\Demo.exe");
	newCommandLine.Arguments.Add("Some argument"); // will be automatically set in quotes

	// Start demo.exe with following command line:
	// C:\Demo.exe -n "some argument"

	string commandLineString = newCommandLine.ToString();
	Console.WriteLine("Spawned process using command line:");

	var parsedCommandLine = CommandLine.Parse(commandLineString); // Parsing functionality available

	Console.WriteLine("Current arguments:");
	var currentExecutable = CommandLine.Current.FilePath; // CommandLine.Current returns the command line of the current process
	foreach(var arg in CommandLine.Current.Arguments)


There is a .ToHexString() extension method for IntPtr and Int32.

var pointer = new IntPtr(0xABCD);
var str = pointer.ToHexString(); // "0x0000ABCD" (if current application is running as a 32-bit process)
// The prefix can be excluded using an overload
// If You want a specific padding (e.g. for a 64 bit pointer), you can do this explicitly using an overload:
str = pointer.ToHexString(false, 8); // "000000000000ABCD"


Convert back using:

byte[] bytes = ConvertEx.FromHexString("DEAFBEEF");


Reverse the bit order of a byte value:

byte a = 0x1;
byte b = a.ReverseBits(); // 0b10000000


Convert blob data (a byte array) to a typed struct instance.

struct SomeStruct
	public byte Field1;
	public int Field2;
	public float Field3;
// sizeof(SomeStruct) == 1 + 4 + 4 == 9 byte

byte[] blobData = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};

SomeStruct instance = blobData.ConvertToStruct<SomeStruct>();

byte b = instance.Field1; // == 1
int c = instance.Field2; // == 0x05040302 (Little Endian and stuff)


var fileByteCount = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).Length; // e.g. 5120

var fs = new ByteSize(fileByteCount);
Console.WriteLine(fs.ToString()); // 5 KiB

fs++; // increment fs by one byte

Console.WriteLine("Exact bytes: " + fs.ByteCount);

fs += new ByteSize(1, ByteSizeUnit.MibiByte); // + 1MiB

var twoGigabyte = new ByteSize(2, ByteSizeUnit.GigaByte); // 2GB (not GiB)
bool areEqual = fs == twoGigabyte; // do these instances represent the same byte size?

Levenshtein Distance

string tier = "tier";
string tor = "tor";
var distance = tier.LevenshteinDistanceTo(tor);
Console.WriteLine(distance); // 2

// dictionary:
var dictionary = new[] {
var input = "biete";
var bestMatch = dictionary.OrderByLevenshteinDistanceTo(input).FirstOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine("Did you mean " + bestMatch + "?"); // Did you mean bitte?


Further console functionality:

SecureString password = ConsoleEx.ReadLineMasked(); // The user can type in a hidden phrase. Nothing will appear in the stdout.
password = ConsoleEx.ReadLineMasked(true); // Displays a mask character for each char entered (default: '*')
password = ConsoleEx.ReadLineMasked(true, '?'); // Uses '?' as mask


Adding some C-Macro-style functionality.

int foo = 0x12345678;
short bar = BitUtil.LowWord(foo); // bar == 0x5678
bar = BitUtil.HighWord(foo); // bar == 0x1234

// Also available for Short/Byte:
// BitUtil.LowByte/HighByte

NewLine Operations

string foo = "\r\n\n\n";
string normalizedNewLines = foo.NormalizeNewLines("\n");
// foo == "\n\n\n"

string bar = "a";
bool isNl = bar.IsNewLine(); // false
bar = "\n";
isNl = bar.IsNewLine(); // true

Unix Time Extensions

// "At 23:31:30 UTC on 13 February 2009, the decimal representation of Unix time reached 1,234,567,890 seconds"
var demDate = new DateTime(2009, 2, 13, 23, 31, 30, DateTimeKind.Utc);
long unixTime = demDate.ToUnixTime(); // 1234567890

//..and the other way round

demDate = DateTimeEx.FromUnixToUtcDateTime(unixTime); // Also available: FromUnixToLocalTime

IEnumerable Extensions

A ForEach for IEnumerable: IEnumerable<T>.ForEach(action)

Easier pagination:

var someSource = //any IEnumerable
var page4 = someSource.GetPageItems(0, 10); // page with index 0 and 10 items per page
// Beware: Uses Skip and Take of LINQ, so it enumerates.

Batching of items. Can be used to create item batches of a certain size of any IEnumerable. Useful for Tasks and stuff.

var someTaskSource = // something that returns a lot of awaitable tasks
// To await alsways 5 at once, you can use:
foreach(var batch in someTaskSource.Batch(5))
  // batch now has 5 (or less at the end of the IEnumerable) items
  await Task.WhenAll(batch); // await 5 tasks of the someTaskSource at once
  // Do something that will be done after 5 tasks are finished
  // then go on to the next batch

Hashing Shortcuts

string sha1Hash = FileEx.ComputeHashSha1(fileName).ToHexString();


// TODO: More to come soon!


A library that contains nice-to-have functionality that is missing in the .NET Framework.







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