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Activiti.Rest Client For .Net,it was build by swagger


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IO.Swagger - the C# library for the Activiti REST API

activiti - Activiti is battle-tested Business Process Management. Organizations across the world depend on the open source platform in a huge range of demanding situations. It supports open standards with BPMN and DMN so you can create processes that suit you.

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v1
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Frameworks supported

  • .NET 4.0 or later
  • Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using [NuGet] ( to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] /bin/sh
  • [Windows] build.bat

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;


A .nuspec is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.

This .nuspec uses placeholders from the .csproj, so build the .csproj directly:

nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out IO.Swagger.csproj

Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.

Getting Started

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public void main()

            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
            Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new DatabaseTablesApi();
            var tableName = tableName_example;  // string | The name of the table to get.

                // Get a single table
                TableResponse result = apiInstance.GetTable(tableName);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling DatabaseTablesApi.GetTable: " + e.Message );


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service

Class Method HTTP request Description
DatabaseTablesApi GetTable GET /management/tables/{tableName} Get a single table
DatabaseTablesApi GetTableData GET /management/tables/{tableName}/data Get row data for a single table
DatabaseTablesApi GetTableMetaData GET /management/tables/{tableName}/columns Get column info for a single table
DatabaseTablesApi GetTables GET /management/tables List of tables
DeploymentApi DeleteDeployment DELETE /repository/deployments/{deploymentId} Delete a deployment
DeploymentApi GetDeployment GET /repository/deployments/{deploymentId} Get a deployment
DeploymentApi GetDeploymentResource GET /repository/deployments/{deploymentId}/resources/** Get a deployment resource
DeploymentApi GetDeploymentResourceData GET /repository/deployments/{deploymentId}/resourcedata/{resourceId} Get a deployment resource content
DeploymentApi GetDeploymentResources GET /repository/deployments/{deploymentId}/resources List resources in a deployment
DeploymentApi GetDeployments GET /repository/deployments List of Deployments
DeploymentApi UploadDeployment POST /repository/deployments Create a new deployment
EngineApi GetEngineInfo GET /management/engine Get engine info
EngineApi GetProperties GET /management/properties Get engine properties
ExecutionsApi CreateExecutionVariable POST /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables Create variables on an execution
ExecutionsApi CreateOrUpdateExecutionVariable PUT /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables Update variables on an execution
ExecutionsApi DeleteLocalVariables DELETE /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables Delete all variables for an execution
ExecutionsApi DeletedExecutionVariable DELETE /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables/{variableName} Delete a variable for an execution
ExecutionsApi ExecuteExecutionAction PUT /runtime/executions Signal event received
ExecutionsApi GetActiveActivities GET /runtime/executions/{executionId}/activities Get active activities in an execution
ExecutionsApi GetExecution GET /runtime/executions/{executionId} Get an execution
ExecutionsApi GetExecutionVariable GET /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables/{variableName} Get a variable for an execution
ExecutionsApi GetExecutionVariableData GET /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables/{variableName}/data Get the binary data for an execution
ExecutionsApi GetExecutions GET /runtime/executions List of executions
ExecutionsApi ListExecutionVariables GET /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables List of variables for an execution
ExecutionsApi PerformExecutionAction PUT /runtime/executions/{executionId} Execute an action on an execution
ExecutionsApi QueryExecutions POST /query/executions Query executions
ExecutionsApi UpdateExecutionVariable PUT /runtime/executions/{executionId}/variables/{variableName} Update a variable on an execution
FormsApi GetFormData GET /form/form-data Get form data
FormsApi SubmitForm POST /form/form-data Submit task form data
GroupsApi CreateGroup POST /identity/groups Create a group
GroupsApi CreateMembership POST /identity/groups/{groupId}/members Add a member to a group
GroupsApi DeleteGroup DELETE /identity/groups/{groupId} Delete a group
GroupsApi DeleteMembership DELETE /identity/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} Delete a member from a group
GroupsApi GetGroup GET /identity/groups/{groupId} Get a single group
GroupsApi GetGroups GET /identity/groups Get a list of groups
GroupsApi UpdateGroup PUT /identity/groups/{groupId} Update a group
HistoryApi CreateComment POST /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments Create a new comment on a historic process instance
HistoryApi DeleteComment DELETE /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments/{commentId} Delete a comment on a historic process instance
HistoryApi DeleteHitoricProcessInstance DELETE /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId} Delete a historic process instance
HistoryApi DeleteTaskInstance DELETE /history/historic-task-instances/{taskId} Delete a historic task instance
HistoryApi GetComment GET /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments/{commentId} Get a comment on a historic process instance
HistoryApi GetComments GET /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments Get all comments on a historic process instance
HistoryApi GetHistoricActivityInstances GET /history/historic-activity-instances Get historic activity instances
HistoryApi GetHistoricDetailInfo GET /history/historic-detail Get historic detail
HistoryApi GetHistoricDetailVariableData GET /history/historic-detail/{detailId}/data Get the binary data for a historic detail variable
