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Paymetheus is a Decred wallet for Windows, written with C# and WPF, and utilizing dcrwallet for transaction and key management. It targets .NET Framework 4.5 and has been tested on Windows 7 and 10.

The program is intended to appear clean, modern, and be easy to use for a user unfamiliar with the technical details behind Decred or other cryptocurrencies. It also attempts to hide details that can be dangerous if used improperly. As an example, to avoid address reuse, addresses managed by the wallet are never displayed except when generating new addresses to receive a payment. Instead, the account name containing the address' corresponding key is displayed when viewing transaction history.

Paymetheus runs dcrwallet as a background process and connects to it using gRPC. Currently, dcrwallet is only usable with a dcrd RPC connection (dcrwallet does not have any SPV support) so the user must already have a dcrd server running to provide blockchain services. The connection details for this dcrd server will be prompted for when Paymetheus starts.

While the entire program will only run on Windows (WPF is Windows-specific), a significant portion of the code not dealing with graphical layer (the Decred and RPC code) is written in portable C# and should be reusable on other operating systems running under either Mono or .NET Core.

Things are just getting started and there is much work left to do. Check out the project's Github issue tracker for known issues.

Binary Installation and Usage

Paymetheus is available as a component in the Decred Windows installer. The latest installer can be obtained here.

For instructions on how to use dcrd and Paymetheus after installation, see the quick start guide.

Building from Source

To build the development version from source:

  1. Install the latest dcrwallet master branch (requires git, Go, and glide):

    PS> $dcrwallet = "$env:GOPATH/src/"
    PS> mkdir $dcrwallet
    PS> git clone $dcrwallet
    PS> cd $dcrwallet && glide install && go install

    Make sure the installed binary is the first to be found according to your PATH environment variable. Alternatively, this wallet binary can be copied to the Debug and/or Release bin Paymetheus directories so it will be used instead of another installed version of wallet.

  2. Install Visual Studio 2015. In theory, standalone Roslyn, NuGet, and msbuild installs will also be sufficient to build the project, but this is untested. The 2015 Community edition of Visual Studio (free to use for open source projects) can be obtained here.

  3. Clone the project repo and open the solution file in VS.

  4. Open the project properties (Project -> Paymetheus Properties...), click Debug, and add the following command line parameters:

    -testnet -searchpath

    This will instruct the program to run in testnet mode rather than mainnet, and will search PATH for the dcrwallet executable instead of requiring it to be installed in Program Files.

  5. Click Debug -> Start Debugging (or press F5) to build and execute the program.


Paymetheus uses the test framework to define and execute test code and the OpenCover and ReportGenerator tools to report test line coverage. A PowerShell script is included to run these tests, but require the Paymetheus.Tests.Decred project to be compiled first. From VS, using the Debug (not Release) solution configuration, build this project, and then run the script.

PS> & .\cover.ps1

Test coverage can be viewed in a web browser by navigating to .\coverage\index.htm.


Paymetheus is licensed under the liberal ISC License.


This project uses the BLAKE256 hashing functions from Dominik Reichl's BlakeSharp.


Bitcoin Wallet for Windows







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  • C# 99.9%
  • PowerShell 0.1%