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Release Notes

sqlcon is a console application which connects multiple sql servers in tree structures. The hierarchy includes servers -> databases -> tables/views -> rows filters.

  • It supports database servers including SQL Sever, SQL Server Express, LocalDb and Azure SQL Database.
  • It supports XML data sources such as ADO.NET DataSet, DataTable which can be connected from http web link and ftp file link.
  • It supports JSON data sources.
  • It supports Data Contract classes in .NET assembly files as data source.

The main features

  • Run SQL commands, SQL script files.
  • Search, edit database or table either in console mode or GUI.
  • Compare database, tables accross differnet data sources and generate result in SQL Script.
  • Copy tables among different data sources or databases.
  • Editor supports GUI.
  • Export/Import data in SQL, XML, CSV and JSON
  • Export table schema in C# data contract classes, entity classes, Linq to SQL classes.
  • Export read only data rows in Enum, Array, List<>, Dictionary<,> and LookUp<,>
  • Export data rows into SQL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/UPSERT clauses.
  • Export table schema in SQL template INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/UPSERT.
  • Extract strings from C# source files and save into data table.
  • Generate i18n resources from data table for .NET framework, Angular 11, and @ngx-translate.
  • Create Linq to SQL classes.
  • Create addtional methods for Entity framework.
  • Build-in .sqc command script file which is composed of a list of sqlcon commands.
  • Clean duplicated data rows.
  • Execute SQL script files.

See more information, click

Nuget package:



All Commands and Help

\localdb> help
Path points to server, database,tables, data rows
Notes: table names support wildcard matching, e.g. Prod*,Pro?ucts
exit                    : quit application
help                    : this help
?                       : this help
rem                     : comments or remarks
ver                     : display version
cls                     : clears the screen
echo /?                 : display text
dir,ls /?               : display path(server, database, table)
cd,chdir /?             : change path
md,mkdir /?             : create path or filter
rd,rmdir /?             : remove path or filter
type /?                 : type content of table
set /?                  : update values
let /?                  : assign value to variable, see more info
del,erase /?            : delete path
ren,rename /?           : rename database, table, column name
attrib /?               : add/remove primary key, foreign key and identity key
copy /?                 : copy table schema or rows
xcopy /?                : copy large size table
comp /?                 : compare table schema or data
compare path1 [path2]   : compare table scheam or data
          /s            : compare schema, otherwise compare data
          /e            : compare common existing tables only
          /col:c1,c2    : skip columns defined during comparing
sync table1 table2      : synchronize, make table2 is the same as table1
import /?               : import data into database
export /?               : generate SQL script, JSON, C# code
clean /?                : clean duplicated rows
mount /?                : mount new database server
umount /?               : unmount database server
open /?                 : open result file
load /?                 : load JSON, XML data and cfg file
save /?                 : save data
edit /?                 : open GUI edit window
chk,check /?            : check syntax of key-value table
last                    : display last result

<File Command>
lcd [path]              : change or display current directory
ldir [path]             : display local files on the directory
ltype [path]            : display local file content
path [path]             : set environment variable PATH
run [path]file          : run a batch program (.sqc)
call [path]file [/dump] : call Tie program (.sqt), if option /dump used, memory dumps to output file
execute [path]file      : execute sql script(.sql)

<Schema Commands>
find /?                 : see more info
show view               : show all views
show proc               : show all stored proc and func
show index              : show all indices
show vw viewnames       : show view structure
show pk                 : show all tables with primary keys
show npk                : show all tables without primary keys

<State Command>
show connection         : show connection-string list
show current            : show current active connection-string
show var                : show variable list

<SQL Command>
type [;] to execute following SQL script or functions
select ... from table where ...
update table set ... where ...
delete from table where...
create table ...
drop table ...
alter ...
exec ...
  maxrows               : max number of row shown on select query
  DataReader            : true: use SqlDataReader; false: use Fill DataSet

Mount database server and list databases

\> mount localdb=localhost\sqlexpress /u:sa /p:password
\localdb> dir
 [1]                  Northwind <DB>         29 Tables/Views
 [2]         AdventureWorks2019 <DB>        132 Tables/Views
        2 Database(s)

Change database directory

\localdb> cd Northwind
\localdb\Northwind> cd ..\AdventureWorks2019
\localdb\AdventureWorks2019> cd \localdb\Northwind