HistoryApi GetHistoricInstanceVariableData GET /history/historic-variable-instances/{varInstanceId}/data Get the binary data for a historic task instance variable
HistoryApi GetHistoricProcessInstance GET /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId} Get a historic process instance
HistoryApi GetHistoricProcessInstanceVariableData GET /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}/data Get the binary data for a historic process instance variable
HistoryApi GetHistoricTaskInstanceVariableData GET /history/historic-task-instances/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}/data Get the binary data for a historic task instance variable
HistoryApi GetHistoricVariableInstances GET /history/historic-variable-instances List of historic variable instances
HistoryApi GetProcessIdentityLinks GET /history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks Get the identity links of a historic process instance
HistoryApi GetTaskIdentityLinks GET /history/historic-task-instances/{taskId}/identitylinks Get the identity links of a historic task instance
HistoryApi GetTaskInstance GET /history/historic-task-instances/{taskId} Get a single historic task instance
HistoryApi ListHistoricProcessInstances GET /history/historic-process-instances List of historic process instances
HistoryApi ListHistoricTaskInstances GET /history/historic-task-instances Get historic task instances
HistoryApi QueryActivityInstances POST /query/historic-activity-instances Query for historic activity instances
HistoryApi QueryHistoricDetail POST /query/historic-detail Query for historic details
HistoryApi QueryHistoricProcessInstance POST /query/historic-process-instances Query for historic process instances
HistoryApi QueryHistoricTaskInstance POST /query/historic-task-instances Query for historic task instances
HistoryApi QueryVariableInstances POST /query/historic-variable-instances Query for historic variable instances
JobsApi DeleteDeadLetterJob DELETE /management/deadletter-jobs/{jobId} Delete a deadletter job
JobsApi DeleteJob DELETE /management/jobs/{jobId} Delete a job
JobsApi DeleteTimerJob DELETE /management/timer-jobs/{jobId} Delete a timer job
JobsApi ExecuteJobAction POST /management/jobs/{jobId} Execute a single job
JobsApi GetDeadLetterJobStacktrace GET /management/deadletter-jobs/{jobId}/exception-stacktrace Get the exception stacktrace for a deadletter job
JobsApi GetDeadletterJob GET /management/deadletter-jobs/{jobId} Get a single deadletter job
JobsApi GetJob GET /management/jobs/{jobId} Get a single job
JobsApi GetJobStacktrace GET /management/jobs/{jobId}/exception-stacktrace Get the exception stacktrace for a job
JobsApi GetSuspendedJob GET /management/suspended-jobs/{jobId} Get a single suspended job
JobsApi GetSuspendedJobStacktrace GET /management/suspended-jobs/{jobId}/exception-stacktrace Get the exception stacktrace for a suspended job
JobsApi GetTimerJob GET /management/timer-jobs/{jobId} Get a single timer job
JobsApi GetTimerJobStacktrace GET /management/timer-jobs/{jobId}/exception-stacktrace Get the exception stacktrace for a timer job
JobsApi ListDeadLetterJobs GET /management/deadletter-jobs Get a list of deadletter jobs
JobsApi ListJobs GET /management/jobs Get a list of jobs
JobsApi ListSuspendedJobs GET /management/suspended-jobs Get a list of suspended jobs
JobsApi ListTimerJobs GET /management/timer-jobs Get a list of timer jobs
ModelsApi CreateModel POST /repository/models Create a model
ModelsApi DeleteModel DELETE /repository/models/{modelId} Delete a model
ModelsApi GetModel GET /repository/models/{modelId} Get a model
ModelsApi GetModels GET /repository/models Get a list of models
ModelsApi UpdateModel PUT /repository/models/{modelId} Update a model
ProcessDefinitionsApi CreateIdentityLink POST /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks Add a candidate starter to a process definition
ProcessDefinitionsApi DeleteIdentityLink DELETE /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId} Delete a candidate starter from a process definition
ProcessDefinitionsApi ExecuteProcessDefinitionAction PUT /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId} Execute actions for a process definition (Update category, Suspend or Activate)
ProcessDefinitionsApi GetBpmnModelResource GET /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/model Get a process definition BPMN model
ProcessDefinitionsApi GetIdentityLink GET /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId} Get a candidate starter from a process definition
ProcessDefinitionsApi GetIdentityLinks GET /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks Get all candidate starters for a process-definition
ProcessDefinitionsApi GetModelResource GET /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/image Get a process definition image
ProcessDefinitionsApi GetProcessDefinition GET /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId} Get a process definition
ProcessDefinitionsApi GetProcessDefinitionResource GET /repository/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/resourcedata Get a process definition resource content
ProcessDefinitionsApi GetProcessDefinitions GET /repository/process-definitions List of process definitions
ProcessInstancesApi CreateOrUpdateProcessVariable PUT /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables Update a single or binary variable or multiple variables on a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi CreateProcessInstance POST /runtime/process-instances Start a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi CreateProcessInstanceIdentityLinks POST /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks Add an involved user to a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi CreateProcessInstanceVariable POST /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables Create variables or new binary variable on a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi DeleteLocalProcessVariable DELETE /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables Delete all variables
ProcessInstancesApi DeleteProcessInstance DELETE /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId} Delete a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi DeleteProcessInstanceIdentityLinks DELETE /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/users/{identityId}/{type} Remove an involved user to from process instance
ProcessInstancesApi DeleteProcessInstanceVariable DELETE /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName} Delete a variable
