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Payment Gateway Exercise


  • The service will need to identify the merchant
    • This is implemented as a simple API key authentication with the header X-API-KEY
  • The service that speaks to the aquiring bank will be able to identify the merchant based of their ID
  • The bank service will know where to put the money and only needs a merchant ID from the payment gateway
  • We do not need to store full card numbers, only masked ones

How to run

There are three projects that need to run

  • PaymentGateway.Api
  • BankServices.SubmitPaymentsWorker
  • PaymentGateway.PersistPaymentsWorker

each has an appsettings.json file with some configs that need to be set

  • PaymentsMessageBroker.Uri should point to a rabbitmq instance, it should have a virtual host and a user who can access it
  • ConnectionStrings.PaymentsDatabase (for the API) should point to a SQL Server instance with the database created

When querying the API, you must provide X-Api-Key header with either the admin API key or one of the two seeded merchants as a value

admin: "75500b669c1a4cbeba55750e42215839", merchant 1: "84e3868bd19b48d7b2c2c1a420afca96"" merchant 2: "51453ab10b194cea9004da4501f846fc""

API has one controller, /api/payments

POST /api/payments { "Amount": 100, "Currency": "GBP", "CardFullName": "Jamal Osman", "CardNumber": "1234567812345678", "CardExpiryMonth": 1, "CardExpiryYear": 2025 }

The above will create a new payment, and redirect to the get endpoint

GET /api/payments/{id}

The above method can be used to get a payment and view its fields even before it is completed

GET /api/payments?paymentId={guid}

The above method can be used to get a completed payment via the ID generated by the bank.


Bank Service Integration

  • PaymentGateway.Api will be the entry point where the merchant will request to make/view payments
  • It will communicate with the aquiring bank service (PaymentGatewayExercise.BankingServices.SubmitPaymentsWorkers) via a message broker, to ensure tolerance, avoid timeouts, and keep the servies loosely coupled
  • The API will fire an command when a payment request is submitted, including a generated ID,
  • The API will immediately return a response indicating the payment request has been 'Submitted', and redirect to the payment record
  • The bank service will subscribe to these commands, attempt to porcess the payment and fire an event when it is completed indicating the success
  • A separate worker (PaymentGateWay.PersistPaymentsWorker) will subscribe to these events, and update the payemnt record with the status and bank-generated ID
  • Bank payments will be queryable by either the API-generated ID, or the bank-generated ID, to support querying the status of pending payments

Data Storage

  • Data will be stored via EF Core in a SQL Server database
  • Payments, including card details will be stored in a single table, as send in the request.
  • Merchant information will be stored in a separate table, and Payments will have a reference.
  • Card numbers will be saved masked

Message Broker

  • I've used the message broker library Rebus, with RabbitMq as the underlying provider


  • I've used serilog for logging, Exception handling is in place so all unhandled errors are logged
  • ILogger can be injected anywhere via the DI container
  • Logs are written to console, file and Seq (a log viewer). There are many sinks available to send logs pretty much anaywhere


  • I implemented a simple API key based authentication and there is no flow built for creating new merchants/keys
  • To be able to use the app, I've added some code to MerchantsRepository constructor to create two users if none exist
  • When sending reqeusts to the API, pass one of these two keys, or the admin key from appsettings.json, in order to pass authentication
                    new Merchant
                        ApiKey = "84e3868bd19b48d7b2c2c1a420afca96",
                        EncryptionKey = "abcd1234$%^&8765£$%^poiu",
                        CompanyName = "PaperShop",
                        ContactName = "Ian Papier",
                        EmailAddress = "",
                    new Merchant
                        ApiKey = "51453ab10b194cea9004da4501f846fc",
                        EncryptionKey = "8765£$%^poiuabcd1234$%^&",
                        CompanyName = "Peanuts R Us",
                        ContactName = "Alex Nutter",
                        EmailAddress = "",


  • Only merchants can create payments, and they can only view payments which they created
  • If a merchant tries to access another merchants payment via ID, they get a 404 (they shouldn't know it exists)
  • Admin users (the admin token) can view all payments but they cannot create any


  • I didn't get around to this, but looked into some tools like
  • some useful metrics could be
  • counters on success/failed/pending payments
  • response times in the api,
  • time between reqeust submitted and completed (payment flow)
  • There are plenty of tools that can spot anomalies in these things and alert on them.

Api CLient

  • Again, I didn't get around to this, but building a Client library as a nuget package would make integration easier for merchants
  • I've published private nugets before.


  • ...again unfortunately I didn't get around to this
  • I was looking forward to getting the API and the two works to run from docker containers and talk to each other
  • The app also depends on rabbitmq and SQLServer so it would be nice if there was a build script that would set that up as well and run everything
  • for now the app requires Rabbitmq to be setup and the URL should be in the config in order for everything to work

Other Possible improvements

  • Move authentication/authorization into a separate, reusable project
  • support more authenticatio in a cleaner way
  • Move message classes sent via the message bus to a private nuget package
  • Proper unit test coverage
  • full documentation (e.g. via swagger and xmlcomments)


  • Inside PaymentGateway.Services I've added an implementation of AES-GCM encryption, and each merchant has his own key in the database to support encrypting sensative data, however, I never used it.


A learning exercise






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