List Tables and Views

\localdb\Northwind> dir
  [1]             dbo.Categories                            <TABLE>
  [2]             dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo                  <TABLE>
  [3]             dbo.CustomerDemographics                  <TABLE>
  [4]             dbo.Customers                             <TABLE>
  [5]             dbo.Employees                             <TABLE>
  [6]             dbo.EmployeeTerritories                   <TABLE>
  [7]             dbo.Order Details                         <TABLE>
  [8]             dbo.Orders                                <TABLE>
  [9]             dbo.Products                              <TABLE>
 [10]             dbo.Region                                <TABLE>
 [11]             dbo.Shippers                              <TABLE>
 [12]             dbo.Suppliers                             <TABLE>
 [13]             dbo.Territories                           <TABLE>
 [14]             dbo.Alphabetical list of products         <VIEW>
 [15]             dbo.Category Sales for 1997               <VIEW>
 [16]             dbo.Current Product List                  <VIEW>
 [17]             dbo.Customer and Suppliers by City        <VIEW>
 [18]             dbo.Invoices                              <VIEW>
 [19]             dbo.Order Details Extended                <VIEW>
 [20]             dbo.Order Subtotals                       <VIEW>
 [21]             dbo.Orders Qry                            <VIEW>
 [22]             dbo.Product Sales for 1997                <VIEW>
 [23]             dbo.Products Above Average Price          <VIEW>
 [24]             dbo.Products by Category                  <VIEW>
 [25]             dbo.Quarterly Orders                      <VIEW>
 [26]             dbo.Sales by Category                     <VIEW>
 [27]             dbo.Sales Totals by Amount                <VIEW>
 [28]             dbo.Summary of Sales by Quarter           <VIEW>
 [29]             dbo.Summary of Sales by Year              <VIEW>
        13 Table(s)
        16 View(s)

\localdb\Northwind> dir pro*
  [9]             dbo.Products                              <TABLE>
 [22]             dbo.Product Sales for 1997                <VIEW>
 [23]             dbo.Products Above Average Price          <VIEW>
 [24]             dbo.Products by Category                  <VIEW>
        1 Table(s)
        3 View(s)

Display Table Schema

\localdb\Northwind> cd products
\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> dir /def
TABLE: dbo.Products
  [1]                [ProductID] int                   ++,pk   not null
  [2]              [ProductName] nvarchar(40)                  not null
  [3]               [SupplierID] int                      fk       null
  [4]               [CategoryID] int                      fk       null
  [5]          [QuantityPerUnit] nvarchar(20)                      null
  [6]                [UnitPrice] money                             null
  [7]             [UnitsInStock] smallint                          null
  [8]             [UnitsOnOrder] smallint                          null
  [9]             [ReorderLevel] smallint                          null
 [10]             [Discontinued] bit                           not null
        10 Column(s)

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> dir ..\Orders /def
TABLE: dbo.Orders
  [1]                  [OrderID] int                   ++,pk   not null
  [2]               [CustomerID] nchar(5)                 fk       null
  [3]               [EmployeeID] int                      fk       null
  [4]                [OrderDate] datetime                          null
  [5]             [RequiredDate] datetime                          null
  [6]              [ShippedDate] datetime                          null
  [7]                  [ShipVia] int                      fk       null
  [8]                  [Freight] money                             null
  [9]                 [ShipName] nvarchar(40)                      null
 [10]              [ShipAddress] nvarchar(60)                      null
 [11]                 [ShipCity] nvarchar(15)                      null
 [12]               [ShipRegion] nvarchar(15)                      null
 [13]           [ShipPostalCode] nvarchar(10)                      null
 [14]              [ShipCountry] nvarchar(15)                      null
        14 Column(s)

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> cd ..
\localdb\Northwind> dir products /dep
| FK_Schema | FK_Table      | FK_Column | PK_Schema | PK_Table | PK_Column | Constraint_Name           |
| dbo       | Order Details | ProductID | dbo       | Products | ProductID | FK_Order_Details_Products |
<1 row>