ProcessInstancesApi GetProcessInstance GET /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId} Get a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi GetProcessInstanceDiagram GET /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/diagram Get diagram for a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi GetProcessInstanceIdentityLinks GET /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/users/{identityId}/{type} Get a specific involved people from process instance
ProcessInstancesApi GetProcessInstanceVariable GET /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName} Get a variable for a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi GetProcessInstanceVariableData GET /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName}/data Get the binary data for a variable
ProcessInstancesApi GetProcessInstances GET /runtime/process-instances List of process instances
ProcessInstancesApi GetVariables GET /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables List of variables for a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi ListProcessInstanceIdentityLinks GET /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks Get involved people for process instance
ProcessInstancesApi PerformProcessInstanceAction PUT /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId} Activate or suspend a process instance
ProcessInstancesApi QueryProcessInstances POST /query/process-instances Query process instances
ProcessInstancesApi UpdateProcessInstanceVariable PUT /runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName} Update a single variable on a process instance
RuntimeApi SignalEventReceived POST /runtime/signals Signal event received
TasksApi CreateAttachment POST /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments Create a new attachment on a task, containing a link to an external resource or an attached file
TasksApi CreateTask POST /runtime/tasks Create Task
TasksApi CreateTaskComments POST /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments Create a new comment on a task
TasksApi CreateTaskInstanceIdentityLinks POST /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks Create an identity link on a task
TasksApi CreateTaskVariable POST /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables Create new variables on a task
TasksApi DeleteAllLocalTaskVariables DELETE /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables Delete all local variables on a task
TasksApi DeleteAttachment DELETE /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments/{attachmentId} Delete an attachment on a task
TasksApi DeleteEvent DELETE /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/events/{eventId} Delete an event on a task
TasksApi DeleteTask DELETE /runtime/tasks/{taskId} Delete a task
TasksApi DeleteTaskComment DELETE /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments/{commentId} Delete a comment on a task
TasksApi DeleteTaskInstanceIdentityLinks DELETE /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} Delete an identity link on a task
TasksApi DeleteTaskInstanceVariable DELETE /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} Delete a variable on a task
TasksApi ExecuteTaskAction POST /runtime/tasks/{taskId} Tasks actions
TasksApi GeTaskVariableData GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName}/data Get the binary data for a variable
TasksApi GetAttachment GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments/{attachmentId} Get an attachment on a task
TasksApi GetAttachmentContent GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/content Get the content for an attachment
TasksApi GetAttachments GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/attachments Get all attachments on a task
TasksApi GetEvent GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/events/{eventId} Get an event on a task
TasksApi GetEvents GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/events Get all events for a task
TasksApi GetIdentityLinksForFamily GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family} Get all identitylinks for a task for either groups or users
TasksApi GetQueryResult POST /query/tasks Query for tasks
TasksApi GetSubTasks GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/subtasks Get list of sub tasks for a task
TasksApi GetTask GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId} Get a task
TasksApi GetTaskComment GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments/{commentId} Get a comment on a task
TasksApi GetTaskInstanceIdentityLinks GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} Get a single identity link on a task
TasksApi GetTaskInstanceVariable GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} Get a variable from a task
TasksApi GetTasks GET /runtime/tasks List of tasks
TasksApi ListTaskComments GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/comments Get all comments on a task
TasksApi ListTaskVariables GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables Get all variables for a task
TasksApi ListTasksInstanceIdentityLinks GET /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks Get all identity links for a task
TasksApi UpdateTask PUT /runtime/tasks/{taskId} Update a task
TasksApi UpdateTaskInstanceVariable PUT /runtime/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} Update an existing variable on a task
UsersApi CreateUser POST /identity/users Create a user
UsersApi CreateUserInfo POST /identity/users/{userId}/info Create a new user�s info entry
UsersApi DeleteUser DELETE /identity/users/{userId} Delete a user
UsersApi DeleteUserInfo DELETE /identity/users/{userId}/info/{key} Delete a user�s info
UsersApi GetUser GET /identity/users/{userId} Get a single user
UsersApi GetUserInfo GET /identity/users/{userId}/info/{key} Get a user�s info
UsersApi GetUserPicture GET /identity/users/{userId}/picture Get a user�s picture
UsersApi GetUsers GET /identity/users Get a list of users
UsersApi ListUsersInfo GET /identity/users/{userId}/info List a user�s info
UsersApi UpdateUser PUT /identity/users/{userId} Update a user
UsersApi UpdateUserInfo PUT /identity/users/{userId}/info/{key} Update a user�s info
UsersApi UpdateUserPicture PUT /identity/users/{userId}/picture Updating a user�s picture

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


Activiti.Rest Client For .Net,it was build by swagger







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