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King of the Gods, god of the sky, symbolized by the thunderbolt. As the ruler of the Olympian gods, Zeus held enormous power and almost absolute authority. His role was primarily to watch over the activities of the other gods, and make sure they weren't exceeding their powers.




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Zeus is portable CLI tool for machine monitoring built on top of .net core.


Latest v1.0.6

Zeus is built with dotnet core 1.0 rc-2, so the targeted runtimes are pretty specific, however it should be possible to run a distribution on older versions of specified operating system. The windows version requires .Net 4.5+ to be installed on the host OS.

Operating System
Ubuntu 15.04-x64
Debian 8.2-x64
CentOS 7-x64
Windows 7-x86 or above
Windows 7-x64 or above



Outputs the system CPU,RAM and HDD

$ zeus machine

{"cpu":{"usage":10.0},"drives":{"c":{"free":18095.0,"total":111939.0,"occupied":93844.0,"usage":83.83494581870483030936492197},"d":{"free":504512.0,"total":937264.0,"occupied":432752.0,"usage":46.171836323597193533518837810},"total":{"free":522607.0,"total":1049203.0,"occupied":526596.0,"usage":50.190096673379698685573716430}},"ram":{"free":6471.0,"total":16326.0,"occupied":9855.0,"usage":60.363836824696802646085997790},"environment": {
"os": "Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise","timeInfo": {"time": "2016-09-07 11:24","timeZone": "FLE Standard Time","utcOffset": "3"}},"success":true,"error":false}
Formatting the output
  • -f
  • --format

By defaul the output its not formated becouse its most like that a machine will read the output. However if youdlike you can add -f or --format to get formated JSON

$ zeus machine -f

  "cpu": {
    "usage": 13.0
  "drives": {
    "c": {
      "free": 18094.0,
      "total": 111939.0,
      "occupied": 93845.0,
      "usage": 83.83583916240095051769267190
    "d": {
      "free": 504512.0,
      "total": 937264.0,
      "occupied": 432752.0,
      "usage": 46.171836323597193533518837810
    "total": {
      "free": 522606.0,
      "total": 1049203.0,
      "occupied": 526597.0,
      "usage": 50.190191983820099637534395160
  "ram": {
    "free": 6617.0,
    "total": 16326.0,
    "occupied": 9709.0,
    "usage": 59.469557760627220384662501530
  "environment": {
    "os": "Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise",
    "timeInfo": {
      "time": "2016-09-07 11:24",
      "timeZone": "FLE Standard Time",
      "utcOffset": "3"
  "success": true,
  "error": false
  • -e
  • --expect

You can also make assertions on the system state like path:expectaion:value

zeus machine -e Will create an assertion that the free space on drive c will be above 20000MB. Having less than 20000MB free space will cause the program to exit with code 1

zeus machine -e -f

  "cpu": {                                                 
    "usage": 11.0                                          
  "drives": {                                              
    "c": {                                                 
      "free": 18154.0,                                     
      "total": 111939.0,                                   
      "occupied": 93785.0,                                 
      "usage": 83.78223854063373801802767579               
    "d": {                                                 
      "free": 504512.0,                                    
      "total": 937264.0,                                   
      "occupied": 432752.0,                                
      "usage": 46.171836323597193533518837810              
    "total": {                                             
      "free": 522666.0,                                    
      "total": 1049203.0,                                  
      "occupied": 526537.0,                                
      "usage": 50.184473357396042519893671670              
  "ram": {                                                 
    "free": 6221.0,                                        
    "total": 16326.0,                                      
    "occupied": 10105.0,                                   
    "usage": 61.895136591939238025235820160                
  "environment": {
    "os": "Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise",
    "timeInfo": {
      "time": "2016-09-07 11:24",
      "timeZone": "FLE Standard Time",
      "utcOffset": "3"
  "success": false,                                        
  "error": true,                                           
  "errors": [                                              
    "Expectation '' failed"       

$ zeus --help

Zeus 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2016 Elders

  machine    Performs a check on the pc

  help       Display more information on a specific command.

  version    Display version information.

$ zeus machine --help

Zeus 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2016 Elders

  -e, --expect    Expectations/Assertions about the system status.

  -f, --format    Formats Output

  --help          Display this help screen.

  --version       Display version information.


The idea behind Zeus is to be used alongisde with HashiCorps Consul. Thats why we have provided prebuilt container with Zeus+Consul


King of the Gods, god of the sky, symbolized by the thunderbolt. As the ruler of the Olympian gods, Zeus held enormous power and almost absolute authority. His role was primarily to watch over the activities of the other gods, and make sure they weren't exceeding their powers.







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  • C# 99.6%
  • Batchfile 0.4%