Type Table Rows

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> type /top:10
| ProductID | ProductName                     | SupplierID | CategoryID | QuantityPerUnit     | UnitPrice | UnitsInStock | UnitsOnOrder | ReorderLevel | Discontinued |
| 1         | Chai                            | 1          | 1          | 10 boxes x 20 bags  | 18.0000   | 39           | 0            | 10           | False        |
| 2         | Chang                           | 1          | 1          | 24 - 12 oz bottles  | 19.0000   | 17           | 40           | 25           | False        |
| 3         | Aniseed Syrup                   | 1          | 2          | 12 - 550 ml bottles | 10.0000   | 13           | 70           | 25           | False        |
| 4         | Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning    | 2          | 2          | 48 - 6 oz jars      | 22.0000   | 53           | 0            | 0            | False        |
| 5         | Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix          | 2          | 2          | 36 boxes            | 21.3500   | 0            | 0            | 0            | True         |
| 6         | Grandma's Boysenberry Spread    | 3          | 2          | 12 - 8 oz jars      | 25.0000   | 120          | 0            | 25           | False        |
| 7         | Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears | 3          | 7          | 12 - 1 lb pkgs.     | 30.0000   | 15           | 0            | 10           | False        |
| 8         | Northwoods Cranberry Sauce      | 3          | 2          | 12 - 12 oz jars     | 40.0000   | 6            | 0            | 0            | False        |
| 9         | Mishi Kobe Niku                 | 4          | 6          | 18 - 500 g pkgs.    | 97.0000   | 29           | 0            | 0            | True         |
| 10        | Ikura                           | 4          | 8          | 12 - 200 ml jars    | 31.0000   | 31           | 0            | 0            | False        |
<top 10 rows>

Search in Table

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> type *tofu*
| ProductID | ProductName   | SupplierID | CategoryID | QuantityPerUnit  | UnitPrice | UnitsInStock | UnitsOnOrder | ReorderLevel | Discontinued |
| 14        | Tofu          | 6          | 7          | 40 - 100 g pkgs. | 23.2500   | 35           | 0            | 0            | False        |
| 74        | Longlife Tofu | 4          | 7          | 5 kg pkg.        | 10.0000   | 4            | 20           | 5            | False        |
<2 rows>

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> type UnitPrice>100
| ProductID | ProductName             | SupplierID | CategoryID | QuantityPerUnit      | UnitPrice | UnitsInStock | UnitsOnOrder | ReorderLevel | Discontinued |
| 29        | ThĂĽringer Rostbratwurst | 12         | 6          | 50 bags x 30 sausgs. | 123.7900  | 0            | 0            | 0            | True         |
| 38        | CĂ´te de Blaye           | 18         | 1          | 12 - 75 cl bottles   | 263.5000  | 17           | 0            | 15           | False        |
<2 rows>

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> type *tofu* /t
| ProductID       | 14               | 74            |
| ProductName     | Tofu             | Longlife Tofu |
| SupplierID      | 6                | 4             |
| CategoryID      | 7                | 7             |
| QuantityPerUnit | 40 - 100 g pkgs. | 5 kg pkg.     |
| UnitPrice       | 23.2500          | 10.0000       |
| UnitsInStock    | 35               | 4             |
| UnitsOnOrder    | 0                | 20            |
| ReorderLevel    | 0                | 5             |
| Discontinued    | False            | False         |
<2 rows>

Edit Data Rows in Table

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> type /edit

Image of Yaktocat

Output as JSON

\localdb\Northwind\dbo.Products> type *tofu* /json
  "Products" : [
      "ProductID" : 14,
      "ProductName" : "Tofu",
      "SupplierID" : 6,
      "CategoryID" : 7,
      "QuantityPerUnit" : "40 - 100 g pkgs.",
      "UnitPrice" : (decimal)23.2500,
      "UnitsInStock" : 35,
      "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
      "ReorderLevel" : 0,
      "Discontinued" : false
      "ProductID" : 74,
      "ProductName" : "Longlife Tofu",
      "SupplierID" : 4,
      "CategoryID" : 7,
      "QuantityPerUnit" : "5 kg pkg.",
      "UnitPrice" : (decimal)10.0000,
      "UnitsInStock" : 4,
      "UnitsOnOrder" : 20,
      "ReorderLevel" : 5,
      "Discontinued" : false

SQL Commands

\localdb\Northwind> select * from products where unitprice>90;
| ProductID | ProductName             | SupplierID | CategoryID | QuantityPerUnit      | UnitPrice | UnitsInStock | UnitsOnOrder | ReorderLevel | Discontinued |
| 9         | Mishi Kobe Niku         | 4          | 6          | 18 - 500 g pkgs.     | 97.0000   | 29           | 0            | 0            | True         |
| 29        | ThĂĽringer Rostbratwurst | 12         | 6          | 50 bags x 30 sausgs. | 123.7900  | 0            | 0            | 0            | True         |
| 38        | CĂ´te de Blaye           | 18         | 1          | 12 - 75 cl bottles   | 263.5000  | 17           | 0            | 15           | False        |
<3 rows>

