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XamlTags is aimed to be what HtmlTags is to Html. Obviously, Xaml ain't Html, but once in a while there may be a need to generate a Xaml Object tree programmatically.

This is what this project is aimed at. Check out this example:

var _builder = new XamBuilder();
var button = 

You can

  • Set several properties by combining them with And. In this case you must provide as many arguments as targetted properties
  • Use e.g. a string to set a thickness object. DynamicXaml will attempt to find the fitting TypeConverter and use it to get the proper type


This is how you get yourself a Factory:

var b = new XamlBuilder();
XamlFactory<Button> f = b.Start<Button>()

And then

var button = f.Create(new ModelForBinding { Text = "A" });


As you can see, when you prefix a property with Bind, DynamicXaml will attempt to bind this property to the property of the DataContext you specify. You can also specify a converter:

_xaml.BindVisibility("Visible", converter: new BooleanToVisibilityConverter());

This expects a bool-field named Visible on the object in the DataContext.

You can bind directly to the DataContext by not specifying a path:

// Binds straight to the DataContext

If you need one-way binding, just say so:

// Binds to the read-only property Text on the DataContext
// Alternative syntax:
builder.Start<TextBox>().IsEnabled(false).BindText("Text", oneway:true);


Nesting works by providing certain Func types to a property which in turn produce a Xaml object. There are two helper static methods to provide the correct type: X.N (for nested), X.NM (for nested-multi).

var stackPanelContents = X.NM(b => new Xaml[]
       .Content(X.N(b => b.Start<StackPanel>().Children(stackPanelContents)));

Support of attached properties

You can use attached properties within the DynamicXAML API with a call to Attach:

    .Attach(Grid.RowProperty, 2)
    .Attach(Grid.ColumnProperty, 3);

If you want to bind an attached property to some value of the underlying DataContext, specify a path as such:

_builder.Start<Button>().Attach(Grid.RowProperty, path:"Row")

Support of "Add"

Many WPF Elements (All __Panel__s, like StackPanel or Grid, all __ContentControl__s implement the IAddChild interface, which allows to add childs to said element. You invoke this way of adding childs by using Add on your dynamic object.

All of the following syntax is supported:

// Adds a rectangle to button's Content-property:
_builder.Start<Button>().Add(new Rectangle());
// Adds the specified text to the Text-property:
_builder.Start<TextBlock>().Add("Hello Word");
// Translates to subsequent calls to Add:
_builder.Start<StackPanel>().Add(new Rectangle(), new Button())
// Also supports usages of nested. Single arguments that translate to several items are flattened:
_builder.Start<Button>().Add(X.N(b => b.Start<TextBlock>().Add("Hello"))).Create();
// or...
StackPanel sp = _builder.Start<StackPanel>()
    .Add(X.NM(b => new Xaml[] {

Referencing resources

Even though using resources to fill properties is somewhat limited compared to XAML-Usage, support is available. You can provide the assemblies to the XamlBuilder which you want to be scanned for Resource Dictionaries. Objects form those dictionaries can be referenced by using the Static-prefix in the dynamic call:

_builder.Start<Button>().Content(X.N(b => b.Start<Rectangle>().WidthAndHeight(100d,100d).StaticFill("red")));

You can also add resources to a WPF-Object you build:

_builder.Start<Button>().AddResource("color", value);

Data-Template support for code

DynamicXaml provides you with a lookup system on DataTemplates that works polymorphic:

var svc = new DataTemplateService(new ResourceService(new ResourceLoader(SomeAssembly));

If you have a DataTemplate for Person and Employee inherits from Person, then you have yourself a working DataTemplate. Some goes for interfaces, where interfaces take precedence over inheritance trees.

Goodies for your markup

DynamicXaml comes with some goodies directed at your markup:

  • DataTemplateChoice: I have once written about this on my blog. It is basically a DataTemplateSelector which can be defined purely in XAML
  • ViewModelStyleChoice: Similar as the above, it is a StyleSelector that works in XAML and allows you to select styles based on the underlying DataContext type.
  • QuickGrid:

Tired of hand-writing Row and Columndefinitions? Then QuickGrid is for you:

<Grid dx:QuickGrid.With="2*,3x*|2x*,20">
  <Rectangle Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Fill="Red" />

This sets up the grid with

  • Rows
    • 1 two-star
    • 3 one-star
  • Columns
    • 2 one-star
    • 1 20 pixel.

While the column/row bounds ain't visible in the designer, the items are seen corectly placed. You'll love it!

Also, check out the tests as this project is fully Test-driven, so you can see which features are possible.


Fluent Xaml Object Tree builder






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