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brainCloud C# Client Library

Thanks for checking out brainCloud! This repository contains the client library for brainCloud projects that make use of C# including Unity and Godot.

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Here are a few handy links to get you started:

Unity Installation Guide

There are two methods to install the brainCloud library for your Unity project:

Package Manager

With your Unity project open:

  1. Open Window > Package Manager
  2. In the new window, click the big + icon in the top-left, then click Add package from git URL...
  3. In the URL field, paste, and then click Add, this link:

After it installs you should see Packages - bitHeads Inc with brainCloud underneath it in the Package Manager.

When a new update gets pushed, you can simply hit the Update button in the bottom-right of the window.

.unitypackage Installation

With your Unity Project open, open the brainCloudClient_unity_X.X.X.unitypackage file and click the import prompt.

Note that the plugin has gone through major updates since BrainCloud 4.7 release, please refer to the appropriate plugin guide.


Whether you update with the .unitypackage or via the Package Manager, make sure to delete your old brainCloud settings first: BrainCloud > Resources > BrainCloudEditorSettings_X_X_X and BrainCloud > Resources > BrainCloudSettings_X_X_X.

If you plan on swapping to the brainCloud custom package, you must delete the old root BrainCloud library files folder Assets > BrainCloud in your Unity project, as well as the brainCloud plugin files Plugins > Android > brainCloudUnity and Plugins > iOS > RegionLocaleNative. If you do not have any additional Plugins, then it is safe to delete the root Plugins folder.

brainCloud Unity Plugin 4.6 and Older

Once you install with the .unitypackage file, you will need to configure a few settings from the brainCloud menu. If you don't see a brainCloud menu, click any menu bar entry to get Unity to refresh the list of menus.

  1. Open brainCloud and select Settings


  1. Signup or Login to brainCloud


  1. Select your team and your app


  1. With your app selected, debug information will now appear in the debug tab when the game is running


Upgrading to 4.7 and Newer

  1. If you used or called upon the BrainCloudSettingsDLL or the BrainCloudEditorSettingsDLL before, these have been replaced with BrainCloudPlugin and BrainCloudPluginEditor respectively. You may have some new errors where you hadn't before. You will need to delete your current BrainCloud plugin scripts and make adjustments for the new plugin.

  2. BrainCloudPlugin and BrainCloudPluginEditor now only have readable values for security purposes. They do not have writeable values, so you may need to change some of your logic. The readable values are:

    • DispatcherURL
    • AppId
    • AppSecret
    • AppIdSecrets
    • AppVersion
  3. The app version is now handled through the Player Settings.

  4. You no longer need to Enable Logging in code, you can toggle it on and off logging with the check box in the plugin window. This needs to be done in before running your app.

  5. To sign into other apps you will need to sign out and sign in to the new app for security purposes.

  6. The plugin now has a Version number we will update when future changes are made.

Godot Installation Guide (C# Only)

Initial support has been implemented to make this library compatible for those developing C# projects in Godot. Here's a guide on how to get brainCloud up and running in a Godot project:

  1. Download the release package and extract the BrainCloud folder into the Godot project directory. The client library should be visible in FileSystem window within the Godot Editor.


  1. Create a new script to act as the brainCloud manager; in the _Ready() function of this script, create a new BrainCloudWrapper and initialize the app with the appropriate app ID and secret by calling BrainCloudWrapper.Init(url, secretKey, appId, version).

  2. In order to receive responses, be sure to call BrainCloudWrapper.Update() from the _Process(double delta) function of this script.

BrainCloudWrapper _bc = null;

public override void _Ready()
    _bc = new BrainCloudWrapper();
    _bc.Init(url, secretKey, appId, version);

    GD.Print("brainCloud client version: " + _bc.Client.BrainCloudClientVersion);

public override void _Process(double delta)
  1. This script is now ready to handle brainCloud requests throughout the rest of the app. Functions for authentication and other brainCloud services can be defined here and called from other scripts/scenes in your Godot project.

  2. To make the script accessible from any scene, use Godot's Autoload feature. Go to Project > Project Settings from the Godot editor, then switch to the Autoload tab. From here, find the script by typing in its path, or clicking the directory icon to browse project files. Give the Autoload node a name (we used BCManager), then add it to the list.


The newly created script should be ready to act like a singleton/global variable! Any node/script/scene in the project can access this via GetNode<BCManager>("/root/BCManager") to make calls/references to this script, for example: GetNode<BCManager>("/root/BCManager").RequestAnonymousAuthentication()


Here are a few common errors that you may see on your first attempt to connect to brainCloud:

  • App ID not set — Verify you've set up the app ID and app secret correctly when initializing the BrainCloudWrapper or Client
  • Platform not enabled — Verify you've enabled your platform on the brainCloud portal
    • If you're running from the Unity editor, you'll need to enable either Windows or Mac OS to run in the editor

If you're still having issues then log into the portal and give us a shout through the help system (bottom right icon with the question mark and chat bubble)!

brainCloud Client Q&A

brainCloud is a ready-made back-end platform for the development of feature-rich games, apps and things. brainCloud provides the features you need — along with comprehensive tools to support your team during development, testing and user support.

brainCloud consists of:

  • Cloud Service – an advanced, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) back-end
  • Client Libraries – local client libraries (SDKs)
  • Design Portal – a portal that allows you to design and debug your apps
  • The brainCloud Architecture:


What's the difference between the BrainCloudWrapper and the BrainCloudClient?