Alter Table

command attrib: update column property
add primary key, foreign key or identity key
  attrib [table] +c:col1=varchar(2)+null : add column or alter column
  attrib [table] +c:col1=varchar(10)     : add column or alter column
  attrib [table] -c:col1                 : remove column
primary keys:
  attrib [table] +p:col1,col2            : add primary key
  attrib [table] +p:col1,col2            : remove primary key
foreign keys:
  attrib [table] +f:col1=table2[.col2]   : add foreign key
  attrib [table] -f:col1                 : remove foreign key
identiy key:
  attrib [table] +i:col1                 : add identity
  attrib [table] -i:col1                 : remove identity
refine columns:
  attrib [table] /refine                 : refine column type and nullable
  attrib [table] /refine  /commit        : refine and save changes
  refine option:
    /not-null                            : change to NOT NULL
    /int                                 : convert to int
    /bit                                 : convert to bit
    /string                              : shrink string(NVARCHAR,VARCHAR,NCHAR,CHAR)

Compare Table

\localdb\Northwind_prod> compare /?
compare table schema or records
compare path1 [path2]  : compare data
compare [/s]           : compare schema
compare [/e]           : find common existing table names
compare [/count]       : compare number of rows
        [/pk]          : if primary key doesn't exist
                         for example /pk:table1=pk1+pk2,table=pk1

Compare Schema

\localdb\Northwind_prod> attrib Products +c:Description=varchar(20)+null

\localdb\Northwind_prod> dir Products /def
TABLE: dbo.Products
  [1]                [ProductID] int                   ++,pk   not null
  [2]              [ProductName] nvarchar(40)                  not null
  [3]               [SupplierID] int                      fk       null
  [4]               [CategoryID] int                      fk       null
  [5]          [QuantityPerUnit] nvarchar(20)                      null
  [6]                [UnitPrice] money                             null
  [7]             [UnitsInStock] smallint                          null
  [8]             [UnitsOnOrder] smallint                          null
  [9]             [ReorderLevel] smallint                          null
 [10]             [Discontinued] bit                           not null
 [11]              [Description] varchar(20)                       null
        11 Column(s)

\localdb\Northwind_prod> compare Products ..\northwind\products /s /out:c:\temp\cmp_products.sql
server1: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind_prod
server2: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind
completed to compare table schema [Northwind_prod].dbo.[Products] => [Northwind].dbo.[Products]
ALTER TABLE [Products] ADD [Description] varchar(20) NULL
result in "c:\temp\cmp_products.sql"        

\localdb\Northwind_prod> ltype c:\temp\cmp_Products.sql
-- sqlcon:
-- compare server=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB db=Northwind_prod
--         server=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB db=Northwind @ 4/10/2021 9:04:12 AM
ALTER TABLE [Products] ADD [Description] varchar(20) NULL

Compare Data Rows

\localdb\Northwind_prod> compare Products ..\northwind\products /out:c:\temp\cmp_products.sql
server1: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind_prod
server2: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind
failed to compare becuase of different table schemas
result in "c:\temp\cmp_products.sql"

\localdb\Northwind_prod> attrib Products -c:Description

\localdb\Northwind_prod> UPDATE Products SET ProductName='Apple' WHERE ProductID=4;
1 of row(s) affected

\localdb\Northwind_prod> compare Products ..\Northwind /out:c:\temp\cmp_Products.sql
server1: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind_prod
server2: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind
completed to compare table data [Northwind_prod].dbo.[Products] => [Northwind].dbo.[Products]
UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Apple' WHERE [ProductID] = 4
result in "c:\temp\cmp_Products.sql"

\localdb\Northwind_prod> ltype c:\temp\cmp_Products.sql
-- sqlcon:
-- compare server=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB db=Northwind_prod
--         server=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB db=Northwind @ 4/10/2021 9:17:22 AM
UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Apple' WHERE [ProductID] = 4

Compare Multiple Table

\localdb\Northwind_prod> compare Custom* ..\Northwind /out:c:\temp\cmp.sql
server1: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind_prod
server2: (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB default database:Northwind
completed to compare table data [Northwind_prod].dbo.[CustomerDemographics] => [Northwind].dbo.[CustomerDemographics]
DELETE FROM [CustomerDemographics] WHERE [CustomerTypeID] = N'IT        '
DELETE FROM [CustomerDemographics] WHERE [CustomerTypeID] = N'EE        '

completed to compare table data [Northwind_prod].dbo.[Customers] => [Northwind].dbo.[Customers]
completed to compare table data [Northwind_prod].dbo.[CustomerCustomerDemo] => [Northwind].dbo.[CustomerCustomerDemo]
DELETE FROM [CustomerCustomerDemo] WHERE [CustomerID] = N'ALFKI' AND [CustomerTypeID] = N'IT        '

result in "c:\temp\cmp.sql"

