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# CSE3209Project Sprint 5
Authors Aidan Haskett, Hemil Amin, Abhi Malisetty, Matthew Landwehr, and Johnathan Browning


Code Description
This program is the completed first level of the Legend of Zelda game.

Keyboard Controls
Up Arrow / W - Moves the link character up
Down Arrow / S - Moves the link character down
Left Arrow / A - Moves the link character left
Right Arrow / D - Moves the link character right

B - Uses the Item in the B slot
N - Uses the Item in the N slot, your sword

Esc - Pause/Unpause the Game
I - Open/Close the inventory
WASD/Arrow Keys - Controls inventory selector
Enter - Selects an item in the inventory
R - Resets the game
Q - Quits the game
M - Mutes the background music
Left Shift - Start reversing time
K - Dims the light to a small circle around Link
L - Returns the light to its normal visibility

F5 - Saves your game
F9 - Load your saved game
Saved games only last for that play session, and are deleted when you close the game

Up-Down-Up-Down-Z-X-C = Kill all enemies on the current level
Up-Down-Up-Left-Z = Lots of Health, almost unlimited
Up-Down-Up-Z-Z = Lots of rupee and bombs, almost unlimited
P - turns on secret party disco mode (O to turn it off)

E - Damages Link
C - Shows the coliders in the game
V - Hides the coliders that are previously shown
G - Spawns a clock for testing
P - Enables party lighting
O - Disables party lighting

Known Issues and Roadmap

We decided not to implement moveable blocks
Bugs: Sometimes the game over audio will play to completion, even after you reset the game.
If you change rooms with the mouse and end up inside a block, Link vanishes and you'll need to reset the game with R.
Sometimes loading a game after you die causes Link to spawn in an empty room; resetting with R fixes this.
Saving or loading while taking damage can crash the game.

Code Analysis

Sprint Reflection
We did a better job at getting work done this sprint but with break and finals approaching people have limited availability making it harder to meet up and coordinate then other sprints. Overall we were able to achieve most of what we wanted and are proud of how the game has progressed and turned out.
Here are the features we implemented for this sprint:
Lighting: 8 hours -> 10 hours
-Dynamic 2D lighting that updates based on Link's position. Lights can also be turned on/off with L/K, and flashing colorful lights can be turned on with P/O. Made by Johnathan
Reverse Time: 2 hours -> 2 hours
-Hold shift to move Link and enemies back in time up to 10 seconds or so. Made by Johnathan
Cheat Codes: 2 hours -> 3 hours
-Input a precise sequence of keys to make cool stuff happen.
Updated AI: 3 hours -> 4 hours
-Updated and improved enemy AI.
Dodongo Implementation: 2 hours -> 3 hours
-Another Boss implementation
Save States: 3 hours - 3 hours
-Save and load the game as you're playing.
Bug Fixes: 1 hours –> 2 hours
In conclusion I feel like we did a good job with this sprint a lot of work was done in advance before the due date and not that much was saved for the last minute. 
Most things took about as long as we expected although we may have undersold it a bit. 
The lighting was difficult to implement with a lot of math and trig involved. At first it was very buggy and it seemed like it might not be realistic, but in the end it turned out great.
Time reversal only works by updating positioning, and things aren't animated, but it's still a neat effect.
Overall, it was a successful sprint and we were able to achieve most of what we wanted.


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