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Minimalistic light-weight server.

The server comes with the FTP implementation, but it should be fairly easy to extend it to any text protocol. Technically it can be hosted in-proc by just using a ServerHost class from the ZeptoServer project.

This is not claiming to be a super performant and secure FTP server, but rather a very simple implementation for educational purposes and prototyping.

Quick solution overview

  • ZeptoServer - server core, binds to a socket and listens for new connections. When client connects, IServerFactory is used to create new server instance. One IServer will be created per connected client, which simplifies the implementation - you take care of single connection and core infrastructure will scale it.
  • ZeptoServer.Configuration.Xml - utility project to instantiate ServerHost class based on XML definition.
  • ZeptoServer.Ftp - FTP server implementation.
  • ZeptoServer.Ftp.AzureStorage - virtual file system for the FTP server backed by Azure Blob Storage.
  • ZeptoServer.Ftp.LocalFileSystem - virtual file system for the FTP server backed by local file system.
  • ZeptoServer.IotHost - UWP host app to run ZeptoServer on Windows 10 IoT Core devices.
  • ZeptoServer.ServiceHost - NT service to run ZeptoServer on any Windows machine. If you want to run it as a regular console application, then use -c command line switch.
  • ZeptoServer.Telnet - base server implementation for text-based protocols: FTP, HTTP, POP3, IMAP, etc.
  • ZeptoServer.TextLogger - simple logger implementation that writes text messages to replacable sinks.

Since it has pluggable architecture (ZeptoServer.ServiceHost does not have any references to FTP implementation) - you will need to build all projects separately and place the output in one folder, if you want to use all components. There is no meta-project that will bin-drop everything. Both host projects rely on XML configuration to be provided: section in app.config for ZeptoServer.ServiceHost and Configuration.xml file for ZeptoServer.IotHost. XML definition is a poor man's XAML, where you can reference CLR types and it will call their constructors with matching set of arguments. ZeptoServer.IotHost references FTP implementation to simplify appx packaging in Visual Studio.

Happy coding!


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