Export Data and Code

\localdb\Northwind_prod> export /?
export data, schema, class, and template on current selected server/db/table
   /out:xxx : output path or file name
Option of SQL generation:
   /INSERT  : export data in INSERT INTO script on current table/database
   /UPDATE  : export data in UPDATE SET script on current table/database
   /SAVE    : export data in IF NOT EXISTS INSERT ELSE UPDATE script on current table/database
      [/if]           : option /if generate if exists row then UPDATE else INSERT; or check existence of table when drop table
      [/no-columns]   : no columns in INSERT INTO clause
   /create  : generate CREATE TABLE script on current table/database
   /select  : generate template SELECT FROM WHERE
   /insert  : generate template INSERT INTO
   /update  : generate template UPDATE SET WHERE
   /save    : generate template IF EXISTS UPDATE ELSE INSERT
   /delete  : generate template DELETE FROM WHERE, delete rows with foreign keys constraints
   /drop    : generate template DROP TABLE, drop tables with foreign keys constraints
Option of data generation:
   /schema  : generate database schema xml file
   /data    : generate database/table data xml file
      [/include]: include table names with wildcard
   /csv     : generate table csv file
   /ds      : generate data set xml file
   /json    : generate json from last result
      [/ds-name:]     : data set name
      [/dt-names:  ]  : data table name list
      [/style:]       : json style: normal|extended|coded
      [/exclude-table]: exclude table name in json
   /resource: generate i18n resource file from last result
      [/format:]      : resource format: resx|xlf|json, default:resx
      [/name-column:] : name column
      [/value-column:]: value column
      [/language:]    : language: en|es|..., default:en
      [/out:]         : resource file directory, default: current working directory
      [/append]       : update or append to resource file
Option of code generation:
   /dpo     : generate C# table class
   /l2s     : generate C# Linq to SQL class
      [/code-style]: orginal|pascal|camel
   /dc      : generate C# data contract class
   /dc1     : generate C# data contract class and extension class
      /fk   : create foreign key constraint
      /assoc: create association classes
   /dc2     : generate C# data contract class and extension class
      option of data contract /[dc|dc1|dc2] :
      [/readonly]: contract class for reading only
      [/last]: generate C# data contract from last result
      [/method:name] default convert method is defined on the .cfg
      [/NULL] allow column type be nullable
      [/col:pk1,pk2] default primary key is the first column
   /entity  : generate C# method copy/compare/clone for Entity framework
      [/base:type] define base class or interface, use ~ to represent generic class itself, delimited by ;
      [/field:constMap] create const fields for name of columns
      [/methods:Map,Copy,Equals,Clone,GetHashCode,ToString] create Copy,Equals,Clone,GetHashCode, and ToString method
   /c#      : generate C# data from last result
      [/type:dict|list|array|enum|const] data type, default is list
      [/code-column:col1=usertype1;col2=usertyp2] define user type for columns
      [/field:col1,col2] const filed name
      [/value:col1,col2] const filed value
      [/dataclass] data-class name, default is DbReadOnly
      [/dataonly] create data only
      [/classonly] create class only
   /conf    : generate Config C# class
      [/type:k|d|f|p|F|P] C# class type, default is kdP
          k : generate class of const key
          d : generate class of default value
          P : generate class of static property
          F : generate class of static field
          M : generate class of static method
          p : generate class of hierarchial property
          f : generate class of hierarchial field
          m : generate class of hierarchial method
          t : generate data contract classes
          j : geneerat data classes from JSON
      [/method:name] GetValue method name, default is "GetValue<>"
      [/key:column] column key, required
      [/default:column] column default value, required
      [/kc:name] class name of const key
      [/dc:name] class name of default value
   /cfg    : generate config file
      [/type:f|h] script type
          h : generate TIE hierarchial config script file
          f : generate TIE config script file
common options /conf and /cfg
      [/in:path] input path(.cfg)
      [/key:column] column of key on config table
      [/default:column] column of default value config table
common options for code generation
      [/ns:name] default name space is defined on the .cfg
      [/class:name] default class name is defined on the .cfg
      [/using:assembly] allow the use of types in a namespace, delimited by ;
      [/out:path] output directory or file name (.cs)

