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  Livelink OpenSearch Connector for SharePoint 2013 Preview


  Provides an ASPX page that serves as an OpenSearch 1.1 compliant connector
  for the SharePoint federated search. It is packed in a solution for
  SharePoint 2013 Preview but porting for SharePoint 2010 or even SharePoint
  2007 is possible because they all support search federation.

  OSDX file for OpenSearch clients can be generated by the enclosed script
  New-LivelinkSearchConnectorOSDX.ps1. It is also downloadable from the
  HTML version of the connector page.


  The connector ASPX page is deployed to the 15\LAYOUTS folder and is
  accessible at the URL /_layouts/LivelinkOpenSearch/ExecuteQuery.aspx
  prefixed by a SharePoint web site URL providing the user context. It
  performs the Livelink XML Search API query and returns the results as
  an XML content with the RSS 2.0 schema compliant with OpenSearch 1.1 with
  extensions for Microsoft Windows and SharePoint. If the search operation
  fails the page returns no content and the response will contain the HTTP
  status code 500 with the error message in the status description.

  If Kerberos is used for the common Livelink authentication SSO can be turned
  on by the parameter UseSSO=true; the current authenticated SharePoint
  context will be passed to the Livelink HTTP request. Otherwise the Livelink
  search request will be performed as a Livelink system administrator with
  credentials provided by the SharePoint Secure Store Service. The call will
  be impersonated to a Livelink user mapped from the current SharePoint user
  to trim the search results according to the current user's permissions.


  This is an example of the search URL template to be entered in an .OSDX
  descriptor file or in a SharePoint search result source configuration (read
  it as a single line without whitespace):


  It consists of the absolute URL to the connector ASPX page on a SharePoint
  web site accessible to all searching users and the URL query template that
  will be partially resolved by the SharePoint search federator. Here we are
  the parameters explained:

    query             - {searchTerms}
                        To be replaced by the search terms typed by the user.
    livelinkUrl       - http://myserver/livelink/llisapi.dll
                        Absolute URL of the Livelink ISAPI dll used as the
                        entry point to access Livelink over HTTP/S.
    targetAppID       - myserver
                        The SharePoint Secure Store Service provides
                        credentials of the Livelink system administrator in
                        the target application "myserver".
    loginPattern      - {user:lc}
                        Livelink user login names can be mapped from
                        SharePoint user names by using just the user login
                        name without the domain converted to lower-case.
    startIndex        - {startIndex}
                        To be replaced by the index of the hit to start with.
    count             - {count}
                        To be replaced by the maximum hit count to return
                        which is usually the result page size.
    extraParams       - lookfor1=allwords&fullTextMode=allwords&hhterms=true
                        URL query suffix to be sent to Livelink as a part of
                        the search query refining the query execution.
    maxSummaryLength  - 185
                        Limit the maximum length of the displayed document
                        summary to make the result list more compact.
    ignoreSSLWarnings - true
                        If the Livelink server has not a valid SSL certificate
                        the error would be ignored and the search allowed.
    language          - {language}
                        To be replaced by the preferred search hits language.
    inputEncoding     - {inputEncoding}
                        To be replaced by the encoding of the search terms.
    outputEncoding    - {outputEncoding}
                        To be replaced by the encoding of the search results.
  Notice that some parameters are URL parts and should be URL encoded so that
  the connector ASPX page gets them correctly when it is called. The parameter
  LoginPattern is URL encoded too; some expressions in braces could be
  mistakenly resolved by the search federator before it calls the URL.


  All available URL parameters of ExecuteQuery.aspx:

    Query (string)
      Search terms in the syntax recognized by the Livelink XML Search API. It
      can be a list of words that you want to be found in the returned search
      results for, for example. This parameter is mandatory.

    LivelinkUrl (string)
      The complete URL of the Livelink CGI executable or the Livelink module
      for the web server you use; http://myserver/livelink/llisapi.dll, for
      example. This parameter is mandatory.

    TargetAppID (string)
      The identifier of a target application in the SharePoint Secure Store
      that contains credentials of a Livelink system administrator. Only the
      value types UserName and Password are used and they must not be empty.

