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.net core orm(db first,code frist) for sqlserver mysql etl.

nuget url:

in Startup.cs Startup mothod

        Configuration = configuration;

        //init model Properties cahce

        //init code first
        FastMap.InstanceTable("DataModel.Base", "db.json");

        //by Repository
        services.AddFastRedis(a => { a.Server = ",abortConnect=true,allowAdmin=true,connectTimeout=10000,syncTimeout=10000"; });
        // init map cache
        FastData.Core.FastMap.InstanceMap("dbKey", "db.json", "map.json");
        //init map cache by Resource (xml file, db.json, map.json)
        FastData.Core.FastMap.InstanceMapResource("dbKey", "db.json", "map.json");

in db.json

           "DataConfig": [
                "ProviderName": "MySql.Data",
                "DbType": "MySql",
                "ConnStr": "Database=Cloud;Data Source=;User Id=root;Password=22;CharSet=utf8;port=3306;Allow User Variables=True;pooling=true;Min Pool Size=10;Max Pool Size=100;",
                "IsOutSql": true,
                "IsOutError": true,
                "IsPropertyCache": true,
                "IsMapSave": false,
                "Flag": "?",
                "FactoryClient": "MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory",
                "Key": "Write",
                "DesignModel": "CodeFirst",
                "SqlErrorType ":"db",--db,file
                "IsUpdateCache": false --is auto update cache

in map.json

"SqlMap" :{"Path": [ "map/admin/Api.xml", "map/admin/Area.xml"]}
   map xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
          <select id="GetUser">
            select a.* from base_user a
            <dynamic prepend=" where 1=1">
              <isPropertyAvailable prepend=" and " property="userId">a.userId=?userId</isPropertyAvailable>
              <isEqual compareValue="5" prepend=" and " property="userName">a.userName=?userName</isEqual>
              <isNotEqual compareValue="5" prepend=" and " property="fullName">a.fullName=?fullName</isNotEqual>
              <isGreaterThan compareValue="5" prepend=" and " property="orgId">a.orgId=?orgId</isGreaterThan>
              <isLessThan compareValue="5" prepend=" and " property="userNo">a.userNo=?userNo</isLessThan>
              <isNullOrEmpty prepend=" and " property="roleId">a.roleId=?roleId</isNullOrEmpty>
              <isNotNullOrEmpty prepend=" and " property="isAdmin">a.isAdmin=?isAdmin</isNotNullOrEmpty>
              <if condition="areaId>8" prepend=" and " property="areaId">a.areaId=?areaId</if>
              <choose property="userNo">
                 <condition prepend=" and " property="userNo>5">a.userNo=:userNo and a.userNo=5</condition>
                 <condition prepend=" and " property="userNo>6">a.userNo=:userNo and a.userNo=6</condition>
             <foreach name="data" field="userId">
                select ypxh from base_role where userId=:userId
          <select id="Patient.Test">
            select * from base_user where 1=1
            <dynamic prepend="">
              <isNotNullOrEmpty prepend=" and " property="userid">userid = :userid</isNotNullOrEmpty>
            <foreach name="data1" field="areaid" type="Test1.Model.BASE_AREA,Test1">
              select * from base_area where areaid=:areaid
            <foreach name="data2" field="roleid" type="Test1.Model.BASE_ROLE,Test1">
              select * from base_role where roleid=:roleid
             db option
                 FastWrite.Update<Base_LogLogin>(new Base_LogLogin { LoginOutTime = DateTime.Now }, 
                     a => a.Token == item.Token, a => new { a.LoginOutTime });
                 FastMap.QueryPage(pageModel, "getuser", param.ToArray());

                 var param = new List<OracleParameter>();
        param.Add(new OracleParameter { ParameterName = "userid", Value = "dd5c99f2-0892-4179-83db-c2ccf243104c" });
        var tt = FastMap.Query<TestResult>("Patient.Test", param.ToArray(), null, "test");
        namespace Test1.Model
            public class TestResult
                public string USERID { get; set; }
                public string USERPASS { get; set; }
                public string FULLNAME { get; set; }
                public string ORGID { get; set; }
                public string EXTENDORGID { get; set; }
                public string HOSPITALID { get; set; }
                public string EXTENDHOSPITALID { get; set; }
                public string AREAID { get; set; }
                public string EXTENDAREAID { get; set; }
                public string USERNO { get; set; }
                public string ROLEID { get; set; }
                public string EXTENDROLEID { get; set; }
                public string ISADMIN { get; set; }
                public string ISDEL { get; set; }
                public DateTime? ADDTIME { get; set; }
                public string ADDUSERID { get; set; }
                public string ADDUSERNAME { get; set; }
                public DateTime? DELTIME { get; set; }
                public string DELUSERID { get; set; }
                public string DELUSERNAME { get; set; }
                public List<BASE_AREA> area { get; set; }
                public List<BASE_ROLE> role { get; set; }
            public class BASE_ROLE
                public string ROLEID{ get; set; }
                public string ROLENAME{ get; set; }
                public string ROLEREMARK{ get; set; }
                public string DEFAULTPAGE{ get; set; }
                public DateTime? ADDTIME{ get; set; }
                public string ADDUSERID{ get; set; }
                public string ADDUSERNAME{ get; set; }      
            public class BASE_AREA
                public string AREAID{ get; set; }
                public string HOSPITALID{ get; set; }
                public string AREANAME{ get; set; }
                public DateTime? ADDTIME{ get; set; }
                public string ADDUSERID{ get; set; }
                public string ADDUSERNAME{ get; set; }
                public DateTime? DELTIME{ get; set; }
                public string DELUSERID{ get; set; }
                public string DELUSERNAME{ get; set; }
                public string ISDEL{ get; set; }      



.net core orm(db first,code frist) for sqlserver mysql etl.






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