Export Data IN SQL

\localdb\Northwind_prod> export Products /INSERT /out:c:\temp\Products.sql
INSERT clauses (SELECT * FROM [Northwind_prod].dbo.[Products]) generated to "c:\temp\Products.sql", Done on rows(77)

\localdb\Northwind_prod> ltype c:\temp\products.sql
INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Chai',1,1,N'10 boxes x 20 bags',18.0000,39,0,10,0)
INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Chang',1,1,N'24 - 12 oz bottles',19.0000,17,40,25,0)
INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Aniseed Syrup',1,2,N'12 - 550 ml bottles',10.0000,13,70,25,0)

\localdb\Northwind_prod> export Products /INSERT /if /out:c:\temp\Products.sql
INSERT clauses (SELECT * FROM [Northwind_prod].dbo.[Products]) generated to "c:\temp\Products.sql", Done on rows(77)

\localdb\Northwind_prod> ltype c:\temp\products.sql
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] = 1) INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Chai',1,1,N'10 boxes x 20 bags',18.0000,39,0,10,0)
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] = 2) INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Chang',1,1,N'24 - 12 oz bottles',19.0000,17,40,25,0)
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] = 3) INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Aniseed Syrup',1,2,N'12 - 550 ml bottles',10.0000,13,70,25,0)

\localdb\Northwind_prod> export Products /SAVE /IF /out:c:\temp\Products.sql
INSERT_OR_UPDATE clauses (SELECT * FROM [Northwind_prod].dbo.[Products]) generated to "c:\temp\Products.sql", Done on rows(77)

\localdb\Northwind_prod> ltype c:\temp\products.sql
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] = 1) INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Chai',1,1,N'10 boxes x 20 bags',18.0000,39,0,10,0) ELSE UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Chai',[SupplierID] = 1,[CategoryID] = 1,[QuantityPerUnit] = N'10 boxes x 20 bags',[UnitPrice] = 18.0000,[UnitsInStock] = 39,[UnitsOnOrder] = 0,[ReorderLevel] = 10,[Discontinued] = 0 WHERE [ProductID] = 1
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] = 2) INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Chang',1,1,N'24 - 12 oz bottles',19.0000,17,40,25,0) ELSE UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Chang',[SupplierID] = 1,[CategoryID] = 1,[QuantityPerUnit] = N'24 - 12 oz bottles',[UnitPrice] = 19.0000,[UnitsInStock] = 17,[UnitsOnOrder] = 40,[ReorderLevel] = 25,[Discontinued] = 0 WHERE [ProductID] = 2
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] = 3) INSERT INTO [Products]([ProductName],[SupplierID],[CategoryID],[QuantityPerUnit],[UnitPrice],[UnitsInStock],[UnitsOnOrder],[ReorderLevel],[Discontinued]) VALUES(N'Aniseed Syrup',1,2,N'12 - 550 ml bottles',10.0000,13,70,25,0) ELSE UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Aniseed Syrup',[SupplierID] = 1,[CategoryID] = 2,[QuantityPerUnit] = N'12 - 550 ml bottles',[UnitPrice] = 10.0000,[UnitsInStock] = 13,[UnitsOnOrder] = 70,[ReorderLevel] = 25,[Discontinued] = 0 WHERE [ProductID] = 3

\localdb\Northwind_prod> export Products /UPDATE /if /out:c:\temp\Products.sql
UPDATE clauses (SELECT * FROM [Northwind_prod].dbo.[Products]) generated to "c:\temp\Products.sql", Done on rows(77)

\localdb\Northwind_prod> ltype c:\temp\products.sql
UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Chai',[SupplierID] = 1,[CategoryID] = 1,[QuantityPerUnit] = N'10 boxes x 20 bags',[UnitPrice] = 18.0000,[UnitsInStock] = 39,[UnitsOnOrder] = 0,[ReorderLevel] = 10,[Discontinued] = 0 WHERE [ProductID] = 1
UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Chang',[SupplierID] = 1,[CategoryID] = 1,[QuantityPerUnit] = N'24 - 12 oz bottles',[UnitPrice] = 19.0000,[UnitsInStock] = 17,[UnitsOnOrder] = 40,[ReorderLevel] = 25,[Discontinued] = 0 WHERE [ProductID] = 2
UPDATE [Products] SET [ProductName] = N'Aniseed Syrup',[SupplierID] = 1,[CategoryID] = 2,[QuantityPerUnit] = N'12 - 550 ml bottles',[UnitPrice] = 10.0000,[UnitsInStock] = 13,[UnitsOnOrder] = 70,[ReorderLevel] = 25,[Discontinued] = 0 WHERE [ProductID] = 3