      If a search query needs to be impersonated for another user a system
      administrator must execute it. If UseSSO is not provided or is false
      this parameter is mandatory otherwise it is ignored and may be omitted.

    LoginPattern (string)
      The text pattern to generate a Livelink login name from a SharePoint
      user. Users are usually synchronized from SharePoint (Windows AD) to
      Livelink and their names are transformed by using a predictable pattern.
      For example, the following pattern will use the SharePoint user name
      without the Windows domain converted to lower-case and append to it a
      constant e-mail-like domain: "{user:lc}".

      The pattern describing the user name transformation is a combination of
      parameter placeholders and other text. The parameter placeholders are
      enclosed in braces and are replaced with values from the SharePoint user

        {login}  - complete login name; with the domain if provided.
        {user}   - only user name; without the domain.
        {domain} - only the domain name; empty if no domain is provided.

      Unrecognized parameter placeholders (expressions in braces) are left
      intact. The parameter placeholders can be used together with modifiers
      that transform the text value further. They start with colon and are
      written between the parameter placeholder name and the right closing
      brace like {domain:uc}, for example:

        :lc - transform the value to lower-case
        :uc - transform the value to upper-case

      If a search query needs to be impersonated for another user its Livelink
      login name must be used. If UseSSO is not provided or is false this
      parameter is mandatory otherwise it is ignored and may be omitted.

    UseSSO (boolean)
      If you use SSO in the entire environment covering Windows, SharePoint
      and Livelink that allows you working in the browser with any system
      without an explicit login you can set this parameter to true. You will
      need neither configuring the Livelink system administrator credentials
      in a SharePoint Secure Store target application nor the login name
      pattern to infer the Livelink user name from the authenticated
      SharePoint user. The default value is false.

    IgnoreSSLWarnings (boolean)
      If the Livelink LivelinkUrl includes the HTTPS protocol and the SSL
      certificate of the Livelink server is invalid (expired, for example) the
      search request would fail. If you are sure and want to connect to the
      Livelink server in spite of it set this parameter to true. The default
      value is false.

    StartIndex (integer)
      Start index of the first search result to return. If not provided the
      number 0 (the first page) is assumed; to start with the very first
      search hit available.

    Count (integer)
      The maximum count of returned search results. If not provided the actual
      count will be decided by the search engine. Usually not all available
      hits are returned; the maximum count can be limited to 1000 from
      peformance reasons, for example.

    ExtraParams (string)
      Additional URL query string to append to the Livelink XML Search API
      URL. The string should not start with ampersand and will be appended
      as-is. For example, the value "lookfor1=allwords&fullTextMode=allwords&
      hhterms=true" requires returning only those results where all entered
      search terms can be found and enables highlighting the search terms in
      the document summary displayed together with the search hit.

    MaxSummaryLength (integer)
      Can limit the maximum length of the textual summary that is displayed
      below a search hit to give a hint what is the document about. It usually
      contains highlighted search terms. I saw Livelink returning really long
      passages (more than 1300 characters) while I have not seen SharePoint
      returning more than 185 characters. It can make the result list long
      and difficult to browse. You can trim the length of the displayed
      summary by this parameter to never exceed the specified length.

    ReportErrorAsHit (boolean)
      Errors occurring during the search are reported by HTTP error code 500
      by default. This parameter makes the error message be returned as
      single search hit for OpenSearch clients that do not show HTTP errors
      to the user.

    Language (string)
      The preferred language for the search results.  It is currently unused.

    InputEncoding (string)
      The encoding of the input search terms. It is used to check that only
      either ASCII or UTF-8 URL parameters were sent. Other encodings are not
      supported now.

    OutputEncoding (string)
      The expected encoding of the search results. It is used to check that
      only either ASCII or UTF-8 output was requested. Other encodings are not
      supported now.


  2012/08/14  Version 1.0
              * Initial release.


  Ferdinand Prantl <>


  GPL (See the enclosed LICENSE file.)


Livelink OpenSearch Connector for SharePoint 2013 Preview







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