BrainCloudWrapper contains quality of life improvements and handles the initialization and update for BrainCloudClient. It will act as a bridge between your app's front-end and the brainCloud APIs. It also helps with some platform specific functionality such as serializing the user's login ID on an Android or iOS device.


It is recommended to use the Wrapper by default!

How do I initialize brainCloud?

The following example shows how you can initialize brainCloud through the BrainCloudWrapper:

BrainCloudWrapper _bc = null; // You may want this to be a static instance

public void InitializeBrainCloud()
    _bc = new BrainCloudWrapper("YourWrapperName"); // You can optionally set a wrapper name
    _bc.Init(url, secretKey, appId, version);

Then make sure in an Update loop you call BrainCloudWrapper.Update() so that brainCloud requests and responses are managed properly:

public void YourUpdateLoop(double dt)

This also works in Godot as seen in the Godot Installation Guide above.

In Unity BrainCloudWrapper is a MonoBehaviour object so you can either attach it to a GameObject in the editor or create it when needed:

BrainCloudWrapper _bc = null;

private void Start()
    GameObject go = new GameObject();
    _bc = go.AddComponent<BrainCloudWrapper>();
    _bc.WrapperName = "YourWrapperName";
    _bc.Init(); // The app data is taken from the brainCloud Unity Plugin through the Settings config

    DontDestroyOnLoad(go); // Make sure the GameObject doesn't get destroyed!

Since it is a MonoBehaviour the Update function will be called automatically by Unity.

If you're initializing the Wrapper manually then your app's information can be found on the brainCloud portal in your app's dashboard under App > Design > Core App Info > Application IDs.


BrainCloudWrapper.WrapperName prefixes serialized operations that the Wrapper calls. You should set the wrapper name if you plan on having multiple instances of brainCloud running.

Newly upgraded?

If your app is already live, you should NOT specify the wrapper name otherwise the library will look in the wrong location for your user's stored anonymousID and profileID information. Only add a name if you intend to alter the save data.

App Version

Make sure you set the app version properly. Using a version less than your minimum app version on brainCloud will prevent the user from accessing the service until they update their app to the lastest version you have provided them.


How do I authenticate a user with brainCloud?

The simplest form of authenticating with brainCloud Wrapper is an Anonymous Authentication.

_bc.AuthenticateAnonymous(successCallback, failureCallback);

This method will create an account, and continue to use a locally saved anonymous ID.

Your success and failure callbacks inherit from IServerCallback and contain the functions needed to react to the brainCloud Server response.

To login with a specfic anonymous ID, you can use the brainCloud Client:

_bc.Client.AuthenticationService.setAnonymousId(anonymousId); // You can re-use an Anon ID
_bc.Client.AuthenticationService.setAnonymousId(_bc.Client.AuthenticationService.generateAnonymousId()); // Or generate a new one
_bc.Client.AuthenticationService.AuthenticateAnonymous(forceCreate, callback);

Setting forceCreate to false will ensure the user will only login to an existing account. Setting it to true, will allow the user to register a new account.

How do I attach an email to a user's brainCloud profile?

After having the user create an anonymous with brainCloud, they are probably going to want to attach an email or username, so their account can be accessed via another platform, or when their local data is discarded. You can do so like this:

_bc.IdentityService.attachEmailIdentity(email, password, callback);

There are many authentication types. You can also merge profiles and detach idenities. See the brainCloud documentation for more information:


Most of our APIs suggest using UTC time, so we have added utility functions for better handling of local and UTC time. These extend DateTime's and DateTimeOffset's functionality when importing from the BrainCloud namespace.

DateTime.UTCDateTimeToUTCMillis();          // Converts the DateTime UTC time value into a long representing milliseconds
long.UTCMillisToUTCDateTime();              // Converts long value (which should represent milliseconds) into a DateTime UTC time value
DateTime.LocalTimeToUTCTime();              // Converts a DateTime local time value into a DateTime UTC time value
DateTime.UTCTimeToLocalTime();              // Converts a DateTime UTC time value into a DateTime local time value
DateTimeOffset.DateTimeOffsetToUTCMillis(); // Converts the DateTimeOffset UTC time value into a long representing milliseconds
long.UTCMillisToDateTimeOffset();           // Converts long value (which should represent milliseconds) into a DateTimeOffset UTC time value
DateTimeOffset.LocalTimeToUTCTime();        // Converts a DateTimeOffset local time value into a DateTimeOffset UTC time value
DateTimeOffset.UTCTimeToLocalTime();        // Converts a DateTimeOffset UTC time value into a DateTimeOffset local time value

Example of use:

DateTime date = DateTime.Now.LocalTimeToUTCTime();
long dateMilliseconds = date.UTCDateTimeToUTCMillis();
_bc.ScriptService.ScheduleRunScriptMillisUTC("scriptName", Helpers.CreateJsonPair("testParm1", 1), dateMilliseconds, success, failure); // Pass it into one of our calls that needs UTC time.

For more information on brainCloud and its services, please check out brainCloud Learn and API Reference.