Export Data IN JSON

\localdb\Northwind_prod> cd Products

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products> md ProductID<5 /name:LT5

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products> cd LT5

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> export /json /out:c:\temp\Products.json
completed to generate json on file: "c:\temp\Products.json"

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> ltype c:\temp\Products.json
  "Products" : [
      "ProductID" : 1,
      "ProductName" : "Chai",
      "SupplierID" : 1,
      "CategoryID" : 1,
      "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 boxes x 20 bags",
      "UnitPrice" : 18.00,
      "UnitsInStock" : 39,
      "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
      "ReorderLevel" : 10,
      "Discontinued" : false
      "ProductID" : 2,
      "ProductName" : "Chang",
      "SupplierID" : 1,
      "CategoryID" : 1,
      "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 12 oz bottles",
      "UnitPrice" : 19.00,
      "UnitsInStock" : 17,
      "UnitsOnOrder" : 40,
      "ReorderLevel" : 25,
      "Discontinued" : false
      "ProductID" : 3,
      "ProductName" : "Aniseed Syrup",
      "SupplierID" : 1,
      "CategoryID" : 2,
      "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 550 ml bottles",
      "UnitPrice" : 10.00,
      "UnitsInStock" : 13,
      "UnitsOnOrder" : 70,
      "ReorderLevel" : 25,
      "Discontinued" : false
      "ProductID" : 4,
      "ProductName" : "Apple",
      "SupplierID" : 2,
      "CategoryID" : 2,
      "QuantityPerUnit" : "48 - 6 oz jars",
      "UnitPrice" : 22.00,
      "UnitsInStock" : 53,
      "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
      "ReorderLevel" : 0,
      "Discontinued" : false

Export Data in CSharp

Export into List

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> export /c# /type:list /ns:Northwind.Data /out:c:\temp\ProductData.cs
created on c:\temp\ProductData.cs

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> ltype c:\temp\ProductData.cs

namespace Northwind.Data
        public partial class Products
                public int ProductID { get; set; }
                public string ProductName { get; set; }
                public int SupplierID { get; set; }
                public int CategoryID { get; set; }
                public string QuantityPerUnit { get; set; }
                public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }
                public short UnitsInStock { get; set; }
                public short UnitsOnOrder { get; set; }
                public short ReorderLevel { get; set; }
                public bool Discontinued { get; set; }

        public partial class DbReadOnly
                public static readonly List<Products> ProductsData = new List<Products>
                        new Products
                                ProductID = 1,
                                ProductName = "Chai",
                                SupplierID = 1,
                                CategoryID = 1,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "10 boxes x 20 bags",
                                UnitPrice = 18.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 39,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 0,
                                ReorderLevel = 10,
                                Discontinued = false
                        new Products
                                ProductID = 2,
                                ProductName = "Chang",
                                SupplierID = 1,
                                CategoryID = 1,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "24 - 12 oz bottles",
                                UnitPrice = 19.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 17,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 40,
                                ReorderLevel = 25,
                                Discontinued = false
                        new Products
                                ProductID = 3,
                                ProductName = "Aniseed Syrup",
                                SupplierID = 1,
                                CategoryID = 2,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "12 - 550 ml bottles",
                                UnitPrice = 10.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 13,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 70,
                                ReorderLevel = 25,
                                Discontinued = false
                        new Products
                                ProductID = 4,
                                ProductName = "Apple",
                                SupplierID = 2,
                                CategoryID = 2,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "48 - 6 oz jars",
                                UnitPrice = 22.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 53,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 0,
                                ReorderLevel = 0,
                                Discontinued = false

Export into Dictionary

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> export /c# /type:dict /out:c:\temp\ProductData.cs
created on c:\temp\ProductData.cs

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> ltype c:\temp\ProductData.cs

namespace Sys.DataModel.Db
        public partial class Products
                public int ProductID { get; set; }
                public string ProductName { get; set; }
                public int SupplierID { get; set; }
                public int CategoryID { get; set; }
                public string QuantityPerUnit { get; set; }
                public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }
                public short UnitsInStock { get; set; }
                public short UnitsOnOrder { get; set; }
                public short ReorderLevel { get; set; }
                public bool Discontinued { get; set; }

