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Harbor · Production Dev Preview Build

A simple content creation web application.


npm install

Install firebase tools

 npm install -g firebase-tools


npm run dev

This will serve the application using vite

Build and test

npm run build

This will build the application to the dist folder using vite

npm run test

This currently will only run the compiler as there are no unit tests.


npm run preview

This will build and serve the application using vite

npm run preview:fb

This will build the application using vite but use firebase to serve.

Component Library

npm run storybook

This will launch the component library.


Deployments to the habor-dev firebase project are automatic when pushing to the develop branch.

Pull requests are required for merging into the develop and master branches.

Deployment Previews

When adding the preview label to a pull request, a temporary preview instance will be deployed.

Production Deployments

All production sites are deployed when merging into the master branch.

To create a new production site, follow the instructions in the Create New Environment Checklist issue type.