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1. Ensure you have an instance of PostgresSQL running locally

You can;

  1. Install PostgreSQL
  2. Use Docker to run PostgreSQL

To use Docker to run PostgreSQL locally, use the following command:

docker run -p 5432:5342 -e POSTGRES_USER=bakhtawar -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Bakhtawar123 -d bakhtawar

2. Create an empty database called bakhtawar

If you used the Docker command in the previous step, you can skip this step.

3. Create a user called bakhtawar

If you used the Docker command in the previous step, you can skip this step.

Remember to:

  • set the password for this user to Bakhtawar123
  • grant all privileges on database bakhtawar to user bakhtawar

4. Ensure you have .NET 5.0 installed

To install .NET 5.0, please visit

5. Ensure you have Node.js installed

To install Node.js 14.x, please visit

6. Clone this repository

From your work folder:

git clone Bakhtawar
cd Bakhtawar

This will bring you to the repository root.

7. Build the solution

From the repository root:

dotnet restore
dotnet build

8. Run the DatabaseApp utility

From the repository root:

dotnet run --project Projects/Bakhtawar.Apps.DatabaseApp/Bakhtawar.Apps.DatabaseApp.csproj

This will run the database migrations and create all the tables necessary for the solution

9. Generate the certificates

From the repository root:

cd Scripts

This will generate the a certificate in ~/Keys/huntingdonresearch.crt

Add this certificate to your machine's CA root. You will have to do it for your machine, as well as for your browser.

This will also create a certificate in Keys/localhost.crt which will be used as the SSL certificate by the 3 applications.

10. Run the solution

From the repository root (in three different bash shells):

cd Projects/Bakhtawar.Apps.GatewayApp
cat dev.json | dotnet user-secrets set 
dotnet run
cd Projects/Bakhtawar.Apps.WebFrontendApp
cat dev.json | dotnet user-secrets set 
dotnet run
cd Projects/Bakhtawar.Apps.BackendApp
cat dev.json | dotnet user-secrets set 
dotnet run

This will run the 3 applications on the following ports:

  • GatewayApp on port 7443
  • WebFrontendApp on port 8443
  • BackendApp on port 9443


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