        public partial class DbReadOnly
                public static readonly Dictionary<int, Products> ProductsData = new Dictionary<int, Products>
                        [1] = new Products
                                ProductID = 1,
                                ProductName = "Chai",
                                SupplierID = 1,
                                CategoryID = 1,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "10 boxes x 20 bags",
                                UnitPrice = 18.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 39,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 0,
                                ReorderLevel = 10,
                                Discontinued = false
                        [2] = new Products
                                ProductID = 2,
                                ProductName = "Chang",
                                SupplierID = 1,
                                CategoryID = 1,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "24 - 12 oz bottles",
                                UnitPrice = 19.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 17,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 40,
                                ReorderLevel = 25,
                                Discontinued = false
                        [3] = new Products
                                ProductID = 3,
                                ProductName = "Aniseed Syrup",
                                SupplierID = 1,
                                CategoryID = 2,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "12 - 550 ml bottles",
                                UnitPrice = 10.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 13,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 70,
                                ReorderLevel = 25,
                                Discontinued = false
                        [4] = new Products
                                ProductID = 4,
                                ProductName = "Apple",
                                SupplierID = 2,
                                CategoryID = 2,
                                QuantityPerUnit = "48 - 6 oz jars",
                                UnitPrice = 22.0000,
                                UnitsInStock = 53,
                                UnitsOnOrder = 0,
                                ReorderLevel = 0,
                                Discontinued = false

Export into Enum

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> export /c# /type:enum /out:c:\temp\ProductData.cs
created on c:\temp\ProductData.cs

\localdb\Northwind_prod\dbo.Products\LT5> ltype c:\temp\ProductData.cs
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace Sys.DataModel.Db
        public enum Products
                [Description("10 boxes x 20 bags")]
                Chai = 1,

                [Description("24 - 12 oz bottles")]
                Chang = 2,

                [Description("12 - 550 ml bottles")]
                Aniseed Syrup = 3,

                [Description("48 - 6 oz jars")]
                Apple = 4,

Advanced Commands

\> mount /?
mount database server
mount alias=server_name   : alias must start with letter
   /db:database           : initial catalog, default is 'master'
   /u:username            : user id, default is 'sa'
   /p:password            : password, default is empty, use Windows Security when /u /p not setup
   /pvd:provider          : default is SQL Server client
        sqldb               SQL Server, default provider
        sqloledb            ODBC Database Server
        file/db/xml         sqlcon Database Schema, default provider for xml file
        file/dataset/json   System.Data.DataSet
        file/dataset/xml    System.Data.DataSet
        file/datalake/json  Dictionary<string, System.Data.DataSet>
        file/datalake/xml   Dictionary<string, System.Data.DataSet>
        file/assembly       .Net assembly dll
        file/c#             C# data contract classes
        riadb               Remote Invoke Agent
   /namespace:xxx           wildcard of namespace name filter on assembly
   /class:xxxx              wildcard of class name filter on assembly
  mount ip100=\sqlexpress /u:sa /p:p@ss
  mount web= /u:sa /p:p@ss
  mount xml=file://c:\db\northwind.xml
  mount cs=file://c:\db\northwind.cs /pvd:file/c#
  mount dll=file://c:\db\any.dll /pvd:file/assembly /namespace:Sys* /class:Employee*
\> mount localdb=localhost\sqlexpress /u:sa /p:password
\localdb> dir
 [1]                  Northwind <DB>         29 Tables/Views
 [2]         AdventureWorks2019 <DB>        132 Tables/Views
        2 Database(s)

sqlcon Command Script .sqc Tutorial

Create Entity classes for NorthWind database

\localdb\Northwind> ltype gen-northwind.sqc

let dest = @"c:\sqlcon\code-generation";
export /dc  /ns:Sys.DataModel.DC  /out:{dest}\DataModel\DC
rem /methods:NewObject,FillObject,UpdateRow,CreateTable,ToDataTable,ToDictionary,FromDictionary,CopyTo,CompareTo,ToSimpleString
export /dc1 /ns:Sys.DataModel.DC1 /out:{dest}\DataModel\DC1
rem /methods:NewObject,FillObject,UpdateRow,Equals,CopyTo,CreateTable,ToString
export /dc2 /ns:Sys.DataModel.DC2 /out:{dest}\DataModel\DC2
export /dpo /ns:Sys.DataModel.Dpo /out:{dest}\DataModel\Dpo
export /l2s /ns:Sys.DataModel.Linq2SQL /out:{dest}\DataModel\L2s
rem /methods:Map,Copy,Clone,Equals,GetHashCode,Compare,ToDictionary,ToString
export /entity /ns:code_gen /out:{dest}\DataModel\Entity


console application which connects multiple sql servers in tree structures






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